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VEN Page 1

by K. Webster


  Copyright © 2018 Ker Dukey and K Webster

  Cover Design: All By Design

  Photo: Adobe Stock

  Editor: Word Nerd Editing

  Formatting: Champagne Book Design

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information and retrieval system without express written permission from the Author/Publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page



  The V Games Cast of Characters


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three



  Acknowledgements from Ker Dukey

  Acknowledgements from K Webster

  About Ker Dukey

  About Author K Webster

  Books by Ker

  Books by K Webster

  To our readers who “arranged” this writing marriage of two dark souls.

  Ker & K

  The V Games Cast of Characters

  (in order of power and influence)

  The First Families:

  Vasiliev Family…(V Games Host)

  Yuri…Father (52)

  Vera…Mother (45…left them not long after twins were born)

  Vlad…Oldest brother (22)

  Vika…Twin sister (18)

  Viktor…Twin brother (18)

  Vetrov Family

  Yegor…Father (59)

  Anna…Mother (45) Deceased

  Veniamin “Ven”…Oldest brother (28)

  Niko…Second brother (19) Deceased

  Ruslan…Third brother (18)

  Andru…Brother of Yegor

  Timofei…Cousin, oldest son of Andru

  Rodion…Cousin, son of Andru

  Zahkar…Cousin, adopted son of Andru

  Volkov Family

  Leonid…Father (55)

  Olga…Mother (46)

  Diana…Oldest sister (24)

  Irina “Shadow”…Youngest sister (18)

  Vas…Half brother (18)

  Anton…Diana’s bodyguard (51)

  Voskoboynikov Family

  Iosif…Father (61)

  Veronika…Mother (55)

  Ivan…Oldest brother (30)

  Artur…Youngest brother (28)

  Alyona…Youngest sister (19)

  The Second Families:

  Orlov Family

  Arkady…Oldest son (28)

  Koslov Family

  Nestor…Father (55)

  Antonina…Mother (49)

  Stepan…Only son (19)…Vlad’s new V Games trainee)

  Baskin Family

  Alfred…Father (52)

  Monica…Mother (47)

  Kira…Daughter (24)

  Egorov Family

  Other Characters:

  Darya…girl that is in the basement

  Rada…Vlad’s maid





  The past…

  I’m being stalked.

  Brown hair. Golden eyes. Devious little diva. Vika fucking Vasiliev.

  I groan as I walk into the Volkov house to escape the critter trying to get me to play chase. It’s like she has a homing beacon for whenever I’m around. It used to be cute when she was a toddler, but now it’s just irritating.

  I hear Yuri Vasiliev’s voice in the sitting room as I approach, so I slow my pace to eavesdrop. Little footfalls sound from somewhere behind me, forcing me to sidle up to the wall and hide in the shadows from the tiny stalker searching me out. Yuri’s voice gains volume, coming from the open door a few feet away. He’s talking to my father, Yegor Vetrov, and another First Family head, Leonid Volkov, about the betrayal of one of their associates, Alfred Baskin. It’s the topic of most conversations as of late. Alfred was a Second Family head involved with the Vasilievs’ business affairs, therefore our business affairs. He got himself in trouble with the law for unrelated drunk driving offenses, and instead of being a man and taking his punishment, he turned rat. There’s nothing my father despises more than a traitor. In our world, traitors need to be cut out like cancer. You take out every part of it to stop the disease from spreading. If you show weakness, others will think they have these options. His entire family will pay the price for his deceit.

  “There’s been no new information for weeks,” Leonid barks, his voice carrying down the corridor and bouncing off the walls. Tension is so palpable, I can feel it, and I haven’t even entered the room yet.

  Alfred broke all the rules that kept him in wealth, safety, and good standing with the First Families. In return for no prison time, he fed the law information on one of my father’s shipments—a shipment he was only privy to because Yuri Vasiliev and my father agreed Alfred could pick the women Vasiliev would want from the arrivals. The shipment was seized, women taken into protective custody, and five of my father’s men were arrested and charged. But unlike Alfred, these men knew where to place their loyalty. It helps that there’s never a paper trail back to us from these arrivals. My father hasn’t gotten to where he is by making juvenile mistakes.

  Getting no big arrest had the law applying more pressure on Alfred for more information, more secrets—they wanted an arrest that could crumble empires.

  “We need to make an example out of this bastard,” Leonid growls, and a hum of agreements ring out.

  Alfred gave them intelligence about all First Families, but without solid proof, all they could do was tail us any time we left our property in hopes we would lead them to something they could use against our kingdoms to destroy us.

  They underestimated who they were playing with.

  We don’t quake and falter. We don’t run and hide. We don’t lose.

  I smile with that thought as my father announces what a mockery the cabinet office is, and a rapturous chorus of laughter seeps from the room.

  The government combed over every part of our legit businesses to find fault or clues to our not so legit affairs. Unfortunately for them, with money comes power, and the First Families reach is far up the food chain. After some favors and bribes were made, it was all swept under the rug, disappearing like fog in the sunlight, thanks mainly to Vasiliev contacts within the federal cabinet.

  Once it all blew over, Alfred had already fled with his wife, Monica, and daughter, Kira. Kira is around the same age as Diana, and someone we’ve grown up with, but it hasn’t stopped our father from talking about the death that will befall her once she’s within their grip. I know the darker sides of this business—hell, I’ve lived it—but kid killing isn
’t something that sits well with me. In that respect, I’m glad Kira is in hiding with her traitorous father. Why should she pay for the sins of her father? If we live by that motto, all of us are fucked.

  “I want him once we have him in custody,” Father grumbles.

  “Absolutely not,” Yuri sneers. “I’ll take him to my estate where he can be properly dealt with.”

  They continue to argue over who will get to kill Alfred once he’s found—because what else is new?—but that’s not what has me on edge. No, I know in about three seconds, a ten-year-old girl is going to find me. All family business will be cast aside while she harasses the hell out of me until Yuri packs her into his car and takes her home.

  She’s annoying and evil. Her cute façade doesn’t fool me, but it does trick her older brother, Vlad, who will learn in time that his little princess sister is more of a Lolita many years ahead of her ten on this earth.

  Hell, both her and her twin are a lot older than their years, only Vika pretends otherwise.

  My younger brother, Niko, and I call them double trouble.

  I try to slip past the sitting room to hunt down a drink before I have to deal with this shit, but my father calls for me. “Veniamin, come here.” Great, sober it is.

  Being the eldest, certain duties are expected of me. And now that I’m twenty, I’m called into more meetings than I care to attend. Last year, when I was nineteen, I was put into the first annual V Games. My victory made our family a lot of money. It was brutal, and they’re still working out the kinks, but Yuri Vasiliev was onto something when he designed them.

  That day was a bloodbath.

  Kill or be killed.

  A game I had no option but to win.

  And I did win. I won us a more prestigious status. More money. More attention from all varieties. More everything. More blood on my hands than I’ll ever be able to wash off.

  “Father,” I greet as I enter the sitting room. I scan the people in the room, then my eyes settle on Diana. I do a double take. Fuck, she’s beautiful. It’s only been a month, maybe two since I saw her last, but she’s changing so rapidly, I can’t seem to keep up.

  She smiles at me. Confidence drips from her. At sixteen, she should be out doing things teenagers do—things I did as a teenager—but she doesn’t. Diana is obedient and focused, dead set on bringing pride to her family’s name. I respect her immensely. And if she were a little older, I might pursue her against my father’s wishes. She is not meant for me. That’s what he once told me when he discovered we enjoyed each other’s friendship, and that fucking stung. I don’t like being told what I can and cannot have. Call it the rebellious side of my nature. I’ve always heeded his wishes, nevertheless, so I planted the seed into my own mind that things will never become physical between us, no matter how much she blossoms into an alluring goddamn temptation. She appears to have done just that lately. Blossom. Like a rose, beautiful and fierce, opening up on a hot summer’s day to reveal all the hidden layers inside.

  She’s always been easy on the eyes, with stunning features and large blue eyes that look like glacial lakes you long to swim in. But now? Now she seems to have come into womanhood early—and she fucking owns it. Commands the cocks to stand at attention and take notice. Mine’s sure as hell at attention.

  “Diana.” I nod at her, then take the place beside her on the sofa. Her back is straight, her chin is lifted. Long, silky chocolate hair hangs down her back. She turns her head slightly, regarding me with those twinkling icy blue eyes. They’re pale with flecks of white streams through the irises—luminous and breathtaking. She’s wearing a daring shade on her lips that makes me think things no man should about someone her age.

  “I’d like you to train someone for the next V Games,” my father says, dragging my attention away from the jailbait in the room.

  And then Yuri chimes in. “Vlad as well. I know he’s still young yet, but I want him to be ready, and after your performance in The Games, I think you’re just the man to do so.”

  Vlad already holds a lot of potential. He’s strong, focused, and determined.

  “Of course,” I tell them. I don’t mention that I’ll work it around my university studies since it will only get me annoyed glares from both of them. These men don’t believe in education. They believe in life experiences and familial power. And while those things are also good in life, an education will take you even farther. One day, both men will see their heirs are more clever and cunning than they could ever hope to be.

  One day.

  “Veni!” a voice shrieks from behind me. Without looking, I know the little hell hound found me.

  I groan before I get tackled from behind. Vika Vasiliev launched her bony self over the back of the sofa and has both arms around my neck. I dart my gaze to her father, imploring him to make her leave. He simply smirks as though he’s amused by the little terror’s behavior. I pry her arms off me and sit her down between Diana and me. She makes me glad I don’t have sisters.

  “We’re having a meeting,” I admonish. “Go play with your brother.”

  Her amber eyes flare, then she seems to remember her role in front of dear old daddy. She sticks her tongue out at me. “I want to play with you.”

  “Vika,” Diana says, her voice saccharine sweet. “Irina is in the sunroom. Perhaps you should go see if she’ll paint your pretty face.”

  Vika preens at the compliment and grabs my hand. “Daddy says one day I’ll have to marry a Vetrov. I’m going to marry you, Ven.”

  I curl my lip up in disgust. Not only is she ten years younger than me, but she’s fucking annoying as all hell. “Ruslan’s more your age,” I grumble under my breath. He’s nine, and just about as annoying. They’d be a perfect match.

  “No! Ew! I hate Rus! I want to marry y—”

  “Go on, princess,” Yuri snaps, a low warning in his tone. “Let the adults speak.”

  She huffs and puffs, her arms crossed as she pouts. “I want to marry Ven, Daddy. I want that more than the pony I asked for.”

  What a little brat. Already playing a part for her father.

  He waves her off, and she stomps on the wood floors out of sight.

  I’m definitely going to need a drink.

  Thankfully, after a half hour of talking, Yuri and my father dismiss Diana and me. We head to Diana’s room. It’s cool and has a couch. We usually hang out up there while our parents do business and listen to music. Diana always has the best hookup on the finest vodka this country has seen. She likes rock music, which makes me laugh. She’s always so serious and straight-laced. Maybe little Di has a rebellious streak.

  “Training for The Games, huh?” she asks as we walk down the maze of corridors in their massive home.

  “Yep,” I grunt.

  She stops and clutches my wrist. “You don’t seem pleased.”

  Her grip is warm. In a couple years, I might make a move on her. I’ve fucked and ran out on lots of women in my short life, but Diana is the kind of girl you make love to and keep. Smart and feisty and gorgeous. “I’d rather not spend my last year in college using my study time to train people to fight.”

  She beams at me. “Heaven forbid we make our own name.”

  “We’re a threat to them,” I sigh, leaning my shoulder against the wall. “One day, we’re going to take over everything, and there will be nothing our fathers can do about it.”

  Her brows scrunch together in a thoughtful way and she nods. “I think you’re on to something.” She releases my wrist and raises her hand. I stiffen when she runs her fingers along my thick beard. “I like this on you. It suits you.”

  I want to tell her I like the color of her ripe lips, but refrain. Barely.

  “Paint me,” Vika yells at Irina from down the hallway. “Diana said you had to paint me.”

  Cringing, I look to see that little shit with her hands on her hips trying to boss Irina around. I roll my eyes. “I cannot get that kid off my back. Fuck. If she sees me, she’ll drive me
fucking insane until it’s time to leave.”

  Diana laughs. “I know how to fix this. Play along.”

  I lift a questioning brow as she slides her hands to the back of my neck and presses her soft body against mine. Her scent is sweet, like the roses Mom used to grow before she died. I inhale her. She tilts her head up and parts her juicy red lips.

  “What are we doing?” I ask, my voice husky and deep as I rake my gaze over her pretty young face.

  She grins at me, and my heart thumps in my chest. “We’re playing a game, Ven. A game where little pawns understand their place in our world amongst kings and queens.” Her lips press to mine, and I’m stunned still for a moment. Then, my palms find her hips to draw her nearer to me.

  “Diana,” I warn against her lips.

  “Just go with it,” she murmurs before sticking her tongue into my mouth.

  The moment her slick tongue dances with mine, I growl. I don’t know where she learned how to kiss so well, but I’m not complaining. Her mouth—her juicy fat lips—was meant for kissing. Meant for kissing me.


  I’m kissing a girl I have no business even touching for another two years, and even then, she’ll be destined for someone else. If Yuri Vasiliev plans a union for Vika and a Vetrov, then he will want another powerhouse name for one of his sons, and Diana Volkov is a prize to have.

  I bite at her lip, and she lets out a mewl that speaks straight to my cock. I’m about to do things that will get me in a fuck-ton of trouble when a shrill scream echoes down the hallway.

  We pull apart, and Diana flashes me a satisfied smirk.

  A game.


  Too bad my heart thundering inside my ribcage didn’t get the fucking memo.

  I glance at the source of the sound, finding Irina and Vika staring at us. Irina’s eyes are wide, her mouth parted. Vika is crying and throws down the doll she was holding. Dragging my eyes from them, I stare back down at Diana. My palm finds her cheek, and I can’t help but stroke her there. I then run my thumb over her bottom lip, red and swollen from our kiss.


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