Ancient Aliens: Marradians and Anunnaki: Volume Two: Extraterrestrial Gods, Religions, and Mystical Practices

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Ancient Aliens: Marradians and Anunnaki: Volume Two: Extraterrestrial Gods, Religions, and Mystical Practices Page 8

by Ilil Arbel

  Build a wooden base. It should be a simple box, two feet by two feet, and two inches tall. Use the wood glue and the finishing nails to make it steady.

  Fold each piece of cardboard vertically, ending with a small pyramid measuring three feet by two feet. Make all four can stand up steadily.

  With the fabric glue, attach four panels made from the white linen sheet to the cardboard pyramids.

  Rub the coal on one side of the glass, until it covers the surface with a thin black film. Use the adhesive glue spray to stabilize the film. Allow to dry thoroughly.

  From the aluminum foil, cut seven ribbons. Each should be a little less than one inch in width. Six of the ribbons should be exactly two feet long, and the seventh should be two inches longer.

  Take four ribbons, not including the longer one, and glue them to the coal covered side of the glass. They should be placed with equal distance between them and from the edges, creating five equal-sized spaces where the coal dust will be visible.

  Take the remaining three ribbons. They should be glued on top of the four ribbons, but in ninety degrees to them, creating a grid. The longer ribbon should be glued in the middle of the box, with an inch extending on each side. The others should be glued with equal distance between the middle ribbon and the edges, creating four spaces.

  Use the extra ribbon that is extending from both sides to attach the wires. Each wire will be extending vertically from the box.

  Place the glass on the wooden base, coal and ribbon side down, and clean side up. Make sure the glass and the base are squared and the edges are perfectly aligned.

  To each wire, attach one of the magnetized nails you have prepared in advance.

  Arrange the panels around the box. There should be one on three sides, and the fourth one will be placed behind you.

  Pour the water into one of the bowls, and place one of the nails into it. The wire that is attached to this nail must be fully stretched.

  Cut the dry ice, wearing gloves, into a dice-sized cube. Place it in the dry, empty bowl. Remember never to mix dry ice and water! That wire should be closer to the glass than the one that is touching the water, so bend it slightly.

  The dry ice will produce some smoke. That is normal, it is an effect that is often used for theatrical production, and it will not hurt you.

  Sit in front of the glass box, put the fourth panel behind you, and close your eyes.

  Contacting the Alternate Realities

  Close your eyes and visualize a green, virgin land, a place no one has ever seen before.

  Imagine, dream, and think about the land you have been visualizing for the past few weeks. You are bringing the things you love and want most, the good things that you wish to see in your life, to the green land. You are creating a new earth, the way you want it.

  There are people in the new place. You must build places for them, streets, houses, a wonderful city or countryside, exactly the way you want it. Working as fast as you can, and with your eyes still closed, in a few minutes you will sense smoke coming from your left side. It will not rise high, but remain rather low, and it will creep close to the glass. Realize that even though your eyes are closed, you will actually see the smoke.

  When you are sure you are seeing the smoke, open your eyes.

  Put both your hands on the glass, with your fingers spread out.

  Concentrate your gaze on the spaces between the fingers. Bring to mind all the beautiful things you imagined in the new land, and place them in the spaces between the fingers.

  Start alternating your concentration between the tips of your fingers and the spaces between the fingers. Continue for about five minutes. You will notice that the tips of your fingers will produce light, in the form of sparks. There will be no physical sensation caused by these sparks.

  Slide your hands closer to your body until they are about an inch or two from your body.

  Put your hands on the edges of the glass, each on one side.

  Look down into the bottom of the Minzar. You will notice that the color of the aluminum ribbons has changed, and that the charcoal film looks as smooth as a marble. The glass has turned into a black mirror, and a line of light will vibrate on the black surface.

  You will begin to see the things you have imagined as miniatures in the black mirror. Some will look proportional and organized. Others will be out of proportion. They will be moving and shifting.

  You may have created a person to function as a friend and a guide. If you did so, look for that person in the Minzar. You will soon find him or her, so try to increase the size of the person. In a few seconds, the person will acquire dimension, proportion, and personality, and will appear as real, in or out of the Minzar. You will establish a true rapport with him or her, though you may not quite understand the nature of the rapport.

  If what you imagined is a country, or a place, or a house rather than a person, you will develop the connection to it so that you will be able to escape to this place at will. Many students prefer creating such a place, since, as it will most likely to have people in it, will combine the advantages of both.

  In the future, you will not need to build a second Minzar, or even use the many steps of preparations to envision the person or the place you have created. They will be stored in your brain. The act of building the Minzar was meant to trigger one of the Conduit faculties in the brain. A rudimentary one by comparison to what the Anunnaki-Ulema can do, but of great benefit none the less. You could not, for example, simply buy a ready-made black mirror, and work with it. You must follow the step-by-step the creation of the Minzar to achieve the effect.

  It will be a good idea to throw out the unnecessary equipment, such as the nails, the bowls, etc., but keep the Minzar, which has turned into a beautiful black mirror, as a stimulus for the activity.

  You can go into the new country anytime you wish. It is a physical place, located in a different dimension, but just as real as this one. When you go there, you can spend months in that time frame, while here on earth only a few minutes will pass. That is because the Conduit allows you to duplicate yourself, to create a double, and time is different in other dimensions. What you can do there is limitless. You can simply rest and enjoy a place that will never hurt you, a vacation from the trials and tribulations in the here and now. Or, perhaps, you wish to create something. Let’s say you want to write a screenplay, and can never find the time or the leisure to do it here. Well, you can go to your special place for the duration of the time you need for writing this screenplay, and come back to your present existence after a few seconds of leaving it. The advantage will be that you have written the play and it is all there in your memory, one hundred percent of it. All you will need is the short time required to type it. Or perhaps you are not well, and you would like to see the doctors and the hospitals you have created in this new environment. It is quite likely that they may have a cure to at least some ailments – it won’t hurt to try. Possibly you wanted to build a magnificent library, containing an enormous number of books. By all means, this is a wonderful experiment, with one added bonus. When you are at this library, make a note of certain titles/authors which you have never heard of before. Then, when you are back home, ask a librarian, or check the Internet, to see if such titles/authors exist. If they do, it would be a proof that you have not been hallucinating! Or perhaps you would like to try a new career, see how it feels to become a teacher, or a singer, or a trapeze artist. Why not try it? You are the best judge on what you wish to accomplish!

  Subsequent Visits to the Alternate Realities

  After the initial visit to the alternate reality, you will no longer need to use the Minzar. As mentioned before, some students find it easier to look at the Minzar for a while before attempting the visit, but it is not entirely necessary.

  The best time to visit is your usual bed time. Before you go to sleep, just lie down on your bed. Generally, it is best to lie on your right side, to avoid pressure on the heart.

  Close yo
ur eyes. Think about the place you want to visit. Draw as clear a picture of it in your mind as you can. At this point, remember the way your hands were placed on the Minzar, and imagine yourself behind your fingers.

  Tell yourself the first activity you wish to perform during your visit.

  For seven to ten seconds, do not think at all. Make your mind completely blank.

  Do not be startled – amazing things will begin to happen now. Images will float before your eyes, you will hear sounds or noises. This is called “The buzzing of the mind.”

  At this moment, the preliminary rapport is established between the necessary cell in your Conduit and your double in the alternate reality. The cell will zoom you there and your double will be your guide. In other words, the cell acts as your vessel and the double as the pilot.

  As soon as you arrive, the double will stop all activities and instantly merge with you. Your visit has begun.

  Benefits and Advantages

  Besides the pleasure and learning experiences that you gain through your trips to the alternate reality, there are several concrete advantages that will manifest themselves very soon in your normal reality.

  You will be less tense or nervous.

  You will gradually lose any phobia that might have tormented you for many years, perhaps all your life.

  Your physical health will improve.

  You will be able to work efficiently since you will bring with you some very important creations, plans, or thoughts from your alternate reality. Such products or services will be performed in much greater speed since they have been “rehearsed” in the alternate reality.

  You can learn languages with surprising speed since you can actually learn them first in the alternate reality, and the memory is retained. That applies to other skills, such as computer skills, art, music, and many others.

  You will put every moment to good advantage. If you hate waiting in line, or sitting in the doctor’s office, or listening to your boss droning on and on while of course, you cannot put a stop to the conversation, just hop to the new reality for a few minutes, and do something fun or creative there. Of course, for these few moments, you will be out of touch with your earth body, but you will be recalled back quickly as soon as needed. Obviously, using this quick “hop” you will never be bored again, ever. To complement this activity, it is advisable to always carry a notepad and a pen in case you wish to quickly record an experience.

  Returning to Your Regular Reality on Earth

  We must note that there is never any need for fear. Some people are concerned that the body that they have left on earth when visiting their alternate reality might be exposed to harm, perhaps even attacked. There is no reason for such fear. First of all, with the exception of the first time, when you originally build the Minzar, you will usually do it in the privacy of your own bedroom, and alone. Second, no matter how long you will spend in your alternate reality, you will return to your body seconds after you left it in our reality here, since time flows very differently in the alternate reality, and the Conduit knows how to handle it.

  The only thing you should be concerned about is not to come back into the body too quickly. If you panic suddenly and zoom into your body, you may harm it by this speed. You are perfectly safe, so come back easily and slowly.

  The best procedure for a beginner is to spend the time and enjoy the stay in the alternate reality without worrying about coming back. The first few times would not take long, since you are so new at it, anyway. After a while, your stays will be extended. In both cases, after what seems to be minutes, hours, days, or months, since it really does not matter how long you are there, suddenly you will remember that you left your body behind. For a few seconds, you are not sure which part of you is real, and it may create the sense of fear discussed above. Remember there is nothing to fear, your Conduit is in control, and it knows what it is doing. So when this moment arrives, allow yourself to relax, and in seconds you will be aware that you are back in the presence of your normal earth body. Do not rush, and do not bunch yourself quickly into the body from either side. Instead, help your Conduit by hovering horizontally right above your body, and then settling peacefully into it. Most likely that will be followed by a few minutes sleep, after which you will wake up refreshed and in complete recollection of your activities in the alternate reality.

  Find Your Lucky Day and Hour of the Week

  Humans follow certain calendars. The most common one is the Gregorian calendar, which is a reflection of the Christian faith. It is younger than the Muslim calendar, which in turn, is younger than the Jewish calendar. All of these are considerably younger than the Anunnaki calendar, which is the only one used by the Anunnaki-Ulema.

  The Anunnaki-Ulema’ week does not consist of seven days, but of four days of uneven number of hours. The days we must use in this technique correspond to certain days of our week. These are the only days to use in this technique; the other three days in our week should not be calculated upon.

  Day 1: Thilta (Tuesday)

  Day 2: Araba (Wednesday)

  Day 3: Jema (Friday)

  Day 4: Saba (Saturday).

  The importance of these days is the relationship between the person and the hours in each day. Using the calendar of the Anunnaki-Ulema, each person can find the luckiest hour of his or her week.

  You might feel that one hour a week is not sufficient for anyone’s needs. It might also not improve your luck at work if it occurs, say, at two o’clock in the morning each Saturday. This predicament can be easily resolved by performing another technique, Time Manipulation, on that exact hour. The time that will be added to your life under such circumstances will be as lucky as the original hour, and your chances of success will be vastly improved. The Anunnaki-Ulema highly recommend performing a combination of techniques, since each enhances the other considerably. Time manipulation technique will be dealt with in another posting, and for this one, we will concentrate on the simple use of the single Lucky Day and Hour technique.

  A couple of questions might arise as you think about this technique. First, are all people with the same number of letters in their name share a lucky hour? Yes, indeed they would. There are only sixteen grid lines to represent millions of people each. And this leads to an interesting discovery. The numbers of letters in people’s names represent a certain harmony that exist between them. For example, if you need to approach someone in high places for a favor, finding that he or she shares the number of letters and the lucky hour will enhance your chances. Always send your request to him or her during the lucky hour, either calling on the phone, using your e-mail, or placing a written letter in the mailbox.

  Another question is the issue of languages. What if your name is written with four letters in America, where you now live, but with five letters in your native language? The answer is simple. Always use your native language, the language that you were first aware of your name in, in your grid. It will be much more accurate and certainly more powerful.

  The technique is simple, but it can be enhanced in many ways by subtle variations. Adding those variations, which will be dealt with later, extends the knowledge of how time and space is related to luck and success, and how to fine tune the process. But even in this straightforward version, the technique is incredibly powerful, so much so that it may change your life completely, always for the better.

  If any added numbers are higher than one digit, always add the numbers and use the result. For example, if instead of 3+1+1+1= 6 you will find yourself with, say, 4+7+7+7=25, add 2+5 and use the result, namely 7. If you have 40+41+42+43=126, add 1+2+6=9.

  Step One

  Draw a grid of sixteen squares.

  Step Two

  In this step, you will establish the calendar of the week by writing them in this order.

  Day 1

  Day 2

  Day 3

  Day 4

  Day 2

  Day 3

  Day 4

  Day 1

nbsp; Day 3

  Day 4

  Day 1

  Day 2

  Day 4

  Day 1

  Day 2

  Day 3

  Step Three

  In this step, you will establish the calendar of your name. Let’s say your name is Suzan. Write your name in the squares from right to left, the way they did in many ancient languages, including Ana’kh. Follow, still from right to left, with the number of the days, 1, 2, 3, 4

















  Step Four

  In this step, you will establish the calendar of your lucky hour. Look at the two grids above, and try to find the one square that has the same number in both drawings. When you compare each square, you will see that the second square in the last raw has the #1 in it. Fill in the number of the days in the first row, the way it appeared in the first grid. Therefore, Suzan’s lucky hour will occur during the second day. (If more than one square presents the same number, add the numbers.)

  Day 1

  Day 2

  Day 3

  Day 4

  Step Five

  In this step we do our calculations. Keep the first row as is, and fill the rest of the grid with the number 1. In each column, you will now subtract the three #1 from the day in the first row. 1-1-1-1= -2; 2-1-1-1= -1; 3-1-1-1= 0; 4-1-1-1 = 1


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