Sex Objects

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Sex Objects Page 11

by Delilah Devlin

  Eventually, word would get out that she was following in her father’s footsteps, and his cronies would understand.

  Private Delights was her favorite place to relax, her favorite place to play. The private BDSM club wedged in between the community of Wildrose and Dallas had been open a few years and had a distinguished roster of members. She’d joined shortly after her father left the state.

  The only reason she’d waited was his personal membership. She didn’t feel comfortable playing in her daddy’s sandbox. Now that he’d settled in Florida, she didn’t have to worry about running into him in the bar, restaurant or public areas of the club. She loved him and accepted his lifestyle, just as he loved and respected hers, but she didn’t want to see him in a sexual environment.

  Charlotte parked in the lot and turned to her guest. “Before we go inside, I’ll need you to sign a nondisclosure document. Just a formality.”

  “What kind of club is this, Charlotte?”

  “A very private one. Will you sign, or not?”

  His eyes strayed, checking out the front entrance, the number of cars in the lot, and her demeanor, which she kept tightly controlled.

  “I’ll sign.”

  “Good. The concierge will be ready with your papers.”

  Once inside, Jeff signed the requisite papers and was issued a visitor’s pass, a red collar buckled around his neck.

  “Really?” he asked, turning to her.

  “Yes. Really. As my guest, you answer to me, and I answer for your behavior. I need you to keep your eyes down. Don’t speak to anyone without my permission. Behave yourself.”

  As she took his hand and started down the hall, she heard him mumble, “Holy shit.”

  The restaurant was busy for a Wednesday, yet the staff was well prepared and seated her without pause. Jeff took in the new environment with suspicion, but there was nothing out of the ordinary in the room.

  For the time being.

  While the onsite bar was open to any and all comers, the club itself and the restaurant were members-only areas. It wouldn’t surprise her to see bared body parts at a table, although the owners preferred certain areas of human anatomy be covered for health reasons.

  The waitress placed a menu on the table in front of Charlotte, and she looked up at the quietly submissive young lady. “Thank you, Tina.”

  Jeff, while not quite glaring, looked nonplussed. Being out of his element and trying to stay polite wasn’t easy for him.

  “Two ice teas,” she told the waitress, remembering what Jeff had served himself at the luncheon.

  When she left to get their drinks, Jeff leaned across the table. “This is…this is not at all what I expected when you suggested we have dinner.”

  “I know.” Charlotte reached out and put her hand over his where it lay on the table. “This is a part of my private life that only a few of my friends see.”

  His shoulders dropped as a little of the tension eased. “Yet, you’re showing me. I have to ask why.”

  She stroked the back of his hand with only her fingertips, enjoying the roughness of his skin. He was a man who worked for a living instead of pushing papers around a desk. She liked that about him. “I’ve been watching you build your business for the last few months. You’ve made some hard decisions and done well. I appreciate your industry, among other things.”

  One brow lifted and one side of his mouth curled up. “Really?”

  She hummed in a tone of praise. “And I’ve appreciated a few other things, too.”

  “That damn billboard,” he replied with a chuckle. “What if I tell you it was Photoshopped?”

  Charlotte smiled, enjoying his cheek. This was going to be fun. “I wouldn’t believe you. And I’m planning to have proof you’re not telling the truth shortly after dinner.”

  When he looked unbelieving, she tipped her head to the restaurant’s door. A couple came in, the woman in a short skirt, heels and restraints. Her Dom’s hand on the cuffs at the small of her back controlled her pace.

  Jeff turned wide eyes to her. “You want to do that to me?” he whispered.

  Charlotte met his gaze. “Possibly. For now, I’m going to let you choose your meal, since I don’t have knowledge of your preferences.” She slid a menu to him and opened hers, barely able to focus on the words. She hadn’t had this much fun in years. Making Jeff Sutter her personal man-toy would be a singular pleasure.

  Jeff glanced through the restaurant’s offerings then looked over the menu at the beautiful woman sitting across from him. How in the hell he’d ended up in this strange establishment, he didn’t know. But it was certainly turning into an adventure.

  He knew what she wanted of him. He wasn’t stupid or completely unaware of the different lifestyles represented in the Dallas area, but he sure as hell hadn’t expected to find a little slice of kink in the small township of Wildrose.

  Still, Charlotte was a gorgeous woman with the face of an angel and a body to make a man weep with joy. Maybe that was the problem. In his line of work, he’d been propositioned and occasionally groped by lonely women looking to feel a little excitement again. That, he understood. No one wanted to feel unwanted.

  Charlotte could have her pick of men. Fuck. He’d planned to hit on her once they finished the business talk that still hadn’t happened. Damn it. She’d been figuratively chasing him around the table since he got in her car.

  Did that make him a cheap date?

  His eyes skimmed off the side of the menu and onto the couple with the half-naked woman. The man with her was feeding her from his plate, and Jeff’s thoughts went directly to a different scenario, one where he was the slave in cuffs and Charlotte was feeding him, using his body as her plaything.

  His dick jerked behind his zipper, and he started reading the menu in earnest, hoping like hell he could stave off the erection before it became visible.

  Once the waitress took their order, Charlotte changed the subject, giving him a reprieve and a chance to rein in his libido. The subject turned to his gym, and as he’d expected, there was an extremely intelligent brain under all that vibrant red hair and sensual demeanor. After he’d answered a few of her questions about his business plan, she gave him a few intuitive suggestions on ways to increase cash flow and minimize expenditures.

  She even let him feed himself.

  He didn’t say anything, but he was a tad disappointed. Being fed by a beautiful woman might be fun.

  “I don’t actually enjoy participating in public sexcapades, but I like to watch others, and I enjoy a little eye candy.”

  “And that’s where I come in?” he asked, a hint of a smile forming on his luscious lips.

  “Yes.” Charlotte tapped her shiny red fingernails on the tabletop while she watched him squirm.

  “How does this impact my business account with your firm?” he asked.

  “Not at all.” She sighed and placed her palm on the back of his hand where it lay on the table between them. “I try not to… I make it a rule to keep my personal life and business life separate, but when I met you, well, I just had to make an exception.”

  He laughed a little, and the smile lingered when he spoke. “I’m not sure if I should be flattered or insulted. I’ve never been propositioned by such a lovely woman.”


  “Curious. How would this work?”

  “I’ll sponsor your membership, and you’ll belong to me for the duration of the contract.”

  “There’s a contract?”

  “Of course. We’ll negotiate terms before signing.” Focusing on his face, she watched his response while she outlined the process. “Everything is clearly set out in the document, length of the relationship, acts that are permitted and others that are not, by mutual consent. Health issues laid bare by both of us. Unlike in a typical romantic relationship, in this case both parties are up front about their expectations and their actions. Their needs.”

  Hmm. He was smart, a businessman with a sharp int
ellect. She could practically see the wheels turning in his head.

  “What did you mean when you said I would be yours?”

  “Once the contracts are signed, yes,” she said, “You’ll be mine to do with as I will.”

  Dark brows dropped low over his eyes. “I’d like to hear a few more details on that subject.”

  Charlotte picked up her fork. “It’s much easier to show than tell. We’ll take a tour after dinner. You’re not a prude, are you?” She hovered a piece of steak halfway to his mouth.

  “Are we going to watch a couple make love in public?”

  “Darling man, love isn’t always the goal here at Private Delights. Pleasure is much more sustaining.” She slipped the bite into his mouth and let him chew on it for a minute—the food and the idea.

  She picked at her food and watched the play of muscles underneath the well-fitted shirt. In her mind’s eye, he wore leather pants with an open codpiece and her collar, nothing more. It was a fantasy she’d indulged in since his billboard went up on Main Street. Their fortuitous meeting at the Chamber luncheon convinced her fate had brought them together.

  Excitement swirled in her belly, making it impossible to focus on her food. She had to see his response to the main lounge and to the open playroom upstairs. She wanted to see his cock thicken and throb against his zipper while he watched others play.

  Mark Harrison, one of the club’s owners, stopped by her table, and Charlotte welcomed the distraction. Until Jeff agreed and signed the contract, she needed to keep her thoughts under lock and key.

  “Charlotte, good to see you again. How’s Trevor doing?”

  “Haven’t spoken to him lately, but he’s busy with his new girl and having fun, I’m sure.”

  “I hope that means you’ll be here more often?” Mark replied with a grin.

  Charlotte laughed. “Mark, I’d like you to meet Jeff Sutter. He’s the owner of the new Fitness Center in Wildrose. I’m thinking of sponsoring his membership.”

  Mark’s smile widened. “I’ll have Mildred print a set of contracts for you.” He nodded to Jeff, shook his hand and walked away, his cell to his ear.

  “We’ll take a walk through the main rooms to give you an idea of what I’m proposing,” she told him when they boarded the elevator. “First, I have one stop to make.”

  In the second level hallway, she stopped at a numbered door. Charlotte swiped her keycard and ushered him into a strangely arranged hotel suite. At least, that’s what it appeared to be, with a bed in the middle of the room and cabinets along the wall.

  “This is my private room. It’s time for you to show me what you Photoshopped.”

  Heat rolled over him—excitement or embarrassment, he wasn’t sure which—but his hands moved to the hem of his polo shirt. Up and over his head it went, until he dropped it on the bed. He turned to face her and gasped, air tightening his chest.

  Head to foot, she focused solely on him in a way no woman ever had. Now he knew what lust looked like on a woman’s face, and the sight of it slipped a load of lava into his gut. He’d wanted women before, but he’d never felt the reciprocity as acutely as this moment.

  Then she was next to him, hands reaching out to touch and landing lightly on his shoulders. Warm palms and dainty fingers with red tips slid slowly across his clavicle and settled on his pecs just long enough to tickle his nipples into rigid bumps. Before he could take another breath, her hands moved lower.

  In reflex, he tightened his abs, and she hummed when her palms stroked over the muscles.

  “You are definitely a fine piece of man candy, Jeff.”

  No one had ever said that to his face, and he wasn’t sure what to do with the comment. From the velvety tone she used, he didn’t think she expected a reply. Besides, her focus was on his body, not his intellect or manners.

  When her hand cupped and squeezed the erection just below his belt, Jeff flinched and sucked in a breath. No woman had ever done that, either, outside of his bedroom. He guessed this room was Charlotte’s equivalent.

  “Did you want to see that, too?” he asked.

  “Why, yes, I would like nothing more.”

  They were interrupted with a knock on the door.

  “Don’t move, darling,” she said, stepping to the door and opening it.

  A woman in a pale colored smock and a short skirt stood at the threshold with a folder in hand. “Excuse the interruption, Mistress, but Master Mark thought you’d want these immediately.”

  “Thank you, Joanne.”

  The woman dipped her head lower and disappeared behind the door as it swung closed.

  “I believe you were showing me something?”

  Jeff wasn’t sure he heard her, since the roar of blood leaving his brain for southern climates blocked out most noise. But Charlotte’s line of sight left little to discuss. It took him a minute to unbuckle the belt and unbutton the slacks, since his cock was in a hurry to escape the confines of clothing. Hard and tight didn’t begin to explain his erection while he liberated it.

  Charlotte reached out and grabbed his arm. “Stop.”

  “You’ve changed your mind?” he asked her.

  “No, but I would ask a favor.”

  Jeff stared, not sure how to answer. This entire night had been one strange turn after another. “From what I gathered from our conversation, you don’t ask questions. Just make demands.”

  Her smile was brilliant and bit self-deprecating. “True, but we haven’t signed the contracts yet, and I’d like permission to touch.”

  The lava in his gut reignited, and he expected steam to ooze out of his orifices at any minute. “Okay. Sure.”

  “Thank you.” Charlotte leaned into his body, and he stepped backward from the pressure. Another step and his hip encountered the metal bed frame.

  A drawer opened and closed.

  A soft cloth slipped over his hand and encircled his right wrist, then the other. Both tightened, and he realized he’d been tied to the bed. “What the hell—”

  “Shush, darling. I’m going to play with you a little, and if you behave, I might let you make me come with only your mouth.”

  He groaned as her soft hand wrapped around his hard dick and squeezed.

  She hummed with her own pleasure. “So nice and long. Hard and soft at the same time.”

  “Charlotte, let—”

  “No—no, darling Jeff. No talking, or I’ll find that shiny new gag I ordered. This is for my pleasure, and yours will come when I’m ready.”

  The pressure in her up and down strokes increased even as the pace slowed. He’d always prided himself in being able to hold off until his partner got hers, but he was in virgin territory here. Watching her hand move on his dick and listening to her hot little monologue while she played with his body was driving him insane.

  She stopped, and he drew a deep breath. Or three. But she’d only paused to jerk his slacks and briefs to the floor. Her fingers swirled and prodded his inner thighs and higher, finding his balls and rolling them in her palm.

  His head fell back and a dark moan left his mouth with no thought in the world. He was a goner. Her strokes intensified and every other slide and climb ended with a squeeze of his tight balls.

  “I’m almost ready for you to come, darling. Are you ready?”

  She crowded his side and slid an arm around his waist. Her head settled on his shoulder, her hair tickling his skin, distracting him until her fingers went south and grabbed his ass.

  “I know lots of ways to make you come, dear Jeff,” she whispered, and the warm breath across his chest pushed him that much closer to orgasm.

  His body clenched, ready to shoot his wad, but she held him back.

  “Not yet, darling. Wait until I tell you to come.” She played with his ass, pinching and cupping it while her other hand worked his dick with determination.

  He shook, the need to finish pulsing in his brain and his cock, in sync and on the verge.

  Her head moved, silky hair
floating across his skin, and he felt her exhale into his ear. “Come for me, Jeff. Now.”

  A shout ripped out of his chest, and he let go, sending a long burst of cum into the room. Again and again, he ejaculated until he thought there might not be any fluid left in his body.

  “Beautiful, Jeff. I’m very proud of you, following directions so nicely.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Now, let’s take that tour, shall we?”

  She released the restraints, and he dropped to his knees before her, his head lowered. “Yes, Mistress,” he whispered, the words pulled from him. They felt right. Natural.

  A weight settled on his head. Her fingers moved through his hair, playing while he fought to breathe. Damn. He’d never climaxed so hard in his life. Her hands retreated and for a second he thought she was done with him.

  “Stand up for me, Jeff,” she said, and when he did, she cupped his semi-flaccid cock with a warm wet cloth. Ah, shit, when was the last time a lover cleaned him up afterward? Wait. Technically, they weren’t lovers.

  The wet cloth was tossed into a bin, and she tugged up his pants. “Next time, we’ll make sure you have the proper clothing. Follow me.”

  A sharp click next to his ear had his eyes popping open. She’d clipped the end of a leash to his collar. “Seriously?”

  “Yes, but just for today. I don’t want anyone else to entice you until you’ve decided on the contract.”

  “What if I’ve already decided?”

  Charlotte smiled. “Darling, that would be wonderful. But I don’t think you’ve had time to decide. One orgasm doesn’t a partnership make.” She tugged the leash, and he moved to the door behind her.

  Bare-chested, with his pants up and zipped but not buttoned and belted, he felt like everyone in the place watched him. The daze of the orgasm still had him wobbling on his feet, but he managed to follow Charlotte down the hall and into a large open room.

  She leaned close, the scent of her body making his cock waken like a sleeping dog with a whiff of fresh meat. “When I sit, you will kneel on the floor in front of me.”


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