Loving the Game

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Loving the Game Page 5

by Melody Heck Gatto

  The kids had been at this since eight this morning and even though Tyler was already exhausted, these kids seemed to have an endless amount of energy, no matter how many laps they did.

  He used to be able to handle this event with just him and Sal, but the older he got, the harder it was to keep up with the little ones.

  “Hey, kids, looks like you’re wearing ol’ Tyler out!” Dom called as he led the kids around the rink.

  This year Tyler had a few helpers: Dom and Kaden as goalies, as well as Kris, Harrison, and Sam. The guys skated laps with the kids, ran drills with them, and broke into groups to give the kids tips and answer questions.

  While Tyler took a water break at the bench, Melanie teased, “Yeah, you look winded, Ty.”

  “I didn’t get a great night’s rest last night.”

  “Yeah,” Mel crossed her arms over her chest. “Paige was gone all night?”

  “Yeah, she’s still there. Last update I got was early this morning, and Rylee had been in labor all night.”

  Melanie nodded. She stood behind the bench, as today’s sole PR Person, documenting today’s event on social media and snapping photos for the website. “Sometimes that’s how labor is. I just hope mine isn’t so long. I’ll be happy if this little peanut could just pop right out.”

  Tyler shook his head with a laugh, certain that was not how childbirth worked. “Mel, you look good back there. Ever think of changing careers?” Tyler joked. “Coach Mel.”

  “Ha! Not even close. I’m content simply keeping you knuckleheads in check, and doing the administrative stuff.” Melanie joshed. She rubbed her belly, “I’ll be busy enough, I don’t need another occupation.”

  Tyler laughed as he skated away joining the group.

  “All right kids, you have been doing great this morning! For the last part of today’s program, we’ll be doing some passing drills and accuracy shooting.”

  Tyler lined the little kids up and began to give instructions. Harrison, Kris, and Sam aided the kids in the drills and cheered them on. Tyler watched each of them, offering suggestions and positive reinforcement. But he mainly gave fist bumps and high fives.

  As he watched the kids follow his instructions, he could see the passion each of them had for the game. He just met them this morning, but he already felt a sense of pride watching these kids play.

  Warmth filled his chest as he spoke with each child. He could do this all the time, instruct little ones at the game that he loved. The money he spent on equipment for each of these kids was nothing compared to the joy he felt seeing them so happy.

  “You’re really good with these kids.” Harrison said.

  Tyler shrugged. “It’s just fun for me to see these kids enjoying the sport, that’s all.”

  Ty wished he had more than one day with these kids. He’d love to have the time to teach them some of his signature moves. Maybe someday.

  And maybe someday he’d have a little team of his own to pass down his skill set to.

  TYLER TOOK HIS TIME getting changed after the other guys were gone. Today had been a long, taxing day. He didn’t remember any other year being this difficult. It wasn’t the kids; they were a delight like always. It was him. He was different this year. He saw his possible future in all of these kids, and it affected him.

  Finally getting his cell out of his locker, there were four missed calls on his phone. All from the same number, his agent. Tyler was sure if it was important, he would’ve left a message, but there was none. He grabbed his bag and slowly walked out to his car. Next stop was meeting Paige at the hospital.

  She ran out during the third period of last night’s game to meet Rylee at the hospital, she was in labor. There was no way he could meet her at the hospital and still be alert this morning for the class, and Paige was as awesome as always about it.

  He received a text just as he was driving into the arena this morning, that the baby was born, and mom and baby were doing great.

  After spending the day with those kids, he was looking forward to holding that little newborn. Tyler wasn’t always a baby person, but what young guy typically was?

  Uncharacteristically for him, he was in a good mood and looking forward to the visit. Maybe it was his time away with Paige, or maybe it was the thought of them trying to have their own little one. Whatever it was, he was on cloud nine today.

  Taking a moment of peace in his car, his phone rang again. It was his agent, Lee.

  “Lee. Hey, what’s going on?” Tyler said, happily.

  “Tyler, I’ve been trying to get ahold of you.” Lee’s voice was rigid and quiet.

  “I saw that you called.”

  “Ty, I am really sorry to do this over the phone. Do you remember the little boy you visited with last year in Montreal?”

  “Sure I do, Cody. Why are you sorry, what happened?” Cody was a young Renegades fan, specifically a Tyler Kidd fan. The poor little guy had been dealt a rough hand, a life-threatening illness. When Tyler met him, Cody had just gone into remission, and things were looking up for him. They spent the afternoon talking and eating pizza, Cody’s favorite food.

  Tyler’s heart dropped; he didn’t have a good feeling about this phone call.

  “Ty, he passed away last week. I am so sorry.”

  Tyler sat, speechless for what felt like forever.

  “Tyler? Are you still there?”

  “Yeah, I’m here. Did you say last week? And I’m just being told now?” Tyler snapped at his agent. Catching his tone, Tyler took a breath to dial things back.

  “Yes. I apologize for the delay; I just was notified this morning.”

  Tyler closed his eyes and asked in almost a whisper, “When is the funeral?”

  “It was over the weekend. Again, I am so sorry to tell you like this.”

  Tyler was numb. Cody was only ten. He was supposed to live a long healthy life. He was in remission the last he heard. “Thanks for the call, Lee. Please see if there’s anything the family needs and take care of it. Anything at all. Thanks. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

  Tyler hung up and stared at his cell phone. He texted Lee with a more direct request. He told Lee to take care of all the funeral expenses and anything else the family needed. If he couldn’t use his money to help others, then it was no good to him.

  He got out of the car and opened the trunk. Unzipping his hockey bag, he pulled out a baseball cap. The baseball cap that Cody gave him. He has worn it during every post-game interview since Cody gave it to him.

  And he would continue to wear it for the rest of the season. Not just because he was a creature of habit and did the same thing before and after every game, win or lose. But because this hat was special.

  He had many hats at home, but this one was his favorite.

  He stared at the hat. The hat with dried lines on it from wearing it while sweaty after a game. The hat that he wore in honor of that little boy, hoping he’d see him wearing it on television. The hat that meant more to him than any expensive item he ever bought. This hat was given to him by Cody.

  He took a deep breath and put the cap back in his hockey bag.

  As he shut the trunk his cell phone rang. Paige’s name lit up his screen.

  Chapter Seven


  Paige hit the coffee button on the hospital vending machine. She had been here since nine o’clock last night. She was in the press box, watching the third period of the Renegades game last night when she got the call. Rylee was in labor!

  Of course, she ran right to Rylee’s side, not even stopping home to get changed. She gave up her heels about two in the morning and have been running around in a pair of hospital slippers. Not the most fashionable things, but they did in a pinch, and they were more comfortable than her heels.

  Leaving during the game meant she also didn’t get to see Tyler last night. She made sure to have Melanie let him know what was going on after the game was over.

  Rylee’s labor was slow, and she insisted Paige pu
t the end of the game on when they got there. At least she got to see the guys win.

  It was now ten-thirty in the morning, and she had well surpassed being awake twenty-four hours. The moment Rylee began pushing Paige’s second wind kicked in and she was still riding it.

  Paige watched as the hot liquid poured into the cup. Paige opted for the freeze-dried coffee grinds from the vending machine versus the cafeteria. She was told late last night that the coffee from the cafeteria wasn’t fit for humans. And the coffee cart in the lobby wasn’t open that late. And now, probably her fifth cup, she had acquired a taste for this bad coffee.

  She was sure that is was the adrenaline keeping her awake, but coffee didn’t hurt. And as tired as she was going to be when she finally crashed, all that mattered was that little Lila Talon and her mommy were healthy and happy.

  It had been an uneventful labor for Rylee; and new dad, Nick, did a great job. But she hadn’t expected anything less from the team’s General Manager.

  Paige took a seat in the lounge for a moment of calm, sipping her hot coffee. She sat back in the chair and her eyes focused on the television. She stared at the morning talk show while drinking her coffee. The floor was quiet for the moment, so she took her time, plus Rylee and Nick needed a few moments alone with their new daughter.

  She texted Tyler to let him know she’d be home soon. Paige figured she’d stay for a little longer, than head home before she crashed.

  Paige always knew that her best friend was strong, but after twelve hours of active labor, Rylee had rock star status in her eyes.

  Taking a deep breath, she could feel her body getting heavy. Time to go see that sweet little baby and the new parents before she was too tired to drive home.

  Walking back into the hospital room, she was greeted with her friends smiling faces. She was so used to walking into a smelly locker room full of sweaty hockey players, this sweet greeting took her off guard.

  “You guys do know that if you keep smiling like that your faces might freeze that way?” she teased. Quietly she closed the heavy door behind her and joined them cooing over the new baby.

  “I don’t think we’ll ever stop smiling as long as this little sweetie is around.” Nick commented. He was beaming with pride as he fixed her little pink blanket.

  “You want to hold her?” Rylee asked.

  That simple question made her body go cold. Setting her coffee down on the table, she took a deep breath and prepared herself.

  “Sure.” Suddenly, Paige became all thumbs and awkwardly tried to stand beside the bed, while half trying to sit on the edge of the mattress, and almost falling on to the floor. “Maybe I should go sit down first?”

  Maybe it was the lack of sleep, maybe it was low blood sugar, or maybe it was just the idea of having a little baby in her arms after so many months of wanting one of her own, with no results.

  Nick let her get settled on the couch before he laid little Lila in her arms.

  Afraid of the slew of emotions that she knew she was going to feel, she held her breath as the newborn settled in her arms. Then something unexpected happened. None of the feelings she anticipated having happened.

  Looking down at the sleeping little pink bundle in her arms, she didn’t recognize the emotion of euphoria that overwhelmed her. Her heart was full, as if it was going to burst out of her chest. How could someone feel so much love for someone so tiny?

  Lila’s pink cheeks and her sweet little lips were so perfect. Paige couldn’t help but stare. Lila squirmed in her arms and let out the tiniest cry she ever heard. The little baby opened her brilliant blue eyes and stared at Paige.

  Paige’s heart soared as she watched Lila. She was so perfect in every way. Her little fingers, her little toes, the way she smiled while she slept – that was probably just gas.

  Paige knew enough about babies to know that Lila wasn’t really focusing on her – but it sure felt that way. Those pretty eyes stayed on Paige for the longest time before she dozed off again.

  Lila wasn’t even an hour old yet and she had stolen Paige’s heart.

  Looking up, Paige realized Rylee and Nick were watching her and Lila. The adoration on their faces told her that Lila already held her parent’s hearts too.

  Paige couldn’t help the yawn that escaped her lips.

  “I should get going. I haven’t slept in over a day, and I’m sure the new Mommy might like a cat nap too.” Paige stood up and passed baby Lila to Nick.

  She was so tired that her eyes began to water. Obviously, the adrenaline from the day must’ve worn off and she had hit a wall.

  “Absolutely not.” Nick said sternly. “You’ve been awake longer than us. I cannot let you drive home while you’re this tired. Take the recliner or the couch and get some rest.”

  Paige looked from Rylee to the recliner. “I can’t do that. The recliner is in here for you, Nick. And I’m sure Rylee wants to rest.”

  Nick shook his head. “I’m not taking no for an answer. You both can nap in here. I’ll have the nurse take the baby to the nursery, and I’ll go make some calls.”

  “No!” Rylee called. “She can stay here, can’t she? She’ll just be sleeping in her little hospital bassinette. She’ll be fine, right?”

  Nick smiled and agreed. “Paige, make yourself comfortable and get some sleep. I’ll message Tyler to let him know you are staying. I’ll see if he can bring some sandwiches since you haven’t eaten.”

  But Nick’s words were muffled, and Paige could barely keep her eyes open as she nodded. Without even attempting to argue any more with Nick, she curled up on the recliner and fell right asleep.

  Chapter Eight


  Tyler walked through the halls that lead to Rylee’s room with a bag full of deli sandwiches in his arm. The entire way through the hospital he did his best to convince himself that not telling anyone about Cody was best for everyone. They were here to celebrate Rylee, Nick, and their new baby.

  He was sure that Paige would hear about it soon enough from Melanie. Today was all about the Talons.

  He turned a corner and there, in the hospital room, was his beautiful wife holding the tiny baby. Paige looked so natural holding that tiny little baby. He stopped and waited a minute to secretly take in how happy she looked.

  Paige looked up to see him and a big grin slid across her gorgeous lips. “Hi, babe! I’m so glad you’re here.”

  Tyler hurried into the room, handing Nick the bag of food. “Hey Dad! How’s it feel?”

  “Unreal. It is literally the only word I can come up with to describe it. And I consider myself to be a fairly eloquent speaker.” Nick beamed. “Thanks for bringing lunch, Ty.”

  “Yeah, thanks so much Ty!” Rylee called from the hospital bed. “The lunch they brought was—”

  “It wasn’t anything close to what Rylee is accustomed to. And, plus, your wife hasn’t eaten anything but vending machine food since last night.”

  “Hey, no worries.” Tyler held his hands up in front of him. “When new parents request food, you don’t question it. But I was happy to do it. Especially for my Paige.”

  Tyler turned his attention to his wife and the newest addition to the Talon family.

  “Hey, babe. I missed you last night and today.” He kissed his wife on her cheek.

  Paige looked up at him, smiling, her eyes glistening. “Tyler, I’d like you to meet baby Lila Talon.”

  Tyler ran his hand over the pink blanket that Lila was swaddled in. Her little pink face scrunched up like she wanted to cry, but instead she let out a sound that was like a coo mixed with a heavy breath. His heart warmed and his eyes burned.

  He’s seen other teammate’s babies, and even his own niece and nephew as newborns. But today, Lila, she was the most beautiful sight.

  For one brief moment, he forgot about the sadness that had fallen on him earlier today. Nothing mattered but this sweet, tiny soul wrapped in a soft pink blanket.

  “Ty?” Paige asked. “You okay?”

  Looking into his wife’s eyes, his breath caught. It was like a punch to his gut. He took a moment to catch his breath. The sad feelings came rushing back, he must’ve gone pale, because everyone was staring.

  “Ty, maybe you should sit down and eat lunch. You don’t look so good.” Nick suggested. He motioned to an empty chair. “It’s normal. Trust me, Lila made me feel like that the first time I laid eyes on her too. She takes your breath away. Makes you wonder how something so small can make you feel so much love.”

  He managed a smile, choking back the sadness that was rising in his heart until another time. Today was a day for little Lila Talon. He had tomorrow to digest his feelings about Cody.

  “I’m not really hungry, but I do need a coffee. Anyone need anything from the cafeteria?” Tyler headed towards the door. He needed some space to regroup.

  A hand clamped down on his shoulder as he entered the hallway.

  “Wait for me, Ty. I’ll join you.” Nick said, hurrying to his side. “What is up with you?”

  “Me? Nothing. Why?”

  “You asked us if we needed anything from the cafeteria, then ran out of the room before any of us could answer. I don’t think the women noticed, they were too busy fawning over Lila, but I sure did. So fess up.” Nick turned to face Tyler.

  Tyler stopped walking and faced Nick. It’s true that Nicholas Talon was his boss, the General Manager of the team, but he was also Tyler’s friend.

  “I know you don’t want that cafeteria coffee. It’s as bad as it sounds. Even your wife has been drinking the vending machine coffee. Let’s go down to the coffee cart in the lobby, I’m buying.”

  “Nick,” Tyler protested. “You’re the one who just had the baby. I should be buying you coffee.”

  Nick put his hand up as the elevator descended. “Nonsense. Plus, I’m sure Rylee will enjoy a little girl time.”

  Once in the lobby, they ordered from the coffee cart and sat down at a small table.


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