Dacia Wolf & the Demon Mark

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Dacia Wolf & the Demon Mark Page 7

by Mandi Oyster

  My master knows. I can’t keep fighting. Do something! The muscles tighten in his neck and jaw. His hands clench and unclench. He roars and slashes his hand across my chest.

  Blood wells up, cresting before spilling over the edges of the cuts. Searing pain rips a scream from my throat.

  Mavros presses his palm to my chest and pulls me against him with his other hand.

  My body is limp in his arms. The pain is dragged from my wounds into Mavros’ fingers. As he draws the poison out and heals the slashes, he mumbles over and over again, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to do this.”

  I stare at him, unable to comprehend why he’s healing me, why he says he doesn’t want to attack me, why he’s helping.

  Why won’t you use your powers against me?

  “I can’t.” My voice was weak even though he’d healed my wounds. “Nothing happens.” As soon as the words are out, I regret saying them. Somehow, he’ll use the information against me.

  Try! He sounds desperate. I can’t fight much longer.

  I call on my powers. Ice begins to spread from my fingertips along the back of my hand and up my arm. Tears wet my eyes as a lightness settles over me.

  Use it, Dacia. There’s an urgency to his voice that startles me. Hit me in the chest.

  I reach out, and flames spring up where the ice had been. It dances across my skin, flaring up as it climbs higher.

  Mavros stares at me as I fight my own magic. Someone else is controlling it. How?

  The flames leap onto my neck. I lean my head back, delaying the inevitable. The fire ascends, blocking my nose and mouth, stealing my oxygen. I gasp, sucking in flames. They burn my throat and lungs.

  I popped up, wheezing for air. It took several breaths before my lungs accepted any oxygen into them.

  Cody sat propped up beside me, rubbing my arm. When my breathing regulated, he said, “You okay?”

  I nodded.

  “Bloody.” He pointed at me. “Shirt’s shredded.”

  I went to the sink. While it filled, I grabbed a washrag and towel. Then I slipped my shirt off and washed away the blood. Wrapping the towel around my body, I went to the closet and got a new shirt. I knew Cody and most likely a dragon or two were watching me, but I didn’t have the energy to care. I let the towel fall to the floor and pulled the shirt over my head as I went back to the couch.

  Cody slid against the back, making room for me. “Wanna talk?”

  I lay down beside him, pressed my hand to my neck, willing him to understand that I couldn’t, and shook my head. My throat ached like flames still smoldered in it.

  Cody traced circles on my arm until he fell asleep.


  Cody’s body was warm. I pulled myself against him, snuggling closer. I wasn’t ready to open my eyes and face a new day. Whoever controlled Mavros had no qualms with sending him after me in highly populated areas, so the only safe places were mine and Cody’s rooms. They’d both been blessed to keep Mavros out.

  The dragons hadn’t been too pleased with me when I’d returned with Cody last night. I’d refused to tell them where I’d taken him. Sometimes we needed privacy, and they needed to realize that whether it thrilled them or not.

  I sensed Samantha, Dan, and Russ a moment before the door opened. Samantha looked terrific. Without my nightmares keeping her up all hours of the night, she was probably getting way more sleep than she had since becoming my roommate. When we’d first met, her hair had fallen just below her shoulders. It now went to the middle of her back. She’d curled the ends this morning and had makeup on, so I knew she had plans.

  “Hey, guys.” I sat up. “What’s going on?”

  Russ waved from the hallway as Dan shut the door.

  “We were thinking Althea for lunch.” Samantha waited for Dan to sit in Big Bird, then positioned herself on his lap. “Then the homecoming game.”

  Cody grabbed his shirt from last night off the back of the couch and pulled it on. “Have fun.”

  “You’re … you’re not coming?” Samantha’s shoulders slumped, and she looked down at the lavender carpet. “We never hang out anymore.”

  I massaged my temples. “It’s not that I don’t want to.”

  “Then what?” Dan asked.

  I walked to the window and looked outside. The sky was bright blue with white puffy clouds dotting it. “Whoever is controlling Mavros doesn’t seem to care about collateral damage. I can’t be responsible for that many people.”

  “How ‘bout lunch?” Cody stood behind me, rubbing my shoulders. “We’ll have guards.”

  I nodded. “Sure.”

  “Lunch is better than nothing.” Samantha bounced up, and I couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm. I had missed seeing so much of them, but I’d assumed they were enjoying time alone together.

  I gathered my clothes and gave Cody a quick peck on the cheek. “Be careful.” Malcolm and Cash met me in the hallway. The Nephilim watched us walk to the bathroom, and I wondered if they ever slept.

  As soon as I got back from my shower, Samantha walked over to me and held my wrist. “I noticed the pajamas in the trash.” She flicked a glance at them. “How bad have your dreams been?”

  I tried to smile at her. “That’s the first injury I’ve had this time around.” I tugged my hand through my hair. “Mostly they’ve just been me losing control of my powers and doing myself in.”

  “So”—Dan waved his hand toward the trash can—“what kind of monster is it this time? Should we be staying here, or are we safe with Russ and Arianna watching us?”

  “Yeah, spill.” Cody sat on the couch and patted the seat next to him. “I wanna know why you were healed when you woke up.” He was wearing jeans and a Phlox Phoenixes sweatshirt.

  “You don’t know?” Samantha’s eyebrows lifted.

  I pulled my hand through my wet hair, then fluffed it up so I wouldn’t end up with ringlets when it finally dried. “I couldn’t talk last night. My fire burned my throat.”

  “What else?” Cody stretched his legs out in front of him.

  I sat next to him and leaned forward, holding my head in my hands. They weren’t going to like what I had to say. They would think I was falling for Mavros’ lies again, that he had me under some sort of spell.

  Looking up, I gazed into each of their eyes for a moment before moving to the next, soft brown eyes, hazel eyes that were mostly green today, and finally, blue eyes that meant everything to me. “I don’t want to fight. I don’t want a lecture.” I squeezed Cody’s leg. “Mavros attacked me. Then he healed me. I don’t know why, but I believe he didn’t want to hurt me in the first place.”

  Cody’s body tensed. His jaw clenched, and I knew he wanted to argue about Mavros’ intentions.

  “He told me to fight him off.” I fiddled with my hoodie’s strings, not wanting to see their disbelief, not willing to believe I was falling for Mavros’ lies again. “When I tried, my ice turned to fire and then turned on me.”

  Samantha looked at Dan and Cody, then stared at me. “Don’t you see?” She threw her hands up to emphasize the last word. “It’s him. He’s playing games with you again.”

  I bit the inside of my cheek to corral the words in my mouth. I needed to think about what to say and how to say it. Impulsiveness would just cause a rift.

  “She doesn’t.” Cody’s voice was pain-filled. “With him, she can’t see reason.”

  My face felt hot and tingly. I dropped my chin to my chest. “I don’t know. Maybe you’re right.” The words left behind a thickness in my throat that I couldn’t swallow. “He toyed with me before.” I crumpled against the back of the couch. “Maybe this is a game to him.”

  Dan blew out a breath. “It could be, but … someone else is involved. Somebody brought him here.” He sh
ivered. “Whoever that is, they’re the real threat.”

  “Do you have any ideas?” Samantha seemed to deflate.

  I stared at the ceiling. “I don’t think it would be the Nephilim. If they’re good”—I used air quotes around the word—“it doesn’t seem like something they’d do. Nobody else has shown themselves.” I pulled my lip into my mouth, trying to think if there had been any clues. “Malcolm said it would have to be somebody pretty powerful.”

  My muscles relaxed, and a sense of tranquility washed over me. A knock on the door made me realize why I suddenly felt so calm. Aurelia was here. I got up and let her in.

  She stood by the door, gazing over my shoulder instead of at me. “I am sorry that you felt I abandoned you. Sometimes I forget that emotions can replace instinct and knowledge.” She finally looked into my eyes, and I saw regret in hers. “Even though I live among you, I do not always understand how my actions will be perceived.”

  “It’s okay.” I clutched my elbows. “I should’ve known better.” I turned to go back to the couch. When she didn’t immediately follow, I glanced at her over my shoulder. “Do you wanna come in and sit down?”

  “Yes.” She sat in Cookie Monster and nodded at the others. “Malcolm relayed everything that has been going on here. I have to go back to the Nephilim soon, but I talked to him about training with you. I would like him to work with you on regaining your powers when someone else takes control of them.”

  I nodded. “That’d be good.”

  “Who’s doing it?” Cody asked.

  Aurelia didn’t miss a beat. “My first impulse is Mavros.”

  Without meaning to, I rolled my eyes. I hoped nobody noticed. I didn’t want to argue, but I didn’t agree.

  “However, I believe it goes deeper than that.” She picked at a string hanging off the chair. “We need to figure out who is controlling him and what they want with Dacia.”


  Aurelia went with us to Althea. I was sure the other dragons came along, but I didn’t see them. We went to The Avalanche. After ordering, Aurelia said, “The Nephilim may be willing to back off. I just have to prove to them that you are incorruptible.”

  I set my drink down and laughed. “How can you prove that?”

  “They have been looking through my memories.” She tapped her head.

  “Do they know you’re here with me?”

  The waitress brought our food. My appetite had been slowly returning, and the smell of my burger made my stomach rumble. I took a big bite of it, and Cody smiled at me.

  “Yes, they are aware.” She sliced her nearly raw steak and held it in front of her mouth. “When I return, they will sort through my memories and make sure they match up with what they were before. They will also check my new memories.”

  Samantha stabbed her salad. “How long will you be with them before they decide to leave her alone?”

  “I hope it will not take too much longer.” She wiped her mouth with her napkin. “I believe I am getting through to them. The Nephilim that have been on campus watching Dacia have reported that she shows no outward signs of corruption. However, they also told them that she refuses to accept their offer of sanctuary.” She focused on me. “They do not understand why you feel like they are trying to cage you. They believe they are offering you freedom and a second chance.”

  Knowing this memory would be shown to the Nephilim, I tried to figure out what to say to convey how I felt. “If they weren’t free to come and go as they please, they would probably feel differently about it.” I dragged my fries through mustard and shoved them into my mouth. I wanted to tell her how stupid they were for believing that, but I also wanted them to go away soon.

  “I will be leaving tomorrow morning.” She soaked a piece of bread in the blood on her plate. “While I am gone, let Malcolm know anything you would normally tell me. He will relay it to me.” She shoved the bread into her mouth, and I had to look away.

  “You can’t talk to her”—Dan pointed at me with the onion rings in his hands—“but can’t you talk to us?”

  “I can project my thoughts to you, but you cannot communicate with me.”

  Cody put his Philly down and wiped his hands off. “Phones?” He took a drink of his pop.

  “Technology does not work inside the Nephilim’s safe havens.” She smiled at Cody like he should’ve known that.

  “Well, that makes it even worse.” I leaned back in my chair. “They want to trap me, keep me away from my friends and family, and there isn’t even a way to contact them.”

  “In their defense, your family and friends would be allowed in to see you,” Aurelia said.

  I shook my head. “My parents would never understand why I wouldn’t visit them.” I folded my arms over my chest. “They’re in denial about my powers. They’d never believe in dragons, demons, or Nephilim. They wouldn’t get it.”

  “I know, Dacia.” Aurelia tossed her napkin onto her plate. “I am doing my best to convince them to back off. The dragons believe you should be free to make your own choices and to live your life however you choose.” She placed her hand on mine. “I know that it will be with honor and dignity.”

  Chapter 11


  Malcolm knocked on my door early Sunday morning. Even though I had been awake for quite some time, I wasn’t ready to get up. I kissed Cody on the forehead, slipped out of his embrace, and went to the door. “Give me ten minutes.”

  I pulled my hair into a ponytail, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. As I stepped into the hallway, Cody said, “Be careful.”

  Malcolm and I walked past Diana and the dark-haired Nephilim. I wondered what her name was, but hopefully, I wouldn’t see her for much longer. They followed behind us as we walked to Cacomistle Hall. The morning was brisk. Tiny snowflakes floated through the air, melting as soon as they touched our skin.

  “Winter will be here soon.” Malcolm lifted his head and sniffed.

  I nodded. Already the nearby mountain peaks were more snow-covered. “I hope this is over before it comes.”

  “As do I,” he said. “I would like to be back in the warmth of my cave before winter, but I will stay as long as I am needed.”

  I touched his forearm. “Thank you for that.”

  The stone building loomed up in front of us surrounded by towering trees and boulder-strewn landscapes. We stepped inside. A fire roared in the massive stone hearth. Alicia’s desk sat empty, so we climbed the open staircase to Sarah’s office.

  Malcolm knocked on the door.

  “Come in,” Sarah responded.

  We entered the room, and she stepped forward, holding her hand out to Malcolm. “I’m Sarah Aspen. Aurelia has told me all about you and your plans to help Dacia.” She pulled me into a motherly hug.

  “Hello, Sarah,” I said as I stepped out of her embrace.

  She smiled at me. “It’s good to see you. Aurelia stopped by this morning and told me about everything that’s going on. Please keep me informed if you can.”

  “I’m sorry.” I lowered my head. “I should’ve.”

  Patting my shoulder, she said, “You are free to use one of the rooms downstairs or this space. I will not interfere.”

  “Thank you.” Malcolm bowed his head. “We will stay here this morning.”

  “Make yourself comfortable. Stay as long as you need.” She walked off. “I’ll be in my office.”

  Malcolm waved at the couches. “Have a seat.”

  “Okay.” Butterflies erupted into flight in my stomach. Their wings fluttered against my belly. “Then what?”

  He breathed in through his mouth and closed his eyes. “Sometimes your emotions are overwhelming.” He rubbed his hand down his face. “You need to trust me for this to have a chance to work.”

  “I do.”
  He shook his head. “Not like you trust Aurelia. If you did, you would’ve told me about your dreams. You would’ve let me know you suspected Mavros was here.”

  I looked down at my hands in my lap. Shame flared through me.

  “Part of you still fears me, and part of me revels in that.”

  I jerked my head back, surprised that he’d admit that.

  “I told you. I’m a dragon.” He leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. “I made a promise to Aurelia to help you, so I will let you read my aura. Hopefully, you will see that I am trustworthy.”

  I nodded and gazed into his bronze eyes. His dragon stared back at me. His memories flashed through my mind. I saw him guarding Cody and felt his desire to tear him to pieces. I watched as Draconian commanded him and felt Malcolm’s hatred toward humans increase with every order. I saw him slash blindly at my back, watched his claws tears through my flesh, and witnessed him hungrily lick each drop of my blood off his talons. Then I saw him flying through the air, fighting Aurelia. He hated himself for each wound he inflicted upon her. I called out his name, and relief flooded through him when I released him from Draconian’s clutches.

  Leaning back, his gratitude, loyalty, and pride washed over me. I smiled at him. “Those weren’t the best memories, but I believe you are trustworthy.”

  He bowed his head. “Know this. I will do everything in my power to keep you from harm. I swore to protect you, and I will put your life before my own.”

  I pressed my hand to my chest. “Why?”

  “You did not have to free us. You could have taken control of us and used us for yourself.” His eyes flashed, and I wondered how any of the dragons could stand to be around me with that fear dangling over their heads. “Even so, it will not be easy for you to sit there and let me take your powers away.”

  A shiver of dread clawed up my spine. Draconian and Mavros had both taken my powers away, and though Malcolm meant me no harm, it would not be easy to allow it to happen.


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