Emerald (The Silvia Saga Book 1)

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Emerald (The Silvia Saga Book 1) Page 5

by Jenna Lee

Someone knocks on the door and scares the hell of out me. "Are you okay in there?" Harlan yells through the door.

  "Yes, yes. I am fine. Don't come in," I stutter back, trying to gain control of my emotions. I needed to get out of here without the guys realizing. I need to see Kayla and sort this shit out. She will have the answers.

  I trust the guys, I just needed to clear my head first before asking them. I look around trying to find an exit in the bathroom.

  Bingo! I find the window at the top of the toilet. I grab a towel and wrap it around my body. I don’t have any clothes in here apart from the underwear I was wearing. So, I needed something to at least cover me up.

  I step up on top of the toilet and quietly open the window. It opens outward, I push out the flyscreen and it falls to the ground. The noise has me quickly turning around to make sure no one is coming in. Once I see the coast is clear, I hoist myself up and out of the window. We are on the ground level, so I don’t have far to fall.

  As soon as I hit the ground I take off running toward the street. I run about 200 meters and wave my hand out to the oncoming cab driver. He slows down and I jump in the back giving him my address.

  He eyes me up and down, taking in my outfit. "Don't ask, just drive and step on it," I demand.

  I am in such a state of shock. I can’t even think straight. I hoped to god that Kayla was home, so I can figure out what the hell is going on. Am I just imagining this tattoo on my back or is it actually there?

  I feel so bad for leaving the guys, they would be freaking out once they realise I am gone. We pull up to my apartment a short time later, I jump out and run into the foyer and frantically hit the button for the elevator. I have no idea what time it is, but it was very quiet inside the foyer, thank goodness.

  The ride up the elevator feels like it’s taking forever. As soon as the doors open, I sprint out to our door and begin knocking frantically.

  I continue knocking for a good five minutes until I see the lights turn on and the door flings open. Kayla takes in my appearance and her mouth stays wide open.

  "What the fuck, Dara?" She questions, pulling me inside and shutting the door. I tried to catch my breath before letting the bombshell drop. I drop my towel and turn around, so my back is to Kayla.

  She takes a huge breath and says, "What the fuck, Dara,” she repeats, “you got a fucking tattoo? Thanks for inviting me. I thought we made a pact to get one together? Good to see how much you care about that,” she huffs, crossing her arms.

  I cannot believe she thinks I would go out and get a tattoo without her? Clueless, I tell you.

  I turn around and shake my head at her. "No, I didn't go out and get a tattoo. I wouldn’t do that without you, we made a promise. You of all people know I don’t break promises," I say back to her defensively.

  She laughs out loud and gestures to my back. "What the fuck, Dara, are you crazy? How else would that get there without someone tattooing your back?" She questions, rolling her eyes like this was a big joke.

  I throw my hands up in the air. "I am not fucking kidding Kayla. I did not get this tattooed on my back, it just showed up after that weird fever settled down. I know I must sound crazy, I still can’t believe it. Please believe me, trust me,” I beg her, as tears threaten to fall down my face.

  She must see it in my eyes that I am telling the truth, as she says. “Okay fine. In some fucked up way, I believe you. But answer me this, what's with the three vine rings? Do you know what they mean?" She questions, thinking that I would have a clue. I am just as clueless as she is right now.

  “I have no idea. Seriously, I am telling you it just showed up on my back. I am so fucking confused, am I crazy?" I explain, while I put my face into my hands.

  She lets out a sigh and turns me around to have another look. "You most definitely are going crazy, but I must be too, because I am seeing this on your back," she says, while tracing her hand down my back.

  She lets out a yelp and yanks her hand back. "What. The. Actual. Fuck? It burnt me? Your back feels like it is on fire." She runs to the tap, turning it on, and lets her hand cool under the cold water.

  She looks up at me and we both just stare at each other for a good five minutes, trying to take all this in.

  Her bedroom door opens, and a guy puts his head out and asks. "Are you coming back to bed, babe? It’s getting lonely in here. Oh, hey there, you’re welcome to join us," Malcolm from the bar says, finally noticing me standing there in nothing but my bra and underwear.

  I cover myself and Kayla replies, “I will be back in there soon, give me a little bit.” He nods and shuts the door again.

  Kayla turns around and says “Okay, we will figure this shit out tomorrow. Please go and get some rest, I know it will be hard, but just try. Oh, and what happened to those four sexy guys?” She asks.

  “We went to a hotel and they looked after me. Once the fever settled down a little bit, I went for a shower. That’s when I noticed this shit on my back and freaked out. I jumped out the window and came back here. I wanted to check in with you to make sure I wasn’t losing my mind. But now, thinking about it, I should have stayed with them. For some reason, they seemed to know what was happening to me,” I say, explaining my fucked-up night.

  She stands there in a state of shock, still trying to get her head around this whole thing, just like I am. “Okay, please go sleep it off and maybe you will wake up and this will all be a dream. If not, we will figure it out. Who knows? We could have been drugged and are tripping balls right now,” Kayla jokes.

  I laugh out loud at her. She knows how to make me feel at least a little bit sane.

  “Alright, I will try, and I hope to fuck that what you’re saying is true.” I go over and give her a tight hug and say goodnight.

  I walk to my room and lay down on my bed. I know I won’t be getting any sleep with these thoughts going through my head.

  Chapter 8


  After only five minutes of laying down, I spring up, ready to put my hurried plan into action. I knew I wouldn’t be getting any sleep for the rest of the night, well morning now, as I look at the clock. It’s 3 a.m. and I needed to get moving before Kayla noticed I was gone.

  I quietly sneak into the bathroom, turn on the light and shut the door. Heading over to the mirror, I pull my bra off and slowly turn around. Praying the tattoo has disappeared, and it was all a dream. But what I see in the mirror has me mentally breaking down; it is still there. What in the fuck? I grab a hold of the vanity and try to catch my breath for a few moments.

  Turning on the shower, I calm myself down by taking deep breaths. I stand under the hot steamy water and start washing myself. I put some body wash onto a luffa and start scrubbing my back roughly, hoping it will just rub off. No such luck, it is still there. I let the tears run down my face and allow the water to wash them away.

  Today is the day I was due to head off on my hiking trip. As I was briefly lying in bed this morning it had me thinking that maybe it will be a good idea to just go, get away and let my home, the forest, clear my head. Let it guide me in the direction of my next move.

  I turn off the water and stand there thinking about my decision, I had to do it, I need to get out of here. Kayla would literally not let me go, she would lock me in the house and not let me out. Not in the vulnerable condition I am in.

  But, she does know me better than anyone and knows my need to get out into the clear air, surrounding myself with wildlife and greenery to clear my head. I grab a towel and dry off, brushing my wet hair and chucking it up into a messy bun. That will have to do, I don't have the energy or time to dry it.

  I needed to get out, before Kayla decides to check on me. Hopefully, she will have her hands full for the next few hours, thanks to the guy from the club.

  I make my way back to my room and get dressed in my tight army patterned pants and a tight black t-shirt. My backpack is already packed and ready for my trip. It has all my ess
entials: two pairs of pants, two t-shirts, one thermal sweatshirt, a blanket and my sleeping bag that is rolled up tight and tied on top of my bag. Plus, I have the clothes I am wearing, my big warm jacket and hiking boots. I also have a good 4-litre water bottle and hydro food.

  Once I have everything ready to go, I sit there contemplating if I should wake Kayla up and say goodbye. I really hate leaving her a letter explaining where I have gone, I know she will be pissed off at first, but she will eventually understand.

  I could be back sooner rather than later, I reason with myself. I will have no phone reception, so I turn my phone off and leave it in my room. I chuck on my boots and grab my backpack. I quietly sneak out of my bedroom door and go downstairs, where I quickly scribble Kayla a letter telling her where I have gone.

  I head out the front door, making no noise at all. I grab my keys on the way out, as I will need to drive about two hours East to get to my destination.

  I make it downstairs and head to the carpark and hop into my car. I take a deep breath and start the engine. There is no turning back now. I am so anxious to get to the forest, I take the back roads and drive a little over the speed limit.

  I turn up the music, hoping it will help calm my racing heart. It feels as though it is going a million miles an hour. I can feel it thumping against the seat belt.

  The song changes and Lady Gaga's 'Poker Face' blares through the speakers, helping to calm my nerves. I am too afraid to look at my back again, just in case I still see the tattoo. As I continue down the highway, it gives me time to think. I wish I had have stayed with the guys, so they could explain what the hell was going on.

  Those four guys seemed like they were expecting this—they knew what was going to happen. But, how? How on earth could four strangers know what was going on, when I couldn't figure this shit out?

  I needed to get out and go to the place where I felt most at home. I would come back at some point and try to find the guys again if the tattoo was still there.

  I can just imagine Kayla now, after reading the letter she would be having a total meltdown. I make my final turn up the mountain and turn off the road. There is a dirt road that heads off the main road, which takes me further in the direction of the forest.

  After driving for another 30 kilometres, I pull my car off to the side of the road to park it in the abandoned car park. Being so early in the morning, the place is deserted. More deserted than it normally would be, as not many people make the trip this high up in the mountains. They normally hiked further down the mountains on one of the easier trails.

  It suits me just fine, I didn’t want to see anyone hiking in this area. I need quiet time to clear this fucked-up head of mine. As selfish as it is, I need the forest to myself.

  I park my car and get out to stretch my muscles and get my backpack. I chuck my car keys into my bag and zip it back up.

  I am ready to roll, I think as I head off into the forest.

  Chapter 9


  Dara went to the bathroom a good twenty minutes ago to try and cool her body down with a shower. I am getting anxious as the minutes tick by.

  I hop up off the bed and start walking around, needing to move before I lose my shit. The poor girl has no idea what is happening to her. She is probably freaking right out, I mean, wouldn't you be? If suddenly you experience the most painful feeling throughout your whole body. I know I would.

  I hope she hasn’t seen the tattoo yet as she would most definitely be having a meltdown. My poor Princess. I just wished she remembered who we were. It would make everything so much easier to explain. It has been torture, since the day she was taken away from us. We lost a part of ourselves that day. A part we haven’t been able to get back until now. Dara was our Princess, ours to protect with everything that we have. She was one of us. Without her we aren’t whole.

  That’s why I couldn’t wait for her to remember us and Silvia, her home. She wouldn’t understand, at least not right away, but given some time, she would come back to us.

  Harlan grabs my shoulder stopping me, "Settle the fuck down Blair, she will be fine, she just needs some time to cool down. Relax." Harlan tries to settle me down, pushing me to sit down on the bed again.

  I sit there tapping my leg on the ground for another five minutes. "Okay, I have had enough of this, something is happening in there. One of us needs to check on her," I yell out in frustration, bringing everyone to their feet.

  Declan has been sitting in the corner staring at nothing, being his usual reserved self. Oliver has been driving me mad tapping a pen on the table for the past twenty minutes, and Harlan has just been mute, quietly plotting our next step.

  "Okay fine, I will check on her. I don't want us all barging in there," Harlan finally says, breaking the silence as he walks to the bathroom door.

  He knocks and waits for her to respond, twenty seconds pass. Nothing. He knocks again and nothing but silence greets him. Next thing I know he kicks in the door, we all get up and follow him into the bathroom.

  "Fuck! She has gone," Harlan says as he punches the wall, leaving a huge hole. I move further into the room, inspecting it. Seeing that she must have escaped through the window above the toilet.

  "FUCK! Why in the hell would she escape? We are here to help her," I yell in frustration.

  Declan who has been mute since getting here, starts pacing and says, "Think about it, four strangers rock up and take you to a hotel room and say to trust them. They will explain it all soon. I would be freaked out by that too if I was her," he explains, while lifting his arms up proving his point.

  "Alright let’s move, we can’t stand around waiting. We need to go get our Princess back,” Harlan says, taking charge and we start moving out of the hotel.

  “Okay, first stop is her house, because she probably went back there. She won’t be that far ahead of us.”

  We hop in the car and Harlan speeds off down the road. I look at my brothers, and I am met with worried eyes from all of them. I could see Declan in the rear-view mirror, his brain working on overdrive trying to work out if we will be able to find her in time. A short time later, we finally pull up to her apartment and all jump out.

  It’s close to 4 a.m. now and the street is deserted. There is no one around at this hour. They are all tucked away in their beds. Which is where I hope to find Dara; in bed. Safe.

  We head inside the foyer and take the elevator up to her floor. We have been watching her for a few months now, so we know exactly where she lives with her friend.

  Harlan walks up to the door and starts knocking, he waits a good couple of minutes then tries again. Finally, he hears footsteps on the other side of the door and light floods through the door. It opens, and we see Dara's friend standing there in her pyjamas, looking half asleep.

  "What the hell? What do you guys want?" Kayla mutters, rubbing her eyes.

  "We are here to see Dara, is she here?" Harlan questions, with his deep scary voice.

  Kayla opens the door further and gestures for us to come in. "Yeah, she is in her room, she won’t appreciate being woken up. She has had one fucked up night, that's why she ran back here not that long ago," Kayla explains, confirming our suspicions.

  We all head down the hallway toward her room. Kayla knocks on Dara's door and waits for her response. She pushes the door open, turning on the light.

  Her room is empty, and the bed made. "What the fuck? She was here like an hour or so ago," Kayla exclaims and begins pacing the room.

  She storms back out and heads to the kitchen. We follow her out and crowd behind her as she picks up a piece of paper from the bench.

  "Oh, my fucking god, she didn't? What the hell Dara, you can't do this to me!" Kayla yells, clearly frustrated at what the letter says. She scrunches it up and throws it away toward the bin.

  We all stand there, waiting for her to explain what the hell is going on.

  "Okay, what is going on Kayla? What did the letter
say?" I ask, putting a hand on her shoulder for support.

  Kayla stays mute and puts her head in her hands, we give her a few minutes to pull herself together. "She's gone," she whispers.

  I snap my eyes up and catch the worried looks from my brothers.

  "What do you mean she is gone? Where did she go? You need to let us know Kayla, we need to find her, so we can help her. It's a long story, but she is very important to us and we need to know where she is, to keep her safe," I explain, trying to be as calm as I can be.

  But inside I am freaking out, praying that we will be able to find her before she falls into the wrong hands.

  "She had this trip planned to go hiking in the forest, up East in the Dandenong Ranges. She goes there when she needs to clear her head. That's the only way she can, by being out in the forest amongst nature," Kayla explains.

  I know exactly how Dara would be feeling, it is her home, it’s mine too, where I feel most relaxed.

  I rub my hand on Kayla's back and tell her it will be okay, we will go and find her, make sure she is safe. I don't tell Kayla that she might not see her best friend again. I couldn't stand to see the pain and hurt in her eyes.

  "Alright Kayla, I hate to leave you like this, but we need to go and find Dara," Harlan explains, wasting no time as he starts walking toward the door, eager to get going.

  "Please make sure you bring her home in one piece," Kayla says, rubbing away the tears from her eyes.

  I nod my head toward her, avoiding eye contact. I can’t look in her the eyes and see the pain. I can’t lie to her face, knowing she won’t see Dara again. Turning around, I catch up with my brothers.

  We are down the elevator and out the front doors in record time. Harlan takes lead and has all of us sprinting to the car. As soon as we all hop in, he speeds off down the road.

  "I feel sorry for Kayla, I hated lying to her," I say, breaking the silence.

  "Your heart is too sweet bro, she will be fine. Finding Dara is our main priority right now," Oliver says, his voice cracking at the end. I have never seen this side of him before. He is always happy, cracking jokes, and never sad. The disappearance of Dara had gotten to him. It had gotten to all of us.


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