Black Defilement: Volume 2 (Three Book Bundle)

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Black Defilement: Volume 2 (Three Book Bundle) Page 3

by Anya Merchant

  “Oh, okay, sorry,” said Trevor. “Well, I brought you some food…”

  He set the plate down on the desk next to her. Sage smiled and turned the chair towards him, slipping the robe open slightly in a rather seductive fashion.

  “Why sweetie, what did you think I was doing?” she asked, batting her eyelashes at him.

  “Nothing!” he said. “I didn’t think-“

  “It’s okay sweetie, I get it,” she said. “But we’ve talked about this before, you have to trust me.”

  He nodded, and felt his heart begin to beat faster as his wife dropped forward out of her chair into a kneeling position in front of him.

  “I know you see how guys look at me,” she said. “They like my body, and I know you probably have thought about what they would do to it if they ever got the chance.”

  Trevor felt his cock beginning to harden. His wife pulled down the sweat pants he was wearing and brought her face close to it. The feeling of her hot breath against his member began to drive him wild.

  “Every now and then a guy will even tell me what they want to do to me,” she said. “They like to whisper in my ear how they want to show me their big cocks, how they want me to touch them and how they know I’m a dirty girl.”

  Sage finally brought her hand to his cock, and then licked it all the way from the base of the shaft to the tip. Trevor groaned and leaned his head back, struggling to keep from cumming immediately.

  “But you trust me honey, and that’s all that matters,” she said. “And that’s what I love about you.”

  His wife brought her mouth forward onto his dick, slowly letting her lips rub against the head, and then taking it into her mouth. Sage was a pro when it came to cock sucking. He had known that about her since the day the two had met, and strangely, she seemed to get even better at it as their relationship progressed.

  “Oh god, Sage,” moaned Trevor. She began to pull her lips up and down his length, slowly, teasing him and keeping a limit on the amount of pleasure he was experiencing. His wife had always been into that, and loved to make it seem like it was totally up to her whether or not he got to cum.

  He felt her begin to massage the bottom of his cock with her tongue, softly and gently. Her eyes were locked up on his, and he found himself being surprised, as he often was, at just what a sexually empowered woman his wife was. And it was all for him.

  Sage picked up her pace now, bobbing her head back and forth on her husband’s cock like a woman who was eager to taste cum. Trevor never forced his wife to do anything sexually and even now, he just let her do her thing without any guidance or instruction. His wife was the one that initiated most of their intercourse, and she was the one that was dominant throughout the sex they would have.

  “Oh god…” he groaned, bucking his hips forward as his cock finally began to explode. Sage didn’t slow down for a second, drinking her husband’s cum without missing a drop. When she was done, she pulled her mouth off his cock with a satisfying pop, and smiled at him.

  “Sorry it took me so long to wake up, honey,” she said. “I was out late last night clubbing with the girls.”

  “You seem to be out late every Friday night…” said Kevin.

  He hadn’t meant anything by it, but she shot him a slightly offended look.

  “Well me and my friends like to dance and have fun,” she said. “It’s no big deal, I’m always back by the morning.”

  Trevor was a little surprised by how defensive her response was.

  “Okay, it’s fine,” he said. “Are you going out again tonight?”

  Sage nodded at him, smiling again almost as if she was a little embarrassed. It had been a while since Trevor had been out dancing, and he found himself wanting to join in.

  “Do you mind if I come with you?” he asked.

  His wife opened his mouth as if to object, but seemed to hesitate for a moment before speaking. Finally, she rolled her eyes and seemed to relent internally.

  “Of course not, it will be fun to have you there, honey,” she said. “You’ll get to meet some of my new friends.”

  “Great,” said Trevor. “I can’t wait…”


  Later that night after dinner, the two of them were getting ready for their night on the town. Trevor had spent most of the day toying around with some model trains he had set up in the basement. He had decided to wear one of the nice new polo shirts he had gotten from his mother that Christmas, and went upstairs to change his clothes.

  When he walked into the bedroom, he was surprised by the outfit Sage had found to wear. She had on a low cut shirt that showed off her cleavage quite nicely. Trevor had never seen wear it before, and didn’t even know that she owned it, but already found himself enjoying the view.

  Along with that, she had on a tiny, tight skirt that was so small that her butt almost seemed to be threatening to pop out of it. Trevor found himself getting a little excited as he watched his wife, but also at the same time, preemptively jealous of the other guys at the club who would get to see her.

  “Honey, is that really what you’re going to wear?” he asked.

  Sage paid him no mind and continued applying her lipstick. His wife had such a nice mouth, he realized. It had felt so good on his cock earlier that morning. But the lipstick she was putting on now was a shade of redish pink that he had always thought was reserved for girls looking to put out and act slutty. He felt his stomach knotting up, and forced himself to trust his wife. She was probably wearing it for him, he figured.

  “We’re going to have fun tonight!” said Sage. “I’m glad you’re coming out with me honey. I feel like I should give you a heads up, though,”

  “What? What is it?” Trevor found himself getting a little concerned, and wondered why he was so reactive to his wife’s words all of the sudden.

  “Some of the guys at the club can be a little handsy with me, sometimes,” she said. “But it’s okay! It’s just pretend, when we’re dancing. It’s really almost like a game for them. They joke about who can have the most fun with the hot girls and wives on the dance floor.”

  “O-okay,” said Trevor, slightly discouraged. “As long as it doesn’t go too far…”

  “Of course it won’t, sweetie,” said Sage. She looked into the mirror and pushed her breasts up so they were peaking even further out of her top. “You’ll have fun, I promise.”

  The two of them decided to take a cab instead of driving. There tended to be a lot of police out on Saturday nights, especially around the club, and they had both come to the conclusion that they would be drinking.

  It was about a half hour trip to Club Black Box. It was a dingy place, with a bright neon sign out front advertising its name. There was no line to get in. The bouncer waved Sage by as she walked up, not even charging her, but held his arm out when Trevor moved to follow.

  “I’m going to need some ID, little man,” he said. The bouncer was a tall, muscular black man with a thick beard. Trevor flinched when their eyes met and looked away.

  “Oh, uh, of course,” he stammered. “Here you go. What’s the cover?”

  “For you? Let’s say…$40,” said the bouncer. He had a macho, confident grin on his face that unnerved Trevor. He pulled the money out of his wallet with a sigh, but paid the man without complaining.

  He walked down the hallway into the club, noticing on the way just how dark and dank of a place it really was. There a good number of people inside, however, and both the large dance floor and bar were relatively full. He walked over to the counter and ordered a beer, not seeing his wife right away.

  The bartender brought him his drink, and then he finally spotted her. Sage was on the dance floor, having a good and relatively innocent time amongst a group of other women on the dance floor. When she saw him, she beckoned him to come and join her. He put a coaster on top of his drink and then walked over.

  It was fun for Trevor. Sage was acting quite wild, and she whispered into his ear that she had already don
e a shot with her girlfriends. The entire group of woman seemed to pull Trevor in, and he found himself doing his best to rub up against his wife and only his wife.

  The DJ switched to a slower song, and his wife grabbed his hands. The two of them began slow dancing, swaying back and forth almost like a couple on prom night. It felt nice for Trevor. Moments like this for him and his wife had been rare since the wedding, and he wondered just why that was.

  The song ended, and a deep bass hip hop beat began blaring out of the speakers. Trevor glanced back towards the entrance, and noticed a group of three muscular black men making their way into the club. The crowd seemed to part for them, and a bunch of women ran over to greet them, including his wife.

  He tried not to get jealous as he saw her give all three of them a hug, but it was hard. He decided to retire to the bar momentarily instead of heading over and making a fuss. There was a man sitting next to the spot he had set his drink by, and he nodded to him as he sat down.

  “Hey buddy, having a good night?” the man asked.

  Trevor nodded, and looked over towards his wife. She was heading onto the dance floor with the black men and a bunch of other women. It tore at his heart strings, and he took a deep drink of his beer.

  “This is when the night starts to get really interesting,” said the man next to him. “Those guys are going to have some fun!”

  Trevor gulped back some more of his beer, feeling his emotions swing wildly.


  The black men seemed to hone in on his wife as though they were heat seeking. One of them was grinding up behind her while another one danced facing her in front. The two of them would bounce her back and forth, occasionally sandwiching her in and rubbing their crotches against her, and Sage seemed to be enjoying every second of that.

  “I come here a lot,” said the man sitting next to Trevor. “Those guys always end up picking one or two women to play around with, and it looks like they found one for tonight. She looks pretty hot, too.”

  Trevor forced himself to trust his wife. They had been married for three years, and he knew that she loved him. She was just having fun on the dance floor and that’s it, he thought.

  “It just looks like they’re dancing, to me,” Trevor said. “I doubt she’ll do anything…”

  “You’d be surprised,” replied the man. “They have a little game that they like to play, those guys. They try to get a woman hot and horny on the dance floor, and then sneak her off to one of the bathrooms for some fun. It looks like they’ve already started on that chick.”

  Trevor felt his cheeks flush red with embarrassment. This stranger had no idea that it was his wife that he was talking about, and hearing the honest, unadulterated truth was shaking him to the core. There was something else, though. Part of him, oddly enough, wanted to see just how far Sage would let them take it.

  “I’ll be right back,” he said to the man. The bartender was down the counter serving another patron, and he walked over to him to get another beer. When he got back, he felt his heart leap and his cock twitch at the scene that was playing out in front of him.

  Sage was with just one of the black men now, but things had clearly progressed further. She had pushed her butt right up against his crotch and was rubbing lewdly against him. The man had one hand on his wife’s breast, and another down her skirt, making no attempt to hide what was going on.

  “Oh yeah, this is so fun to watch,” said the man next to Trevor. “This is why I come here.”

  Trevor realized that the man was subtly pleasuring himself underneath the edge of the counter, hiding what he was doing as he watched the exhibit on the dance floor. His own cock was hard, at this point, and it was confusing and a little upsetting to notice. His wife was being groped and dry fucked on the dance floor, and he was too embarrassed, ashamed, and aroused to do anything about it.

  After a minute of this, the song ended, and the black man led Sage by the hand towards one of the bathrooms off in the corner. Trevor felt sick to his stomach when he realized what was about to happen. He pushed up from his stool and began to make his way over.

  The club was more crowded now, and there were a number of people in the way. He pushed through them as quickly as he could, seeing his wife and the black man disappear through the door of one of the single occupant restrooms. It took far too long for his liking for him to make his way over.

  He managed to get to the door, and could hear what sounded like a man moaning inside. He knocked on it quietly, part of him feeling worried about what might happen if he made too much of a fuss.

  “The fuck do you want?” called a deep, loud voice.

  “M-my wife,” Trevor stammered. “Sage, are you in there?”

  “Sorry sweetie, I’m just helping my new friend Calvin.” Her voice sounded like it was coming from down low, near the ground. “I was just about to introduce you two! He spilled a drink on his shirt though, so I figured I’d help him clean up.”

  Trevor heard a slurping sound from the other side and what sounded like a man laughing.

  “Oh yeah, that’s right,” said Calvin. “Your wife is helping me get nice and clean.”

  “I think we should leave, honey,” said Trevor. “I don’t feel well.”

  This was true, though for a very odd reason. Trevor had never felt so conflicted in his life. His dick was rock hard in his pants, and he found that his hand had meandered down, stroking it almost as if it had a mind of its own.

  “This will only take a second, honey,” said Sage. He heard more slurping, and the sound of jewelry shaking.

  “Oh yeah, don’t worry buddy,” said Calvin. “I’ll send her out to you once she’s finished.”

  He laughed again. Trevor put his ear to the door, and could just barely make out what was being said next.

  “Yeah, just like that,” muttered Calvin. “Keep doing what you’re doing, it’s just right.”

  The wet sounds intensified, and Trevor heard more grunting.

  “Oh yeah, there we go!” moaned Calvin.

  The noises stopped, and a couple of seconds later, the door opened. Sage stepped out, smiling at him. Her hair was ruffled, and her lips seemed to be a little wet.

  “Hey sweetie,” she said. Sage kissed him, and he let her, feeling incredibly confused and emasculated. Calvin stepped out afterwards, sporting a huge smirk on his face. He patted Sage’s butt.

  “Thanks for the help in there,” he said.

  “Anytime,” said Sage, winking at him.

  “Come on honey, we really should go,” said Trevor in a quiet voice.

  Calvin smiled at him and wrapped his arm around Trevor’s wife.

  “I heard you guys took a cab here,” he said. “We’re all headed in the same direction, why don’t we share a fare?”

  “That’s a great idea!” said Sage.

  Trevor wanted to object, but felt himself falling into the same role as the man at the bar. He was watching, just looking on as a voyeur, as this big black stood took his wife right in front of him and used her as he pleased. And there seemed to be nothing he could do to stop it.


  Trevor followed Calvin and his wife. The black man had his arm wrapped around her, and would alternate between whispering things in his ear while they walked, and groping at her body. When they made their way out onto the sidewalk, Sage caught sight of her husband’s face and walked over to him.

  “What’s wrong sweetie?” she asked.

  “Honey, you are letting him…do things to you,” he said. “Don’t lie to me…”

  “I know how it looks, but just trust me,” she said. “Nothing is going on! Calvin is just a friend, you’re being paranoid.”

  He shook his head and sighed, but relented. A cab pulled up to the three of them on the sidewalk, and Sage climbed in. When Trevor moved to sit with her in the back, Calvin pushed him aside easily.

  “It looks like there are only two seats back here,” he said. “I guess you’re going to have to
sit up front with the driver, whitey,”

  Trevor glared at him, feeling the word affect him as though the man was pouring salt on a wound. He reluctantly opened the front passenger side door and climbed in.

  “Where you all headed?” asked the driver.

  “Uptown, the corner of Pine and South Union,” said Calvin.

  The cab set off, and Trevor did his best to ignore the laughs and giggles coming from his wife and Calvin in the back seat. He didn’t want to blatantly look at them over his shoulder, but could see their heads in the rear view mirror.

  “Oh, you are just a dog,” whispered Sage to Calvin. “What do you think you’re up to?”

  “I can’t help it, your body is the sexiest,” replied Calvin.

  Through the mirror, Trevor could see that Calvin had one of his arms around Sage. His other arm was down low, and it looked like it was rubbing between her legs. Sage was blushing, though she seemed to be enjoying it.

  “Here, it’s pretty cramped back here,” said Calvin. “I think you should shift onto my lap.”

  Sage didn’t say anything, but she followed along as he grabbed her hips and lifted her onto his lap. It was hard for Trevor to see what was going on, but Calvin’s hands were clearly on his wife’s breasts, and he was grinding her down into him.

  Trevor remembered the short skirt that she was wearing and began to get very worried about what could potentially be happening in the back seat. His wife was biting her lip, and Calvin had his face up against her pretty white neck.

  “I think you should shift up,” said Calvin. “So the two of us can get more comfortable.”

  Sage did, and what little Trevor could see through the rear view mirror set him aflame with paranoia and jealousy. Calvin moved his hands across her waist and butt, and then around his own crotch. When Sage sat back down on his lap, she did it more slowly, taking her time and letting out what almost sounded like a moan.


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