My Kind of Dirty (Dirty Fuckers MC #2)

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My Kind of Dirty (Dirty Fuckers MC #2) Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “Get on your knees, baby. I want to give you a chance to experience everything.”

  Wrapping her fingers around his cock, she squeezed his cock a little tighter. He groaned, and she released him quickly. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No, babe.”

  Staring at the tip of his large cock, she saw that there was a jewel of cum at the tip. She flicked her tongue against the tip, and tasted him.

  “Fuck, baby. Do you like the taste of me?”


  Covering the tip with her mouth, she sucked the head into her mouth then slid down his shaft until he hit the back of her throat.

  “You can use your teeth if you want, baby.”

  She was gentle as she scored her teeth along the shaft, moving up. Glancing up at him, she watched as he closed his eyes, biting his lip.

  Focusing on his dick, she started to bob on the tip, and he seemed to be getting a little harder as she took more of him in her mouth. Pre-cum spilled out of the tip, and she swallowed it down.

  “Fuck, baby, your mouth is so perfect, so fucking perfect.”

  He tugged the band out of her hair, and she let out a gasp at the sharp pain.

  Releasing his cock, she stared up at him.

  “Do you like my dick?”


  “Good.” Drake wrapped her hair around his fist, and gripped his cock. “Open for me, baby.”

  She opened her lips, staring into his eyes as he slid his cock into her mouth. “Um,” she said, moaning around his dick.

  “Fuck, I’m not going to last.”

  He started to ease in and out of her, going deep. When he hit the back of her throat, he pulled away, and he set up a steady pace, pumping into her mouth.

  “Yes, fuck, baby. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.”

  His words encouraged her to take him deeper into his mouth, swallowing the tip.

  “No, I’m not going to last.”

  He pulled on her hair so she had no choice but to get to her feet. He moved her toward the couch, pushing her down.

  Grace didn’t have time to ask him what he was doing. He pushed her back, removed the white lace panties, and spread her open. His fingers eased the lips of her pussy open, and Grace cried out as he sucked her clit into his mouth. Drake didn’t stay there for long. He moved down, plunging his tongue into her pussy, and using his fingers to tease her clit.

  He was all over her body, and she couldn’t believe how good it was. He finger-fucked her several times before moving up to caress her clit.

  “Yes, Drake, so good.”

  Drake used his teeth biting on her nub. His fingers thrust inside her, and he stretched her wide.

  “Come for me, Grace.”

  She came hard as he flicked her clit with his tongue and fucked inside her with his fingers.

  The pleasure was out of this world, and she came hard, spilling her cream onto his fingers.

  Drake didn’t give her the chance to come down from her arousal, and he stood, grabbing her arms, and bending her over the end of the couch.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Taking what belongs to me.”

  His cock pressed against her entrance, and in one thrust, he was deep inside her. Drake wasn’t a small man, and she cried out his name as he pounded deep into her.

  “Fuck, baby, you’ve got no idea how damn sweet you feel. Your pussy is perfect, so tight and wet. I’m going to have to fuck you over and over again until you remember me.”

  She wouldn’t complain.

  He gripped her hips, and started to work in and out, making her feel every inch of his dick sliding inside her. He took his time, and the pleasure had her gasping for more.

  “I love fucking your pussy.”

  With each word he pounded inside her.

  “Yes, Drake. Fuck me.”

  “Who do you belong to?”


  “That’s right, baby. My pussy, my ass, my tits, they all belong to me, and no other man is going to know what it’s like to be inside you.”

  She screamed her agreement.

  He held her hips so tightly she knew he was going to leave bruises. She would be more than happy with his marks on her skin.

  As he slammed deep inside her, she pushed back, fucking him harder.

  Nothing was gentle in their fucking.

  It was hard, hungry, and desperate.

  “I’m going to come,” he said.

  In the next second, she heard him cry out her name, and felt the kick of his cock as he pulsed inside her, spilling his seed deep.

  Taking deep breaths, Grace started to remember something really important.

  “We’ve not used a condom.” They had had sex twice now, and both times they hadn’t used a condom.

  Chapter Ten

  Two days later

  Drake kept hold of Grace’s hand as they moved through the large forest in Vale Valley. This was the area of the Trojans, and he didn’t want to have a problem with the other biker gang. He didn’t want them to be interrupted, and he’d visited this lake many times.

  “Why aren’t you wearing your leather cut?” Grace asked.

  So far they had stolen moments with each other to be together. They’d had dinner together, and Grace had even cooked for him. Suzy and Chloe had been there. She wasn’t comfortable going to the clubhouse, and with her friends living with her, they hadn’t had sex unless it was behind the back of the diner.

  He was getting tired of behaving like a naughty teenager.

  “We’re in a different MC’s territory, and I don’t want to cause any problems.”

  “Why travel all this way?”

  “You’re not comfortable around the clubhouse, and we don’t have places of our own. This is the only place I can think for us to go that will give us some privacy.”

  “I can’t afford a place of my own,” Grace said.

  He held a large picnic basket, and when he found a secluded area with enough shade from the trees, with a perfect view of the lake, he stopped. Drake heard in the distance far up the embankment the sound of kids, but he wasn’t worried. During his many visits to the lake in Vale Valley, he’d not been found out by any of the Trojans.

  The last thing he wanted to do was start a possible war between the two clubs. Dirty Fuckers were not about war, but if posed with a possible threat, they would fight.

  “You don’t want to come to my room at the clubhouse either.” He removed the blanket, putting it on the ground.

  “Would you like me to come to your room?” Grace asked, biting her lip.

  He stared up at her, and saw she was a little uncertain about what was happening.

  Moving in front of her, he cupped her face, kissing her deeply. “I’d love you to come to my room.” Stroking down her neck, he rested the tips of his fingers on her pulse. “You’ve got nothing to be afraid of.”

  “I know that.”

  “Do you? Do you really? I don’t think you do. No one will touch you.”

  “I’ve never been around that kind of thing.”

  “That kind of thing? Why don’t you try it? Come to the club Friday night.”

  “You want me to come to the club?” she asked.

  “Yeah, come to the club. I’ll give you a tour. We’ll have a little fun, and then we can go to my room, and I can fuck your brains out without having to worry about your roommates hearing us.” He stole a kiss, happy when she tried to deepen it. “Take your dress off.”

  Grace’s face heated, and she looked around them.

  “There’s no one here, baby.”

  “You’re always trying to get me naked.”

  Removing his shirt, he kicked off his boots, and his jeans. “Join me.” He ran and jumped into the lake. The water was warm, and when he broke the surface, he saw her laughing. “Jump in.”

  “No, you’ve got no chance.”

  “Come on. It feels great.”


  “I’ll l
ick your pussy until you come all over my face.”


  “And then I’ll do it all over again.”

  “Will you do that thing with your fingers?”

  Drake chuckled. “Yes.” He’d been playing with her ass every chance he got. He wanted to fuck her ass, and watch her come.

  Grace removed her dress, kicking off her pumps, and running toward the lake. She screamed seconds before she hit the water. He waited for her to break the surface, pulling her into his arms, and turning her around.

  “Hey, baby.”

  “This feels so good,” she said.

  “And we’re alone. No one is here.” He ran his hands up and down her body. “So, you’ll come to the party?”

  “Yes, I’ll come to the party. Teri always looks happy after being at one of the parties. What should I wear?” she asked.

  “How about I buy you something to wear?”

  “What if I don’t like it?”

  “From what I’ve seen you wear you’re not going to have anything suitable.” Grace averted her gaze, and he cupped her cheek, forcing her to look at him. “What is it?”


  “Don’t keep any secrets from me.”

  “Not ever?”

  “No, not ever.”

  Grace sighed. “The club women. They’re not going to like me.”

  “Babe, they don’t even like Cora, but they put up with her because she’s James’s old lady, and they don’t have a choice. Also, Cora would totally kick their ass if any of them even tried something.”

  “Cora sounds like a hard ass.”

  “She really is. Did you hear what she said to Stacey?”

  “I was surprised. They’re friends, right?”

  “They are friends, but Cora’s James’s old lady, and she has to think of the club as well.”

  “Stacey hasn’t come into the diner, and when I’ve seen her around town, she’s no longer with Bill, the gym teacher. I hear he’s with Misty.”

  “That woman is bad news.”

  “I agree. I don’t like Misty.” Grace moved away from him, swimming in little circles. “This is a little piece of heaven, isn’t it?”


  “Does this mean I’m your old lady?” Grace asked.

  “That was something I wanted to ask you,” Drake said. He kept himself afloat, watching her. “If you’re coming to one of the parties, I want you to come as my old lady.”

  Grace smiled. “I’m going to be your old lady.”


  “You’re my old man.”

  “You did accuse me of being old.”

  Grace laughed. “Totally hot kind of old.” She winked at him, and moved to him again, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I would totally love to be your old lady.”



  They swam in circles around their small piece of lake. He kept an ear out in case anyone thought to venture further down. This wasn’t as high above the lake so you couldn’t jump in from a great distance.

  When they both started to get wrinkly, they jumped out. Once they were dry, he made Grace sit while he put sunscreen on her body. The swimsuit was very conservative, but he wasn’t going to complain. If anyone stumbled upon them, the last thing he wanted was for them to get a look at his woman.

  With Grace, Drake didn’t like sharing. She was all his, and he wasn’t about to share her with anyone.

  Grace unpacked the picnic, and he served them both up some pasta and cold grilled chicken. She was a damn good cook.

  Once their food was finished, Grace teased him with chocolate cake, until he pinned her down, taking a piece for himself. After all the food was finished, he packed up the basket, and Grace lay between his thighs, and read from the e-reader he’d given to her. Drake laughed at some of the scenes she read out, and grew hot at a couple of the sex scenes.

  “Did you purposefully fill this e-reader with porn?”

  “It’s not porn, and yes, I did.”


  “You’re reading something that I had given you. I figured the more you read, the hotter you would get, and you would think about me as you did.”

  “So you did it on purpose?” Grace asked.

  “From the moment I first saw you at the diner, I knew I wanted you.”

  “You did?”

  “I did.” He ran the tips of his fingers down her arms before wrapping them around her waist. “What do you think to that?”

  “I had no idea. You settled for being my friend.”

  “I settled for what I could get, and you were only ready to be friends.”

  Grace snuggled against him. “I’m pleased we’re more. You know there are times I feel like we’ve been friends all of my life.”

  Drake tensed up as he heard a twig snap. Getting to his feet, he stood in front of Grace, protecting her.

  A large man wearing a Trojans MC leather cut appeared. The man’s hair was to his shoulders, and he was frowning.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked.

  “Just came to enjoy the view.”

  “You think I don’t know another MC when I see one?”

  “I’m not wearing my cut,” Drake said.

  “Then cover your fucking ink.”

  Looking down at his chest, he saw the MC emblem on display. It was small, but anyone who knew the Dirty Fuckers would recognize it. Drake grabbed his shirt, tugging it on.

  “You’re not here to start a war?”

  “No. The name’s Drake.”

  “I’m Knuckles.” He looked past him to Grace. “Your old lady or club whore?”

  “Old lady,” Drake said. “We were just enjoying the water, and the sun. We stayed away from the town, and we won’t stay long.”

  “Would you like us to leave?” Grace asked, standing up.

  Knuckles looked from Drake to Grace.

  “Dirty Fuckers are not known for causing trouble. Stick to your spot, and stay away from town. Duke will be in touch with James to let him know he gave you safe passage. Next time, phone ahead. We may even accept you at the clubhouse.”

  Drake thanked him. “I didn’t come as a club member, just as a man.”

  “Duly noted. Take care.”

  Knuckles turned his back, walking away, whistling.

  “Is it always like that?” Grace asked.

  “Not always. With clubs there can be a lot of tension. There’s a lot of MCs, and quite a few of them fight over turf. Trojans are one of the most feared, but respect them, and they’ll respect you.”

  “Did you disrespect them?”

  Drake shook his head. “No. I didn’t have my leather cut, nor did I have my bike. All I had was the ink I got when I joined the club. He wouldn’t have known if that wasn’t on show. It also helped that I stayed to my side of town. I didn’t try to push my way through town.”

  “I think it’s time we go.”

  He didn’t argue, and they packed away their stuff.

  Grace flung herself into his arms, and he pressed her against the nearest tree. “I don’t want to go just yet.”

  Unable to resist, he moved her costume to one side, shoved his boxer shorts down, and slammed deep inside her. He didn’t bag his cock up, but he didn’t see the point. He may have already gotten her pregnant.


  Friday night

  “It’s not scary,” Teri said.

  “That’s easy for you to say. You’ve been to a lot of them.”

  “I live for them. You do know the parties are every single night. Drake only suggested Friday night because you’re not working tomorrow.”

  “I didn’t know that.” Grace looked out of the diner. “Every single night?”

  “If the guys want to party, they drink some beer, eat, and fuck all they want.” Teri popped some gum and finished wiping down the counters. There was a large pot of soup simmering on the stove.

  It was still summer, and Teri
was experimenting with soup.

  “What is up with that?” Grace asked, pointing at the large pot.

  “Fall will be here before you know it, and I like to get ahead. I’m simmering some chicken carcasses to make my own stock. Once that is done, I can use the stock to experiment on other soups, and it would be an awesome base. Chicken, vegetable, even Chinese soups.”

  Grace loved Teri’s enthusiasm.

  “Also, there’s no point throwing out the chicken when it’s perfectly good, and it tastes amazing.” Teri popped some gum. “While you wait for Drake, you could chop me up these vegetables.”

  Grabbing a knife, Grace got to work prepping the vegetables, and watching as Teri pulled out fresh herbs and then a variety of spices. The woman knew how to work wonders in the kitchen, and Grace loved watching.

  “So, you and Drake, he’s told me that you’ve accepted being his old lady.”

  “He wanted to go to the party tonight, and make sure that I was ready to be his old lady.” Grace shrugged. “I love being with him.”

  “I see that smile on your face, babe. You’re in love.”

  Grace paused. “Love?”

  “Yes. You’re in love with Drake.”

  “I think that’s a little too soon, don’t you?”

  “Not really. It’s just the right time.”


  “Is your ex, and he’s completely out of the picture.”

  He was totally out of the picture. She’d not even given him a thought until that moment. Drake made her forget about the past, and look forward to the now, and the future.

  “Wow, love, that’s a pretty big deal.”

  “And if I’m not wrong, Drake’s also mega in love with you, like totally, mega in love. I’ve never seen him look so damn happy.” Teri kept on talking while Grace was having a semi-nervous breakdown.

  It was possible to fall in love in such a short period of time? Most loves were the kind that people spent years building.

  “Hey, baby, are you ready?” Drake asked. He held up a paper bag that had the label of Suzy’s work place.

  “Go on, honey. You can use my office to get changed.”

  Grace really wished that Teri hadn’t dropped that bombshell, as otherwise she’d be able to focus a hell of a lot more right now. She felt out of sorts, and not ready to spend the evening with Drake.


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