A New Toy

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A New Toy Page 5

by Brenda Stokes Lee

  Too pressed for time to wait my turn in the shower I decided to go to another master suite to shower. The feminine decor was breathtakingly beautiful, but the new designer clothes that hung in the closet were awe inspiring. Dresses, suits, evening gowns, jeans, coats, bags and even shoes- new with price tags still on them, filled the giant walk in closet. Incredibly they were all my size. There's a God and he loves me. Oh my God here it comes and there it goes, orgasm number four.

  “What the fuck!” I gasped.

  “Oh yeah, those are yours too. Pick out what you want and I'll donate the rest to charity.” Logic's deep voice nonchalantly responded.

  “Logic are you serious?”

  “Don't start Toy... You promised.”

  “I know but this is way too...”

  “Zatoya Waters... Stop! Take what you want and give the rest away.” Logic insisted as he continued to towel himself dry without a care in the world.

  “Alright. I'm not even going to go there, right now, but...”

  “Then don't.” Logic abruptly interrupted. “What did your boss want?” He asked as he tied the towel around his waist and set on the gigantic California King size sleigh bed.

  “Oh yeah.” I sighed. “I got to go back to DC.”

  “For how long? What's wrong?”

  “I have to meet with the prosecutor of an important case that I'm working on. She's offering a onetime only deal for a client of mine that could really use a break. I'm the only one that knows the case well enough to broker a good deal. So I have to take the meeting.”

  “How long is it going to take?” He asked a little disappointed.

  “See that's the thing.” I hesitated. “The meeting will be over and done no later than six, but...”

  “But what?”

  “The Mayor's Holiday Ball is tonight and I have to attend.” I waited for a response, but Logic didn't offer one. “So, I'm not sure if I'll be up for a drive to Baltimore after that. I don't really want to go but I have to.”

  “So, you're not coming back to Baltimore tonight.”

  “No, I don't see how I can.”

  “Alright, I needed to talk to you about something anyway, so we might as well do it now.”

  Instantly something or someone sucked the air out of my chest as I realized that this man was about to dump me on my ass. “Look Logic it is what it is and it was what it was. You don't owe me any long drawn out bullshit that goes, 'It's not you. It's me. You're great. I'm just too damaged to be in a relationship, so soon.' So just save it. I don't need it and I sure as hell don't want to hear it.”

  “I see you unpacked Crazy Ass Lady again.” Logic laughed. “I thought we agreed to leave her ass in a box beneath the Christmas tree until next year. Damn!”

  “You're the crazy ass one Logic, if you think I'm giving you any of this shit you gave me back after you dump me like seven day old garbage. Fuck that!” I retaliated.

  “Calm down and listen. Nobody is dumping anybody. If you had just let me talk you would have found that that's not what I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “You're not trying to dump me?” I asked confused.

  “Why the hell would I do that?” Logic asked as he pulled me on the bed beside him and kissed me on my frontal lobe. “Zatoya, I'm not going anywhere and neither are you.”

  “Then what did you want to talk about?” I asked relieved, but confused.

  “I need to talk to you about Nakeisha”

  “What about her?”

  “Wow this is hard.” Logic hesitated.

  “What did you kill her and make a dress out of her skin? You can tell me. I won't be mad. Hell, I'm glad the bitch is gone.” I teased.

  Logic laughed as he summoned up the courage to say what he had to say. “Okay, here we go. The truth is that Nakeisha is actually the rebound chick. We've been hanging out for a long time in Vegas while I waited for my girl in Baltimore to make up her mind what or should I say who she wanted to do.”

  Realizing that I was now the rebound chick’s, rebound affair I decided to remain absolutely silent and still or else I would prematurely tick off and beat Logic's bitch ass for getting me caught up in all of this bullshit!

  “So, basically I was going to ask Nakeisha to marry me after my girl in Baltimore got engaged and married. Honestly the only reason I even planned to ask her was because she had been down for me. She put up with a lot of shit with me behind this girl. Nakeisha knew about us, but she just dealt with it, because she loved me. So I guess Mookey was just her way of coping with my Humpty Dumpy sitting on the fence bullshit. The betrayal hurt me more than anything. I'm cool with them hooking up. Actually they're both hood rats by nature, so they are perfect for each other.”

  “So what does this have to do with me?”

  “Everything, I just want you to know that I don't need to get over Nakeisha because I really wasn't that invested in her. I love her as a friend, but...”

  “Well what about the other girl? Are you over her?”

  “Honestly Toy, I'm not one hundred percent there, but I'm getting there. I've loved Mye Queen since I was twelve. And we've been on again and off again since we were sixteen. We just couldn't seem to keep it together. Now that she's married and pregnant I have to face the fact that she's finally moved on. And I think I'm finally ready to do the same.”

  “So you still call her your queen? What's that shit about? How can you even be close to getting over her?”

  “Oh no, you don't understand. Her name is Mye Queen. You know, first name Mye- like my with a silent e and last name Queen. Everyone just calls her Queen.”

  “Oh I get it. So why are you telling me this now. Considering the fact that you've just made me the secondhand rebound chick.”

  “Actually, that clears you of all rebound status, as Nakeisha was the real rebound chick. You're really my first chance at finding true love.”


  “Queen's happily married and due to have a baby in a few months. You and I are having an amazing time connecting, getting to know each other and don't even get me started on the sex. I'm not ready for this to end.”

  “I still don't get what you're talking about?” I asked confused.

  “Baltimore is my hometown, but I live in Vegas. My life, my career and everything that I am is attached to Vegas. My dad passed away a little while ago, but my mom's still here. I have some good friends here too. And yes, before you even ask, of course Queen is one. I bought this house to stay in when I visited my family and friends, but Zatoya I live in Vegas.”

  “So what are you trying to say, Logic?”

  “I'm not trying to say anything. What I'm trying to ask you is, “Do you think you can practice law in Vegas?”

  Stunned I was absolutely speechless. And anybody who knows me would tell you that, that was a damn miracle. I'm an attorney, a damn good one I might add. Hell, I always have something to say at any given moment.

  “I didn't want to spring it on you so soon, but I can't even conceive of not sleeping in your arms tonight. FYI, that shit's not going to happen. I'll get us a limo, we'll go to Washington to your job, to your house, to your party and where ever the fuck else you need to go. But I am not going to be without you tonight or any other night if I don’t have to.

  Overwhelmed, I jumped in Logic’s arms and kissed his mouth hard. “That's the most romantic thing anybody has ever said to me.”

  “So, you'll think about it?”

  “Yes, I'll think about it.” I nodded as I wiped tears that leaked uncontrollably from the corners of my eyes.

  Chapter 11

  I arrived at my office just a little before two. After reviewing the case file I briefed Walt and two other Public Defenders about the case. Satisfied that we were ready to entertain any offer from the DA's office that would keep my client out of jail I confidently waited for Sally Rogers, the Assistant District Attorney handling the case.

  Dressed in one of my many new designer suits I looked and felt like
a million dollar bill. Trust me, after looking at the price tags on those clothes I had every right to feel that way. Damn! If Logic spoiled the rebound chick like this imagine what he'd do for the woman he loved. What was her damn name again...? Oh yeah, Mye Fuckin Queen. Unbelievable! …Another dumb ass idiot that let this delicious man slip right through their fingers. Well you know what they say, “One bitches trash is another bitches treasure.”

  Logic Hart may have been treated like last week's trash, but Zatoya Waters will treat him like the King he truly is.

  Yes, I felt amazing. I was happy, healthy and so damn satisfied. It should be outlawed in fifty states just how good I felt. And damn did I look good! It felt good to be me. I was a new Toy with a new, New Year's toy and I was loving it. Then in walks this Mother Fucka with his monkey ass bullshit!

  “Hi Walt, it's been awhile.”

  “District Attorney Tyson, it's good to see you. Although I must admit that we weren't expecting you.” Walt stuttered as he stood to greet William Branford Tyson, the newly appointed DA. “You know our Public Defender, Zatoya Water's right?”

  “Yes as a matter of fact I do. We've tussled a time or two, right Ms. Waters?”

  “Yes, that would be correct.” I casually replied as I suppressed the extremely urgent urge to smack the orangutan shit out of his condescending ass. “What the fuck is he doing here?” I asked myself.

  “I heard you had a car accident, I trust everything is okay.” His smooth, sultry baritone voice asked cutting me to the very core of my spine.

  “No this Mother Fucka didn't!” My brain screamed as I summoned every ounce of energy in my body to maintain my composure to keep me from jumping across this conference table and beating his bitch ass.

  “I'm fine.” I calmly acknowledged.

  “That you are.” He mumbled beneath his breath, before coughing and clearing his throat. “Okay, so let's get started.”

  “No disrespect District Attorney Tyson, but we were expecting Assistant DA, Rogers.” I asked responded.

  “I know, but I gave her the afternoon off so she could prepare for the Mayor's Ball. I'll be handling this. You are going, Ms. Waters are you not?”


  “Great then let's get this over with so you can get home to get ready.” He winked and smiled.

  Walt and the other Public Defenders all looked at me as to say, “What the fuck?”

  “Okay, I'm ready when you are.” I acknowledged somehow managing to maintain my cool although I was as mad as a bitch slapped with an active bee hive.

  It was painfully clear that this was Tyson's vindictive ass way of forcing me to talk to him. I refused to take a single call from him after he left me stranded in Dumbfuck, West Virginia. I guess he felt guilty or really wanted some pussy because he's been blowing up my cell like crazy.

  Yes, he's the same friends with benefits Tyson that left me hanging in the cold on Christmas Eve. And yes, I'm a Public Defender sleeping with the DA, no less. Please stop judging me. In my defense Tyson is one of the finest white men that ever wore a suit and a tie. Around six feet two inches tall, tanned, toned and extremely handsome, there was no way I was turning down his request to ride my donkey. Lip smacking delicious in any flavor Tyson was rich, sexy, successful, ambitious and a registered master of Pussyology as I soon discovered.

  Still our relationship was a very dirty little secret that we both agreed should be kept completely private for so many obvious reasons. A product of old molded money Tyson was not convinced that his parents would be happy to hear about our chocolate and vanilla swirl affair. This was ample reason for me to be content with our friends with extremely fulfilling benefits relationship. Little did I know that we would one day find ourselves here; me wanting to leave and his crystal blue eyes and his perfect mouth begging me to stay.

  “So what are you looking for Zatoya?”

  “What are you offering?”

  “Depends on what you want. We have to at least communicate. So what do you want? Make me an offer I can’t refuse. The ball’s in your court. I’m going to give you one chance to take complete advantage of me.”

  “Damn, I must look as fine as hell today!” I thought as I watched the District Attorney shamelessly molest me with his eyes in the middle of a plea negotiation meeting. I discreetly smiled as I acknowledged that I knew exactly what it would take to seal this deal. Tyson inconspicuously raised an eyebrow to confirm to me that he wanted to tussle and that he would do anything to get it started tonight.

  “I'm confused.” Walt interrupted. “I thought there was a specific offer which your office wanted to table to settle this matter.”

  Realizing that Tyson just wanted to talk to me alone and couldn't give a flying monkey’s fuck what the outcome of the case was I was completely stunned. Could it be that he was offering me more than he assured me that he was capable of giving?

  “Look, this is a simple offer and a fairly simple case.” Tyson stated as he casually threw my clients file that he pretended to be reviewing in the center of the table. “Walt, you don’t really need to trouble yourself with this. I’m sure you have other more pressing matters at hand. So, do you think that I can talk to Ms. Waters alone?”

  Confused, Walt looked at me for confirmation.

  “You don't have to be here for this. I can settle this.”

  “Are you sure Zatoya?”

  “Yes, I'm positive. I'll call you if I need you.”

  “Alright, let's let them tussle.” Walt chuckled as he left the room with the other two Public Defenders.

  Tyson's eyes never once left me. Even as he shook hands with the three departing attorneys. Oddly, I could tell that he missed me and that seemed to be confusing the hell out of him.

  “Is this room wired?” he asked as he moved closer to me.

  “No.” I said as I watched him do a quick visual scan for microphones and cameras.

  “It's clean.”

  “Good, because we need to talk.”

  “About what?” I calmly asked as I suddenly realized that I was in big trouble.

  “Toy, were the fuck have you been? I've been calling you and stopping by your house for days now. Why couldn't you just pick up the phone and let me know that you were okay. Hell, at least tell me to fuck off if that's how you feel.”

  “Okay, fuck off!” I nonchalantly replied as I reclaimed my seat on the other side of the table.

  “Alright, I asked for that. Look I get that you're mad about Christmas Eve, but I was in Richmond at my parents' house. There was no way I could pick you up in West Virginia in that weather. I tried to call you back when I got your message later that night, but my calls kept going to your voicemail. Toy I'm sorry. Just tell me what I can do to fix it and I'll do it. I miss you. You look fucking incredible. I just wanted to throw your ass on this conference table and eat your pussy in front of everybody I didn’t give a fuck who saw me do it. God how I’ve missed you… Toy you know how I feel about you. Don’t you?”

  Sensing his vulnerability and knowing that there was only one reason I was even in DC I quickly considered my options. As good as this man’s dick was there was no way I was fucking up what I had with Logic to continue my down and dirty creep with him. Tyson had made it absolutely clear to me that what we shared in private was going to be about as good as it would ever get. Marriage, a nice suburban home and children were just not on the menu. Still I chose to continue our secret love affair simply because the sex was phenomenal and he treated me so damn good.

  I know that I said that I was an independent woman doing almost everything on her own, but I didn’t say that I was a complete damn fool. The Lexus I crashed, Tyson bought it. It was a birthday gift. My DC condo, Tyson rented, furnished and maintained it. Hell, he even paid for my grocery. All of the money that I earned was mine to spend as I wished. He gave me everything that I needed, except what I always wanted, an option to be his wife. I knew that he loved me, but he’d never once indicated that he was willing to
give up his trust fund to have me, well at least until today. Unfortunately it’s too damn late for all of that bullshit.

  I was there for one reason and one reason only, to get a good deal for my client. So I decided to play it cool. “Look, I'm not mad. It hurt me, a lot to know that I couldn't depend on you if I got in trouble, but I'm over it. I've just been going through some things, but we're good.”

  “Toy you know you can count on me for anything that you need. I've never let you down before. I'm sorry if I hurt you. Okay?”

  “It’s okay.”

  “So we're still friends?”

  “Of course.” I smiled.

  “Good cause I've missed you like no woman I've ever known. My dick got hard the second I walked in the room and smelled your essence. I fucking need you Toy. Let me stop by your apartment tonight and show you how much.”

  “I'm not going to be home for a long time unless I get a deal on this table that I can in all good conscious say is remotely in the best interest of my client.”

  “Just tell me what you want and I'll make it happen.”

  “Time served and one year probation.” I offered as a resolution.

  “Time served and five years probation.” He countered as he mentally undressed and molested me with those haunting blue eyes.

  “Time served and two years probation.” I offered as I leaned over the table to pour myself a glass of ice water from the pitcher on the table. Okay yeah and to give him a peek at my round ass and perky tits, so he could see exactly what he had been missing.

  “Done.” Draw the papers up and I'll sign them.

  “I have them right here.” I said as I pushed the papers that I had prepared and a pen over to him for his signature and review. “I'll have the clerk file them today.

  “I have something for you.” Tyson smiled as he glanced over the papers before signing.

  “I bet you have.” I smiled. “I saw it when you came in.”

  Tyson laughed. “Yeah, I guess you did. Of course I have that and something else. I still have your Christmas gift.”

  “Really, is it a ring?” I asked as I made sure the diamond setting of my promise ring was still turned to the inside of my hand.


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