The Secret Billionaire's Pregnant Bride: Bad Boys Gone Good (Las Vegas Brides of Convenience Book 2)

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The Secret Billionaire's Pregnant Bride: Bad Boys Gone Good (Las Vegas Brides of Convenience Book 2) Page 4

by Anne Martin

  He shook his head slightly and continued pulling off the wrapping. “Okay. Do you want me to do something? Beat someone up or…castration? If it’s Horse, I’m all over that.”

  I snorted. “If I wanted Horse castrated, I’d do it all on my own. No, I’m telling you because you’re the boss, and since I’m going to keep it, that’s going to be a thing.” I stared at the pavement between my boots. What was I thinking? I couldn’t have a baby. I’d have to quit racing for at least nine months. What was I without speed and adrenaline? Nothing. And after that… How was I supposed to raise a baby on my own? I wasn’t one of those soft women who did the domestic stuff. Minx would be fine, no sweat, even Jezabel, but me? It’s not that I didn’t know how to handle kids, I mean, at home someone’s babies were always screaming, and I’d done my part settling them down and changing diapers, but having my own kid, out here, living this life?

  Nix swore soft and slow, like only he could. He had a whole litany of curses that he liked to go over while he worked something out. “I thought you came to tell me you were quitting me and joining Horse’s team. Did he knock you up just to win the three-hundred this year?”

  I laughed. I laughed and laughed. He thought Horse was the father of my baby? How could that possibly work? There had been a second there when he’d looked so sad, talking about the girl. I wanted to beat her up for him. How did that make sense? I stopped laughing and felt sick instead. No hysterical laughter for me.

  Nix shook his head. “At least you’re not on his team. Trix, make him stay up with you while you vomit every night, okay? And wear him out with sex so we still win. If he thinks that his diabolical trickery is going to work…”

  I slugged him in the stomach. He folded with an oomph. “Horse isn’t going to impregnate a woman to win a race. No man in his right mind would do that kind of thing. Horse is a lot of things, but he wouldn’t use an unborn baby like that.”

  Nix straightened slowly, his face blank. “Wait. You’re pregnant? Like, you’re having a baby? Really?” He put a hand on my arm all gentle like I was Kitten or something. “Are you okay? I thought you couldn’t have a baby. Did you do invitro?”

  I shook him off. “It’s a surprise, that’s for sure, just a one night stand gone permanent. But I’m going to do it. I’m going to…” I leaned on the truck and closed my eyes.

  He leaned next to me, not trying to offer any comfort. That was a relief. I didn’t want to burst into tears or something embarrassing. “I’m going to need a permanent driver.”

  I nodded and straightened up. “Yeah. There’s no reason for you to keep me on when I’m going to be useless the entire season.”

  He scowled and pointed at me. “Not a chance. You’re still working for me, Trix. I’m not firing you, letting you go, or laying you off. You’re on the payroll and that’s where you’ll stay. It’s just, what do they call it, maternity leave? If you want to do something, you can do tune-ups and whatever else won’t put you or the baby at risk, but you’re on the bench until this baby’s born. It’s good you told me. Miscarriages are rough.”

  I took a deep breath and covered my stomach with my hands. What if it ended? That would kill me so much. “Kitten?”

  He hesitated then nodded and put his hand on my shoulder. “If you need anything, we’ll figure it out. Do you want to go home for awhile? New York, right?”

  I snorted and shifted away from him. “My mother would love that. She’s Catholic, Italian, and would insist on personally forcing the father to do right by me. She could make him.”

  He grinned. “So, Horse might get castrated after all?”

  I shook my head. I’d never told him that Horse was the one. Why did he assume that? “It would be sad to geld the stallion. Think of all the women who would be disappointed.”

  He scowled at me. “He’d better not be screwing around on you. I’ll kill him if you don’t.”

  I laughed, lightly. “Since when have either of us wanted monogamy?”

  “What he wants stopped mattering once his chromosomes mixed with yours. I mean, if you want an open relationship, I guess that’s your call, but he’d better step up.”

  I really should say something about Horse not being the father, but I’d already hesitated. Did it really matter? I didn’t know how to have a relationship with a man without the complications a little person would bring to the relationship. I cleared my throat and focused on the assault vehicle. I ran my hand over the side. “Thanks Nix. I’ve meant to overhaul beastie for awhile. This will give me some time to do something beautiful.”

  “Mm. Hold off on the pimping tires. We’re going to have to tighten our belts.”

  I smiled at him but I felt a flash of guilt mixed with irritation. It was nice that Nix was being a supportive boss, but at the same time, he didn’t need to treat me like I was a delicate flower, like his Kitten.

  “You tighten your belt. Mine is coming off completely.” I winked and patted his stomach where I’d punched him.

  He raised an eyebrow but gave me his slow smile, the sure one, the one that said this would all be okay in the end after the wreckage and explosions.

  I spent the rest of the week running numbers and figuring out living expenses. I really needed to go to a doctor, but I wasn’t sure where that would be best, here or in the city. I wasn’t in a hurry for that visit with my mother. He lived upstate. Richard. Maybe we’d actually like and respect each other, be civilized and have joint custody.

  Finally, it was Saturday. I got out of the cab and pushed through the glass doors of Mimi’s Café. It wasn’t ever busy at lunch. It was more of a post-club stop for drunks who needed to sober up before they went home.

  Blondie was sitting at a little table with a wrapped box in front of him. He smiled and stood up when he saw me. I smiled back, but my instincts were screaming at me to turn and run. Had I really gotten naked with that pretentious little yuppy? Horse was right about how pale he was.

  He pulled out the chair for me and then gestured at me to open the present. I let him seat me while he looked down the front of my top, but I didn’t touch the gift.

  “Richard, it’s nice to see you.”

  He grinned and leaned an elbow on the table. “I can’t believe you found my number.”

  “I texted it to my phone.”

  He blinked at me, like the possibility hadn’t occurred to him. “So I had your number on my phone that whole time? Crazy. What are we going to do tonight? Sorry. You should order first.” He was like a puppy raring to get at his chew toy.

  I nodded at Sheila behind the counter. “She’ll bring out what I usually get. Richard…”

  He leaned forward. “Call me, Blondie. I like the way you say it. Otherwise, it’s Ritchie. Richard is my father. What’s your name? Where do you work? Where do you live? I’ve been thinking about you a lot. That night was incredible.” His eyes gleamed and I shifted uncomfortably.

  What had I been thinking? The way he looked at me, like I was a sex object that he could buy, it made me want to put his face through the table. I took a deep breath and put my palms down flat. “Look, Ritchie, I’m not here for a repeat of last time. I just wanted to tell you that our night of… It had consequences.”

  He stared at me, the quizzical look on his face so idiotic. How old was he? Probably in his twenties. Hopefully on the upper end. I was starting to feel old at thirty-two. Horse could tell I was pregnant with one half inferred question about his own exploits. Ritchie knew that we’d had multiple rounds of wild sex. Why else would I call him a month later?


  “I’m pregnant.” I sat back and crossed my legs.

  He stared at me, his eyes running down my body in a way that wasn’t sexy, not that it had been before. “You don’t look like it.”

  This was a waste of time. I got up and pushed my chair in. “Thanks. You too.”

  He grabbed my arm. “You think that I’m going to listen when a trashy stripper claims that I’m the father
of her baby? You won’t get a cent from me. My lawyers will hound you if you even think of suing me for funds. Did you think that I’d marry you? It wasn’t that good, honey.”

  I twisted out of his grip and slammed his face down on the table. It was so satisfying. With his arm twisted behind him in a truly painful manner, I leaned close to his ear.

  “You wanted to know my name. Let me introduce myself. I’m Trixie O’Hara, Death-Hammer’s driver. I don’t want your money, I don’t want your name, and I don’t want you. I had this crazy idea that you’d like to know you’d made a baby. I was clearly mistaken.”

  I twisted his arm until he cried out in pain. Then I twisted a little bit more. I’d told him my name. Stupid. He’d sue me if I broke his arm. Nix didn’t need the hassle. I let go and stalked out of the café without looking back.

  Horse straddled his idling bike at the curb. I walked straight to him, climbed on behind him, slid my hands over his rock hard abs and said, “Drive. Now.”

  He shot out into the street while I put my head on his shoulder and cried.

  Chapter 4

  Horse Demon a.k.a. Nathaniel David VanBuren

  Trix crying on my shoulder. I was going to find that weenie and put him in traction. After Trix was finished riding through the desert. That she was letting me drive said exactly how messed up she was right then. I’d seen the whole thing through the window. If she hadn’t almost broken his arm, I would have thrown him through the window. Her way was cheaper.

  Still. I shifted down and went faster. I pulled over when we got to Hoover dam. She was holding onto me so tight, her knees squeezing my hips, her fists in my shirt, like I’d been caught in her fetal position. I sat there, staring at the dam and trying to not say anything stupid. Anything would be stupid. If I said a single word that referred to her encounter, she’d rip me apart. If I said something about another topic, I’d be insensitive, and she’d rip me apart.

  After a long time, she shivered and relaxed her hands. It took a few more minutes for her knees to relax, and then she finally straightened up away from me. I didn’t speak, didn’t turn around.

  “Why did you stop?”

  “I didn’t bring my passport. It was either here or Mexico.”

  She sighed and put her face down on my back again, only for a deep, shuddering breath before she swung off the bike and walked over to the ledge. I followed quickly. Who knew what she’d do in such a precarious state of mind?

  She leaned on the cement wall and stared down. “I’ve never been here before.”

  “It’s a good place to watch the sunset.”

  She didn’t look at me only nodded. We stayed like that, staring at the cascading water, the sweep of cement that ended in the churning waves below until the sun lowered past the horizon. Who would have thought this day would end with me watching the sunset with Trixie ‘Dragon’ O’Hara?

  I cleared my throat. I’d been good longer than she could possibly expect me to. “On the way back, do you want to ride on my lap? I’m up for the challenge.”

  She blinked and then her familiar glare settled over her face. “Right. What’s all this, Horse? Do you think you’ll get me when I’m vulnerable and easy?”

  “I can hope.” I winked at her. “Truth, I’m paying the debt I owed when you took my bad advice. The weenie clearly didn’t deserve to know. What were you thinking? Based solely on surface qualities, what about that pale little amoeba could possibly light your fire?”

  She stalked towards the bike. I barely climbed on the back before she revved the engine. “He wasn’t you, for one.”

  “Ah, the old anti-Horse vaccination. Did it make you want me any less? You don’t need to suffer, Trixie. I’d happily join your legion of discreet lovers. We could still fight in public and everything. Think about the choreography we could do, planning the perfect sexually charged repartee.”

  She shook her head as she pulled onto the highway. I put my hands around her waist, sliding over her stomach like it was sacred ground. She was smaller than I expected. When she looked you in the eye, she seemed like an Amazonian, capable of tearing you limb from limb, but holding her, she practically disappeared in my arms.

  The drive was cold as darkness fell on the desert, but the forty-five minutes went by with my heart pounding against her back until she pulled into the hotel parking garage. She parked in my bike’s place, but it took a minute to let go of her. Maybe it was because of stiffness, maybe it was because touching Trix was something I spent a lot of time thinking about. Doing it was much better. Her hair smelled so good, and her stomach felt so soft.

  She took her time getting off the bike, but when she did, she scowled at me, arms crossed like the scowl wasn’t a clear enough message.

  I smiled at her. “Do you want a rebound? I’ll make you forget him for as long as you want me to.”

  Her scowl softened as she stared at me almost as if she was considering the offer. If she was unbalanced enough to say yes, then I definitely had no business going through with it. She’d hate me. I’d deserve it.

  I scooted up on the bike and turned it on. “Later, Trixie.” I drove away fast before I could change my mind.

  Nix cornered me before the next race. He eyed me more evilly than usual.


  “Trix told me that you knocked her up.”

  I was speechless. She was telling people that I was the father? What did that mean? Maybe she thought it was what I owed her after the real father acted like such an ignoramus. If that’s what she wanted me to be, I didn’t walk away from a challenge. I lifted my chin and grinned. “Are you going to congratulate me?”

  His lips curled. “Are you going to pay for it?”

  I shrugged. “Trix isn’t really the kind to ask for handouts.”

  “Which is why I’m asking you if you’re going to take care of the kid whether she wants you to or not.”

  “I would pay for my child.”

  “Are you saying that you doubt she knows who the father is?”

  I shook my head. “It’s not like Trixie to talk about her private affairs.”

  He growled. “You were seen in the garage on your bike cuddling with her. Trixie doesn’t cuddle. Add that to the breakfast last week, the one where you were feeding her toast, and the picture is pretty clear.”

  Was it? That explained why I was getting more confused all the time. “Whatever is between Trixie and me is between Trixie and me.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Is that right?” His soft drawl was the only warning I had before he threw the first punch. It was enough of a warning. I’d been fighting Nix for a long time.

  Were we going at it in earnest, or were we saving it for the cameras? A hook to my kidneys clarified things significantly. We fought until Trix was there, hooking her arm around my throat while Oscar and Dirk got Nix’s arms.

  “What’s your problem, Nix!” Trixie’s voice was loud in my ear. Her soft body pressed against my back. “And you.” Her voice was an evil hiss while she tightened her arm on my throat.

  “I’m not fighting your boss but you’re still clinging to me. I can’t blame you. I’m sinfully sexy.” She was also strangling me. I liked that so much.

  She let go of me like I was hot coals. I was hot. And Nix thought I was her baby’s daddy. I should ask her about that. She turned and walked off to check the beast over.

  “We’ll finish this conversation later,” Nix said, wiping blood off his lip.

  I grinned at him. “Anytime.” I went back to watching her. She looked tired. Was she getting enough to eat? She needed to stay hydrated. She glanced over her shoulder at me and I saw the heat in those eyes. She hadn’t hated strangling me either.

  A few days later, I was on my way out of the hotel’s revolving doors when someone passed me who I thought I recognized. I turned and walked back inside. I didn’t follow him, instead, I went to the hotel bar and started chatting with Tina. She was a cute little brunette who looked at every man like he was her w
hole world. It was a bit soothing to the ego after an encounter with Trix. Not as interesting, though.

  The nondescript man in a gray suit walked towards the elevator. The doors opened, Trix stepped out, and the man brushed past her. She half-turned and then she was crumpling towards the floor. He caught her and swung her into his arms and stepped into the elevator in one smooth movement before anyone could notice much less do anything about it.

  I walked across the lobby with a pounding heart. I watched the numbers light up and then stop on the twenty-seventh floor. I walked over to Toby and smiled at him. “Show me who’s on the twenty-seventh floor.”

  He raised his eyebrows and glanced around. “Are you sure that’s all right? It’s supposed to be confidential.”

  I leaned over and smiled broadly. “I don’t like to pull this, Toby, but this is my hotel. If something is going on in it, I get to know. Don’t worry. It’s perfectly ethical. Also, I’ll give you tickets to the next race. Front row. With Vicky.”

  He pulled it up on the computer. I vaulted over the counter and went through the names until I found the right one.

  “Give me a key to this room or I’ll have to pay for new locks.”

  He blinked at me. “Is this one of your stunts?”

  I smirked. “That’s right.”

  He handed me a keycard and I was back over the desk and running for the elevator. On the twenty-seventh floor, the doors finally opened and I stalked into the hall past a nice honeymoon couple who were arguing about whether a circus would be better than a concert.

  The guy saw me, did a double take and grabbed my shoulder. “Horse from League of Demons? Honey, this is Horse!”

  She stared at me and after kind of blushing, glanced at him and tried to tug him away. I put a few bills in his hand and pushed him into the elevator. It closed in his face and I was headed down the hall. I should have brought something. I picked up the pot of flowers from the hall table and carried it to number thirteen. The keycard worked on the first try. I walked in and threw the pot at the man in the gray suit. It was a solid hit and he went down. I was on him in a flash, punching hard in the precise point that would render him unconscious before I whirled around to survey the room. A nervous guy in glasses held a long needle. He stood over Trix where she lay on the bed.


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