Loving the Game

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Loving the Game Page 9

by Melody Heck Gatto

  Pets were never a topic of conversation between her and Tyler. He tolerated his sister’s dogs, but a pet of his own. A cat? Would he even care? Cats are very independent. They are cleaner than dogs, and they don’t drool.

  “I don’t know,” Paige began. “I’m not sure if I have the time to devote to a pet. I work a lot.”

  “Sure, cats need attention, but if you’re worried about your job, they sleep a lot during the day, and are very self-sufficient.”

  Looking at the kitten, she couldn’t help but feel love for the little ball of fur in her arms. He was just a little baby. The calm she felt with this little guy was a normal she’d been searching for over the last year.

  Taking her out of her thoughts, the volunteer continued. “Do you have any pets at home?”


  “Well, this little guy,” the volunteer petted his head. “Already seems to be in love with you. And if you don’t mind me saying so, you look pretty comfortable with him.”

  Paige looked down at the kitten, who had curled up in her arms for a nap. It’s possible that she had already fallen in love with him too.

  Chapter Twelve


  The locker room was already empty after the earlier morning skate. Tyler had stayed extra on the ice after the team left. Taking shots at the net helped him think and release some of the tension he might be feeling. Today was no exception.

  Paige was on his mind. He wasn’t dealing with the new family news they were just hit with, and he worried about his wife’s state of mind.

  She drank more wine last night than he’d seen her drink in a long time.

  He loved his sister, but he would never have imagined that was going to be her and Harrison’s big news. Not to say he wasn’t happy for them, but it was just a shock.

  He was feeling helpless and hockey was all he had to turn to.

  Tyler didn’t feel right piling this unsettled feeling on to Paige, she was dealing with her own feelings. It wasn’t fair to put this on her when he was typically the shoulder that she leaned on. He still had to be that rock for her if she needed him.

  “You got something on your mind, cap?” Patrick appeared out of the office area. “I haven’t seen you take that kind of anger out on the net in a long time.”

  “Yeah, just a rough day. I have a lot on my mind.” Tyler tossed the gear in his locker. “What are you still doing here?”

  “You got a minute to talk?” Patrick asked.

  “Yeah. What’s up?” Tyler sat down on the bench, curious. He and Pat weren’t close, and they had a past.

  Patrick’s current wife, Gia, was Tyler’s ex-girlfriend. For a long time, there was no love loss. And even though they’ve all grown up and moved on, heart to hearts weren’t common for them.

  “I’ve missed a few practices lately and I wanted to let you in on why.”

  Patrick had been missing from a few morning skates, and wasn’t at Willow’s birthday, but if there had been anything to worry about, Coach Walker would’ve clued him in.

  Tyler shook his head, “That’s not necessary. It’s none of my business. Coach told me your leave was approved. It’s fine.”

  “You are captain of this team, and I feel you deserve to know what’s going on.” Patrick started. “But I would like to keep it between us. I mean, Coach knows, and Nick, but I don’t need the whole team knowing.”

  “I assume Kris knows.” Tyler asked. “He assured me that you guys were okay, so I knew I didn’t need to worry.”

  “Yeah,” Pat nodded. “My cousin knows. But Kat doesn’t.” Patrick added with a smirk.

  Kat wasn’t known for keeping secrets.

  “I’m kind of superstitious, and too many people knowing just feels like bad luck, like someone is going to jinx it.” Pat sat down by his locker. “Gia and I have had a lot of appointments that have interfered with practices, and I apologize for that. Things are leveling out but there will still be at least one more, and that one might not be planned. Which means potentially I could get pulled from a game if necessary.”

  “Now I’m worried. Are you guys all right?”

  “Yeah,” Pat chuckled. “We are really great actually.” He knocked on the wooden bench as he spoke.

  “Why are you knocking on the bench?”

  “Superstitious.” He laughed nervously. “Gia and I are in the process of adopting a baby. It hasn’t been easy, but we seem to be in the home stretch.”

  “No way! Pat, that is amazing news!” Tyler exclaimed. Not only was he excited for Pat and Gia, but something clicked in his brain at the news. Adoption. Why didn’t he think of that before?

  “Thanks, Ty. I just really want to keep this close to the vest. Nothing is guaranteed until the papers are signed. The birth mom picked us, but they warned us that things always can change.”

  Tyler shook his head. He couldn’t imagine what Pat and Gia were going through.

  “Here’s why I’m letting you in on this... When the birth mom goes into labor, Gia and I will be there. Even if that means me being pulled from a game or whatever. Nick agreed to have someone pull me the second the call comes in. I just thought it would be fair to let you know what was going on.”

  “Yeah, thanks for letting me know. I mean, family first.”

  “But most importantly, if it goes down like that, I need you to let the team know everything is fine. I haven’t been traded or anything like that.”

  “Of course. I’ll take care of it.” And Pat was right, that is the first thing the team would assume.

  “I know this might be awkward for you, talking about this with me,” Patrick rubbed the back of his neck.

  “Nah man, we’ve moved on from all of that.” Tyler answered without pause. They’ve both grown, and that past was meant to stay there.

  “Unfortunately, this issue goes back to those days. We found out that apparently when Gia lost the baby all those years ago, it messed some things up – and without going into specifics, she now can’t have a baby of her own.”

  Tyler’s heart ached for Gia. He still cared about her, that never stopped. And he didn’t have to imagine the pain her and Patrick felt not being able to have their own child. Paige and him hadn’t gotten any results yet, but Pat and Gia knew for sure there was no possibility of a natural pregnancy.

  “After lots of research and prayer, we decided on adoption. We agreed it was the right decision for us.”

  “Pat, you didn’t have to tell me any of this.” Tyler began.

  “I know. But I wanted to. We’re more than just a team, we’re family.”

  Yes, they were more than teammates. Ironically, his suggestion was just what Tyler needed to hear today. Adoption was a long shot, but so was them getting pregnant at this point. It wouldn’t hurt to investigate it. His brain was buzzing with possibilities and hope. Not only would they create their family, but they would give a baby a good home.

  TYLER HURRIED THROUGH his front door, and immediately a delicious aroma of food rushed his senses. After a long day of practice, meetings, and the gym, plus helping Kris, his stomach rumbled, and his mouth watered.

  Paige had texted him this afternoon to let him know that she was cutting out early today. While happy she was taking some time for herself, as the doctor instructed, he was just as thrilled to finally be home and get some quality time with her.

  “Hey babe! I’m home! Smells great in here.” He called, shutting the door quickly, trying to keep the cold air outside where it belonged. “Sorry I’m late.”

  He hung his jacket on the coat rack just as Paige hurried down the hallway to meet him, wrapping her arms around him and kissing his cheek. “Hi! I missed you today. You’re kind of late, what kept you?”

  Tyler wrapped his arms around his wife, pulled her close, and planted a tender kiss on her lips. “You have a relaxing afternoon?”

  His heart warmed each and every time he saw this woman. She was his world, and he had no idea how he existed before her.

nbsp; “Yeah,” she shrugged. “Don’t think I didn’t bring my laptop home with me though. I’ve been working for the last hour.”

  “That’s the Paige I know, always the overachiever.” He chuckled. “Anything major going on?”

  “No,” she shook her head. “Working on the next few weeks of scheduling and events. Then of course there’s the nuisance social media stuff.”

  “Ah, the dreaded trade deadline.” He nodded with a smirk. “Fun stuff to wade through while you’re watching for the actual headlines.”

  “Tell me about it. But a glass of wine has been helping.”

  “I think we should plan a nice vacation during the off season. Go somewhere where no one can find us. You know, another off-the-grid getaway.” He kissed his wife on the lips, then dropped a kiss on her neck. “No phones,” then another. “No laptops,” and another. “No work. Just you and me.”

  His body warmed as he thought about their recent day away. It may have only been twenty-four hours, but it was well worth it. They get so busy with their daily life, it’s easy to forget to take time for themselves.

  “Oh?” she perked up, interested. “Does that mean no training as well?”

  He kissed her pursed lips. “If that’s what will make you happy, then no training while we’re away.”

  “I’ll believe that when I see it.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the kitchen. “So you never said what kept you.”

  “Kris bought Ian a new bed. This thing is a massive bunk bed set and needed help putting it together. He asked me this morning if I could come over and help.”

  “Bunk beds? Is there something we should know?” Paige asked, considering Ian was Kris and Kat’s only child.

  “No, just a set of bunk beds. I guess it’s what Ian wanted?”

  “Well, I’m sure you’re hungry – especially if Kris fed you.” She teased. Kris was known for his love of health foods, or rabbit food as Kat liked to call it. “I ordered sandwiches and soup, let’s go eat before it gets cold.”

  “Oh, I am hungry.” He grabbed her as she attempted to pull him down the hall towards the kitchen, pulling her to him and pressing his body against hers. “How about we go upstairs instead? The takeout can wait until later.”

  She giggled and her face turned pink. Placing her hand on his chest did nothing to calm him down. His wife was the love of his life and no matter how long they had been together, he still couldn’t seem to keep his hands off her.

  “Sorry, babe, but hold on to that thought.” She pulled him towards the kitchen.

  “Are these sandwiches really so important that we can’t sneak away for a bit first? I mean, they’re not going anywhere.”

  “I have something to show you.”

  “Trust me, Mrs. Kidd, I have something to show you too,” Tyler teased.

  “Will you stop it?” she laughed as she lightly smacked him. “I’m serious.”

  “So am I.” he wiggled his eyebrows.

  Paige rolled her eyes with amusement just as he kissed her.

  “But, if you insist.” He caved. Tyler always caved to her. He’d give her the world if that’s what she asked for.

  Paige pulled him in to the kitchen.

  He wasn’t paying attention to anything but her cute little butt as she dragged him to see whatever it was that was so important. “Can we hurry up with this important thing you need to show me, so I can take you upstairs and show you my important thing?”

  She shot him a stern look and giggled. “Well, babe, I did a thing today.” She smirked as if she was the cat that ate the canary.

  Paige enjoyed challenging him. He met his match when he met her. He moved in to kiss those cute, suspicious lips. Suddenly, a ball of fur not much bigger than his hand leaped onto the countertop in front of him.

  Tyler stared at a black and white kitten. “Please tell me that this furry thing is Trina’s and she, again, has left her pet here for me to take care of.”

  “No! Reggie, you aren’t allowed on the counters!” Paige nicely scolded the kitten as she picked it up and made kiss noises to him. She turned to Tyler and smiled sweetly, “Sorry, we’re working on that.”

  “Paige?” They never discussed a cat, or even a pet for that matter.

  “No, Ty, he’s not your sister’s kitten. This,” she held up the black and white cat. “Is Reggie.”



  “And he is?”


  “Wait, what?” His face burned, all the way to his ears. All the pent-up sexual energy that he walked in the house with, drained from his body as he stared back at Paige and the kitten. It’s not that he didn’t like animals. He liked them just fine — when they were only visiting. He kept a neat house and didn’t remember a cat being part of their wedding vows. “We aren’t home enough for a pet.”

  “Sure we are. Plus, it’s a cat. Reggie will pretty much take care of himself.” Paige countered. She cooed at the kitten. “This little guy is nothing like a dog. He’s much easier.”

  “He’ll still need to be fed when we’re out of town.” Tyler had no idea why he was arguing over this cat, but it was like he couldn’t stop the words from coming.

  Paige rolled her eyes at him. “And there are many options for that. You can buy automatic feeders, hire pet sitters, or one of your sisters can come feed him and play with him. See? Easy.” She stared at him, surely waiting for his next reason.

  “Okay, Paige, help me out here. What did I miss? Did we discuss getting a cat and I just forgot about it?” Tyler was trying hard not to sound like an ass, but it didn’t seem to be working.

  “No. Tyler, we didn’t. And maybe I should’ve discussed it with you first, but it was a spur of the moment thing, and it’s just a little kitten. It’s not like I brought home a horse. And before you say I brought this cat into your house, remember, it is our house now.”

  He took a deep breath, trying not to say another word before his brain could keep up with his mouth. It is just a little kitten, why am I getting so aggravated?

  Tyler looked at the cat, and it was as if all the stress he’d been dealing with, and not talking to his wife about, came bubbling to the surface. And it all came out in the form of being mad over cat fur in his house.

  Choosing his words carefully, he simply said, “You’re right.”

  “What did you say?” she snapped at him.

  “I simply said you are right.”

  “Right about it being your house?”

  “Wait, what??” Tyler had no idea what was happening right now. All he said was you’re right. Two little words that he never imagined could’ve gotten him in to trouble. And yet somehow, they did.

  “I’m going to bed!” Paige stormed up the stairs.

  Tyler was left standing in the dining room, trying to figure out what had just transpired here. Paige was not acting like herself and was flipping out over nothing. He was going to agree with her that it was just a kitten, and it was their house.

  Instead they were now in the middle of a fight, and he wasn’t even sure what they were fighting over. Sure he was mad she got a cat without any discussion, but something so small wasn’t worth a fight.

  And yet, here they were.

  “I’ll be up in a bit.” He called and picked up the kitten. “Reggie, do you have any idea what just happened here? No? Me neither. I guess this is your house too now. You want to watch some television?”

  Out of nowhere, a pillow– his pillow –was tossed down the stairway, followed by a blanket.

  “Well, Reggie, looks like we’re sleeping on the couch tonight.”

  Tyler made his bed on the couch, giving Paige the space that she needed, regardless of how uncomfortable the couch was to sleep on. He laid down with Reggie at his side, purring.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Paige took a deep breath as she drove to Rylee and Nick’s house. It was a long day at the office. One of those days that felt lik
e it went on forever. She loved her job, but lately her negative mood has been making her days unbearable. Not to mention the little fight her and Tyler had last night. She hoped visiting her best friend, Nick, and their new baby would help turn her day around.

  Nick let Paige in the house. “That grin seems to be permanently on your face now, Nick.” She teased.

  He shook his head as he led her to the living room. “Sure is. I can’t help it.”

  “Hey girl!” Rylee called from her spot on the recliner. “Have a seat.”

  “Your husband is jollier than I’ve ever seen him.”

  “You aren’t joking! I don’t think he’s stopped smiling since Lila was born. Even through diaper changes and crying fits, he’s still grinning like a goof.”

  “Please.” Nick said sarcastically as he kissed Rylee on her cheek. “Why shouldn’t I be smiling? I have everything I ever wanted here in this room. And have you seen little Lila? She’s adorable!” he asked rhetorically.

  “Okay, you got me there.” Paige leaned to look into the bassinette where little Lila was sound asleep. Nick wasn’t wrong, she was absolutely beautiful. A smile pulled at her lips as she stared at little Lila.

  “Will Tyler be stopping over too?” Rylee asked.

  “No. He said something about going over Trina’s.” Paige tried not to let her face show her emotions, but she failed. She settled in on the couch.

  “Paige?” Rylee questioned.

  She knew the smile had left her face, even as hard as she tried to not let it. “It’s nothing.”

  “Hey, Nick,” Rylee grabbed her husband’s attention. “Would you mind making some sandwiches for lunch?”

  “Sure thing!” he responded cheerily. “Paige, can I get you anything to drink?”

  “I’ll just take a bottle of water.” She looked at Rylee as Nick left the room. “You guys don’t need to feed me. And I can get my own water. I’m over here enough that you guys don’t need to wait on me.” Paige protested.

  “Relax and let Nick get the food and drinks. There isn’t a lot to do around here when the baby is sleeping, and he wants to feel useful.” Rylee answered. “Plus, you look like something is bothering you. Spill.”


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