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Becoming His

Page 18

by Albany Walker

  I hear him speaking to someone before I find him. His voice is calm, relaxed. He’s either on the house phone or whoever he’s talking to is here because I still have his cell. I stop walking and think about him. I’m trying to use my senses to see if I can strengthen them. I close my eyes. He’s in the living room; I know that much. I’m not sure how I know, but I do. The only emotion I feel is contentment. A small bubble of happy surfaces, almost like a laugh. I smile at his happy thought whatever it was. I can still hear the low cadence of his voice but not the words.

  Giving up, I head to the living room. His back is to me. The phone cradled between his ear and shoulder as he uses his hands in front of him. It sounds like he’s pouring a drink. “Yeah, that sounds good. I’ll see you there.” He disconnects. “Hey, Little One,” he says before turning. He does have a short rounded glass in his hand with a few inches of an amber liquid. When my eyes move up to his, I see desire etched in his features, hooded eyes and lips parted. His top teeth sink into his full bottom lip as his gaze goes from my face to my bare feet then back up. He widens his legs and adjusts himself. I’ll be damned if it’s not one of the hottest things ever to know I caused that reaction. “Love looking at you, Baby, but I’m not sure you should wear the dress, yeah. You got any sweatpants? Maybe a sweatshirt? It’s too warm for a coat.” The end comes out more to himself. “What about that really long dress from yesterday? That one touched your toes. I like that dress and the sweater; you had a sweater,” he’s rambling. It’s so stinking cute. I shake my head. He’s still in his jeans and tee shirt. I know he’ll be the most handsome man in the room, and he’s worried someone seeing my legs? He’s kinda crazy, but it makes me feel good.

  “Masen, I love you. Are you ready?”

  He starts to turns his head but keeps looking at me. I can hear him mumbling. “Let’s go.” He sighs like it’s such a burden. When we reach the front, I drop my boots and grab his arm to slide them on. He stops when I touch his arm and looks down. “Are you kidding me with the boots?”

  No, he didn’t. “Masen, these are my favorite boots. You better watch it,” I say seriously.

  He shakes his head. “Baby, you have no idea how sexy you look, and then, you add those damn boots. All I’m going to be thinking about is fucking you with them on. Just pray no one else opens their fucking mouth.” He keeps mumbling under his breath as he grabs my hand and tucks it into his elbow.

  Masen and I walk to the hall. The weather is perfect, warm with a cool breeze; the humidity has dropped finally. It takes us less than twenty minutes to arrive. I’m a little nervous; all these people have known Masen for years. I want them to like me. Plus, I still don’t have much experience with other shifters; it’s intimidating.

  He pulls me in for an embrace before reaching forward to open the door for me. It’s not the same door I used a few days ago; it’s around the back of the building. There are a few people dotted around a huge fire pit. Anyone seated stands and nods or raises a hand to Masen in greeting. Before returning to their seat, many look like they going to approach, but his surly expression keeps them at a distance.

  “They’re going to think you’re miserable, Masen. The way you keep mean mugging everyone that looks at us. I want them to like me, not hate me because their Alpha turned into an unapproachable grump!” The corner of his lips turns up barely displaying a devilish smirk. Well shit, that’s not any better; now, all these women will be fantasizing about his mouth. Goodness, I’m just as bad as he is.

  I’ve never been in a bar, but this is pretty much what I expected: lots of tables, a couple booths, and a long bar that runs all along one wall. Stools line the high counter, most are full I can see a beautiful redhead tending the bar with a equally red headed male working beside her. They must be brother and sister.

  There are a few empty tables. The people seem to group together; everyone looks friendly with each other. As the door closes behind us, every head turns almost in unison as we enter. “That’s not at all creepy,” I say in a hushed tone. Masen chuckles.

  Again, they all stand out of respect until he motions for them to sit. With a hand on my back, he ushers me to a dark, corner booth. “Why are we sitting way over here?” I ask looking around to the empty tables surrounding us. “This is weird, Masen. Everyone is staring at us, but no one’s talking to us. This is how I felt at school. Do they always stay away like this?”

  Everyone is indeed staring at us. There are more men than women, but the groups are mixed. From what I can tell, most of the men wear jeans, while the women are dressed in slinky dresses, miniskirts, and cropped tops. A few wear pants with revealing shirts. One thing they all share is the heels; not one woman beside me is wearing less than a four inch heel. They’ve all got me beat by four inches before the heels. I feel like I’ve been transported to the land of Amazonian’s.

  Masen urges me in the booth and scoots in close behind me. When I try to keep scooting, he puts his heavy arm over my shoulder, stopping me before I reach the middle of the booth. The way we’re seated, I can’t even see the rest of the bar. His big body is on the outside of mine, blocking me.

  I huff. “Masen, should we just leave? Obviously, you’re not comfortable here or with me here.”

  His body relaxes a tiny bit, and he turns his head and looks down at me guiltily. “I’m trying to adjust. I don’t really like them looking you. This is hard for me, too. I want to hurt them,” he growls slightly and clinches his fists. I place my hand over his and bring it under the table to the top of my thigh. “So, it’s best if we stay over here for now.” I can feel his restrained violence. I stroke his hand and arm under the table reassuringly.

  “Do all males get a little...ah so territorial in the beginning?”

  He’s still looking down at me. I see when his eyes soften. “It just depends, Little One. I’m sure it’ll get better after we’ve Mated fully,” he says unconvincingly. He runs his hands through his hair. “It’s actually gotten worse since those fuckers at the mall!” He spits angrily. “I’ll deal with it, Baby. Don’t worry.” He smiles.

  Masen’s head turns to the bar, and he nods once. Moments later, the pretty, redhead barmaid nears our table with a big smile and two menus. “Hi, I’m Lizzy. Everyone calls me Red. I’ve been so excited to meet you!” She gushes I can’t help but smile back

  “Are you Sid’s Red?” I ask tentatively.

  Her eyes light up, and her smile gets a little bigger. “Oh yes. I’m his,” she states proudly. She places the menus down and looks at Masen for the first time. She goes a little pale. “Alpha,” she clears her throat, “what can I get you to drink?” She looks right a Masen.

  In his deep, low timbre, he asks, “what would you like, Little One?” I’ve never had alcohol. I’m not sure what to get. He realizes quickly and says, “we’ll have a white and red wine, and I’ll have my usual. Thanks, Red.”

  She exhales when he speaks. Her bubbly demeanor back, she chirps, “I’ll get those right out,” and dashes to the bar.

  “Why did she get so freaked out?”

  His hand under the table squeezes my thigh. “Sometimes, I forget you’ve never been in a pack. She didn’t address me first. I’m her Alpha. If I address her, which I did by nodding for her to come over, she should always show respect. It’s not a big deal. I’ve never cared too much. It’s just the way packs work. Tradition, I guess.” He shrugs.

  We look over the menu, and Red returns with our drinks. “I brought a water, too, Sweetie,” she says talking to me.

  “Thank you.”

  She places a bottle and a glass similar to the one Masen was drinking from at home in front of him before putting the two glasses of wine and water near me. “You guys gonna have dinner?”

  Masen answers, “a few others are coming, so we’ll wait until they get here.”

  Red nods her head. “Let me know if you need anything. I’ll check on you in a bit.”

  I lean around Masen to watch her walk back to the bar. “Is
that her brother? Do they run this place? They have such beautiful hair,” I muse.

  “Yes, that’s her brother, Rick. She and Sid are parts owners, so she works usually one night on the weekends and Wednesday. She loves it; keeps her busy.”

  Most everybody has gone back to socializing, so I sneak peeks around him, watching everyone. We’ve been here about fifteen minutes when I see Sniffer and Sam walk in. They both wear smiles as they near the table. “Could you hide her any better man? I think I could see her arm once I got within ten feet of the table,” Sniffer jokes. Masen’s hand reaches up from under the table and pulls my hand that was toying with one of the wine glasses under the table. Sniffer’s face falls. “Mase, I was just kidding. Are you alright?” He asks seriously.

  “I’m fine,” Masen snaps defensively.

  Sniffer looks at me before scooting in the booth from the opposite side. Masen’s chest rumbles before Sniffer makes it in enough for Sam to sit. He freeze and looks at Masen incredulously. “Nicole will be here with Michael any minute. She will sit there,” Masen grates.

  I can feel his distress at his brother being near me. I reach up and place both hands on his cheeks, looking into his eyes. “Masen, he’s not here to hurt me or you.” I send him soothing thoughts, conveying with my eyes everything’s fine. “Let’s not have them stand there looking silly. Let him sit. He’ll move when Nicole gets here. That sound good, Big Guy?” His head nods in my hands, but he doesn’t look away. “I love you,” I whisper softly and bring his face to mine for a small kiss. When I pull back, Sniffer and Sam are seated close together, keeping as much space between us a possible.

  Everyone at the table is tense. “Sam, how did your date go?” I try, hoping to lighten the mood. He smirks at me then tells me every detail of their date. He finishes with telling me their next date is tomorrow at the falls. It sounds like they had a wonderful time.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it so much,” I say honestly. “How about you, Sniffer? Any hot prospects?” I urge.

  “Not just, yet,” he winks, “but the night is young.” I laugh at his cheeky answer.

  Masen finally loosens up enough to talk. Red comes back and takes Sam’s and Sniffer’s drink orders, dropping off a few more menus. “Any others joining you, Alpha?”

  “Michael and Nicole should be here soon,” he answers with a smile. I don’t know if it’s the drinks he’s nursing or what, but he’s much more relaxed. Laughing and joking with the guys. Much more like the lunch we shared at school.

  Nicole and Michael finally make it about a half hour later. Her cheeks are flushed, and Michael seems more relaxed than I’ve ever seen. Sniffer and Sam stand, letting her scooch next to me. She hugs me when she’s situated. I’m a little surprised, but I hug her back. “You look lovely, Nicole,” I say truthfully. Her long dark hair is pen straight and glossy. She looks sexy but not over done in a maxi dress.

  “Thank you, Doll. Michael likes it, too. That’s why we’re late,” she huffs. I laugh at her candor; she joins me. When I realize how quiet it is, I look around. Everyone at the tables watches us with varying degrees of smiles. Masen’s and Michael’s being the biggest.

  We all order dinner. Our booth was too crowded to eat at, so we moved three tables together. The table gets louder and louder as the night progress. I like the white wine, so Masen orders me another. Sid eventually joins us, and Red sits as often as she can.

  Around ten, the music gets louder, and people start dancing. I’m having such a good time. I hadn’t noticed how packed the bar is until I need to use the restroom. I lean over to Masen who is in an animated conversation with Sniffer and Michael. “Masen.” I rub his thigh to get his attention.

  He stops mid-sentence and asks, “Yeah, Baby?” Blushing because everyone at the table turned to look over when, he answers me.

  I clear my throat. “Where’s the restroom?”

  Nicole, who’s had quite a few drinks, giggles and stands on shaky legs. “I’ll take you,” she slurs. I’m not even sure she can find it at this point.

  Masen stands before I can answer and tucks my hand into his elbow. “I got her Nick. Thanks though,” he says kindly. To Michael who’s pulled her onto his lap, he says, “You’ve got your hands full tonight, Buddy.” He just looks down at his Mate curled up in his arms and smiles.

  Masen leads me to the restroom and tries to walk in. “What are you doing? That’s the ladies room.” His face looks torn. He wants to follow me in the bathroom? “Uh uh, I can go pee all by myself, Masen,” I snap.

  “Fine, fine. I’ll wait right here,” He concedes on a huff. He leans against the wall as close as the door will allow. I tut and close the door behind me. He’s a bit ridiculous but cute. What the hell does he thinks gonna happen in a bathroom?

  I finish my business, wash my hand, and wipe under my eyes to catch any stray mascara. I’m slathering on some lip balm when I hear low murmurs coming from the other side of the door. Opening it slowly, I see Masen talking to Red. She walks away before I hear what they were talking about. “Everything okay?”

  His eyes shift down to me. “Yeah, she was letting me know Michael and Nicole left...”

  I can tell there’s more. “And?” I question.

  “And, Roxanne and her friends just got here,” he answers sounding tired.

  “Did you want to leave?”

  He shakes his head. “No, Little One, I don’t want to be cruel to her, but she needs to stop. I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

  I wish Nicole was still here; I think ruefully. “Alright, let’s go on back.” I’m not looking forward to this. Masen tucks me close and kisses me briefly before he walks us back to our seats. Knowing she’s here, my eyes can’t help but search for her.

  I don’t need to look long. Her large group has taken the tables closest to ours. Neither group acknowledges the other until we move past them to sit; that is. Roxanne’s head snaps up, and she looks at me from head to toe before leaning to the woman on her right and giggling. I know she’s talking about me. Masen’s body is between their table and me as we pass. None dare say anything now that we’re so near.

  Now that Nicole and Michael are gone, the table is much more subdued. I plaster a smile on my face and ask jokingly, “so, was she able to walk, or did he have to carry her?”

  Sniffer’s the quickest to understand. “Ah, it was a bit of both actually. She wanted to wait for you, but she was falling asleep in his lap.” He laughs quietly.

  A voice from behind me says, “I didn’t know he’d tell her about carrying me home.” Next, in a mock whisper, she adds, “do you think he told her everything he’d do to me once we got home, too?” She fakes outrage. “Maybe he’s had to teach her a few things. He always loves it when I would...”

  Masen’s fist slams the table so hard it cracks, wood splintering all over as chunks rain to the floor. Other than the music playing in the background, the bar is silent. Every man at the table looks pissed, but Masen looks murderous. His eyes are black. I can see the tips of his canines. Her table is behind us, so I can’t see her reaction. I won’t turn to look; I’m not giving her the satisfaction. I will whoop her ass for all this snide bullshit.

  I place my hand on Masen’s face and turn it to me. “I’m done with this. It needs taken care of. You just watch, no involvement.” To Sniffer, I say, “in here or outside?”

  They all look confused before he responds, “how much damage we talking?”

  I love that he doesn’t doubt me. “Not as wolves, just an old fashioned ass whoopin’.”

  His smile is electric. “IN!” He chuckles. Masen is conflicted. I can feel his worry, but I know if the roles were reversed, we’d be dealing with a dead body.

  I stand slowly, wishing I went with jeans instead of my favorite dress. Well, there’s nothing I can do, now. I’m sure with how quiet it is she heard most of what I said, but she hasn’t responded. When I do turn to see her, she actually looks a little smug.

  Before I ca
n speak, Masen does. “Roxanne, you’ve brought this on yourself. For you disrespecting my Luna, my Mate, you are challenged to fight as humans. If you shift, I will end it.” His deadly tone leaves no question as to how he will end it.

  Her face falls. “Mase? You’re going to let her, challenge me?” She sneers like I’m beneath her, but I can still hear the pain in her voice. This isn’t what she expected. She thought I turn tail and run, or that Masen would protect her. Boy, was she wrong.

  Masen obviously doesn’t like her tone any more than I do. He shakes his head and says brutally, “if she kills you, your family may not seek revenge. When this is over, if it happens again, she will kill you, and your family will be expelled from my pack.”

  Complete and utter astonishment covers her face before it hardens to furry. “And, if I kill her?”

  I laugh darkly, and she looks at me for the first time since this started. Something she sees must scare her because she recoils. No one answers her question.

  “I think I will take this outside,” I say, smiling, looking directly at her. She looks down and swallows. The women she is with have all shifted away from her ever so slightly.

  “Masen,” I say.

  “Yeah, Baby,” comes quickly.

  “A kiss. I need it. This bitch has pissed me off.”

  He chuckles, and my belly drops before he leans down to oblige. “I love you, Little One. Don’t let her hurt you,” He whispers. I know by the way he says it he’s not talking physically. She’s going to use words in her arsenal. “None of it matters. Just you and me, yeah.”


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