The Forever Gift

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The Forever Gift Page 4

by Simone Evans

  “Gage is an Uber driver,” Eli whispered into my ear. “I didn’t want to chance that the punch was stronger than I thought.”

  Knowing what I did about his twin, it didn’t surprise me that Eli was a conscientious drinker. I smiled and pulled his face closer so I could suck his lower lip into my mouth. Dragging my tongue across his mouth, I pressed forward. Urging him to take the next step with my kiss, I reached down and stroked my hand over his erection. His jeans covered it like a second skin as his shaft swelled.

  “Fuck,” Eli gasped as he broke our kiss and searched outside the windows in an almost panic. “Oh, thank God.”

  Gage pulled to a stop and Eli tossed the man some cash while falling from the Prius. He quickly popped up to his feet and reached in to assist me from the car. My tarnished knight. Always being the gentleman. I sighed as he pulled me into him. We kissed for several long moments until something cold hit my face. My skin quickly warmed it and a drop of moisture rolled down my cheek. Looking up into the sky I gasped. It’s snowing.

  “Eli! Snow!” I gasped again and pulled from his arms. A cold wind blew the flurries and swirled them in the air in front of me. A light hanging on a building next to the house we’d been dropped at reflected off of the snow and caused it to sparkle as it came down with increasing speed.

  I couldn’t help myself — I stuck my tongue out and tried to catch a flake. Then, I raised my arms and spun around in circles.

  Eli’s deep laugh had me stopping to look at him.

  “Gorgeous.” The single word held so much meaning. His emotions were written on his face and my chest tightened in fear. “Come, Sunshine, let me warm you.”

  “Eli…” my voice faded as he twined his fingers with mine and pulled me toward the door.

  As he reached to turn the doorknob, Eli stopped abruptly and turned to face me — “You can stop me… I can take you home if you want me to.”

  Reaching up, I placed my cold palms against either side of his face — “I need warmed up, Eli. I’ve been cold for way too long.”

  Chapter Six

  Silence filled the air as I waited for Eli to reply to my innuendo-filled tease. He searched my gaze as he held both of my hands in his strong, warm ones and then with a nod he opened the door and led me quietly up a set of stairs.

  I’d be lying to myself if I tried to downplay the fear which filled my chest. Eli didn’t speak until we entered a room on the second floor of the house and he had the door shut behind us. There was no way for me to know if the house was empty or if it was filled to the gills with his family and friends. The two of us hadn’t discussed living arrangements or anything which would make it sound like we were in a relationship.

  It’s my fault, I thought as I stood in the dark. I don’t know him because I’ve blocked his every attempt at getting to know each other.

  “Light or no light?” Eli broke the silence and caused me to jerk in surprise.

  Inhaling deeply, I worked to center myself while I hoped I wasn’t making a mistake. Eli was so sexy. Just his presence made me shiver while I panted as if standing in the scorching heat. I swallowed deeply — I needed to be able to see him.

  “Do you have a low one?” I murmured as I stared sightlessly into the dark room. “I’d like to see you.”

  I heard a click and a small desk lamp flared to life. It took a few moments for my eyes to adjust but when they did, Eli was in the process of dropping his leather coat to the floor.

  His tight black t-shirt clung to his chest and stretched almost obscenely over his shoulders and biceps. Eli was strong. It wasn’t the build of the gym assholes I saw around Vegas, instead, this was muscle built from years of tossing pizzas and lifting heavy boxes of supplies. My gaze ate him up as he toed off his boots and reached for the hem of his shirt.

  “Last chance,” he whispered.

  Without replying my hands pushed my jacket off my shoulders and allowed it to drop at my feet. When my fingers reached for the buttons of my blouse, they trembled with anticipation. Eli must have thought it was nerves because his much larger hands gripped mine and held them still.

  “I won’t lie, I might die… but if you want to stop, I’m okay with it. I lo—”

  “No!” I snapped as the thought of what he was about to say sent fear shooting through me. I wasn’t ready for it and I stopped him from finishing with a hard kiss.

  I stabbed my tongue into his mouth and stroked our tongues together as I learned his flavor. Moaning, I reached between us and quickly undid my buttons. The blouse landed on top of my jacket while I flipped the front clasp of my bra. It was all or nothing for me.

  “Whoa…” Eli once again wrapped his strong hands around my own. “We have all night and I’d like to unwrap my present myself.”

  His wicked grin had my stomach doing flips. When he released my hands, it was only after pressing them to his chest with a look that told me to leave them there. But that wasn’t going to happen.

  The heat from his skin seeped through the thin cotton t-shirt but it was nowhere near enough. I needed to feel him skin to skin. While I slid my hands down to grip ahold of the hem of his shirt, Eli was busy stroking his hands up along my arms and along my collar bones. He caressed up the sides of my neck before clasping my face between his large hands and pulling me in for a deep kiss. My own hands froze as his taste overwhelmed my senses.

  A fire burned inside of me and I knew I’d never be the same.

  Shaking my head I tried to shut down my heart. This wasn’t the time for emotions. Eli was a player — wasn’t he — so tonight was just about fun. It was about having sex and nothing more.

  Lost in my thoughts I didn’t notice what was happening. My body was on auto-pilot and it simply went along for the ride while I waged my internal war. Eli’s laughter pulled me from my chaotic thoughts and I stared up into his gorgeous dark eyes.

  “I don’t know what is worse, the fact you don’t listen or the fact you drifted away from the moment. You’re going to give me a complex… I really thought I was good at this.” Eli puckered out his bottom lip in a pout but the twinkle in his eyes told me he wasn’t really upset.

  With a sigh my body relaxed into the mattress — fuck, when did he get me on the bed? With that thought, I realized we were both completely naked and his cock was making itself known against my stomach.

  “I’m sorry.”

  There were no words to even begin to explain what I was apologizing for. Was I apologizing for being distracted? For my inexperience? For my fears? Who knew… maybe I wasn’t even apologizing to Eli.

  “We can stop, Sunshine.” Eli’s fingers traced over my face as if he was memorizing me. My heart swooned at his actions.

  “I don’t want to stop,” I murmured. “It’s just that I’m not… well, relationships are not something I know much about. I’m not saying we have a long term one; I’m not good at any type of relationship. Hell, I’m not even comfortable with my own grandmother.”

  I think I rambled on for several more embarrassing admissions before Eli finally pressed a finger to my lips with a chuckle.

  "Sunshine, right now I just want to sink my cock into your wet pussy. Are you wet for me?" Eli's gaze flared with something and then it was gone.

  He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply.

  "You smell so damn good, Clara, that I'm not sure I can go slow or even think straight. Tell me what you want. Tell me you're on bi—"

  "I want you… skin to skin… hard." Eli moaned at my words and his eyes locked on mine.

  Raising my hands above my head he placed them on one of the round spindles evenly distributed across his headboard. A squeeze of his strong hand told me to keep them there. The fire which flamed up into his eyes told me it would be worth it.

  Eli moved back to rest on his heels, his hands skimming along my body as he went. A hungry gaze moved along with his touch and I couldn't hold back the moan or the thrust of my hips. My body hummed with desire and I wanted everything his strong
body and deep voice promised.

  "Spread your legs, Sunshine," he urged with a wicked smile.

  Quickly shifting my thighs apart, I opened for him as he slid into the space I provided.

  "There is so much I want to do… so many temptations." Eli seemed torn as his gaze snapped from my breasts to my pussy.

  I felt arousal dripping from me and there was only one thing to say, to plead, "Please."

  Eli fell on me like a ravenous animal. His mouth moved along my skin leaving nips and suck marks in its wake. Several minutes were spent teasing my nipples until I was bucking up against him and uttering moaned nonsense.

  That was when Eli began to press kisses down between my breasts, going even lower until his hot breath fanned over my mons. My clit throbbed with each second he waited and it became more difficult not to bring my hands down to dig into his soft, dark curls or to force him to press his tongue exactly where I wanted it.

  Eli's kisses had become like a drug to me. I knew how skilled his tongue and lips were… and I wanted them on my aching pussy.

  "Please," I begged without shame, "Please."

  Eli didn’t make me wait he slipped lower and ran his tongue up the inside of my thigh. He hummed in contentment — he had to be tasting my arousal because I knew it had coated my thighs thanks to his teasing.

  “A fucking Christmas miracle,” Eli mumbled into my pussy before he began feasting on me.

  That’s exactly what it felt like as his tongue speared me before it began to stroke against every inch of sensitized skin. His lips tugged at my opening and pressed kisses against the crease of my thigh, my mound… everywhere but where I wanted Eli to go. I wanted him to tug and nip at my clit. I wanted the tip of his tongue to stroke, his breath to heat, and his voice to vibrate… my body was wound tight and I fought against Eli’s grip as he held me down. I needed to grind my pussy against his mouth. It wouldn’t take much.

  “More!” I screamed and growled in frustration.

  My hands started to release the headboard. I’d had enough and would force him to do what I wanted. At least that was the thought in my head in the split second before Eli’s head lifted and his burning gaze met my own.

  “Put them back, Sunshine” — Eli waited but continued when I laid there like a deer in the headlights — “I’ll stop.”

  His words shocked me and I immediately gripped the rung on the headboard and held tighter than I ever had to anything.

  “Please,” I whimpered.

  “Good girl. Such a good girl,” Eli mumbled against my pussy as he sucked my clit into his mouth.

  It didn’t take much — a tug, a suck, a nip — and I was shattering. Everything inside of me went liquid and broke apart like glass in the same instant. I couldn’t catch my breath, my heart was pounding against my rib cage, and every single muscle was clenching then releasing.

  “Gorgeous,” Eli breathed out as he stroked his fingers over my skin — gently bringing me back to earth and to him. “You ready for me, Sunshine?”

  Something about Eli seemed off; he appeared to be almost… nervous. I watched him as he moved up my body. He braced himself on his arms and stared into my eyes for several minutes.

  “I’ve dreamed of this my entire life,” he whispered as he pressed kisses to my lips and along my jaw to my ear. “I never thought I’d find you, Sunshine.”

  Pure emotion showed in his eyes and for the first time it filled me. I felt whole. I felt loved. It was terrifying and exhilarating and all I wanted was more.

  “Eli,” I rasped while lifting my head. “Kiss me.”

  This time when our mouths met, there was something more… it was hotter and my need spiraled out of control. Eli was claiming me one piece at a time. I pushed away everything but the man who was currently moving back enough to fit his hand between us. He stroked his cock a few times and then placed the tip at my entrance.

  As I watched, I knew there was no going back. This was what I wanted. This man, in this moment, was everything I could have dreamed.

  Eli’s teeth were clenched as if he was in pain, his eyes were squeezed tight, and I swore I heard him mumbling about baseball, numbers, and his grandma. It was weird and I almost called it off. But, then he began to make shallow movements. Pulling back and then pushing inward as he worked his cock into me.

  “So… tight…” Eli gritted the words out through his teeth and I almost laughed at the absurdity of it all.

  “Eli,” I called out as my fears rose and I squirmed to put distance between us. “I’m not sure th—”

  Before I could finish my thought, Eli pulled back and thrust in with enough force to… break my hymen. I screamed out and cursed flamboyantly.

  “Fuck! Shit! Damn it!” Eli was cursing up a storm of his own as he froze on top of me.

  Neither of us moved for what seemed like forever.

  “Clara… Sunshine… are you alright?” Eli asked cautiously.

  “Yeah… it won’t kill me” — I laughed sarcastically — “can I let go of the headboard?” I asked as a distraction for both of us.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Eli’s question was spoken softly as he braced his arms beside my head.

  Sarcasm still filled me and I waved my hand in the air as I lowered them from where he’d placed them earlier. I groaned as the muscles protested the change of position.

  “I’m sorry, Clara.” Eli shifted himself and massaged my right arm from my shoulder to the tips of my fingers before giving the same treatment to the left. “I’ve never done it before either,” he mumbled as he turned his head away.

  “Haven’t done what?”

  “It,” Eli emphasized the word as his gaze dropped to look anywhere but my face.

  “Are you saying you’re a virgin?”

  “Yeah,” he grumbled.

  “You’re fucking kidding me.” I busted out in laughter but when Eli didn’t join me it died in my throat. “You’re not joking are you?”

  Eli shook his head and stroked his fingers over my skin. “My brother and I made a pact when we were teens — we’d wait for the One.”

  “A pact… the One?” Dumbfounded all I could do was stare at Eli as his face flushed red.

  “Yeah… my parents and grandparents showed us what love was… we wanted that. We wanted what they had and decided to… uh… wait.” He rolled to his back and ran his hand over his short hair. It stood up in places from where I must have gripped it during sex—

  “No way.” — I shook my head — “There is no way you were a virgin. The stories… your skills… Eli Angelo, you’re a player.”

  “No, I’m not.” Eli’s voice was weary. “I’m not what everyone thinks I am.”

  I sighed. “Who of us is?”

  “As for my skills…” Eli went up on one arm and leaned his head on his hand so he could look at me. He remained silent as his fingers began running over my skin. “I said I waited. I didn’t say I was a saint.” His wicked chuckle had my body responding to him instantly.

  “No… you’re not,” I groaned as he began manipulating my nipples into hard peaks.

  “There are videos… and books… and make-out sessions.” Eli accented each phrase with a pinch and twist of a taut nipple. “I know what I like. What turns me on. Do you, Sunshine?”

  “You,” I screamed as his fingers strummed against my clit and caused pleasure to shoot through me.

  I’d like to say I realized what Eli’s admission meant and that I understood the tightness in my chest, but Eli and I sank into each other with a passion I couldn’t have imagined. The initial pain for me and the first experience for him over with, we explored how good it could be with another human being.

  Several hours later we both fell into an exhausted sleep fueled by too much alcohol and possibly too many orgasms.

  Chapter Seven

  “Clara…” The sound of my name being called pulled me from one of the most delicious dreams.

  Snuggling into the warmth surrounding me I tr
ied to sink back into the dream but then I heard it again, “Clara… I love you, Sunshine…”

  Love? Who loved me? My sex dreams had always been about hardcore fucking… not love. Because why else would I be hearing those words but in a dream?

  My brain struggled to come online and I felt like one of those old computer operating systems as it chimed and booted up. I was just too warm, too relaxed, too… sore?

  Flashes of memory whizzed by so quickly my brain rebelled and my head throbbed. I moaned in agony and something strong and masculine tightened around me.

  “Merry Christmas, Sunshine,” an extremely familiar voice mumbled into my hair as he pulled me into his chest tighter.

  Eli’s cock pressed into my ass and pushed back into him unconsciously as heat spiraled inside of me. The man had the audacity to chuckle and pinch my nipple.

  “Let me bask in this first, Sunshine. I’ve never woken to such a delicious woman before.”

  Jerking out of Eli’s arms my adrenaline shot through my system and fear squeezed my chest causing my heart to beat too fast and my lungs to strain for air. I panted for breath as I lunged from the bed and began to frantically search for my clothes. I tugged on my shirt when I found it first.

  “What’s wrong?” A very sleepy and sex tousled Eli sat up in the bed. The blanket had fallen away when I’d made my frantic dash for my clothes and he was sporting a very impressive morning hard-on which had me stopping for a brief moment as I debated getting back into the bed.

  “Eli! You going to stay in bed all day? We have breakfast on the table.” A female voice drifted softly through his bedroom door and I turned to stare at the door like it was the portal to hell.

  “Who is —”

  “My mom,” Eli groaned. “She always does a huge Christmas breakfast so we can skip lunch and have an early dinner,” he explained as heat spread over my chest and up over my cheeks.

  “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” I chanted as I turned back to the task of finding my clothes.

  When I found my jeans, I pulled them on and shoved my feet into my boots next. I didn’t take the time to find my underwear and simply stuffed my bra into my jacket after I shrugged it on.


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