Dacia Wolf & the Demon Mark

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Dacia Wolf & the Demon Mark Page 1

by Mandi Oyster

  Book 4

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  Copyright ©2020 by Mandi Oyster

  Cover Illustration by Mandi Oyster

  Typography & formatting by Mandi Oyster

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book is dedicated to everyone who has

  ever called me Queen Mandi the Magnificent.

  You’re all royalty in my eyes.

  Long may we reign!

  Chapter 1

  New Students

  They were in all of my classes. Beautiful and distant. They stood out. My classmates thought they were models. I knew they were other, but what exactly, I couldn’t be sure.

  I’d noticed the first one in the hallway outside my dorm room. She had long blonde hair that fell in waves down her back. People darted down the halls, but she stood absolutely still. Her gaze never left me as I walked to the bathroom. When I finished my shower and stepped back into the hallway, a second one had joined her. Dark lashes framed seafoam green eyes that drew me in and kept me from turning away.

  I ran into another student.

  She stumbled. “Watch where you’re going,” she grumbled.

  I shook my head and stepped back. “I’m so sorry.”

  While my friends and I walked to Mythology class, the others watched me from beneath the trees and on the benches, men and women alike. They gathered together, following behind us.

  When we got to class, Aurelia and Cody sat to either side of me, and Dan and Samantha sat in front of me, blocking me from the others.

  Cassandra Nightshade and Bryce Sumac entered the room hand in hand. Cassandra nodded at me and took the seat next to Samantha.

  My eyebrows pinched together, and I looked from her to Cody. With his jaw clenched, he glared daggers at the two of them. I twined my fingers with his, trying to soothe him. It would be a long time, if ever, until Cody forgave them.

  The beautiful people sat along the aisles and by the exits, effectively blocking my escape. They turned awkwardly in their seats to ogle at me.

  Dr. Cedar walked into the room and came to an abrupt halt. He rubbed his chin while looking at all the extra students. “Anyone not prepared to learn about mythology can leave now.”

  He waited by the door, but nobody budged. I was tempted to get up to see if the beautiful people would follow my lead.

  “Well”—he walked the rest of the way into the room, rubbing his hands together—“if you’re all staying, let’s get started.”

  About halfway through class, Cassandra tossed a folded piece of paper onto my desk. I stared at it. Part of me wanted to know what it said, and the other part wanted to ignore it. Curiosity ended up getting the best of me. I picked it up like it might explode, holding it by the edge. Cody put his hand over mine and shook his head.

  Dropping it, I went back to taking notes, but the paper seemed to call my name. I snatched it up and read it before Cody could stop me.

  What’s with the entourage? And what happened to Damon?

  Seeing his name made my heart clench. My throat felt painfully thick. I pictured Damon’s tousled hair and cocky grin. I remembered his confidence and his humor. Tears pricked my eyes. I held my pen above the sheet, not sure if I should answer. Finally, I settled on:

  I’ve never seen them before. He went home. He won’t be back.

  My hand shook when I wrote the last line. I needed to get over it, but I didn’t know how. I never should have befriended him to begin with. I’d known all along that he was the demon Mavros, but he’d been funny and charming, and even though he’d said I’d never meant anything to him, I felt differently.

  I held the note out, considering crumpling it up, but I tossed it back to her instead.

  When class ended, Cassandra turned and looked at me. “I know there’s more to them.” She pointed at the watchers. “And her”—she nodded at Aurelia—“and Damon. You don’t have to tell me. You don’t have to trust me, but I might be able to help somehow.”

  Shoving my things in my bag, I contemplated ignoring her. I had no idea what to say. She knew about my powers. Like me, she had also been demon-marked. The difference between us was that I could defend myself from the monsters, and she couldn’t. Maybe she deserved a second chance.

  “Thanks. You did help.” I smiled at her and Bryce. “Keeping them from sitting right next to me. Giving me a break.”

  “No problem.” She tossed her ebony hair over her shoulder, grabbed Bryce’s hand, and sashayed out of the room.

  Samantha watched them leave, her mouth slightly open. “What was that about?”

  “I don’t know.” I rubbed my arm, wondering if I’d ever know what was going on.

  The beautiful people loitered in front of the exits, watching me, waiting for me to make my move. Dr. Cedar sat upright at his desk, keeping an eye on everyone in the room. I was sure he could feel the tension. I wondered how he’d react if he knew creatures of legend stood in his room and others walked among us. Would it change the way he thought about his class? Would it change how he taught it?

  Surrounded by my friends, I strolled past the beautiful people. They followed me out of the building, never too far behind. I shoved my hands into my hoodie’s pouch. Even though the sun shone down on us, the mid-October weather was chilly, and the breeze warned of colder days to come.

  Samantha fiddled with her bracelet and with her backpack straps. She cleared her throat like she wanted to say something but didn’t.

  After about the fourth time, Cody said, “What?”

  She looked over her shoulder. “Dan and I need to go to his room, but I don’t know if we should.”

  “You will be fine.” Aurelia waved her arm at our followers. “They will not concern themselves with anyone but Dacia.”

  “Will Dacia be okay?” Dan looked back at the mob trailing behind us. His hazel eyes filled with concern.

  “Yes.” Aurelia’s form rippled, and for an instant, I swore I saw the dragon looking at me.

  Dan and Samantha veered right toward Dracaena Hall. They turned back several times, whether watching to make sure we were okay or to make sure the others weren’t following them I wasn’t sure.

  When we were almost to Wisteria Hall, several of the beautiful people broke off from the group, surrounding the building. As we ascended the stairs, more of them split off on each floor, blocking the exits.

  I wondered if they knew I could turn invisible and walk past them or that I could just teleport out of my room if I wanted.

  They didn’t talk to me, didn’t try to touch me, but they scared me more than I wanted to admit.

  My nightmares hadn’t given me any clues as to who or what caused me to lose control, but somehow these beings had to be involved.

  “Who are they?” I asked Aurelia as soon as Cody shut the door to mine and Samantha’s room. “Why are they here?”

  She tilted her head,
and her long, golden hair fell over her shoulder. “They are Nephilim.” She looked away from me.

  “Why’re they here?” Cody’s posture was rigid, his blue eyes filled with worry.

  Aurelia’s pupils turned to slits. “They have come for Dacia”—her voice was a snarl—“but if they try to take her, they will have to deal with the dragons.”

  Plopping down on the vermillion couch, I pulled my hands through my hair, catching red, curly strands under my fingernails.

  It had been less than a month since I’d sent Mavros back to the Abyss. Even though I’d said my goodbyes to Damon, even though I knew he was a demon, my heart still ached for him. I didn’t know how I’d withstand another trial so soon.

  Fear and despair pulsed through my veins. I wanted a life with Cody. I wanted to be a normal teenager. I wanted peace. Instead, I got Nephilim.

  Aurelia sat beside me, gently rubbing my back. “They are here because they do not know you as I do. They fear your power.”

  I envisioned all of them following me and sitting in the classroom. There had to be at least twenty Nephilim. What could I do against that many people? How could I stand against them? My heart raced, and my body trembled. I clutched my elbows, trying to hide my fear from Cody and Aurelia.

  The terror grew. Clenching my heart. Twisting my gut. I imagined them taking Cody … and Samantha … and then Dan. Overpowering Aurelia. I envisioned using my powers against them and having my magic turn on me.

  The room darkened. Lightning flashed immediately followed by thunder. I jumped, and my heart sprinted.

  “You must regain control, Dacia.” Aurelia clasped my shoulder. “Your powers are too strong to be unharnessed.”

  Cody sat on my other side, pulling me against him. “Little rain never hurt.”

  “No.” I patted Cody’s leg. “But a full-blown storm can.” I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself. The wind gusted. Rain hammered against the windows. I held my head in my hands and focused on my breathing.

  I pictured the mountain lake I’d used to calm myself so many times when I was learning to control my powers, but the details warped until it was a place I’d visited with Damon. Our picnic basket sat on the edge of the trees. I spun in a circle, hoping to see him and terrified that I would.

  Thunder boomed louder than before. I jumped up and paced. My hands shook. I tucked them into my pockets.

  Aurelia grabbed my shoulder, and a soothing burst of energy shot through my body, calming me. The winds died down. The rain slowed, turning to gentle showers before diminishing completely. Within minutes, sunlight brightened the room.

  The door opened, and Samantha and Dan came in. Their clothes were soaked. Water dripped off their hair.

  “We didn’t know it was supposed to rain.” Samantha tossed a towel to Dan and grabbed one for herself.

  “Sorry about that,” I mumbled.

  Dan pulled his shirt off and wrung it out. “What brought that on?” He hung his tee on the side of the sink and continued drying off.

  Samantha stared at him, holding her towel out in front of her. Water puddled on the floor at her feet.

  “Nephilim.” Cody watched me.

  I ducked my head, hoping he didn’t know why I hadn’t been able to control my powers on my own, hoping he couldn’t see my guilt. I had no idea how long Damon’s ghost would haunt me, but Cody deserved better.

  “We—” Samantha cleared her throat, removing the huskiness from it “—need more information than that.”


  The night-darkened forest is the perfect place to find peace. I walk through the trees, letting go of the stress that had tightened my neck and shoulders.

  The evergreens muffle the noise from campus. Wind rustles through the branches, occasionally, moving them enough for a stray moonbeam to caress my face or light the path.

  A twig cracks behind me.

  I turn, searching the trees. Seeing nothing there, I move on. The dorms are in sight. I could teleport closer or even into my room, but I need space. The longer I stay at Phlox University, the smaller my room becomes.

  Another branch snaps.

  Something’s following me.

  Without thinking about it, flames ignite in my palm. Their blue glow lights up the trees surrounding me. I spin around to face my stalker.

  Squinting, I search the trees, knowing that unless it moves, I won’t be able to see it. I slowly turn back, hoping it will show itself.


  I close my hand to extinguish the fire, but the flames spread. Fire dances over my skin, climbing my body.

  I concentrate on the inferno, willing it to die. It blazes higher. Sparks flicker through the sky, carried by the breeze.

  My breathing accelerates. Quick, shallow breaths that make me lightheaded. My heart races. I stumble back. My fingers and toes tingle.

  Pressing my lips together, I try to regulate my breathing. Hoping that with a clear head, I can regain control.

  Staring at the blaze, I imagine it extinguishing. The fire diminishes, and I fold my fingers over the dying flames. That was too close. If I’d have lost control here, the whole forest could have been a raging inferno.

  I press my hand to my chest, trying to slow my heartbeat and steady my breath. I startle at the sudden chill. Pulling my hand back, I stare at it.

  Frost coats my fingertips, spider-webbing out, spreading along my palm and scaling my arm. It crawls up my neck.

  I thrash, fighting against the chill. The ice covers my mouth and nose. Climbing over my eyes, blurring them. I crumple to the ground.

  My lungs burn. I try to crack the ice, but it presses over my lips and scurries down my throat. My vision darkens.

  Someone strides toward me, nudging me with the toe of a boot.

  A twig snaps.

  Chapter 2

  Body Guards

  Friday morning, Aurelia knocked on our door. When I opened it, I waved at the first two Nephilim I’d seen yesterday. They looked at me like I was bubblegum stuck on the bottom of their shoes. Closing the door, I leaned against it. “What do they want with me?”

  Aurelia nodded at my friends. “Mavros manipulated you and wove tall tales about many things, but he did not lie when he said there is more to the prophecy.”

  “Right.” I stood with my hands on my hips. “Are you ready to tell me yet?”

  “I cannot.” Aurelia’s chin lowered to her chest. “The elders have forbidden it until they reach an agreement.”

  I stared up at the ceiling, trying to overcome the anger that built inside of me each time I was told I couldn’t know something about my life. “What are they scared of?”

  Aurelia tilted her head, and I knew she was having a conversation with somebody else. “I am sorry. I cannot answer.” She sat down, looking defeated. “The elders have agreed to send extra protection for you.”

  “What do you mean?” Samantha positioned herself on the couch next to Dan.

  “Some of the dragons that Dacia saved will be here later today to help ensure her safety.”

  “Dragons on campus?” Dan snorted. “Are they going to hide behind the trees? Everyone will see them. How are they gonna help?”

  Aurelia’s lips turned up on one side. “They will be in human form.”

  “You remember she’s a dragon.” Cody stepped behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Won’t be a problem, will they?”

  “Only dragons who have volunteered as her bodyguards will be here.”

  I remembered Acacia’s arrogance even after I’d freed him, the feel of the green dragon’s claws tearing through my muscles, and the rotten-flesh smell of the black dragon’s breath. I rubbed my forehead. “Which ones?”

  Samantha shuddered. Her face was pale, and she looked smaller.
Dan’s hand ran the length of her arm, up and down, but she didn’t seem to notice.

  “I do not know yet.” Aurelia’s golden eyes softened. “Every dragon owes you a debt of gratitude whether they were under Draconian’s spell or not. We were not safe while he existed.”

  The fear in Draconian’s eyes and the feel of the blade plunging into his chest flashed through my memory. Dragons were better off without him, but I hadn’t wanted to kill him. His death was something I would carry with me forever.

  Cody massaged my shoulders. “Time to go.”

  The Nephilim followed me to Scientific Computing. They sat at tables surrounding us in the lunchroom. They stood outside the doors while I was in my Shakespeare class.

  On the way back to my room, the blonde Nephilim walked alongside me. I stepped closer to Aurelia. She grabbed my arm and pulled me behind her, baring her teeth at the intruder.

  The blonde narrowed her sky-blue eyes at Aurelia and backed up. When we got to the dorm, the Nephilim followed the same routine as they had yesterday, blocking all the exits.

  I stepped into my room and slumped against the wall, pulling a trembling hand through my hair. “I can’t do this.”

  “They are here,” Aurelia said as soon as she closed the door. “Shall we go meet them?”

  Cody looked over the back of the couch at us. “Where?”

  “In the mountains.” Aurelia lowered her eyes. “Where Dacia freed them.”

  “No.” I shook my head, backing away from her. Unless creatures had eaten it, Draconian’s headless body would still be decomposing there.

  “They are waiting for us.” Aurelia reached for my hand. “It is far enough away that the Nephilim will not find you.”

  Cody jumped off the couch and stood between us. “She said no.”


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