The Illuminated Witch

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The Illuminated Witch Page 16

by Imogene Nix

  Celina bit back the moan that rose.

  Had they realized she was gone yet? Had anyone raised an alarm? For the first time, she realized that she’d been hasty in her flight from the nest. The thought alarmed her.

  A door slid open and she caught a flash of twilight sky, the dimming glow making her flinch as her eyes stung.

  Her sight cleared and she gasped at what stood before her. A hairy humanoid creature with a human-like head, sitting on a dark shaggy-dog body watched her. It traipsed toward her on long misshapen legs.

  She shrank back. It reminded her of a monster from a nightmare. It twigged a long forgotten memory of her history classes. Anubis? That’s who it reminded her of. Of course, it couldn’t be, her mind screamed in denial. That was the stuff of mythology.

  “Awake! Excellent, the master will be satisfied with me again!” The high-pitched screech made her want to cover her ears. She tugged again on her bonds, but found there was no slack. “Where am I?”

  The creature cackled. “In a safe place, of course. My master has been waiting to meet you.”

  What the…? His master? Who is his master, a vampire? Her head spun and her mind pounded out its rhythm. Celina’s stomach revolted, she had to close her eyes against the sight. She breathed deeply, hoping that the nausea would pass.

  Footsteps echoed and she cracked one eye open. The creature had come closer—the stink of rotting flesh filled her nostrils and she tried to scoot backwards.

  It crouched and for the first time she got a view of the teeth and the golden eyes.

  “Oh God!” She couldn’t contain herself. Fear left her mesmerized, unable to drag her wavering gaze from the sight before her. It had the eyes of a vampire. Surely not?

  “Dear me. Do not be afraid, for I chose you as a gift to my master.” It spoke with a heavy and odd accent. It reached out and grazed her arm with a single long claw. “But I think, first, a taste.” It sliced through her flesh and she cried out. Blood welled, rivulets dripping down her arm to her shoulder.

  It sniffed the air cautiously then a long pink tongue peeked out of its mouth and slid over her skin.

  Cold. Slimy. Its breath fetid.

  “Please. No. Don’t touch me,” she whimpered, but the creature continued. Each pass of its long tongue pressed slightly harder.

  The creature finally pulled away, but it was panting hard. Its eyes were glassy as if her reaction had excited it. The chill of the room together with her fear raised goosebumps.

  The creature pushed at her clothing and she tried again to jerk away, tugging against her bonds as she breathed heavily. “No. Please, no.”

  “So soft. And you taste so good.” The mutter froze her insides, and she knew how this scenario would go. A thrum started echoing around her. She felt the fear bloom stronger than before.

  “Let me go. Please.” She panted and jerked but the rope cut off the blood flow in her hands. They quickly turned numb while she pushed at the creature with her feet, scrabbling away as it panted and lunged at her.

  Adrenaline coursed wildly in her veins, giving her the strength to continue fighting. Celina managed a quick and awkward blow. She caught it in the groin. Her heel hit a vital part, she was sure, as it grunted and stilled.

  Then it howled. The sound reverberated, and her hair stood on end. She could see the glaze of hunger and something else melt away, replaced by anger. “No…” Her scream of fear and fury mixed with the rapid words of the creature. She couldn’t understand most of them as they were spoken in some language she’d never heard before.

  Celina had made the ultimate mistake in leaving the nest, but she didn’t want to pay with her life. Magic! Maybe it will help me escape?

  She called on the power deep within. Celina reached for it desperately, in the hopes that she could make it release her. But only a thin trickle curled before it subsided deep inside. She gave an incoherent sob, searched again, but the harder she tried, the more the magic shrank away, and thinned in her mind.

  The animal holding her prisoner breathed harder, its hot breath washing over her face as if excited by the tiny sliver of magic she’d managed to call forth.

  Claws sank deep into her thigh. She screamed as pain careened through her. The creature tore at her clothing. Her thin trousers were no match for the sharp nails resulting in shredded flesh. Agony stole her senses, and she tugged and twisted, while the warmth of her blood spilled onto the floor.

  “Let me go!” Her screams bounced and echoed as she thrashed madly. The creature fought to hold her. Each move was accompanied by another flash of the ongoing torture and the floor grew slick and wet, the scarlet ribbon of blood hideously bright against the dirty concrete.

  She slid and slipped while the scent of copper wafted.

  A mouth fastened over her leg, sucking at her, and she tried to twist, but weakness stole along her limbs. Her body began cooling and calming while the wild fluttering of her heart slowed.

  Black dots invaded her vision.

  This was it. Somewhere, deep in the recesses of her mind, she accepted that these were her last moments being played out. She bitterly regretted the decision to leave without at least telling Javed goodbye.

  “Javed!” Though she screamed the sound, it was little more than a whisper, lost in the greedy grunts of feeding.

  * * * *

  His heart pounded. The long day had stretched longer than a century ever could. He’d tossed over everything he’d said.

  At each turn, he wondered where she was. Who had her? He’d even considered whether she was still alive, but each time the thought invaded, it nearly brought him to his knees. So he thrust it away.

  He’d been unable to rest, while thoughts of her in a place unknown clawed at him.

  His stomach turned into knots. Every human from every nest was pressed into service searching for Celina. He’d rung Cressida in a panic, knowing that he was trapped here until sunset, leaving him feeling like a caged lion that needed to hunt.

  He mentally promised retribution to whoever had taken Celina.

  “Everyone is looking for her, Javed. It’s only a matter of time. Now we have found a likely location. One of our sources says there is a place, a little to the east of the gallery.”

  “Give me the details. As soon as we can, we’ll be on our way.”

  His pen scratched across his notepad in jagged slashes. The old section of town. It made sense, but he had to pinch the bridge of his nose while his blood pounded in his ears.

  The instant sunset came he was out of the door, his nestlings having prepared everything in readiness. He moved, his long legs striding in a swift distance eating stride while his mind cast over the plans he’d already laid in place.

  The flying vehicle thrummed as he hurried inside. Kharisma climbed in beside him.

  “We’ll find her, Javed. We’ll get her back.” Her hands covered his and he glared out of the window, controlling his urge to throw her off.

  He growled, unable to formulate the words as terror seized him. What if they were too late? What if I’m too late?

  The car rose into the sky, its engines screaming a vicious whine. He sat still, all the while his soul screaming at them to go faster. To find her, now!

  He knew time was running out. Kharisma rubbed her hand up and down his arm, and he had to hold the flinch deep inside.

  “Master, down there!” The driver pointed at a long building at the end of the street. Lights blazed but no smoke emitted from the old stack.

  He nodded, unable to be sure that his voice wouldn’t crack.

  Their transport hit the asphalt with a thud and even before it stopped, he wrenched the door open.

  “Slow down, Javed. You won’t be helping her if you are injured just trying to get to her.”

  His blood thrummed, but he nodded. Kharisma is right, damn her!

  He hitched a breath, then another.

  The sound of feet on concrete. He turned in the direction of thudding footsteps as they caught h
is attention. “Master, this way.” The young man stared at him, before pivoting. Javed bounded after him, toward a small industrial building.

  A muffled scream tore through him and he careered, running faster than ever before. Between him and the sound was a door, but the heavy metal proved no defense as he let his inner predator loose. It screeched as he peeled the portal back, using every ounce of preternatural strength at his disposal.

  “Let me go!” He heard the words and his blood fired to incendiary point. She was alive, but the sound of struggle and the scent on the air told him she was in a desperate way.

  Another door loomed. He backed up and rammed it, one shoulder taking the brunt. He didn’t feel any pain as he rammed it again.

  This time it groaned and snapped. The door buckled beneath his onslaught.

  Once within he sniffed the air and followed the smell of copper. A small open doorway lay ahead and heard the near-silent word “Javed!”

  The creature attacking her was the one he’d seen before. It appeared to him like a cross between a werewolf and a human. He loosed an inhuman cry as he lurched forward, but the animal or whatever jerked in his direction. Its eyes widened with shock.

  His people hurried by, but he didn’t notice them. All he saw was Celina, lying on the concrete.

  Javed lost his taste for the fight. Half leaning on the wall she slumped, pale and still. Her lips were tinged with blue and the beat of her heart was little more than a sluggish ka-thud followed by a stutter.

  Blood pooled on the floor and ran in long ribbons across the concrete.

  “Celina!” he called to her, hoarse with fear. He didn’t remember moving or releasing her, just the hot trace of tears on his face as he cradled her broken body in his arms.

  Near death, she barely breathed. He knelt in the pool of scarlet liquid. He’d seen how it congealed as it cooled.

  He breathed deeply, knowing what he had to do. Dimly, he registered Kharisma’s “Oh, Javed! No!”

  With slow deliberate motion, he extended one arm and allowed his teeth to descend. A nick of the artery would be enough. The razor sharp edge sliced through his flesh, calling forth a bubble of blood. He had to change her. “I have to do this, Celina. Gods forgive me.”

  He hoped he wasn’t too late.

  * * * *

  Celina came to awareness very slowly. The unrelenting pain that racked her body melted away as she woke. She heard sounds. The soft shuffle of feet and voices in the distance impinged. Her throat now remained the only part that hurt. It was dry. Parched.

  Thirst. So thirsty… She gave the emotion a name.

  A touch broke her introspection and she opened her eyes.

  Javed smiled. His face was drawn and pinched, but so beautiful to her. She noted the exquisite clarity of his complexion, the way his eyes sparkled.

  “Where am I?”

  He leaned forward thrusting a goblet into her hands as her rasp died away.

  “Cressida’s. Don’t talk, just drink.”

  The scent of copper teased her nostrils. It smelled like the most delicious of nectars, and she glanced to Javed. “What is it?”

  He made a moue of distress, and it twigged.

  “It’s blood, isn’t it?” But no matter how much she might not want it, her body demanded the sustenance.

  “Drink, Celina. Then we can talk.”

  She lifted the cup to her mouth, taking a cautious sip. It didn’t taste as bad as she’d imagined and chanced another tentative taste of the thick liquid. Then she gulped, draining the goblet quickly before handing it back.

  He took the goblet, turning, and she studied his back. “What happened, Javed? The last I remember was that thing…” Horror filled her, her stomach revolted for a moment. She glanced away, eyes on the covers as she fought the nausea. Celina laid her palm over her belly, willing it to stop churning. One breath then another later she finally stared back at him. “It was… It was going to kill me, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes he was. He’d lost control and slashed you…” He broke off, spun around, and for a moment she was sure she had heard him sob.

  “Javed?” She put her hand on his arm. The crispness of the material covered the steely strength hidden below. He didn’t turn around. “Javed, I’m here. You made me better somehow. Please?”

  When he did finally turn, the pink tinge of his eyes told her of his pain. She moved closer, slipping one arm around his waist, and laid her head against his chest. She was amazed at how much better she felt. No aches or pains existed where previously there had been horrific slashes. “Why am I naked?”

  This time he pulled away and grinned, before breaking into a watery laugh. “Trust you to ask that question. By the time I got there, your clothes were shredded and there was so much blood.” He stopped, faltering once more. “I had to turn you. You do understand, don’t you?”

  She nodded. “I do.”

  He inched toward the side of the bed. She shuffled over. One half of her mind rejoiced. Now she was a vampire she wouldn’t have to leave him. They could be together forever.

  The other half of her psyche raised its head and she slammed the lid on her thoughts. What might have beens or nearlys had no place right now.

  “So… What happens now?”

  “That depends on you.” His voice deepened as she leaned into him. Her gaze narrowed on his warm full lips, and she was suddenly hungry for his embrace.

  Hot on the heels of that thought came a slashing pain at her mouth. “Ahh! What’s happening?” The words were muffled.

  He grimaced. “Your teeth are descending for the first time.” Javed dragged her close. “You will need to feed with them.” A shudder slid through him and she felt it, every single sensation. “You need to feed from me.”

  His heart thrummed. The sound reassured her while she considered her answer.

  “I… Um, I have to feed from you?” She sounded faint as if the thought hadn’t occurred to her.

  Her face had paled during their discussion. Then he leaned in. Javed watched her pupils narrow to pinpricks. Her focus was centered on somewhere beneath his mouth. He knew exactly what she was seeing, the hint of red that was his pulse racing beneath his skin. This time, as she shifted, he caught sight of her two very sharp teeth. Her hunger was growing. The sound of her heartbeat sped up. He knew the adrenaline was coursing through her veins.

  She panted, as her inner predator took control. He held out his wrist, knowing exactly what she needed.

  Exactly what the beast within demanded, right now. She glanced toward his face, and for a moment he caught a flash of fear before she bent. She slowly latched onto his wrist. Her tongue grazed the sensitive flesh, and his body hardened under the onslaught of sensations that pulled at him. “Feed, Celina.”

  He sat still while she pushed her wickedly sharp teeth through his skin. Then he was caught up in the web of ecstasy.

  She moaned as she fed. His body, already aroused, had him holding onto the thin thread of restraint that remained.

  He jerked away and she reached again. “More?” Celina licked her lips, catching the last droplets of blood.

  He shook his head. How could he trust his voice when his body screamed from intolerable frustration?

  He gasped as she touched his chest, her hand fluttering like the touch of a butterfly’s wing. “Please, Javed?”

  Instead, he took her wrist, her skin as soft as that of a peach. Javed allowed his incisors to slide through her skin before drinking from her. He prepared for the final act that would seal them together forever, as master and vampire. He took a sip then another before he raised his head. Her blood was heady, full and rich, just like she was.

  With a single firm motion, he lifted up, taking her mouth, and she met him. The kiss was voracious.

  His body reacted, firing up. He wanted her. Needed her. Hungered for her.

  The predator deep inside roared its approval, bringing Javed back to himself. He wrenched away, panting heavily.

p; She mewled and he closed his eyes. He breathed in and out, in a vain attempt to settle his body, which clamored for more.


  I had to pull back. He sent the words to her, watching as she opened her eyes in confusion.

  “What did you just do?” Her voice rose slightly. Not an octave, but he knew she wasn’t exactly happy.

  I am your sire. Your master. When I fed from you and you from me… When our blood combined… I sealed our ability to communicate like this.

  “You what?” She pushed back. Away.

  Javed winced.

  “No. No way…” Her face was stormy. Anger was evident in her tones. Her eyes shined with what he thought for sure was hurt. The emotion bloomed inside his chest. “You did this with all…” She broke off and turned her head away.

  “No! Celina, I have never done that with anyone else. Not even with my sire. Only the strongest of connections allows us…”

  He was making a mess of his explanation and his stomach curdled. Should I have given her a chance to say no? But the truth was, he had needed the final bond and had taken it.

  Hurt flashed through Celina. Has he done this before? With others? The inherent intimacy both excited and repulsed her.


  She heard his voice inside her head. The hunger that had filled her evaporated. She knew he’d had a relationship with Kharisma. Have they…? She tried to turn away from the thought, but it lay there, tantalizing her. “Did you… Did you share this with Kharisma?”

  No! Believe me, Celina. I have never wanted to share this with anyone else. Ever! Only you.

  Javed’s voice sounded sincere and heaven knows she wanted to trust him. She wanted to trust everything he said. But her mind swirled madly.

  Please, Celina. If you doubt what I’m telling you, ask Cressida. She is the only other one I can communicate with.

  She reared back. “What? How many… No, don’t tell me!” Cressida? He shares this bond with her too? She felt like some damned groupie and she wouldn’t settle for that. She jerked away, tugged on the sheets. No, God damn it! I’m my own person.


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