"What are you doing?" he questioned.
"What do you mean? I'm getting dinner ready."
"What are we having?"
I looked at him as if he were crazy. "We are having nothing. I'm having Ramen."
"Kristy, ramen, really? Let me come in. Let me cook for you."
"You're working."
"Yeah, so? I also have my truck down in the parking lot. I can run back to the station if needed. I am also creating quite a scene out here as well," he said, looking down at the crowd that was starting to gather below. "You really should let me in before the press shows up. We don't want this all over the news," he said, pulling a bouquet of flowers from inside the bucket.
I just about started crying as he handed me the bouquet of carnations and a little purple plastic bag.
"Seriously, they are on their way. What do you say?"
I couldn't help but laugh. "All right, come on up." I grinned, leaning out the window to kiss him first before the guys lowered the bucket back to the ground.
"Okay, oh, and don't open that bag until after I'm gone tonight," he said, winking as he disappeared from my window.
"I still can't believe you showed up outside my window." I laughed and then took a sip of wine. "Aren't you afraid of getting into trouble for that?"
"Trouble? My buddy is our chief. It was his idea," Austin said, laughing as he shoved the last piece of his steak in his mouth.
He had not only surprised me at the window with flowers, but he'd already gone and bought all the groceries for a steak dinner. He'd come in and cooked up a storm, insisting he wanted no help, while I sat at the kitchen table drinking wine and keeping him company. It was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me. He listened intently about what had happened with Tom, making no comment.
I took another sip of wine and stood to clear the plates.
"Did you enjoy that?"
"It was amazing, thank you."
"So better than ramen?"
I started to laugh and set both our plates on the counter and opened the dishwasher. "Much better than ramen. Have you tasted ramen?" I giggled. "Are you sure you don't want any wine?" I asked, holding out the bottle before I poured the last glass.
"Sadly, I can't." He glanced at his watch. "I have to get back to the station soon."
I tried but couldn't hide the disappointment that fell across my face. I knew he had seen it. I turned and poured the remainder of the wine into my glass and placed the bottle on the counter. I was just about to turn around and start loading the dishwasher when I felt Austin wrap his arms around me, pulling me into him. I closed my eyes. I loved feeling him against me. He pulled my hair back off the side of my neck and placed a kiss there.
"Why do you have to go already?" I whined. After everything that had happened with Tom today, I really just needed Austin to be here with me.
"Are you saying you wish I could stay?" he questioned, kissing my neck again.
He pulled me tighter against him, this time kissing my lips. "I wish I could stay too, love, but I have to go."
I turned around, and he pulled me into his arms, hugging me. We stood like that for a few minutes before he kissed me one more time. I walked him to the door, kissing him good-bye. I stood in the hall watching him until he was in the elevator and on his way down to his truck.
As soon as I was back inside and had the door locked, I looked around the apartment. I had been alone for a year and a half and had never realized just how empty my apartment—or my life—felt, until now. Five minutes ago, this place was filled with conversation and laughter, and now nothing. Maybe I was ready for something a little more.
I cleaned up everything from dinner, wiping the counters and table down and putting everything into the dishwasher. Then I shut the lights off and retired to my bedroom. I took a nice hot, long shower, then crawled into bed and pulled the covers over me. The only thought on my mind right now was Austin and how I wished he was here holding me while I fell asleep.
"Hey, Austin," Cindy greeted me as I walked into the station and by the watch desk.
"Hey, Cindy." I was just about to ask her where the guys were when raucous laughter came from the direction of the day room. "I take it the guys are in there."
"Yep. Tell them to keep it down." She giggled from behind the desk.
I made my way into the day room and saw all the guys sitting around the table playing poker. I tried to enter without drawing attention to myself, but Scott, our chief, and Greg had already seen me.
"All right, so what the hell was that all about there, Reeves?" Greg yelled, tipping back on his chair and looking in my direction.
"What?" I asked, trying my best to play dumb, even though I knew damn well what they were asking.
"You know, the truck, the ladder, the bucket, the sixth floor?" Sean, one of Hope Valley Fire Department’s newest hires, asked.
I shrugged. "Every girl deserves a Romeo and Juliet moment."
"Oh, please," Greg said, laughing as he pretended to gag.
The guys broke out in laughter. I just shook my head. I knew their teasing and laughter would be coming when they had dropped me off.
"So, where did you meet this girl?" Scott asked, getting up and grabbing another water. "We are curious."
The other guys broke out in laughter as they all sat and looked at me. I wasn't sure I was ready to tell them yet, but since they had so graciously agreed to be a part of my plan, I really didn't have a choice. I owed it to them to tell them. They were, after all, my brothers. I too grabbed a water from the fridge and pulled out the empty chair around the table and sat down with them.
"I've known her for a long time. Since we were kids. She is actually Addie's best friend."
"Oh, you didn't. You're going after little sister’s best friend?" Both Scott and Greg looked at me with a knowing smile. They both had married their younger sister’s best friends.
"So, are you guys exclusive now?" Scott questioned.
"No. We are keeping it quiet for now. Just between us."
"Why?" Scott asked, reaching into the bowl of snack mix on the table.
I shrugged. "My sister can be… somewhat intrusive. We decided that we wanted to see where we could take this without pressure from anyone else. Plus, she is my first since..."
I hung my head. Every one of the guys who sat around this table knew what had transpired between Laura and me, and even though I was completely over it, it was still hard for me. I almost felt bad because I was so attracted to Kristy. More so than I ever had been with Laura. I had felt on numerous occasions that marrying her had been a huge mistake, and I had shared that with both Greg and Scott when we started having problems. It just so happened that the problems we were having had been much larger than I had realized.
"So how long have you been seeing her?" Scott asked.
"Just since this past weekend. Not long at all. I just wanted to surprise her tonight, that's all. She had a bad day at work. Thought she deserved a little lifting up."
"That's exactly what I told you, Scott," Jeff said, fist bumping his arm.
"Yeah, okay, so you were right, so what?" Scott said, glancing at me.
"Right about what?" I questioned.
"Jeff bet that you hooked up with her this past weekend. We all wondered why you seemed so happy."
"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked.
"I don't think in all the years with Laura you were ever this happy," Scott said.
Scott was my best friend. If there was anyone I could take the truth from, it was him. He was right. I was happier— on many levels. I had never been this happy with Laura, and she was the one I had chosen to spend the rest of my life with.
The guys all went silent for a moment, waiting for me to say something, I was sure. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and glanced at my watch. It was getting late. I was tired and needed to get some rest. I stood up and stretched and looke
d at all my brothers.
"I am happier, and now this happy guy is going to turn in for the night."
"We're happy for you, Austin. Just take it slow," Greg said. "Now, Sean, deal those fucking cards. I have to win my damn money back."
The guys all laughed as I headed to my bunk. I changed into my boxers and crawled under the covers, checking the message on my phone. It was from Kristy sent only a few minutes ago. I would have thought she would have been asleep by now.
I read the words she had sent. "Hope you made it back to the firehouse safely."
I smiled to myself and dialed her number. The phone only rang twice before she picked it up. "Hey."
The fact that she already knew it was me filled me with a warm feeling.
"Just thought I would call and say good night." I kept my voice low so the guys couldn't hear.
"I'm glad you did. Good night then."
We both went quiet, and I could hear her breathing softly on the other end of the phone. I closed my eyes. How I wanted to hold her to me.
"Thank you for tonight. It was the best part of my day."
I could practically hear her smiling through the phone.
"You are welcome."
I wanted to tell her how I felt, but I was afraid that admitting any type of feelings this soon would push her away. I didn't want to jeopardize what we had going here. Plus, I didn't want to get carried away with myself. I, too, needed to give it time to make sure I was feeling what I thought I was. I also needed to guard my heart just a little bit. If she didn't feel the same way, it would crush me.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"Just laying in bed."
"Are you alone?" she questioned.
"I am."
"I opened up that bag after you left."
I felt a wave of excitement run through me at the thought of her opening the bag and finding the item inside. I wondered if she blushed in embarrassment or excitement when she'd seen the vibrator inside. "What do you think?" I asked, swallowing hard, reaching down and palming my cock and squeezing, trying to calm it.
"I'm a little confused as to why you got it for me?" Her voice shook as she spoke.
"Well, I figured when I can't be there, perhaps we could have a little fun over the phone," I said quietly.
I could almost hear her blush over the phone. "Oh."
"You ever do that before?" I questioned.
"Goodness, no."
"Do you have it near you?"
"Yes." My cock jumped as I heard the gentle hum of the vibrator. Kristy must have turned it on and brought it up to the phone so I could hear it.
"Do you want to try it?" I prayed she answered yes, because I was about ready to explode at the idea of her lying there with that toy in her hand, never mind her using it while I listened.
She didn't answer me. Instead, the first thing I heard in response to my question was a slight moan in my ear, and I knew instantly she'd already placed it between her legs. I wrapped my hand around my cock, gently squeezing as Kristy let out another moan.
I was just about to ask Kristy to tell me exactly what she was doing when laughter erupted from the day room.
"Kristy, I'm sorry, but I got to go," I murmured. I didn't need the guys walking in to find me with my hand on my cock, while I lay here and listened to her get off.
"What?" she asked breathlessly.
"The guys are coming in. I have to go."
Just then the door to the bunkhouse opened and the guys poured in, laughing at something Scott said.
"Man I wish you could be here right now," she whispered.
"Me too."
"Well, good night then," she whispered.
"Get some rest. I will talk with you tomorrow."
"You too."
For the first time, I was actually annoyed at the fact that I had to stay here for the night. I pulled the heavy blanket up over me and rolled onto my back, placing my hands behind my head, and stared up at the ceiling. The guys continued their loud laughter, and soon everyone was in their bunks and the place was dark and quiet.
It was going to be a long few days without her, but I had a good feeling about us. I just didn't want anything or anyone at all to take this opportunity from us.
* * *
The week passed rather quickly, and before I knew it, it was Friday. I had never been so happy to see a Friday as I was today. I was excited to see Austin tonight. Four days had felt like forever, even though he had managed to call me at least once every day.
He had called me bright and early this morning when he had left the firehouse to head home to bed. He claimed he needed help staying awake, and I had never been happier to enjoy my breakfast while he made me laugh. He was coming over tonight for dinner and a movie, and I couldn't wait.
* * *
I glanced up at the clock. It was almost four. Only an hour left, and I could get out of here. I looked at the screen in front of me. I was trying to decide if I liked the outcome of what I had been working on or if I should just scrap it and start over, when my phone rang.
* * *
I glanced at the call display and saw Addie's cell number. I blew out a breath. This was the fifth time she had called me today. I'd been avoiding her calls all week, and I bit my lip, debating on answering it. If I didn't answer soon, she was going to know I was avoiding her. I could only play the “I'm busy” card for so long. I hated keeping secrets from her. She was my best friend.
* * *
I swallowed hard and picked up the phone. "Kristy Douglas," I answered in my most professional tone, praying that Addie forgot I had call display in my office.
* * *
"Kristy Douglas," she mimicked, giggling. "So formal when you already know it's your best friend calling."
* * *
"Oh, hey, sorry. I was working on something and didn't even look at the display. I'm trying to get this piece wrapped up and sent upstairs before the end of day."
* * *
"Tom breathing down your neck again?"
* * *
* * *
"You know, your ex, the boss you hate, is he breathing down your neck again?"
* * *
"When doesn't he? He actually cornered me on Monday and admitted he made a mistake and wants me back," I said, rolling my eyes with annoyance. "Other than that, he has left me alone, but I'm on a deadline, if that is what you mean. So yes, he is breathing down my neck."
* * *
"Perhaps you should have Austin show up at your office, you know, just when he normally makes his rounds. He could always scare him off for awhile."
* * *
I almost choked on the mouthful of coffee I had just taken. "What do you mean?"
* * *
"He could pretend to be your boyfriend. You know, scare Tom off a bit."
* * *
I let out a nervous laugh. "I don't think that would work. Besides, I wouldn't bother Austin for that."
* * *
"Suit yourself. I know he'd take care of him for you if he is truly bugging you. Anyways, are we still on for tonight?"
* * *
I closed my eyes tight at the mention of tonight. In all the excitement of finally getting to see Austin tonight, I had forgotten that Addie had gotten us tickets to some poetry reading downtown. The ticket had only been staring me in the face everyday for the past six months whenever I opened my fridge, so I didn’t exactly know how it was that I forgot. We'd been planning this for months.
* * *
I hesitated. "Um..."
* * *
"Come on, Kristy, really. You forgot? What is going on with you lately?"
* * *
"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to hide everything that I wanted to tell her.
* * *
"You are never around. I've called you almost six times today alone, never mind the dozen call
s from the rest of the week, and each time it goes to your voice mail. I thought you might be sick, so I even went over to your apartment. Then I got worried because your neighbor, Mrs. Clark, said she saw a firetruck outside of your apartment building last night. She told me it looked like they had the bucket up to your floor, right around your window. I was so scared I even called Austin yesterday to ask if there had been any calls to your building."
* * *
"You called Austin?" I could hear the alarm in my voice, which I really needed to tone down.
* * *
"Of course. I was worried, but he said it was quiet as a mouse all week."
* * *
I blew out a breath at her answer. I was afraid if she cornered him he might let it slip.
* * *
"I've just been busy with work. The company is in the middle of a restructure. I know my job is safe, but it’s been so chaotic. I've actually been bringing work home with me all week," I lied. "And Mrs. Clark is eighty-seven years old. She can barely see and has the onset of dementia. Why do you think I do her grocery shopping?" That part wasn't a lie. I had been helping Mrs. Clark for months now, and Addie knew it.
* * *
"True." She started to laugh. "So, you really can't go tonight?"
* * *
"Not really. Can you take Phil?"
* * *
"He really didn't want to go when I suggested it the first time. That’s why I decided to use it as an excuse for a girl’s night. Perhaps I could ask him again because I really don't want those tickets to go to waste."
All I Want for Christmas: A Contemporary Romance Holiday Collection Page 39