Silver and Bold

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Silver and Bold Page 25

by Amber Burns

  “Daniel.” I gulped several minutes later, staring at the mirror. “I need you to send a car to Nowheresville, Oklahoma. Why you ask? Because my girlfriend won’t ride my motorcycle and I’m banned from renting cars in Oklahoma, along with six other states. Thanks bro, I knew I could count on you.” I sighed, “Oh yeah, I got your number because I’ve been stalking you since I left, making sure you’re doing okay. Congrats on UCLA by the way, can’t believe my little brother is gonna be a doctor.”

  “Chase? Are you okay?” Allie asked shyly from the doorway.

  I spun around with wide eyes, “I thought you were working.”

  “My parents want to see you so I came to get you. Are you alright?”

  She sat down beside me on the bed, one hand on my knee. My stomach stirred at her concerned expression.

  “I need to tell you something.”

  Allie nodded, tilting her head to the side and looking me in the eyes, “Anything.”

  I nodded back, taking a deep breath. “My parents want to meet you.”

  A gentle smile broke across my love’s face, “Alright, what’s so bad about that?”

  I frowned, “A couple things. For one, I haven’t seen them since I left home at 16.”

  Allie’s smile dropped, “Oh.”

  I nodded, “And they live in California on a villa where my dad manages his business tycoon.”

  Allie’s jaw dropped her face obviously surprised. “I didn’t know you came from that kind of family.”

  I grinned, stroking her face, “I didn’t tell you for a reason. It’s kind of hard to reconcile my biker family with my biological family. A lot of yachts and polos in my family.”

  She giggled, “Well you don’t really fit into our boots and plaid either. Come on. I’m sure we can borrow something from someone in town to get out there.”

  I kissed my darling’s forehead. “You are definitely America’s Sweetheart.”

  Allie grinned, “And you are America’s Bad Boy. Who knew we’d end up together?”


  Allie smacked my hands away from my tie. “You look lovely. I still think the tie is overkill but it’s too late now. Do I have to ring the bell?”

  I shook myself, slipping my hand into Allie’s and pressing the doorbell firmly.

  “Atta boy.” She giggled beside me.

  I took a deep breath and smiled at her. The door opened to reveal Juliana, the housekeeper. “Mister Chase! It’s so nice to see you home! And with a beautiful woman too! Come in, come in. Do your parents expect you?”

  I shook my head, “No, but we were in the area so I figured I’d stop in.”

  Juliana shook her head, “You better not put pretty miss on that death trap of yours.”

  I shook my head, “Don’t worry, Juliana, we took a proper car.”

  She nodded, “Good. I go call Master Tony now. You bring miss to living room.”

  I nodded, turning back to Allie. She stood in the doorway, staring at the lavish entry hall my mother loved so much.

  “You alright?” I asked.

  Allie nodded, stepping inside as if she would break the floor.

  “Shoes go over there.” I pointed to the closet which held the family’s shoes. At least, most of them. My mom kept her fancy shoes in her room.

  Allie moved over to the bench, pulling off her boots with one hand without stopping to look down at what she was doing. Her eyes roamed, taking in the beige walls and expensive paintings.

  “Everything is so…” Allie trailed off, walking over to me.

  “Extravagant?” I supplied my own thoughts.

  “Beautiful.” Allie corrected just as my mother appeared at the top of the stairs.

  “Chase! I didn’t know you were coming home.”

  She didn’t seem surprised that Allie was with me so I knew Juliana had spoken with her.

  “Well, I figured it’s been a while. I was in the neighborhood and figured I would stop by. You always said to come back once I left the biker life behind me.” Allie gripped my hand tightly, noticing the strain in my voice.

  Mom nodded, “And I suppose that this would be the reason. I’m Carla, it’s so nice to meet you.”

  Allie hesitantly took my mom’s offered hand. “It’s nice to see where Chase got his good looks from.”

  Mom laughed, shaking her head, “You flatter me. But yes, Chase does get much of his looks from me. You’ll notice my husband has much lighter hair than we do.”

  Before they could start talking beauty I jumped in, “Where is dad?”

  My mom hesitated, “He’s on the phone at the moment. I’m sure he’ll be down soon. Why don’t we go get settled in the living room? Juliana should be in with some refreshments any moment.”

  I followed my mom, sighing at my dad’s typical behavior. Work, work, work, sleep, work. That was why I left in the first place. Juliana greeted us in the living room, offering sweet tea and cut up fruit. I picked up a slice of pear and Allie accepted a glass of Juliana’s specialty.

  “So how is everything?” My mom started. “Tell me everything.”

  I glanced at Allie before answering. “We met while I was riding through her hometown. Allie works in a diner with her Aunt and it was love at first sight.”

  Mom sighed dreamily, “Yes, have I ever told you the story of how your father and I met?”

  I was about to remind her that I’d heard it a billion times when we were interrupted by a squeak.

  “Chase! You’re home!” Emma launched herself at me, giggling and gripping my neck.

  I glanced over to see Allie with a slightly pained expression. She was jealous of my sister. I was much too happy about that.

  “Yeah Em, Beaker called me a couple days ago.” She climbed off of me, smiling at Allie.

  “Hi! You must be Allie! I’m Emma, Chase’s sister! It’s so great to meet you! Almost as great as it is to have him home in general!”

  Allie’s face softened, “It’s nice to meet you too.”

  I sighed, “No getting chummy with my sister okay?”

  Allie smirked mischievously, “No promises. So tell me, what did Chase look like with braces?”

  Before Emma could speak, I covered her mouth with my hand and looked her in the eye. “If you don’t say anything I’ll stay the night.”

  Emma squealed before running out of the room. I turned to my mom, “If that’s okay with you?”

  She nodded, a genuine smile on her face, “That would be lovely, dear. Your father should be down in a few minutes and we can check with him.”

  I resisted an eye roll at my mother’s natural response. Everything had to go through my father first. She ceased being her own person when she married him, or so it seemed. Meanwhile Allie continued chatting with my mom and munching on fruit, happily oblivious to the tension in the room. To make things even better, my father walked in just as I was about to excuse us for some alone time.

  “Ahh, what do we have here?”

  I studied my father, taking satisfaction in the grey hairs around his temple. He was in fact wearing a polo, just as I’d warned Allie.

  “Hi Dad.” I pronounced my words carefully, standing up to greet him.

  I stuck out my hand for a shake as he did with his business partners. He surprised me by pulling me in for a hug. I awkwardly patted his back until he let go, sitting on the couch beside my mom.

  “It’s so good to see you sport.”

  I smiled weakly, unsure how to proceed.

  “It’s good to see you too dad.”

  I sat back down, taking Allie’s hand and squeezing it. Allie frowned at me without a word.

  “I’m sorry about the way you left son. I was upset and I said some things that I didn’t mean and by the time I’d calmed down… You were in the wind.”

  I nodded, unable to say anything through the lump in my throat.

  “We didn’t want you to go. And now I can tell you that you are always welcome here, whenever you’re in town with your new frie

  I swallowed the emotion in my throat, taking a deep breath and focusing on Allie. “I left the gang. I left them for Allie.”

  Allie blushed under my gaze, squeezing my hand back. My dad nodded in my peripheral vision.

  “Well,” he stood up, “I need to go pick up Daniel from school, we’re having family dinner tonight. Will you stay?”

  I nodded, “We just need to get cleaned up.” I stood up, pulling Allie with me.

  “Of course of course. Your room is still upstairs if you’d like to use it.”

  I smiled, “I’d love to. Did you guys ever find that stain from when I split red wine I wasn’t supposed to have?”

  Mom laughed elegantly while my dad shook his head. “We found that years ago but you were so sneaky, begging Juliana not to tell us we decided to let you think you’d gotten away with it.”

  Both my parents stood up, Mom taking Allie’s hands. “It’s a pleasure to meet the girl that’s captured our Chase’s heart.”

  Allie smiled, “And it’s lovely to meet the people that are to thank for his existence.”

  Dad turned to me. “It’s good to have you home son. It really is. If you need anything, just ask.”

  I nodded with a tentative smile, “I will dad. It’s good to be home.”

  Allie and I proceeded up the stairs. Just outside my bedroom door, I shook my head with a chuckle.

  “What?” Allie asked, confused.

  “I’m going soft.” I muttered, throwing the door open.

  “So this is your bedroom?” Allie asked, taking in the navy and grey color scheme.

  I nodded, “Yup. Been this way since I was thirteen.”

  Allie smiled, “It’s nice. Very manly without being desperate, you know?”

  I nodded, “Understated manly chic.”

  Allie raised her eyebrows, “Mom had a professional designer do it. She didn’t trust me after I went through a Goth phase including black, skulls and disturbing pictures that shouldn’t be available to 9 year olds.”

  Allie shook her head with a giggle. “I can’t imagine you as a goth. It’s too weird.”

  I shrugged, “Imagine a lot of make up.”

  Allie flopped onto my bed, burying her face in the sheets. “They don’t smell like you.” She declared, rolling over with a pensive look on her face.

  I shut the door before turning to grin at my love. “I can change that.” I pounced on her, holding her down against the bed and kissing her lips heavily.

  Allie giggled into the kiss, pulling away and kissing my cheek with that same tentative look that she had the first time I’d touched her.

  “We’re in your parents’ house in the middle of the afternoon.” She pointed out in hopes of dissuading me.

  I smirked, “Then you just have to be quiet, now won’t you?”

  She giggled and pulled my lips back to hers as I slipped a hand up and under her dress.

  “Have I ever told you how much I love your dresses?”

  Allie nodded into the kiss without pulling away. I slipped a finger into her panties, rubbing her clit teasingly. The cute moan I was rewarded with was caught in my mouth. I moved down to her neck, allowing both of us to catch our breath.

  “If someone hears us I’m blaming you.” Allie threatened weakly.

  I smirked, “Dad’s out picking up Daniel, Emma’s probably chatting with her friends and my mom is in the living room. No one is gonna hear us. Now, you want to help out or am I doing all the work?”

  Allie rolled her eyes, “Lazy.”

  I immediately pushed my middle finger inside her, eliciting a loud groan from the pretty blonde beneath me.

  “Really?” I smirked at her half-hearted glare. Rolling off of her, I moved up so my head was on the pillow. “Are you gonna participate or not?”

  Allie rolled her eyes, swinging herself around to present her bottom. I pushed up her dress and threw her panties across the room. Allie laughed at my impatience.

  “Patience is a virtue you know.”

  I glared at her, “So is obedience.”

  Allie scoffed, “You wanna go there-“

  I captured her clit in my mouth sending a full body shudder up her spine. Her moan was muffled by the bulge at my crotch as she lost the ability to hold herself up.

  “Jerk.” My dear mumbled, fumbling with the button on my pants.

  I chuckled, kissing her slit to allow her to focus on the task at hand. Seconds later I felt her warm, wet mouth enveloping the head of my dick without hesitation. She had come so far in just under a month. Her tongue swirled around my shaft, forcing me to muffle my moans into her pussy.

  “Enjoying yourself, are we?” She asked teasingly, pulling on the head of my dick with her lips.

  I groaned in response, “You’re getting good at that.”

  She giggled, turning around to face me. “I think it’s time for the real fun to begin.”

  I grinned at her, “How about we try something different?”

  Allie frowned, “What kind of different?”

  I gave her my best million dollar smile, “Do you trust me?”

  She feigned a pensive look, “Not really, but I can pretend.”

  “Okay. Stay just like you are.” I shuffled out from under her, moving behind that beautiful bottom and pressing down on her shoulders.

  “This is going to feel different.” Allie nodded against the bed, watching me from the side.

  I slipped myself an inch or so inside of her, noticing immediately when I hit her g-spot. “You like that?” I asked over her moan.

  A blank nod was my only response. I pushed in farther, bottoming out and slapping her butt as my balls hit her clit. I almost missed the moan she gave as she smothered it into my pillow. I picked up the pace, slamming in and out of her slick tunnel as my lust overtook my higher thought functions.

  Allie didn’t raise her head from the pillow the entire time as I hit her g-spot on every thrust. Once again I was floored by how beautiful my love was and how well we fit together. Not to mention how much of a nymph she’d become once I’d introduced her to the wonders of sex. And as long as I was the only one that knew, I was happy to fulfill her needs any time she felt the urge.

  After finishing up, Allie and I had taken a nap. I was perfectly content to sleep through dinner but Allie was not having that and forced me to get up and ready by 6 o’clock sharp. Allie was wearing a beautiful blue dress that matched my room and showed off her curves delightfully while I wore a blue button up and trousers. Allie seemed to believe matching was in order for the first dinner with my parents. I was just glad to not have to pick out my outfit.

  We arrived downstairs as the grandfather clock in the den struck 6 pm, perfectly on time according to Juliana’s instructions. Of course, there was no one in the dining room when we arrived so we just sat down and talked.

  “I’m so proud of you for making up with your parents.” Allie smiled, taking my hand.

  I kiss the back of her fingers gently, “It’s all because of you.”

  She blushed, dropping her head. I had missed that blush. My father arrived and called me out into the hallway.

  “Son, I know I haven’t been around much these past few years but I can tell you love that girl with all your heart. So I want to give you this.”

  Dad pulled out a small ring box. “It’s my father’s. I was too stubborn to take it because I wanted something that your mom could show off. But it is beautiful in any case. Whenever you’re ready, I’d be honored if you would use it to propose to Allie. No pressure, but someday.”

  I nodded, taking the small box and opening it. It was a simple ring, a gold band with a modest diamond in the centre with two smaller diamonds on either side. It was beautiful in an understated way.

  “Thanks dad.” I murmured, closing the box and stowing it in my suit pocket. “We better get inside or your mother will come by and think we’re conspiring.” I laughed, heading inside to sit back down beside Allie.

sp; Suddenly I wanted to propose right then and there. I hadn’t even thought about marriage, I didn’t see it as necessary, but Allie probably did. In any case, my mother would kill me if I proposed two minutes before she arrived so I forced myself to wait for their arrival. Of course, with my mother came my siblings and a barrage of questions from both of them. Before I knew it, I had lost my chance and dinner was being served.


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