Fairy Tales Retold

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Fairy Tales Retold Page 3

by Jamie Campbell

  I wriggled my toes, trying to keep them from going inside the slipper. I writhed and twisted, doing everything to ensure it was obviously not a good fit. Unfortunately, the more I struggled, the more Mother tried.

  Suddenly, the fine threads holding the slipper together tore apart. The entire shoe fell into pieces. All she was left holding were rags of material.

  “Oh, I am terribly sorry.” Mother stood and handed back the few remnants. “I guess it wasn’t of good quality.”

  The prince looked at what was now just a bundle of rags. I looked at my poor foot that was covered in red scratches from the attack. He was momentarily speechless before recovering. Undeterred, he continued like nothing had happened.

  “There are no other ladies in the house?” He looked around, like one could just spring out of nowhere.

  For just a moment, I was about to tell him about Cinderella. After all, I knew it was her slipper he clutched so tightly. But then I remembered how awful he had been to me and how effortlessly he had humiliated me in front of the entire kingdom.

  I didn’t want Cinderella to be with such a man. She deserved better, she deserved a kind and gentle man. Not one who would so easily hurt another.

  Plus, she had run away from the ball as fast as her legs could take her. What had the prince done to elicit such a horrifying reaction? Whatever he did to her, he would not do again, I would make certain of it.

  If mother found out Cinderella was the owner of the slipper, she would force them together to save our family. The prince would be able to give us plenty of money to ensure our survival. But she would be nothing more than a sacrificial lamb. It would be far better for Cinderella and the rest of us to be poor than a miserable princess. I couldn’t do it to her.

  “That’s all of us,” I replied when no-one else was willing to.

  The prince and his valet wished us a good morning and left us in peace. I breathed a sigh of relief, he wasn’t going to get his hands on my step-sister. I had saved her from a life of unhappiness.

  Mother dismissed us angrily, apparently upset that we weren’t the ones who stole the prince’s heart. It only solidified my resolve that I had done the right thing. Cinderella deserved to find the true owner of her heart, not be forced into a marriage of convenience.

  After having some breakfast, I returned to my room. The rain was starting to drizzle outside, cancelling any of my plans to sneak away and do something interesting for a change. I picked up my needlework and got to sewing, thinking how pleased Mother would be.

  During the mid-morning, the door to my chamber opened. Cinderella stepped through.

  “Good morning, step-sister,” I greeted her. She let the few logs she was holding fall into my fireplace before sitting in the chair across from me.

  “Did you have a nice time at the ball last night?” She asked. I wanted to be snarky and tell her exactly what I thought of the ball, but for once she was being nice to me so I decided against it. Perhaps she had not recognized me as the woman the prince had tortured before running to her.

  “It was fine. Did you?”

  Cinderella gasped, obviously I wasn’t supposed to know she was there. So she had snuck out to go, I don’t know why she bothered. Mother told her she could go.

  “I wasn’t at the ball,” she lied.

  “You and I both know you were. You danced with the Prince and then lost your slipper when you ran away.”

  Her eyes grew wide, it kind of made me happy to know I had caught her in a lie. Apparently I was the all seeing step-sister.

  “It’s okay, I’m not going to tell anyone,” I assured her. She visibly relaxed into her seat. “But why did you run away like that? Did the prince do something awful?”

  I completely expected to hear some horrendous tale of how Prince Charming had been anything but. So what I heard next took me completely by surprise.

  “Something awful? No, he could never do that. I love Prince Charming, he makes my tummy flutter and it’s like I can’t even breathe when I think of how wonderful he is,” she gushed, I wanted to vomit.

  “So why did you run away then?”

  “I had to, it’s a long story.” She shook her head and clamed up. I didn’t really need to hear the explanation, I didn’t want to be pulled into her dramas. I had enough of my own.

  “Do you really love the prince?” I asked, obviously missing some quality in him that only she saw.

  Her face was a picture of happiness with the memory of him. I felt a pang of jealousy at seeing her so happy from just a thought. “I love him with my entire heart. I never thought I could feel this way but when I’m with him it’s like nothing else matters.”

  “Prince Charming? We are talking about the same guy, right?”

  She nodded. “One and the same. But it doesn’t matter, it’s not like I can ever be with him. I’m sure he found many other girls after I left.”

  A noisy debate raged inside my head. I had the power to unite Cinderella with Prince Charming, all I had to do was tell her of his visit earlier that morning. I was the only one in the world that knew about them, the decision was purely mine.

  I wanted to protect my step-sister, I truly believed that Prince Charming was arrogant and couldn’t love anyone more than himself. But perhaps I was wrong? Maybe it was just me that found him to be so. By trying to protect her, was I just denying her the happiness she deserved?

  Did she deserve it? She had never gone out of her way to be kind to me, but perhaps I could have done more too.

  In so many ways, Cinderella was just as arrogant and sulky as the prince. Perhaps they deserved each other, making a perfect couple. All I knew was that it shouldn’t be up to me. I shouldn’t be the one deciding on two people’s future happiness. It was time I lifted my burden.

  “He didn’t find anyone else after you left the ball,” I said evenly, trying to keep my own emotions out of it. “Prince Charming loves you too. He kept your slipper and has been trying to find you all morning.”

  “Seriously?” She watched me nod in confirmation. She sat up straighter in her chair, I could practically hear her fastened heartbeat. “What should I do?”

  I wanted to tell her to forget about him, but I kept my tongue. Instead, I decided to do the right thing – again. “If we leave now, we can probably find him before nightfall.”

  “You’d do that for me?” She clutched my arm with both of her hands. I couldn’t back out now.

  “Gather your things, let’s go get a Prince.”

  She grinned from ear to ear as she rushed away. I rolled my eyes, I hadn’t seen anyone that happy since my mother’s wedding day.


  “We’re going into town, Mother, we won’t be long,” I said quickly as Cinderella and I crossed the foyer. We moved so swiftly she didn’t get a chance to stop us. If she knew what we were up to, she would only ruin everything.

  Angus took us directly to the palace with haste. Adrenaline coursed through our blood, we had to get to the prince before he found another. He didn’t have the slipper anymore, Mother had seen to that, but any number of ladies could have come forward and pretended they were Cinderella. The poor fool would probably fall for their ruse.

  The coach pulled up outside the castle and Cinderella bustled out as Angus opened the door. She turned to face me.

  “Are you coming?”

  I shook my head, if I went too I would probably end up kicking the prince where it would really hurt. “No, you go. Good luck.”

  She smiled before she turned and hurried away, holding her skirts so she didn’t trip over them. I stayed in the coach, I had a good view of the castle foyer and I didn’t have to stand around awkwardly as the third wheel.

  Through the doorway, I could see Prince Charming as he spoke with my step-sister. Her hands waved around as she explained herself. Finally, she pulled her slipper from her purse. The prince took it from her, examining it in detail. It matched the one he had – at least before it fell into pieces anyway. />
  All of a sudden, Prince Charming wrapped Cinderella in his arms. They kissed more passionately than was polite in public. I couldn’t help but allow my lips to turn into a smile. They did make a good couple, even I had to admit it.

  “Love is wonderful, isn’t it?” Angus commented, watching from the side of the coach. I had forgotten he was there, I was too caught up in the show.

  “It certainly is,” I replied.

  “Do you think they’ll marry?”

  “I’m sure of it.”

  “Lady Anna, there is something I need to tell you,” he started. I turned to face him, curious at his serious tone of voice. I didn’t think I could take any more drama for one day.

  “Then please do, Angus, you can tell me anything.”

  “It’s just that, well, you see…”

  “See what?”

  He took a deep breath as he hesitated. “I love you, I have ever since I first saw you. You are truly the most beautiful, wonderful, extraordinary woman I have ever met.”

  I was struck dumbfounded. Had he really spoken those words to me? About me? Nobody had ever attributed those words to me before, only him. My heart soared but not because of his compliments. My heart soared because I had only ever dreamed of him returning my feelings before. I had fallen in love with him when he arrived at our house for employment, I had just never dreamed he could love me back.

  “I’m sorry if I have overstepped my boundaries, Lady Anna, please forgive me.” He turned to leave, but I grabbed his arm so he couldn’t. I leapt out of the coach, falling right into his arms.

  The kiss we shared was a thousand times more passionate than between Cinderella and Prince Charming. It was like fireworks had exploded over our heads, illuminating the kingdom for all to see.

  When Angus looked at me, I felt more beautiful in that moment than in my entire life combined. It was magical, wondrous, spectacular. I never wanted to forget that feeling, it was the best gift he could have ever given me.

  “Run away with me,” Angus said. I stood in his arms, never wanting to leave them. I knew just as much as he did that if we returned home, Mother would never allow us to be together. She would send him away and I would never see him again. Instead, I would be forced to marry someone else for convenience. I couldn’t live like that, not when I felt alive for the first time in a very long time.

  “It would be my pleasure to run away with you,” I replied, truly meaning it. Mother would be fine, she would have a true princess in the family with Cinderella. Zelly would marry soon too, it would only be a matter of time. They didn’t need me any longer, I was free.

  Angus jumped up on the driver’s platform of the coach, picking up the reigns to begin our journey. “You’d better get back inside if you wish me to steal you away.”

  I looked at him, my heart leaping with joy, then I looked inside the coach. I knew where my place was and it wasn’t inside. Instead, I climbed up on the platform with him.

  He laughed at my effort and the clumsy way I climbed in my dress. It wasn’t made for such daring activities. “Surely you would be more comfortable inside the coach?”

  I laughed, feeling giddy with the excitement. “I belong right here, next to you. I will never leave your side.”

  Angus put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. He held me there while he used his other hand to guide the horses along the cobblestone street. I put my head on his shoulder, feeling more happy and loved than I had ever felt before.

  We rode out of town that day and never returned. I sent my family a letter explaining everything and why I made the decision I did. I didn’t leave a reply address so I don’t know if they ever fully understood my actions.

  Angus and I found a little cottage to live in after we married in a tiny chapel at midnight. We had four children, each one as happy and chubby as the next. I never had to spend another second worrying about finding a husband that would love me, I knew I had found him already.

  I heard Cinderella went on to marry Prince Charming, just like I had predicted. I was happy for her, I only hoped she had found the kind of happiness her father had shared with my mother. Everyone in the world deserves to find that kind of love.

  Zelly found a wonderful Lord soon after. They met at the royal wedding and instantly fell in love. She was the last sister to marry but I’m sure her marriage celebrations would have rivaled our step-sisters. I plan to reunite with her soon so our children can play together and get to know their cousins.

  Mother never remarried, her heart too broken by Cinderella’s father. Her grandchildren keep her very busy and I’ve heard she spends much time at the palace annoying all the ladies-in-waiting. She’s probably trying to find them all a husband.

  So that was my story, I know Cinderella would tell it differently. She always was a drama queen that liked to be the hero in her own tales. But everything I have spoken was the truth, believe what you will.

  And whatever you do, I hope you have a happily ever after, I know I did.

  The End



  My life was pretty good in the palace. I was largely feared by most of the townspeople and distrusted by many within the palace walls. It never worried me, somehow it gave me a sense of power. Like if I just looked at the people, they would do as I told them to. They didn’t have to know I was harmless.

  They called me a witch, both to my face and behind my back. It didn’t worry me though. If I wasn’t a witch, I wouldn’t have been allowed to stay in the palace. I wouldn’t have had my job and I enjoyed being an advisor to the king and queen. They trusted me and that was all that mattered.

  Although, being in the palace seemed like it was starting to be a dangerous thing. There had been rumors about an invasion for some time. The king had asked me if there was anything I could do to keep the people safe. Could I cast an enchantment spell or something? I tried to. I really did. But just because my mother was a powerful witch, it didn’t mean that I was too.

  I spent months trying to work out the spell books. I tried to cast spells that would make the palace invisible to its enemies, a spell to put a protective barrier around the walls, and even one to make everyone invincible. Nothing had worked. I was a failure but the king and queen only thanked me for trying.

  They were kind like that, the king and queen. They kept me on as the official Royal Witch even when they knew I didn’t have any powers. They never told anyone else either, they kept my secret. So when people still feared me in the town, it made me smile. I was just like them and they didn’t even know it.

  I was thinking about their generosity when I crawled into bed that night. There had been demands on my powers by the Head Guard at the meeting earlier. He thought I should be doing more as the enemy were getting closer. An attack was imminent, it could only be days away.

  Snuggling into my bed, I prayed for the army of knights heading our way to turn back. The king and queen didn’t deserve anything bad to happen to them. They were too kind to suffer.

  Just when my eyes were closed, a sharp knocking sounded on my door. I was never called upon in the night, not when I was virtually powerless to do anything. I pulled on my robe and swiftly answered, holding my breath for fear of what might have happened.

  The queen stood there, holding her baby daughter in her arms. The infant was asleep, her little eyelids closed. I curtsied politely.

  “Your Majesty, what is it?” I asked, unable to even comprehend what had brought her to my door in the middle of the night.

  “You have to leave, the attackers are almost here. We have mere hours before they arrive,” she said quickly, fear dripping from each word.

  “I can’t leave you, I’m staying. I might be able to help.”

  She shook her head, her red hair coming loose from her long braid. “No, you don’t understand. You have to take Rapunzel away from here. You need to take her somewhere safe until it is over. The people will need their princess, she can’t stay.�

  I looked at the baby, only a few months old. She was the only child the queen had delivered, even though they had been married for close to five years. There would be no other children after Rapunzel, of that I was certain.

  “Why me? Why not her nurse?” I asked, refusing to accept the child into my arms. I didn’t know the first thing about looking after a baby.

  “Because they won’t be able to protect her like you can. I trust you, Thalia, please. There is no time to debate this. You must take Rapunzel and not return until it is safe. I will give you a signal.” Her eyes pleaded with me, far more than her words could.

  I nodded my head slowly, barely believing what I was agreeing to. All I knew was that the king and queen had been more than kind to me, I owed them. I would do as they requested.

  “I will take her and look after her just as you would. I promise you, my queen.” I curtsied again as she managed a smile.

  There was no time to gather many things. I quickly dressed in clothes that I could travel in. I put on my sturdiest boots and heaviest cloak. The queen made sure I took food with me, along with everything I would need for Rapunzel’s needs.

  Finally, she handed over the infant. Her hair as red as her mother’s. With the baby in my arms and my bag over my back, I left the palace walls. I took one last look at the king and queen as they waved me farewell. I hoped I would see them again soon.


  That night, I found an abandoned tower deep in the woods. It was surrounded by the tallest of trees and looked so unkempt that I was certain it hadn’t had an owner for many, many years.

  Inside it was almost empty except for one room right at the very top. I guessed the tower was once used as a lookout, perhaps to search for any approaching enemies. I had to climb an old rope ladder just to reach the top. But once I was there, I was able to pull up the ladder and ensure nobody else could follow us up. I felt safe there, certain I could protect the princess there.


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