Captive Monster: Blood Moon Academy Book 1

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Captive Monster: Blood Moon Academy Book 1 Page 7

by Demi Dumond

  “I wanted to thank you,” I said. “And ask you what the hell is the deal with this prophecy everybody’s talking about since nobody will actually explain it to me.” I decided to go for broke and try to figure out what the fuck was going on here once and for all. The one thing I knew about Malachai, he didn’t like me enough to sugar coat it. The truth was all I wanted right now.

  He inclined his head toward the forest. "Not here. Too many people around. Let’s take a walk."

  My mind went to all kinds of sexy scenarios at the thought of going to the academy makeout spot with Malachai, but he said he wanted to talk. I nodded and followed him and before long we had fallen into a comfortable stride, leaving behind the idle chatter and background noise of the courtyard.

  Once we were on a path and into the trees and away from all of the stares, I felt more at ease.

  Malachai led me down the nearest dirt path and to the right, deeper into the woods. Soon, we came across another stone bench. We sat.

  The afternoon was pleasant. A soothing afternoon breeze drifted through the trees and birds sang nearby.

  “Let’s start with why you helped me,” I said, trying to get the conversation off to a good start. “Thank you for that.”

  His expression turned serious as his golden eyes fixed on me. “It’s just that I felt a connection between the two of us earlier.”

  It was the last thing I expected him to say. I felt a connection too. I wanted to jump on his angelic ass. But I wasn’t sure that was what he was talking about, so I nodded, hoping he would continue.

  Keira, you're having a conversation with the super-hot fallen angel who might eventually get to his point. Don’t embarrass yourself.

  “The thing is, I’m not an angel, I’m a fallen angel. I’m not a good person, Keira. I’m no good for you. I only helped you because I want anarchy. I want out of this place.”

  Talk about passive aggressive. I scooted away from him on the bench. “I assure you that I can figure out what kind of person I do and do not deserve.” Who did he think he was?

  That’s when I remembered that I really needed to know what the hell this whole prophecy thing was about so that I didn’t get my ass kicked again. I decided to ignore what he said for now.

  ”Look, all I’m asking for is more information on this stupid prophecy everybody thinks I’m involved in.”

  He exhaled. “Well, I’m not quite sure how the prophecy got started. It’s just sort of out there. We students assumed the whole thing was a prank started by the teachers, you know, to screw with us. But lately things have gotten more serious. An attack here, a sighting there. And before, stuff like that never happened. But the rumor is that the prophecy is written down somewhere, probably the Administrative Records Room.”

  “What does any of that have to do with me?” I asked.

  “Well, the prophecy said that the dark one who comes on the waxing blood moon during an earthquake will draw out the monsters. That’s what’s got people freaked out. Fear.”

  “People think I’m this dark one. I don’t even have magic.”

  “Like I said,” Malachai said, his handsome face curling up into a smile. “I want out. And if monsters and anarchy is the way to do it, then I’m in.”

  “Nice,” I said. “Everybody here hates me over a stupid coincidence. Got it. Thanks for nothing,” I said. “That literally clears nothing up.”

  I got up and ended the conversation with a glare and turned to head back out toward the academy when I heard a scream. It sounded from somewhere deeper in the forest than where we were, and it made the hair all over my body stand on end.

  I stopped dead in my tracks. My heart raced in fear. I inclined my head toward the direction of the noise.

  Malachai got up silently and pulled a dagger out from under his clothes which then burst into flame. I mouthed what the hell to him. I had no idea that he was armed.

  He simply put a finger over those luscious lips to quiet me. I hated how much I was still attracted to him. The gesture was completely unnecessary, as I was frozen in fear and trying very hard to listen so I could figure out what the hell was going on.

  The scream had been close, and I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. That’s when I noticed it. The wind was no longer whistling through the trees and none of the birds were singing.

  If anything, the silence was even worse than the scream. Scratch that, the minute I thought it, another blood curdling scream pierced the air, closer this time. And it was worse than the silence.

  That’s when I felt it. The ground, it was rumbling and shaking in a rhythm. A rhythm like giant, heavy footsteps. What the actual fuck? I glanced at Malachai, not even trying to hide the terror I was feeling. My mind was screaming at me to run, but my feet remained glued to the forest floor.

  That’s when a student went sprinting by us. His face was blackened with dirt or soot, and he had a pronounced limp. His clothes were ripped and torn, and the back of his blazer was on fire. Despite it all, he was screaming and running at a pretty fast clip.

  And then the student passed Malachai and I. I screamed as he went by, as if that would help. He was obviously running from something. I should have been running too, but I had seen the crazed, terror-filled look in his eyes and I still couldn’t move.

  Screams erupted in the courtyard as the injured student broke free of the forest and headed for the academy.

  “We have to go now,” Malachai shouted as he grabbed me by the hand and pulled me with him out of the forest. We ran faster and faster, feeling the rumbling of the ground intensify.

  As we reached the statue in the middle of the courtyard, we saw that it was already empty of students. They had all retreated inside the building. Smart. That’s when I realized that the rumble behind us had subsided.

  I decided to chance a look back at the forest. I couldn’t help it. It probably wasn’t a good idea. Maybe the glance would show me the fear was all in my head, but then how did that other student get hurt? Maybe he tried a spell that went wrong.

  I turned my gaze to the forest, and my heart pounded like I was throwing the closet door open in the middle of the night to reveal the monster there or checking under the bed with a flashlight.

  I couldn’t be sure, but what I saw there were two yellow glowing orbs almost as high as the tree line. I squinted to get a better look, but then the orbs were gone altogether, leaving me to wonder if the whole thing was just my imagination.

  I knew full well that this incident would provoke more hatred for me, even though it was just another coincidence. Drawing out the monsters or whatever.

  Malachai shot me a look as we headed back toward the academy.

  “Whatever you’re thinking,” I said, “this proves nothing.”



  As soon as I turned back around, the Headmaster was outside, shouting at us that everybody was required to go back to their rooms immediately.

  He watched, sending daggers through his eyes at me as Malachai and I made our way inside of building.

  Once inside, the halls were deserted as I made my way quickly to my room.

  My heart was still racing when I got inside and threw myself heavily on the couch in the sitting room. I guess I was desperate for someone to talk to because I knocked on Ivy’s door but there was no answer.

  Either she was in there and ignoring me or she had decided to shelter with Rafe. With all of the weirdness of today, I wouldn’t blame her one bit.

  Once I realized I was alone, I had time to reflect on the events of the day. That was a terrible idea.

  I decided to study instead. Of all the threats I endured today, the only one I could actually do anything about was Professor Smythe’s.

  He sounded pretty serious about how hard his class was, and I was going to have to do anything I could to keep on his good side, if that was even possible. Or he might send more magical mobs after me.

  I grabbed the Supernatural Creatures book out of my room and
went back to the couch. As a newbie in the world of magic, I found the subject of Supernatural Creatures fascinating. I lounged back onto the surprisingly comfy couch cushion and put my feet up on the table.

  I opened the book. There was an index. I skimmed it: Angels: Light, Fallen, Sexual. Yes, please.

  I squirmed further into the couch. This was going to be a fun read. There were shifters, mages, necromancers, and vampires. Mythological creatures I had heard about my whole life, but never believed in were in there right alongside creatures I had never heard of.

  I flipped through to the Vampires section since I hadn’t had a chance to ask anybody why they were off limits. Of course, that only made them hotter in my eyes. If that was even possible. Especially Ian.

  I flipped to the Vampire and Other Creatures of the Night section on page eight hundred and thirty-four.

  The dust from the book blew onto my face as I flipped the pages to the back. Then I found it. Vampires and magic don’t mix, the book said. Vampires can, if powerful enough, snuff out a mage’s magic leaving them powerless temporarily. Vampire characteristics: Physically very strong and in the psychic realm extremely powerful. Sexually speaking, they are otherworldly. I sat there wondering why the hell they would put that in a textbook.

  I frowned as I had to admit my interest was piqued. Otherworldly? What an odd choice of words. Just how old was this book anyway? I jammed a finger into the vampire page and flipped to the beginning so I could check the copyright.

  “It’s true, you know,” a male voice said next to me. I jumped to a sitting position on the couch, startled. In front of me stood Ian, in the flesh. Maybe me reading about vampires had summoned him somehow.

  “What the hell, Ian? How did you get in here?”

  He broke into a wide grin. “I’m a vampire ninja. You should really lock your door. Especially you,” he lectured. “And especially on a night like this.” He sat down on the couch next to me.

  I was pretty sure I had locked the door behind me because today had freaked me the hell out, but I didn’t want to push the matter. And he had a point, I wasn’t exactly the most popular girl in school.

  “It’s true, you know.” He winked.

  “What’s true?” I asked.

  “We vampires are otherworldly in the sack. Well, not all of us. Let’s just say I wasn’t kidding when I said I could make all of your dreams come true.”

  I clenched my thighs together in an attempt to try and hide my growing arousal from him. Already, scenarios were running through my mind, although I didn’t know if those were his doing or mine.

  I cleared my throat and attempted to steady my breathing as I was practically panting for him. “What do you know about my dreams?”

  “More than you’d think.” He moved closer so he could whisper in my ear. “Now that you know what I’m capable of, do you want me to stay or leave?”

  The closeness of his face and his breath on my ear made me squirm. I could barely control myself in his presence.

  “The book said you could steal a mage’s magic,” I said, “but I don’t have very much to steal, so I’m pretty sure you’re not here for that. Plus, you offered to help me with my magic. Why is it that the other mages think you’re a monster?”

  “Because I am a monster,” he said, tongue in cheek, “Does that bother you?”

  I shook my head, already falling under his trance again.

  His fingers brushed the hair from my face, causing a ripple effect of pleasure through my body. How did he do that?

  His hand made its way down to my shoulder before he leaned in and kissed me. His luscious, forbidden lips took mine hungrily.

  I matched his intensity and soon our tongues were entwined. My tongue left his long enough to explore a fang. The reality of fucking the sizzling hot vampire hit me with a delicious shock to my system.

  I moaned and lost all control in a rush of sexual adrenaline as his hands explored my breasts through my top.

  My hand went to the rock-hard engorged tent in his pants.

  This was the part of the night where it was probably best to go into my room before Ivy walked in on us again. I stood and made eye contact with him before darting into my room, shedding clothes along the way.

  He followed like he was chasing prey, eyeing me more and more hungrily as each piece of my clothing hit the floor.

  A stray chill breeze hit my nipples, which were standing at attention for him as I stood there naked.

  He did that thing with his tongue and his fang, the thing that drove me wild. It was hot as hell.

  I let out an excited whimper when I was fully exposed to him. He wasn’t lying either, right now all of my dreams were about to come true.

  The next thing I knew he darted forward, taking me in his arms. He sucked on my nipple and his hands grabbed my bare ass, picking me up and carrying me to the bed. He threw me down.

  Then he backed up and stood by the edge of the bed, staring down at me. For a moment I panicked and thought he was going to leave.

  Then he grabbed my legs and pulled until my hips were even with the edge of the bed. When he knelt, his head went between my legs to my already dripping mound. I writhed in pleasure, orgasming immediately when his tongue entered me.

  My back arched and I let out a scream. The orgasm was so intense it felt like a fantasy. Instead of letting up, he picked up the pace. I came again and again. Until I couldn’t take it anymore.

  My fingers went to the gigantic bulge in his pants. I couldn’t believe he still had them on. I stroked his huge member through the fabric and unzipped. “Please,” I whispered.

  I didn’t have to ask twice. The next thing I knew he was completely naked. He was absolutely magnificent, even bigger and better than I had imagined. And I had imagined quite a bit about him since last night.

  He pounced forward on the bed with such aggressiveness that I scooted backward instinctively until he caught my thigh and held me in place.

  “Yes,” I screamed, clutching the bedspread. He entered slowly at first, because he was huge. And then he was thrusting harder and faster in rhythm and I was screaming out as he filled me again and again.

  A little while later we both collapsed, exhausted onto the bed. That vampire really was magic.

  I rolled over and kissed him playfully.

  “You’re one hot human. Maybe one of these days I’ll make you immortal, hmmm?”

  I wondered what life would be like to be so powerful, self-assured, and unafraid. “Maybe.”

  “I stopped caring about everything here except graduating and moving on with my life. Until you.” He got out of bed and dug into his pants pocket until he pulled out a small jewelry box. “It’s a ring that amplifies magic,” he said. “It’s very old and very powerful. It should fix your magic problem.”

  The simple gold ring with an amethyst stone in the middle looked gorgeous. It called to me.

  “Ian, it’s beautiful. Thank you.” I smiled. This vampire of my dreams, the one I was forbidden to see, was the only thing making my life here bearable. With his cocky smile, sense of humor, and gigantic dick on my side, maybe I had a chance to get through this semester.



  As soon as Ian was gone, I got a better look at the ring in the box.

  Settling onto the bed, I held the ring box in my hand. The ring had a powerful hold on me, not unlike Ian.

  As I stared at it longingly, it seemed to redirect my thoughts to magic mobs trying to kick my ass and monsters in the forest and my constant fear of being humiliated in the classroom for being in a magic school and barely having any magic.

  The ring called to me, whispered to me, and told me it could solve all of my problems until I literally couldn’t think about anything else. I felt like I had no choice. At least that’s what I told myself as I pulled it out of the box, feeling its coldness against my skin.

  I held my breath and slipped it onto the index finger of my right hand, wondering if the whole w
orld would change for me, like its whispers promised.

  Instead, it went on like it had always belonged to me. In fact, once I put it on it ceased chattering altogether. The chattering felt like it was replaced with a soft, humming energy. And it was beautiful, shining brightly with its own soft glow and shimmering stone. I turned my hand over and over to admire it with satisfaction.

  Other than that, everything felt normal. Which was probably a good thing considering I was exhausted from my day. Now that I was wearing it, I could move on to other things, like homework and getting a good night’s sleep. I decided to wait until tomorrow to see how effective the ring was at amplifying my magic.

  I was worried it wasn’t going to work, and I didn’t want to be disappointed. The one thing for certain here at Moon Blood Academy was that one never knew what the next day would hold.

  When I did fall into a deep sleep, it was filled with magical fireballs, giant yellow orbs floating in the forest, and a sexy-as-hell vampire with a sinful smirk.



  I fully expected to wake up early, practice a little bit of magic to see if the ring worked, and have a leisurely breakfast while being threatened by my classmates.

  But I overslept so that plan was shot all to hell. Instead, I ran a comb through my hair, threw on some clothes, grabbed my backpack, and hit the hall outside my room at a dead run in order to not be late to Professor Kiln’s class.

  I flew into the open door, dropped my backpack, and slid into the chair when she came breezing into the room, just like yesterday.

  “Calm yourselves, class,” she said through the early morning chatter as she hauled a stack of books to her desk, black robes flaring, pointy hat askew.

  Since she wasn’t glaring at me right now, I had a chance to observe her more objectively, from a distance.

  She was every bit the absent-minded professor, although there appeared to be a method to her madness. My mind flashed back to yesterday’s humiliation and the end of class when she said the protection spell might come in handy and she didn’t want to throw me to the wolves.


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