After Burn

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After Burn Page 4

by Autumn Jones Lake

  “Is that her orgasm face?” Ravage asks.

  “I’m gonna murder you,” Teller snarls, jumping off the couch.

  Charlotte froze the minute Ravage opened his mouth, so thankfully Teller’s movements don’t jostle Charlotte’s hand forcing her to doodle all over my face.

  “It works better with liner,” Charlotte mutters after the boys race out the front door.

  “I think I’m too old to pull off this color.”

  She rolls her eyes at me. “You’re not that much older than me.”

  “I’m like twice your age in dog years.”

  Another eye roll. “You’re terrible at math.”

  I force myself to sit still while she painstakingly drags the liquid over my lips in short precise strokes. She holds the napkin up in front of my face. “Blot.”

  She stares at me for a minute, making me fidget. “One more layer,” she says before repeating the torturous process.

  Finally, she declares me finished and hands me a compact. I study my face, unsure of this new look. “Too dramatic for me, don’t you think?”

  “No way.”

  Teller returns, staring at us for a few seconds before opening his mouth. “I’m not sure how I feel about my girlfriend and my—”

  “Don’t you dare,” I warn him.

  “—president’s wife,” he says, drawing out the words to cover up the fact that he likely was going to say some variation of “mother figure.”

  “Wearing the same sexy stuff,” he finishes.

  “Oh!” Charlotte paws through her purse again. “It comes with this sparkly topper color. I don’t have anywhere to wear it but here.” She plucks the mirror out of my hand and quickly swipes the glittery gloss over her lips and beams at Teller. “Better?”

  “Much.” He holds out his hand to her. “Come here. I need to see it in a different light to be sure, though.”

  They both laugh at the fake dry-heaving noises I make as they head upstairs.

  “What’s wrong, Hope?” Trinity asks, coming from the direction of the kitchen.

  “Where were you?”

  “Helping Swan. Why, what’s wrong?”

  I point to my face. “Look what Charlotte did to me.”

  She chuckles and drops down next to me, slinging her arm around my shoulders. “Looks good.”

  “And I’m pretty sure Teller left Ravage for dead somewhere outside.”

  She shakes with laughter. “No such luck.” She tilts her head toward the hallway. “He’s in the kitchen harassing Swan.”

  “Well, that’s a relief.”

  “Not to Swan,” she teases.

  We’re still joking around when the war room door opens and Wrath steps out. “How long you been waitin’ for me, angel?”

  “Few minutes.”

  “Where’s Murphy?” I ask a couple seconds before he pops out of the war room.

  “You worried about me, Hope?”

  “I never know what trouble you’ll get yourself into,” I tease.

  “Ain’t that the truth,” Wrath jokes, giving Murphy a quick shove.

  “Heidi come with you?” Murphy asks, glancing around the living room.

  “She’s at the house trying to finish up some assignments before the trip.”

  Murphy’s mouth twists down. “Feel bad making her miss school.”

  I wave my hand in the air. “She’ll have her laptop to check in so she doesn’t get behind.”

  Finally, Rock joins us and I jump up, wrapping my arms around him. He runs the back of his hand over my cheek. “Waitin’ for me?” he asks in a low voice.

  Tipping my head back, I nod at him.

  “What’s going on here?” He traces his finger over my bottom lip.

  “Oh.” I slick my tongue over my lips. “Charlotte did this to me.”

  He leans in closer. “I like.”

  I lean up to kiss him and he pulls back. Recognizing the issue, I cup the back of his head with my hands, keeping him still. “It’s supposed to be kiss-proof. Let’s test it out.”

  “You’re man enough to pull off that color, Rock,” Wrath adds.

  “Don’t you have some work to do?” Rock asks without taking his eyes off me.

  “Nah, I’m good.”

  Murphy chuckles uncomfortably. “Where’d Teller go?”

  “Upstairs with Charlotte,” I answer.

  “Why don’t we go upstairs,” Rock suggests.

  “Um, because Tawny and Sway stayed in our old room last night?”

  “No one’s seen or heard from him yet this morning,” Trinity reminds us.

  “Fantastic,” Rock grumbles.


  Rock takes me out on the bike several times a week if we have the time and the weather’s good. Mostly short trips around Empire. A few longer rides when our schedules align.

  I’ve come to crave the exhilaration of the wind in my hair, the speed and roar of the bike, the expert way Rock handles himself. The thrill of holding on to him while he guides the heavy machine where we need to go.

  There’s a buzz of excitement in our house the night before we’re set to leave. Even Alexa seems to sense something big is about to happen. She’s been giggling and playful all evening.

  “Boy, I hope this mood continues,” Heidi mutters as she runs her hand over Alexa’s head. “Otherwise Carter might kill me.”

  “I have something that might help.” Murphy grins and pulls a package from behind his back.

  “What’s that?” I ask.

  Alexa’s already squealing and reaching for the soft, denim bundle Murphy hands to Heidi. “Oh my God,” Heidi says, shaking it out. Her jaw drops and she stares at Murphy.

  “It’s so cute.” I lean over to get a better look. “When did you do this?”

  Now that all of our attention is focused on him, he runs his hand over the back of his neck and shrugs. “She likes the patches.” He taps a couple of the patches on the front of his cut. “Thought she should have her own.” The corners of his mouth pull up. “But a more age-appropriate version.”

  Alexa yells even louder when Heidi spreads the tiny denim vest in front of her. She points to the biggest patch—a white unicorn with a flowing rainbow mane—taking up the back and squeals in delight. Flowers decorate the pockets, a four-leaf clover and a crown on the sides. A 100% Princess patch sits over her heart. Murphy nudges me with his elbow and points out the one at the bottom right.

  “Guns don’t kill people,” I read out loud. “Uncles with pretty nieces do.” I snicker imagining Teller picking this one out. “Inappropriate, yet still somehow appropriate in our family.”

  Murphy chuckles. “Teller added that one.”

  “I figured.”

  Heidi helps a squirming Alexa into the vest. She’s so excited it takes Heidi a couple seconds to wrestle it on her.

  “Look at you.” Rock crouches down to eye-level and Alexa twirls to show off her new prize, then holds out her arms for him to pick her up.

  “It’s a little big,” Murphy says to Heidi. “Was hoping she’d get to wear it for a while. Bought extra patches so she has ’em for the next one.”

  Heidi doesn’t speak. She shakes her head and wraps her arms around Murphy. He pushes her hair off her face and murmurs a few words to her.

  To give them privacy, I join Rock in fawning over Alexa. “Are you going to be Uncle Carter’s copilot?” I ask.


  “Are you going to behave?” Rock asks in a slightly sterner than usual voice.

  Alexa has to think about it and scrunches up her little nose. “Yeth?”

  “Sounds about right.” Rock kisses her cheeks and sets her down. She’s enthralled with the vest and can’t seem to decide between showing off and checking it out herself.

  The next morning, everyone assembles in front of the clubhouse to strap gear on the bikes, perform checks, and go over the schedule one last time.

  For a group of non-conformist bikers, they’re extremely t
horough and organized.

  Wrath and Murphy join us even though they don’t leave until tomorrow. Even Stash and Hoot, who have to stay behind, come out to help.

  I stand by Rock’s side while he announces a few last minute instructions to the brothers.

  “No bullshit from any of you. Priest, Blink, and the rest of the national officers will be watching you closely. Make me proud.”

  “Yes, Dad!” A bunch of the assholes yell back.

  “Cops will be all over us down in Mississippi and at the rally. Don’t draw unnecessary attention our way. Don’t start anything you’re not prepared to finish either. Have your brothers’ backs at all times. Someone breaks down or gets pulled over, I want two guys to stay with him. No one gets left behind. No one goes off alone.”

  “Prez, you saying we should participate in a devil’s triangle?” Ravage asks with a straight face.

  “Like you need my encouragement for a three-way.” Rock glances at Wrath and Z. “Did I miss anything?” His gaze slides back to Ravage, almost daring him to utter another obnoxious comment.

  “Don’t forget to wear a rubber!” Z shouts. “And steer clear of jailbait!”

  “Fuck yeah!” Ravage cheers.

  Rock sighs. “On that note, Hope has something for each of you.” The treat her with respect is implied in his tone.

  I should’ve done this one by one at breakfast instead of now in front of an audience. Having everyone’s attention focused my way makes me so nervous, I drop my bag. Rock scoops it up, hands it to me, and winks.

  Figuring I’ll start from the biggest brother and work my down, I approach Wrath first.

  He eyes the bag in my hand with a raised eyebrow and crooked smile. “Whatcha got, Cinderella?”

  “Well, it’s um, my first trip to National, so I got these for everyone.” I hand over one of the tiny round pins that depict a compass with a skull in the middle and the words “Explore Wisely.”

  “Good advice.” He actually laughs. “Clever.”

  Trinity grins at me.

  “I have special pins for the girls too,” I assure her before moving on to Z.

  He leans in to peck my cheek after I give him his pin. “You know I’ll be looking out for you, right?”

  I squint at him. “Is that good or bad?”

  “Depends on you.” He hooks his thumbs in his pockets and flashes a dimpled smile.

  Shaking my head, I continue on to the rest of the guys.

  I arrive in front of Stash and Hoot last. They both look so bummed out. “I have pins for you too. They’re teeny-tiny middle fingers since I know you’re pissed about staying behind.”

  The silver pins actually make both of them chuckle.

  Stash gives me a quick one-armed hug. “Thank you for thinking of me too, First Lady.”

  “Of course.”

  The girls are gathered around Teller’s bike and I hand Trinity her pin first. “I’m so mad you’re not coming until tomorrow.” I give her a big hug to hide the fact that I’m only half-kidding.

  Glancing down at the small pin of a white skull wearing a crown of violets, she swallows hard. “This is so cute.” She drops her smile and gives me another hug. “I think you’re the only ol’ lady I’ve ever known who would think of something like this.”

  “Is that a compliment?” I ask.

  “Yes, you nut.” She pushes me in Heidi’s direction.

  “I’ll make sure everything’s off and locked up tight,” Heidi promises me as she attaches her pin to her vest.

  “I know you will.”

  Charlotte’s last and I watch her bottom lip tremble as I hand over her pin. “It’s just decoration, Charlotte. I’m not proposing.”

  “Thanks, Hope.”

  Sway and Tawny step out of the clubhouse as I’m finishing up. Since I hadn’t been expecting the extra guests, I’m out of pins. It’s something Sway might mock me for in front of everyone, so I’m glad he missed it.

  “We late?” he asks, scrubbing his hand over his face.

  “Just having a last-minute talk with my guys,” Rock answers with a bland expression.

  Sway’s crew stumbles out a few minutes later, and he gives them a shorter version of Rock’s speech. Tawny picks at her nails and stares at the ground the whole time.

  Then it’s time to go. Teller hands Alexa over to Heidi. I give Heidi and Alexa an extra hug. My chest squeezes when Alexa starts bawling.

  “She’s fine, Hope,” Heidi says. “She always gets like this when they start up the bikes.”

  Rock’s intense expression softens as I approach. “Ready?”


  I eagerly wrap myself around him and hang on tight until the Thruway, where I loosen my hold just a bit and turn slightly to catch a glimpse of Sway and Tawny on my right. Normally Wrath would be there and I miss his presence. He probably would’ve been bumped to a position behind us anyway as a sign of respect to Sway.

  Tawny gives me a tight smile, as if I’ve already annoyed her this morning.

  What am I going to do without Trinity until tomorrow?

  About two and a half hours into the ride, Rock signals for the guys to stop at the next rest area.

  Rock swats my numb rear end as soon as I get off the bike. “Don’t start, caveman,” I tease.

  He growls and lifts me in the air for a quick spin before setting me down. “Hurry back to me.”

  Charlotte already disappeared inside the building, so I end up walking to the ladies’ room with Tawny.

  “You two are so cute it’s disgusting,” she says. It’s not said in the same fun-loving way one of my friends would joke around with me. No, she genuinely sounds bothered.

  “We try,” I say in a flip manner designed to shut her up before locking myself in a stall.

  As we’re washing our hands at the sink a few minutes later she starts up again.

  “I know you haven’t been riding long. But you really shouldn’t hang on to Rock so tight. It’s hard for him to concentrate with a passenger who’s so clingy.”

  And doesn’t that slug me in my most vulnerable spot on this trip? As if I’m not already worried I won’t measure up to all the other old ladies—some who no doubt have been involved in the club for decades.

  I’ve never given the way I ride as a passenger any thought. Rock gave me instructions the first time he took me out and I’ve always adjusted according to which bike we’re on and follow his lead.

  “Rock’s never complained,” I answer with more confidence than I’m feeling.

  “Well of course he wouldn’t admit that. You know how our men are. Always have to act like they have things handled.”

  No, I don’t know how that is, because when Rock assures me of something, I believe him. Maybe because he’s not afraid to be vulnerable and honest with me when it counts. Something I doubt Sway is even capable of doing.

  That seems too deep a conversation to have with Tawny in a rest stop bathroom.

  “Besides, you’re going to kill your back,” she adds. “You’re young now, but you’ll start to feel it eventually.”

  Thankfully, Charlotte saves me from having to respond. “I brought the Blood Moon,” she says, waving the dark red tube of matte lipstick my way. “Just in case you want to borrow it later.”

  I toss a grateful smile her way. “I might.”

  Tawny leaves and I breathe a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Charlotte.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Ignore her. She’s obviously jealous.” Her gaze darts to the door. “You’d be bitter too if you’d been married to a prick like Sway all these years.”


  In the parking lot Rock and Teller are next to their bikes talking while the rest of the guys are off smoking and razzing each other by the picnic benches.

  “Everything okay?” I ask, sliding my arms around Rock’s middle and staring up at him.

  “He’s trying to avoid the nicotine high. Since he quit years ago, he only gets the urge to s
moke on the way to National,” Teller answers.

  Rock scowls at him and Teller holds up his hands. “Just a guess.”

  Charlotte covers Teller’s mouth with her hand. “I thought we’d talked about this brain-to-mouth thing?” she murmurs, pulling him away from us.

  “Are you nervous?” I ask once they’re out of earshot.

  Rock stares at me for a few seconds before answering. “Nervous isn’t the right word. More like not in the mood to explain myself to anyone.”

  That sounds like my man. “Ahhh, I see.”

  While this big party has been described as a way for all the Lost Kings charters to get together—families and all—to hang out and catch up with each other before heading to the bigger motorcycle rally in Florida, obviously it also involves a lot of club business. Preparing for this trip has given me a better understanding of how large the entire Lost Kings MC organization actually is.

  “Law enforcement down there is aware of the meeting, so they’ll be hot to pull us over or just harass us in general. They tend to assume everyone with a cut is riding a stolen bike. Don’t be surprised if we get stopped a bunch of times.”

  “I kind of figured from things Murphy’s said and your warning lecture before we left.”

  “I want you with me as much as possible. If I’m needed somewhere, Z’s gonna be looking out for you and if he can’t, Birch will. You and the girls stick together when we’re in church.”

  “We will. Trinity already scoped out a spa down there.”

  His mouth tips into an interested smile. “Did she?”

  “Mmmhmm.” I nuzzle against his chest and we stand there like that for a few relatively quiet moments before Z comes over to heckle us.

  Rock jerks his chin toward the picnic area. “They done fucking around?”

  “Yeah. Let’s fire ’em up.”

  Shaking his head, Rock climbs on his bike and I situate myself behind him. I practice sitting back with my hands on my legs the way I’ve seen Tawny ride, but it feels weird and unnatural.

  “What’re you doing?” Rock shouts over the deafening rumble of his bike.

  “I don’t want to distract you!”

  He throws me a what-the-fuck face over his shoulder.


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