Fallen Angel's MC Box Set

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Fallen Angel's MC Box Set Page 12

by Erin Trejo

  “I aim to please darlin’. And speakin’ of pleasin’.” Gripping her hips I thrust roughly into her. Her body reacts and clenches around me as she cries out in pleasure. That’s what I like to fucking hear.

  “Creed. God, I fucking love you.” Her words pierce me. Hitting me in the most vulnerable of places, my heart. She makes me feel so much.

  Holding her hips tighter I slam into her faster and rougher. I know she can take all of me, she has before. I give her everything that is built up inside of me. The anger, the frustration. Every little bit that is harbored in me, I let it out on her pussy.

  “CREED!” Nothing and I mean nothing sounds as good as my balls slapping against her body while she screams my name.

  “Fuck yeah Jada. Squeeze me.” Groaning as she tightens up around me I feel like my balls are about to explode. The way this female’s body works is fucking amazing to me.

  Reaching around I grab her nipple with one hand and roll it between my fingers. Jada arches her back pushing that sweet pussy of hers right back into me.

  “Damn it Jada!” Screaming, I pull back and slap her ass until its red. I love seeing the way I mark that sweet ass as mine.

  “Again!” Holy shit this girl is as horny as I am. Raising my hand I bring it down on the other side. Every slap, over and over her pussy squeezes me tighter.

  Finally I can’t take it anymore. Jada’s hand runs down her body and starts playing with her clit.

  “Fuck Jada!” That is so fucking hot; I’m about to fucking blow.

  Her cries and panting come faster until I slam into her one more time. She loses it and so do I.

  We both come hard screaming each other’s name before I grip her around her waist, holding her.

  “Fuck!” The last few spurts of come shake my body as they seep into her.

  Sweaty and well fucked, I pull out of her and flop on the bed. Her head turns to look at me, still on hands and knees.

  “You killed me.” She giggles making me smile.

  “Can you move?” I laugh as she shakes her head. She is the star of my life. I can’t lose her.


  The weekend went by so damn slow I thought I would die. There were constantly people around and hovering.

  We didn’t get out of the clubhouse but we have sat around and played our parts. I was the good little respectful girl I was expected to be even though it killed me to do it. I know it wasn’t just for me, it was for Creed too. I don’t want him in any more trouble than he’s already in with Sharp.

  “You ready?” Nodding my head excitedly, Creed smiles at me. Finally we are getting out of here for a while.

  “Let’s ride sweetheart.” Creed lifts me in his arms kissing my lips before dropping me back to the ground.

  “Where you ridin’ at?” Fly walks over towards the bikes. Shit, I hope he doesn’t fuck this up for us. Creed hands me my helmet before he turns to face Fly.

  “Out around the woods. I wanna show Jada that spot we got up there.” Creed smiles like he is really into this, like he is really taking me to see something. My man is a damn good actor.

  “Fuck yeah, brother. She will like that shit.” Slapping his shoulder Fly nods at me and walks away.

  “Stupid son of a bitch.” Creed mumbles under his breath while he pulls his helmet on. I giggle when he isn’t looking.

  “Is Tank coming?” I ask as he climbs on his bike before I follow. God, I love being on here behind this man.

  “They are meetin’ us at the spot.” I wrap my arms around his waist savoring the feel of him in my arms. I don’t know that I have ever really felt at peace until now. I must admit that it’s an amazing feeling to have.

  I wrap my arms around him tighter when he takes off. The wind blows around us but all I can feel is Creed’s warmth.

  My mind drifts as we ride. Thoughts of the last time we were together when we were younger float into my mind. Creed was so sweet but turned ruthless. He took a lot of his pain out on me but I now understand.

  I miss Jason. The bond I had with my brother when we were younger was extraordinary. I never understood why he didn’t want me with Creed. I guess he knew the way he was and thought he could protect me from it. Little did he know I have loved Creed for a long time, I just kept my distance.

  I’m shaken from my thoughts when Creed pulls the bike to a stop. He climbs off stretching when I follow behind him.

  “What is this place?” Pulling my helmet off I set it on the seat looking around.

  “It’s a secret place. I can’t tell you.” Creed winks at me before I jump on him.

  “You are such an ass.” Brushing my lips across his, I want to melt into him. I want to be so close that no one can tell us apart. That’s how much I feel for this amazing man.

  “Me and Tank found this place a couple years ago. We kept it to ourselves though. Didn’t share it with club.” His lips find their way to my neck, nibbling before sucking. My body reacts the same way it always does. With so much want it almost hurts.

  “What is it like your secret fuck pad?” Creed’s chuckles vibrate through my body as he carries me out into the trees.

  “A fuck pad huh? It wasn’t a fuck pad before but I guess I could fuck you in it.” As his tongue glides up the side of my neck before nipping my earlobe, my heart slams in my chest. I don’t know how I got so lucky with him.

  Creed stops and sets me on my feet before I turn around to see a small cabin nestled in the woods.

  “How do you know this wasn’t someone’s house?” Looking around it doesn’t seem like someone would live here but you never know.

  “It isn’t. We checked into the land once we found it. Shits been abandoned a long time. Me and Tank fixed it up a little bit.” Creed moves towards the door as I follow.

  Pushing the door open he ushers me inside. The cabin isn’t very large but it is cozy. It reminds me of the kinds you would see in the movies.

  “It’s cute.” Smiling I turn to look at Creed. His eyes are on fire as he watches me. The lust and want is clearly evident on his face. He makes my heart flop in my chest with the way he looks at me.

  “Do you remember when you were 12 and that kid tried to kiss you but bit your lip?” Creed laughs as he watches my face. My smile fades as I watch him. He remembers that?

  “You remember?” I have to ask him. I didn’t think he paid that much attention to me when we were younger.

  Creed’s smile just grows bigger as he looks at me shaking his head.

  “I remember when you were 14 and you punched that girl at the basketball court and when you were 15 you wanted to play football with Jason so bad you stole his equipment.”

  I watch the amusement dance in his eyes as I take a step towards him. I can’t believe he really noticed all of that about me.

  “I never knew you payed that much attention to me.” The little chuckles leaving his throat melt my insides into a little puddle.

  “Yeah you did darlin’. You knew I wanted you. You’ve always known.”


  She knows how much I’ve wanted her. From the first day I laid eyes on her. Now that she’s grown up that feeling of want has only increased.

  “Come here.” I crook my finger at her and watch as she makes her way closer to me. With my arms outstretched she comes into me just like she was made to fit.

  Brushing my lips across hers, she shivers under my touch. It never ceases to amaze me the way her body responds to me. Snaking my hand around the back of her neck, I pull her in closer. I want her as close as I can get her.

  Her body buzzes beneath me, I can feel it.

  “I remember when I would follow you and Jason around.” The tears fill her eyes like fountains, sobs clogging her throat. I hate that it still affects her the way it does. I know the pain, I still feel it too.

  “He loved you Jada. He loved you so much.” Running my hand down her back I try to soothe her. There is so much shit going on right now and the thought that it’s hurting her even
more now doesn’t sit well with me.

  “He loved you too Creed. You were his brother.” Tears stream down her cheeks ripping my heart to shreds.

  “Jada, darlin’. Look at me.” Pulling her chin to look up at me, I hate seeing her this way.

  “You have been amazin’ through all of this. I don’t know how all this shit is goin’ to play out but I fuckin’ promise you that I will make sure you’re safe. You are the only thing that matters to me.” I wipe the tears away from her cheeks before kissing each of her eyes.

  The door flies open interrupting our moment but I’m glad Tank is here. We need to get this shit figured out and handled soon.

  “Everythin’ good brother?” Tank’s face drops as he looks at Jada curled into my chest.

  “Yeah, we’re good.” Nodding he steps the rest of the way in with Cher behind him. Cher moves straight towards us when I pass Jada off to her. Maybe she needs a little girl time.

  Cher leads Jada over to the couch where they sit.

  “She ok?” Nodding towards her I watch the girls smile and hug.

  “Yeah, she will be. Let’s figure this shit out brother.” Tank smiles before pulling out a cigarette and lighting it up, passing me one.

  “Well, we know Sharp isn’t lettin’ this shit slide. I don’t know what the fuck Fly is doin’ but he isn’t helpin’ us.” I nod at Tank since this is shit that I already knew. I know he is just playing us to get what he wants.

  “What are your thoughts?” I watch his face as it contorts into a new rage before an evil grin breaks out.

  “I think we do just what Sharp said. Get Kenny out in the open but not before settin’ a few traps of our own. I think we need to put brother against brother.” The evil smirk on his face seems to make its way to mine. I get what he’s saying and I want nothing more than to do just that but there is always the threat of the club.

  “What about Fallen Angel’s?” Nodding his head, I can see he’s already thought this through too.

  “Angel’s need a new president. It’s about time we ran in the right direction brother. Sharp does nothin’ more than lead us down a dark path, we both know it.” Nodding slowly I know what he means. Sharp always has us into some questionable shit with the club as his back up.

  “Fly?” Tank rubs his hand across his bald head before looking at the girls and back to me.

  “Fly isn’t a leader. The rest of the guys will follow suit once Sharp and Fly are out of the way. You’re next up for VP. We push that on them.” I shake my head because I don’t like this plan. I like the fact of getting Sharp out of the way using his own brother but Fly? I don’t know how that will go over with the rest of the club.

  “Can’t do it brother, not unless I know the others are in.” Tank nods knowing what I mean. I know there will be a few that won’t like the plan but the others will be all in.

  “We talk it out then. Let’s see how they want to play this out. Whatever the cost, we keep those two safe.” When he says it he looks over at Cher. He must really have a thing for her. I have never seen him like this over a girl before.

  “What is it with you two?” Nodding at Cher he smiles.

  “I don’t know brother. Somethin’ about her gets to me. I don’t know how to explain it.” I laugh at that. I know all too well how that feels.

  “I get it. Jada does that shit to me.” Taking a drag of my cigarette I watch the girls talk and smile. I’m not sure our plan is going to work but I do agree with Tank, I will keep them safe no matter what it takes. Even my own life.

  “Let’s start headin’ back. We don’t want them to start sniffin’ around.” Tank nods as I walk towards the girls, Jada’s eyes lighting up.

  “We need to ride. Don’t want them knowin’ shit.” Jada stands brushing her lips across mine before I pull her against me.

  “We’ll head out a little after you.” I nod at Tank before looking back at Cher.

  “You good with all this?” I don’t want her to feel pushed into being with Tank because of the situation but I need her to be comfortable with how things are playing out.

  “Fuck off Creed. I know what I’m doing.” Her slight laugh has me shaking my head. Damn woman.

  “Alright then. See you back at the clubhouse.” Pulling Jada along with me, I head out towards the bike.

  “Are we going to be ok?” I hate the tone of her voice. I know how strong Jada has been and she is trying her hardest to remain that way but I can hear the fear laced in it too. It kills me.

  “I won’t let anyone hurt you Jada. I will die before that happens.”


  As much as our little adventure was needed it was over too fast. I didn’t want to leave that little cabin but I knew we had to.

  “Fuck!” Creed roars as he walks back into the room. Sharp called an emergency meeting with the guys a little over an hour ago, apparently it didn’t go well.

  Creed paces the room running his hand through his hair making me nervous.

  “What’s going on?” Standing I walk towards him before he spins around to grab me.

  With his arms securely around my waist, he looks down into my eyes.

  “Sharp pulled me and Tank on a ride.” I don’t understand why this is a bad thing but judging by the look on his face it is.

  “So why are you pissed?” Clearly I’m confused by this.

  “He won’t let anyone ride with. You and Cher will have to stay here.” Shaking his head, he lets go of me before pacing the room again.

  “Why is that a problem? Creed we can handle ourselves.” Putting my hands on my hips that kind of pissed me off. I can take care of myself.

  “You don’t fuckin’ get it Jada. He wants us out of the fuckin’ vote. I won’t have a fuckin’ say if they vote to use you as bait. Fuck, I won’t even be here. He planned that shit out like that.” The realization of what he’s saying slams into me. I get why he’s pissed now.

  “Oh god. Can they do that?” Creed stops to look over at me.

  “Yeah, they can. Sharp is the President Jada. The motherfucker can do whatever he wants.” Screaming at me I watch his face. He looks so worn out these days and I know I’m the cause of that.

  “I can leave. I’ll go home or go to Cher’s.” Trying to shake it off he gets pissed.

  Gripping my shoulders he shakes me slightly.

  “Don’t you understand me? They will fuckin’ find you Jada. They will fuckin’ hunt you and use you to get what they want. This shit isn’t about us anymore. It’s about Sharp and his shit with his brother!” Tears fall down my cheeks as he looks at me angrily. I don’t know what to say to him to make it better. I don’t know what to do.

  “Fuck! I’m sorry Jada. I won’t fuckin’ let them use you.” Slamming me into his chest, I grip his shirt in my hands and cry.

  “What can I do? There has to be something.” Sobbing, I feel like all of this is my fault. It is all my fault. If I wasn’t brought back here, Creed wouldn’t be in the middle of this shit.

  My heart slams in my chest with that fact etched into my head. Why the hell did they have to bring me back here?

  “We’re goin’ to run. We need to form a plan and leavin’ you and Cher isn’t an option. We will hide out for a while until me and Tank can get shit handled.” Whispering like someone is listening Creed leans close to my ear. Maybe someone is listening, you never know in these places.

  “I don’t want you to get hurt.” Sobs fill my throat while Creed kisses my head. I know he’s doing everything he can to keep me safe.

  “I won’t sweetheart. Everything is goin’ to be fine. I will make it fine.” Leaning back I look up at his face. He looks so secure and trustworthy.

  “Kiss me.” My words barely leave my throat when his lips slam into mine. His tongue snaking into my mouth, caressing mine.

  Moans leave me and Creed swallows them all with his kisses. Walking me backwards my legs hit the edge of the bed before I fall back, my body bouncing.

  “I want you so much
.” The growl that leaves his throat has me soaking wet for him. I quickly make short work of my clothes as I watch him strip out of his.

  “Come on Creed. I need you.” When he doesn’t move quickly enough I beg. I have no shame in begging my man either.

  The flash of fire that tears through his eyes just heats my body more.

  Creed climbs on the bed not wasting any time before he slams himself inside of me. His hips roll and rock to touch every piece of me.

  “Fuck!” I cry out as he hits me deep inside. The way he holds me in this moment, so sweet and tender I know he would never let anything happen to me. He makes me feel whole.

  With his hands on either side of my face, he looks me in the eyes.

  “I will never want anyone more than I want you Jada.” His lips brush over mine, my body tingling from head to toe.

  “I love you Creed.” His hands stay firm as his lips kiss me gently. His body rocks in and out of me in a slow sensual pace causing all my nerves to explode. I can feel every bit of love this man holds for me and I can’t get enough.

  I can feel my orgasm build inside of me when I feel Creed swell. I love nothing more than coming with this man. The power he exudes and puts into every thrust sends me over the edge with him right behind.

  “FUCK! SHIT!” Creed curses as he fills me with this seed. The feel of this man against me is the best feeling in the world.

  Creed tries to move but I grip him, holding him in place.

  “You don’t want me to move darlin’?” His lips find the side of my neck kissing it softly.

  “No. I want to hold onto you forever.” The small groan that leaves him lets me know just how much he likes my words.

  “I want you to hold me forever.”


  The day has come for us to ride. I don’t know what I’m feeling right now. Part of me is scared shitless of what will happen with the club but the better part of me knows that I need to keep Jada safe. That part overrides anything else that I may think about.

  “You ready?” Tank stands next to me at the bar. The guys think we are headed out on the fucking ride like usual but this shit is anything but usual. It pisses me off that Sharp specifically picked me and Tank to go anyways.


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