Fallen Angel's MC Box Set

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Fallen Angel's MC Box Set Page 14

by Erin Trejo

  “I want to fuck every piece of you but not tonight.” A rough slap on the ass, he pulls out. How does he do this to me? Make me feel like I’m floating?


  Having Jada curled up in my arms sets my heart on fire. She makes me come alive in ways that I didn’t think I ever could again.

  I stroke her hair back away from her face as she snuggles closer to me. This whole situation has me under a lot of stress and the anxiety is a fucking killer. I need to make this plan flow smoothly in order to keep Jada out of the Shadow’s line of fire. This isn’t going to be an easy option and pulling it off is going to take some finesse. I guess it’s a good thing that I have the balls to do it.

  Not like it was much of a decision. I won’t let Jada out of my life again, not after before. A piece of myself stayed on that roof top and my life went downhill quickly but I refuse to let that happen again.

  “Do you realize how much you mean to me?” Her voice takes me by surprise just like the words that leave her lips.

  “I have an idea. My heart belongs to you, Jada.” Her lips touch my chest and heat floods my body. I hope I’m making the right choice here.

  Rubbing her hair, I hear her breathing even out. She’s asleep already.

  Sliding my phone off the night stand, I send out a few texts about the plan we have set into motion for tomorrow night.

  Tank has a few guys from the club covering our asses for now on that end too. After talking, Tank and I decided that tomorrow night would be perfect to set the plan into action since the Shadows have a big show then.

  I check my messages as they come in and a sense of peace floods me. I don’t know if it’s the fact that Jada is in my arms right now or that I will finally be getting her free from those assholes but that feeling is there never the less.

  I lay my head back and think about my future. If I don’t have the club, it really wouldn’t hurt me. I mean, they took me in and made me who I am today but they don’t have the hold on me that Jada does.

  I hate to see Tank throw away his brotherhood for me though. I know he’s a good man and he’s always had my back but this is the life he knows, it’s all he has.

  The thoughts of Cher also pull at me. She doesn’t deserve this life and she was just thrown into it. Sure it might be all shits and giggles now but she doesn’t know the club life. If shit goes down she could be in danger. I don’t think that has played a role in her thinking since she’s been held up fucking Tank. This life isn’t for the weak.

  I sigh as I think about all of it. Jason would be so fucking disappointed in me. The fact that he wanted me to stay away from Jada is what bothers me the most but how the hell do I walk away from the one that holds my beating heart in her hands?

  Jason warned me away because he knew what I was like back then but that’s changed now. I’m not the same asshole I used to be, not with woman anyway.

  As so many things whirl around this fucked up head of mine the one thing that remains a constant is Jada. She is the rock that holds me to this earth. She is my gravity, my air. The reason I breathe and wake up. She’s all I need in this world.

  With that thought, I lay back and let my eyes slowly flutter closed.


  Creed lays here sound asleep and looking as sexy as ever. He may be rough at times but I still see the sweetheart he once was in there. Of course he was a player back then but he seems so much different now. I can honestly say that he holds my world in his hands.

  My throats dry as I lay here watching him. I slide out from under his grasp and sneak off the bed.

  Tiptoeing my way across the floor so I don’t wake him, I sneak out of the door. My body is on alert as I make my way down the hallway towards the stairs. I hate that we have to hide out like this and I hate the way it all happened but in my heart, I can honestly say that I’m glad I have Creed back.

  As I slink down the stairs my foot sticks on the last step, propelling me forward. I put my hands out to stop myself from hitting the floor face first when it snags something.

  I loud bang startles me as I feel something swoosh past my head as I hit the floor. It’s like everything happens in slow motion. Falling seems to take forever before I hit and roll.

  My eyes dart up to see the gun pointed at the door. My heart slams in my chest as I look over and see the hole it made as it whizzed past my head.

  “Oh my god.” My body shakes as I slink into the corner and roll myself into a ball. I almost killed myself. The reality hits me as I hear everyone screaming and running down the stairs but the ringing in my ears is so loud.

  Hands are on my shoulders as I’m yanked up and slammed against the wall.

  “What the fuck happened?” Creed’s eyes are wild as he looks over my body. The fear in his eyes is what tugs at my heart.

  “Answer me! Are you hurt?” Those wild eyes keep tracking over my body as I slowly shake my head. My body is in tremors before Creed jerks me against his chest. The tears I have been holding spill over as the realization of what almost happened hits me.

  I can hear Cher screaming as Tank talks loudly but my own sobs block out most of it.

  “Look at me.” Creed has my face in his hands now, his eyes ripping through me.

  “Are you hurt?” I shake my head slowly as I watch his face. His eyes travel up the side of my head before his hand moves there too.

  “You’re bleedin’.” I don’t feel a thing so I take his word for it but my hand automatically moves to cover his.

  “How can I fuckin’ protect you if you don’t fuckin’ listen to me?” Rage takes hold of Creed as he steps back away from me.

  His hand runs through his hair as Cher runs into me, hugging me to her.

  “Let’s calm down brother.” Tank goes to put his hand on Creed’s shoulder but he shakes it off.

  “Calm down? She could have blown her fuckin’ head off man!” Creed is beyond pissed and I can understand why.

  “She didn’t though!” Cher yells as Creed cuts his eyes at her. Tank steps in between blocking my view of him as he looks over at Cher.

  “Take her upstairs and clean that up.” Nodding towards my head, Cher nods. She wraps her arm around me and guides me back up the stairs.

  I’m in a complete fog as I hear things breaking downstairs; I know Creed is going off when I hear Tank screaming.

  Cher leads me into the bathroom closing the door behind us as I sit on the toilet.

  “I didn’t mean to. I was going to get a drink and tripped.” Cher nods her head as she grabs a rag and wets it.


  I almost died on the spot when I saw her curled up in the corner. My whole life flashed before me. Losing Jason and then seeing her lying there. It almost killed me. My heart stopped in that second.

  Seeing that she was ok didn’t help to calm my nerves though. How could she be so stupid? What the hell was she doing near the door after I specifically told her not to?

  “Go up and check on her. I’ll take care of this shit.” Shaking my head at Tank he cuts his eyes at me.

  “I fucked it up man. I got it.” As I start to bend to pick up the glass I busted, Tank grabs me roughly.

  “I said go up there. I got this.” With the fierce look in his eyes, I walk off. I don’t want to test his patience tonight but I don’t know what to say to her either.

  I make my way up the stairs and see the bathroom door closed. Taking a deep breath I push it open to see a shocked Jada pale as a fucking ghost sitting there while Cher dabs at her head.

  “She won’t let me clean it.” Cher glances over at me but the cut is the last thing on my mind. The fact that she looks the way she does is what hurts the most.

  “I got it.” Cher nods as she walks past me patting me on my shoulder on her way out.

  I walk the rest of the way into the bathroom, closing the door behind me before grabbing supplies from under the sink.

  I set all my things out on the sink before I crouch down in front of her. I bring my
hand up to touch her cheek but she never moves.

  “I’m sorry Jada. You scared the shit out me.” I notice my own hand shaking and so does she. Her head turns and watches it before I try to pull it away, she catches it in hers first.

  Bringing to her lap she looks at me.

  “I tripped, I didn’t mean to. I’m not ready to die Creed. As much as I wished it before, I just got you back. I don’t want to lose you yet.” Tears spill down that perfect face as I stand and pull her against me. I had no idea she felt like this.

  “You aren’t losin’ me. Let me clean this.” Kissing the side of her head, I sit her back down before grabbing the cleaner.

  I wipe at the cut that isn’t as bad as I originally thought. I put some cream on it before I look down at her again. She looks so lost.

  “I am goin’ to make it all ok for you.” Her head tilts up to look at me before I wipe the tears away from her eyes.

  “I love you.” Her words come out stronger than she looks right now.

  “I love you too.” I hold my hand out to her and wait. The pull we have towards each other is strong but I need it to be stronger, I need every piece of her.

  Jada slides her hand in mine as I pull her up and lead her out of the bathroom and back down the hall.

  “I should go help.” Her voice cracks slightly as I lead her into the bedroom.

  “No, you should be with me.” Walking us towards the bed, I grab the hem of the shirt she has on and pull it over her head. Her soft silken body glows in front of my eyes but that isn’t what this is about. Not right now. This is deeper on another level.

  I pull my shorts off so we are both completely naked before I help her into the bed. I follow before pulling the blankets up over the both of us.

  I drag Jada’s naked body against me and hold her there. Her soft sobs hurt to hear but she needs to know I’m not going anywhere.

  “We are doin’ this tonight. I need to know you will listen to what we tell you, I can’t lose you.” Jada tightens her grip around my waist.

  “I can’t lose you either.” She hiccups her way through those 5 little words as tears clog her throat. I know this is a dangerous game we’re playing but there is no other way around it.

  “You won’t lose me.” Kissing her head, I hold her until she falls asleep.

  As much as I want to close my eyes and rest, my heart is racing as fast as my mind and there is no way sleeping is even an option now so I opt to hold Jada and watch her sleep.


  “I feel bad. I don’t think he slept last night Tank.” Sitting at the kitchen table I only came down when I heard Tank and Cher. No way in hell was I doing that again.

  “He’s ok. He’s gone on less sleep.” He passes me a cup of coffee but that does little to ease my mind.

  I must have slept in like everyone else but Creed. He was wide awake when I woke up at noon. Now he’s upstairs taking a shower to wake himself up.

  “He shouldn’t do this today without sleep.” Tank turns to look at me with a now serious look on his face.

  “We have a plan. We set it up the way we did for a reason darlin’. Now I know you’re scared and shit but Creed is a big boy. He knows how far he can push himself.” Looking at the sureness on Tank’s face does something to me. I know Creed would do anything for me but I also know he’s stronger than I give him credit for.

  “Ok.” Tank nods happily with my answer before I hear Creed coming down the stairs. Before I can turn to look at him, he’s leaning over the back of the chair kissing my neck.

  “Mornin’ sexy.” His little comment sets my nerves on edge. How does he do that?

  Creed walks over and says something to Tank that I can’t hear before Tank nods his head. Creed smiles as he walks over and takes a seat next to me.

  “You look fuckin’ hot in my shirt.” Pulling at the sleeve of his shirt I threw on makes me smile. He has such a calming vibe today even though I am scared shitless. You would think he would be a little scared with whatever their plan is.

  “We need to talk. All of us.” Tank sets the plates of food on the table before taking his seat next to the suddenly quiet Cher. I wonder what her problem is.

  “We have our shit all set up for tonight. You two are goin’ up north to a hotel until shit is handled. You give us 12 hours and if you don’t hear somethin’ you leave.” My eyes jerk to Creed’s but I notice Cher sitting still. She already knew about this.

  “No. I won’t do it.” I watch Creed smile as he pops a piece of bacon in his mouth. Arrogant asshole.

  “I knew you wouldn’t, but you’re goin’ to anyway.” Smug bastard. With that smile plastered to his face, I don’t know if I want to slap him or fuck him right here at breakfast.

  “That’s not a good idea, Creed.” I try to protest but he doesn’t listen, he shovels food in his mouth.

  “It is a good idea, darlin’. We need your boy there to have a clear head and if he’s worryin’ about you, it ain’t clear.” Tank gives me a warning look that I ignore. Who the hell does he think he is?

  “I don’t need to be up north to be safe. I’m ok here.” Crossing my arms over my chest, Creed laughs. I’m glad this is funny for him.

  “It isn’t up for discussion. If somethin’ happens I can’t get back here and it isn’t goin’ to take a rocket scientist for them to figure this place out.” Creed guzzles his juice while everyone else is silent.

  “Are you just going along with this?” I turn my attention to my once mouthy friend.

  “Tank thinks it’s a good idea.” My mouth falls open when she says that. I can’t believe I just heard those words come out of her mouth.

  “And?” Creed chuckles again before I cut my eyes at him. That’s right, shut up while you’re ahead.

  “And, I agree. I don’t want to be caught in the middle of the cross fire.” Cher shrugs like it’s just another day. Well, isn’t this great! She bails on me now too!

  “Whatever. I’ll go but if you aren’t back I’m coming to find you, not leave.” Creed reaches over and grabs me around the back of the neck pulling my lips to his.

  “I never thought you’d leave. I just need you safe.” Kissing me slowly, I melt into his touch.

  We finish eating in silence but mostly it’s me giving those two looks that could kill. I don’t like the idea of being so far away in case something happens to him. I don’t even want to think about that.

  Cher seems to go with the flow for my liking. I wonder what Tank said to her to make her like that? I have never known her to be that way before.

  “You about ready?” Creed wraps his hands around my waist as I put away the last of the dishes.

  “No. I don’t like this idea at all.” His lips kiss my neck gently before moving to my shoulder. He pulls my hair back pushing it over my other shoulder.

  “I know you don’t. I don’t either but I need to know you are nowhere near the fire darlin’.” Spinning in his arms, I look up at him.

  “I get that Creed but I can’t leave. If you don’t come back you know I can’t just go.” The recognition in his eyes is what sets me off. He knows I wouldn’t leave him.

  “That’s why I love you.”


  I hate this. I hate the whole damn thing but there aren’t any other options. Tank and I have been over every scenario that we could come up with and none of them seemed to make sense but this one.

  We know the Shadows are having a big show and party so all the key players will be there.

  With Jada wrapped around me on my bike, everything feels surreal. In a few short hours I will be going up against my own club and the one that ruined her.

  Pulling into the hotel parking lot, my stomach drops. I check the time as I turn the bike off. 4:45pm. Shit.

  “What’s wrong?” Jada tenses up around me as we sit on the bike for a minute.

  “Nothin’ darlin’. I’m just ready to get this shit over with.” That isn’t a complete lie but I am fucking scared shitless t
hat I might never see Jada again. I just got her back; I’m not ready to lose her again even if it is my life that gets ended.

  Blowing out a breath, I climb off the bike before helping Jada off. I set our helmets on the seat before gripping her hand.

  “This is stupid, Creed.” Putting on my best poker face I smile over at her.

  “You are still a mouthy little shit aren’t you?” Jada rams her shoulder into my side making me laugh.

  “I don’t want to do this.” Jada stomps slightly before I grab her around the waist. Spinning her in my arms, I slam my lips into hers.

  “I want to spend the next hour fuckin’ you like crazy. Then I want you two to order some pizza and watch TV. This shit will be over before you know it, then I’m fuckin’ you the rest of the night.” Her eyes light up as she looks up at me. There’s a fire burning inside of her but it isn’t about sex. She’s scared and she doesn’t know what’s going to happen. That makes two of us.

  “Please, Creed.” Her eyes beg me to not leave her but I know in the end I have to. I just play that off like everything else.

  “You want me to fuck you in this parkin’ lot?” Jada slaps me as I yank her closer. I want to reassure her that everything is fine.

  “Jada, you have to understand my situation here. The closer you are the easier it is for them to get to you if this shit doesn’t play out the way we planned.” Jada’s head drops to my chest as Tank and Cher walk up next to us.

  “Room 312. We’re taken a walk.” I grab the key card as I nod at Tank. I start towards the building with Jada hanging off me like she will never see me again. Maybe she won’t.

  Sliding the card, I walk us into the room before kicking the door closed. Within seconds Jada is ripping my clothes off in a frantic attempt to get me naked. I’m not complaining.

  “Damn, Jada.” The girl has me practically naked and we just got in the room. I guess she’s making good use of that hour.

  I help her with the buckle on my belt before she yanks my jeans down. Her lips travel a heated path across my chest as her hand wraps around my dick, the little soft strokes making me harder by the second.


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