Alpha Bitch_Romance on the Go

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Alpha Bitch_Romance on the Go Page 1

by Loralynne Summers


  Copyright© 2016 Loralynne Summers

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-048-2

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Melissa Hosack


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  For Courtney

  For believing in this story when I wasn’t even sure what I was doing with it.

  I love you, twinpants.


  Romance on the Go ®

  Loralynne Summers

  Copyright © 2016

  Chapter One

  Cassie wrapped the long cardigan snug and hugged her arms. The action was more for comfort than anything else. Summer wasn’t going down without a fight, and even now, late into October, the afternoon sun was warm on her face as she stepped out onto the porch.

  The sound of wood being chopped had roused her from her nap on the couch. Kieran was nothing if not considerate and worked quite deep in the woods, but her heightened senses had still caught the heavy thwack of metal meeting wood. She had plenty of firewood stacked in several neat rows along the side of the cabin. The nights were cool but not unbearable, and she hadn’t yet seen the need to keep a fire going all night long. But that didn’t matter to Kieran.

  She sighed.

  Just once she’d like to chop her own wood.

  Not that he’d ever let her. Kieran viewed it as his job to look after her, see to her trivial needs so that she could focus on the pack. She never lacked for food, and her cabin was always clean. She’d even had to order him to let her do her own laundry. He said he was honored that the job had been given to him. She saw it for the kindness it had been after his father’s actions. The man was basically her private servant. He was like the tip of her nose: always there, but just out of sight. If she didn’t know his scent, Cassie wouldn’t be able to pick Kieran out of a crowd. She hadn't seen his face but a handful of times in all the years he’d served first her father and now her. He was in a constant state of submission when near her, bowed with his head down.

  The shrill peal of the phone drove her back to the cool interior of her cabin.

  “Cassie, it’s Nick. Erik Allaire from Sandy Hollow emailed me again…”

  “For Heaven’s sake, how many times must I tell him no?”

  Nick laughed. “I know. I give him credit for perseverance. But he wants to know if you’re attending the meeting next week. You still haven’t responded.”

  “If I thought that this ‘meeting’ was going to be productive, and maybe something more than another veiled attempt to convince me to merge packs and mate one of the other Alphas or heirs, I’d consider it. They can all shove it. It’s been two and a half years since I officially took over. If my own pack hasn’t kicked me out yet, I’m not handing us over to someone else.” Cassie pinched the bridge of her nose, eyes squeezed tight in frustration.

  “Old dogs and new tricks, and all that. Change is hard for the council. You’re a threat to them, even though you’re not doing anything different.”

  “It’s not the fifteenth century. Why can’t they get this? I’m not going.”

  “Cassie, you have to. It’s the yearly Alpha meeting.”

  “Can’t I just send you in my place?”

  “You know you can’t.”

  She fell into her father’s armchair. It was times like this that she wished for siblings. If she'd had a brother she wouldn’t be dealing with this crap. She could’ve deferred Alpha status to Nick, or even her cousin—Nick’s son, Jordan—and avoided all the problems of being a young and single female Alpha, but neither had wanted the position. As Jordan told her, she was the only true Alpha in the family now, and had been from the day she’d been born.

  “Politics I can handle. Close-minded old men, not so much. Their testosterone-driven sons, even less. Please tell me you’re going with me.” They’d only be gone for two days. Their pack was small and stable. She trusted her people to be without their Alpha or Beta for such a short time.

  “Of course I am.”

  She and Erik discussed plans for the meeting—not that she thought any of them would ever come to fruition—and ended the call. She felt restless, irritated.

  “These damn men,” she grumbled, rising from the chair. Her wolf scratched at her skin. They needed a run. Cassie began shedding her clothes. Yes, a run was a splendid idea.


  Kieran could feel the agitation coming from Cassie’s cabin in waves as he dragged his latest haul of wood in. It was no surprise to him when her wolf came bursting out the door. As an Alpha, she had the ability to shift at will. It was something all Alphas, both potential and recognized, shared regardless of their rank within the pack.

  It was something he’d been able to do at one point.

  Now he was forbidden to shift, even during the full moon.

  Thanks, Dad.

  Kieran stood in the shade, waiting until the streak of fur disappear into the woods and noted her direction. If she wasn’t back by the time he was done with his chores, he’d follow her to make sure she was okay. She was an extremely petite girl. Each time he saw that little white wolf, every protective instinct in him kicked into overdrive. If things had been different, he would've made her his, despite their ten-year age gap.

  Unfortunately, he was in no position to ask for a mate. Especially when the one he wanted was extremely off-limits.

  Kieran’s parents had been wanderers, rogue wolves, who’d only settled in Sandy Hollow when Kieran came along. But Remy Sanguinet had been an ambitious man. Being outsiders, they held no real status in the Sandy Hollow pack. Seeking to further himself and be part of a more like-minded pack than the peaceful Sandy Hollow, Remy had left his wife and young son behind and joined River Run.

  If he’d bothered to stay long enough, he would have realized Kieran was a natural born Alpha. Which, being the man he was, Remy would have leveraged to his advantage. Instead, several years later, he’d helped a force from River Run raid Stone Point—Cassie's pack—in an attempt to overtake the smaller pack.

  The attack claimed the life of Cassie’s Grandfather, Duncan, who’d been Alpha at the time. Cassie’s father Caleb immediately succeeded Duncan despite his own injuries.

  Remy died of wounds sustained in the fight—something that Kieran secretly was eternally grateful for. Unfortunately, his mother died only weeks later in a fire.

  River Run refused to accept Kieran, and Sandy Hollow was reluctant to keep him, now an orphan with questionable intentions thanks to his Alpha nature. With no other family members to speak for him, and no clue where his pack of origin was, it had fallen to the High Council to determine thirteen-year-old Kieran’s future.

  Caleb had volunteered immediately to take Kieran in as a member of Stone Point, to the surprise of many. Of course, it had come with conditions.

  As punishment for his father’s actions, Kieran’s wolf was caged. He was forbidden to shift, and had to serve the Alpha’s family and pack any way Caleb deemed fit.

  Kieran had been relieved. Though his wolf thrashed at being forever locked away, he was grateful to simply be alive. They hadn’t exiled him—a decision that would have likely led to his death sooner than later at that age. Indentu
red servitude was far better than being a rogue Alpha. He was given a small one-room cabin that he'd been allowed to add on to over the years. Council members had checked on him regularly until he'd turned twenty, and they were assured he wasn't going to make any waves.

  When he’d moved to Stone Point, Kieran had had one request. He’d wanted to take his mother’s last name.

  “Why?” Caleb asked.

  “Because my father was an awful man. I do not wish to be associated with him for the rest of my life. I am not proud to be called Sanguinet. A man should not be ashamed of his name.”

  “Those are strong feelings for one so young.” There was warmth in Caleb’s smile, belying the seriousness of the conversation.

  Kieran held his ground.

  “I am old enough to know that one shouldn’t pick on their neighbor just because they’re smaller than you. I am old enough to know that my father only cared for himself, and about outward shows of power. I am old enough to know that true power is given to you by others, not taken for yourself. I am old enough to know that strength of character is more important than physical strength.” He glanced to the small golden-haired girl playing in the leaves outside the meeting house. “I am old enough to know that it is the duty of the strong to protect those weaker than us, not prey on them.”

  Kieran thought of that day often. Caleb and the rest of Stone Point had made him feel welcome from the start. He’d found a home here, one he’d never really felt he had in Sandy Hollow. Caleb had been like a father to him, and despite Nick’s presence, Kieran felt it was his duty to look after Cassandra until she found a mate.

  Speaking of Cassandra… He placed the last piece of wood on the pile. Because of his wandering mind it had taken him longer than it should have to stack it. Kieran looked around, eyes narrowed, listening for the sound of her return. She didn't normally take long runs alone, acknowledging the need for her own safety. Not needing any further prompting than his general unease, he took off at a steady pace down the path Cassie had followed. Soon enough, a faint whine reached his ears and he began to run.

  Fear gripped his chest. He walked these woods far more often than she ran them, and her scent headed right for trouble. Last week they’d had heavy rains and a large section of bank had fallen into the river, turning the deep cleft into a treacherous sheer drop that you couldn’t see until you were nearly on top of it. If she’d planned to jump the river, she’d have fallen in instead. There would've been no time to correct her course. Not with how fast she ran at top speed.

  He slowed to a jog as he neared the river. Cassie’s whines grew louder, proving his fears true. The edge was still soft, and as slight as she was, when she’d hit it more had fallen and taken her with it. Thirty feet down, she lay trapped under a large pile of debris. Her beautiful coat, mostly white, had turned brown from all the dirt and mud.

  “Cassandra, it’s Kieran. I’m going to find a way down to help you.”

  Her tail flicked in acknowledgment.

  Carefully working along the edge, he finally found an area with solid enough footing and hand-holds for him to safely get down, and more importantly, where he could climb out with her on his back if necessary.

  “I’ll clear this debris off you. Hang on.”

  He slowly began lifting the stones that pinned her to the ground, avoiding her gaze. Being able to breathe deeper would be both a blessing and a curse, as it highlighted just how much damage she’d done. It wasn’t the debris on her that had caused her injuries, but the tumble she’d taken down the side and the large boulder she’d landed on.

  She let out a whimper when she tried to get up.

  “Easy, Cassandra. Catch your breath first.” Not thinking about the fact that he was touching his Alpha without her permission, Kieran placed a reassuring hand on her side. Awareness blossomed deep within, spreading like napalm though his system. He jerked his hand away.

  No no no no no. It can’t be…

  “You’ll need to shift to heal some of your injuries enough for me to carry you. Here,” he said roughly. He pulled his t-shirt off and set it on the ground next to her. “I’ll be right here. When you’re ready, I’ll get you out.”

  He turned his back to give her privacy, wincing when she let out a sharp yip.

  “Fucking hell that hurt. I’m going to shift again. Hang on,” she gasped.

  Waiting, he listened to her shift twice more before she appeared next to him.

  “I’m ready. Show me the way out.”

  Kieran knew Cassie was stubborn, but he hadn’t anticipated just how stubborn. He led her to where he’d climbed down, trying to burn the image of her clad only in his t-shirt from his memory. He was prepared to carry her out when she attempted to scale the bank herself. How was he supposed to watch and help her without seeing things he shouldn't? After slipping back down several times, she finally conceded and let him carry her out of the ravine with her on his back.

  Her touch was torture.

  He would need one very long, very cold shower when this adventure was over.

  Every breath that grazed his ear, the press of her perfect little breasts against his back, and the heat of her skin on his as her legs held his waist tight forced the knife deeper into his heart. It was bad enough that he wanted the woman. Now his damned wolf wanted hers, and wouldn’t shut up about it.

  We are Alpha! She is Alpha! She is ours! Claim her and free us!

  Kieran mentally sighed. “We are nothing, and we will do nothing.”

  “Okay, let me down now. I can walk.” Cassie's breath was warm against his cheek.

  “You don’t have any shoes.” Really? That was his concern? Way to sound like a moron. She could always shift again and return in wolf form.

  “I can walk,” she repeated, a bit more sternly.

  Amidst loud protests from his wolf, Kieran knelt. She unwrapped herself and stepped around in front of him before he could rise. Quickly his gaze dropped to her feet. It was a self-defense move more than anything else. He couldn't look at her without acknowledging feelings better left buried. Her toenails were a dusky shade of pink. He wondered if they matched her nipples. Despite his best intentions, he knew what else they matched.

  Gentle as the breeze, her fingers trailed lightly through the curtain of his hair before she lifted his chin. He swallowed hard as he met her eyes. In them he could see faint traces of the pain she so valiantly fought to hide.

  She is strong. She is worthy to be called Alpha.

  Kieran fought the storm raging through him. He knew she must feel the pull also, and it made him angry. She shouldn't have to deal with this on top of everything else. He was used to being alone, and would find a way to deal with this too. Fighting his wolf was second nature at this point. But as pack Alpha, Cassandra would have to mate sooner or later. Kieran was not a full member of the pack. Despite the mating call between them, there was no way she could pick him. But now that man, whoever her mate ended up being, never stood a chance of having her submission. Not after her wolf had claimed her true mate. Cassie might eventually love the man she mated, but his wolf was lost.

  “Kieran…” His name ghosted from her lips, a soft whisper full of longing. She palmed his cheek, and he noted the change in her pheromones. He did the only thing he could for her at that moment.

  Fighting every primal instinct inside him, and praying that she wouldn't follow, he ran.

  Chapter Two

  Cassie fought her wolf with everything she had. She wanted to chase after Kieran and claim him. Instead, Cassie sank to the forest floor and cried. For just that moment, alone in the woods, she let herself simply be a lonely young woman, hugging her knees to her chest and bawling over the loss of something that never even was. When he’d touched her, she knew the stories she’d always dismissed as old wives’ tales were true. Yet what he’d awoken inside must be denied. All too soon, she’d have to pretend that this incident never occurred and go on about daily life knowing that the one man she couldn’t have
was the only one she was supposed to be with.

  She’d been lying on the riverbed in pain, trying to figure out the best way to get herself free and cursing her impulsiveness. Then she’d caught his scent.


  Just knowing he was there had made everything fine. Somehow she’d known that he’d appear to help. He was always there for her. After the death of her parents, he was a silent yet constant and reassuring presence in her life.

  Then he'd knelt before her in the mud and debris, and she'd gotten her first real look at him in ages.

  He was stunning. If she could've taken a deep breath, he’d have taken it right back away from her.

  She drank in his features, not sure if she’d ever get the chance again. Normally hidden from view by his long brown hair, his face was both strong and delicate all at once. Long thick lashes framed gorgeous golden-ringed green eyes, offset by strong cheekbones. Soft lips, and a square jaw set firm, a sign of his conflicting emotions. Concern had poured from him, yet he’d clearly been apprehensive about being so close to her.

  Ever the gentleman, he’d turned away while she’d shifted and anger had risen swiftly inside her at the sight of the scars on his back. Long white streaks crisscrossed his back, vividly standing out against his tanned skin.

  He’d been whipped, and not just once from the looks of it.

  What happened to him? If someone from Stone Point did that… She made a mental note to look through her father’s journals and see if he mentioned Kieran being disciplined for something. She couldn’t remember him as anything but quiet, helpful, and obedient.

  Sighing, Cassie rose from the dirt and limped back to her house. A few more shifts, and then a long hot bath—accompanied by a good amount of whiskey—would help heal the remainder of her wounds.


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