Out of this World

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Out of this World Page 1

by Katrina Kahler

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  John Zakour & Katrina Kahler

  Copyright © KC Global Enterprises Pty Ltd

  All rights reserved

  Book 5

  Out of this World

  Table of Contents

  The Unexpected Arrival

  Fight and Greet

  Home Sweet Home

  Pizza Hangout

  Home Front

  Getting Schooled

  Mom’s Date

  Spaced Out


  School Governing

  Dancing Machine

  End this Mess…


  The Unexpected Arrival

  “Excuse me?” I said to this strange red-haired boy with the biggest green eyes I had ever seen.

  “My name is Zeekee Zaxxx from the planet ZZZ-333,” the boy said, as he floated from the tree to the ground. “I need your help.”

  I had to admit, I was intrigued. This boy looked just like a regular kid. But he seemed so different, so special. “Why do you need MY help?” I asked.

  Jason walked over and stood between us. “Yeah, why?” he repeated as he curled his hands into fists. I had never seen Jason so defensive. Part of me liked that he felt the need to defend me. Although another part of me thought he was being silly. After all, I am the strongest person on Earth.

  “I’ve escaped from my planet ZZZ-333 to seek refuge on Earth,” Zeekee said, his eyes locked on mine.

  “Why are you running away?” Jason asked.

  “That’s a very good question,” I said, staring at Zeekee. Man, he had beautiful eyes. I put a hand on Jason’s shoulder. “Jason, stay calm.”

  “I am calm!” Jason said, his gaze steadfast and locked on Zeekee.

  Zeekee didn’t flinch. He stood his ground. He looked directly at me and said, “I just wanted to see another planet; mingle with other types of people. After all, those of us on ZZZ-333 are mostly human. We have just developed our brains more, which gives us a few extra abilities. That’s why you, Lia Strong, are so interesting to me. It appears you are the most advanced human on Earth. Yet, you seem so humble. Plus, you are willing to risk your health and your privacy to save others.”

  I took a step backward and lowered my eyes. That was the first time I’d heard the things I do, put into those words. My heart pounded faster.

  “You should be proud of what you do and who you are!” Zeekee said.

  “She is!” Jason replied adamantly, pointing an insistent finger at Zeekee.

  “I am,” I agreed. “I love helping people!”

  Zeekee smiled. My heart fluttered a little more. “That’s why I am here. I thought you could protect me from my mother’s forces.”

  “Excuse me?” Jason frowned. “What do you mean by ‘from your mother’s forces’?”

  “My mother, High Leader, Zela does not believe in communicating with other planets and other human types. She believes we should keep to ourselves. She, quite frankly, thinks of you as primitive hostiles. My goal is to prove her wrong.”

  “That’s a good goal,” I replied.

  “Tell us again about your mother’s forces,” Jason was still not convinced.

  “Being high leader means my mother has access to great resources. I fear she will send some of those resources after me to retrieve me and bring me back.”

  “We know what retrieve means!” Jason said, glaring at Zeekee. “So, basically you’re saying that by coming here, you’ve put us in danger.”

  Zeekee nodded. “That was certainly not my main intention, but yes, I do believe that may be a consequence of my actions. My mother does not like being disobeyed.”

  “No mother does,” I told him.

  “True,” Zeekee smiled.

  “Then maybe you should just beam yourself back to whatever space ship you came in!” Jason growled.

  Zeekee nodded again. “I truly understand your concern. But I believe the knowledge I gain from being here, interacting with other human types, is worth the risk. We can open up both our worlds to each other. By joining together, we can actually make the universe seem smaller!”

  Wow, I really liked how Zeekee talked and thought that I could relate to his words. He just wanted to join two worlds. We could learn so much from each other. Plus, I found him way cute.

  Jason stood there, arms crossed. “I’m not sure it’s worth it.” He took a deep breath. “Sure, I love the idea of meeting aliens from other worlds.”

  Zeekee held out a hand. “Well here’s your chance! I’m so glad to meet you, human known as ‘Jason’.”

  Jason looked at the extended hand, reached out, and shook it. “Nice to meet you too, Zeekee, but I don’t like the idea of possibly making the leader of another world angry.”

  Zeekee released Jason’s hand. He laughed. His laugh reminded me of a pleasant wind chime. “Oh, she is going to be so mad. But like I said, I believe it is worth the risk. Plus, I have seen Lia in action. I am sure she can protect me.”

  “I do like to protect people!” I said.

  Jason looked at me. “He’s not exactly people!”

  Zeekee shook his head. “That is where you are wrong, human Jason. I am a people, just a slightly more advanced people. That’s why I can do things like this.” He pointed at Jason and said, “Sleep!”

  Jason dropped in his tracks. He curled up on the ground and started snoring. Zeekee stepped over Jason towards me, “I’m sorry I had to do that to your aide, but I got the feeling he was being defensive when he didn’t need to be.”

  I giggled. “Jason is not my aide….”

  “But he is always by your side, assisting you.”

  “He’s my friend,” I said. “I’ve known him forever!”

  “Oh, are you betrothed?” Zeekee asked softly. I thought I sensed a worried tone in his voice.

  MAC spoke up from my watch communicator. “In case you are wondering, betrothed means engaged to be married.”

  I put my watch close to my face. “I knew that!” I nodded. After all, I watch a lot of love stories.

  “Just giving information,” MAC said. “It’s what I do.”

  Zeekee pointed to MAC. “Is that what you humans call ‘Siri’?”

  I giggled. “Kind of. He’s my advanced version of Siri, called MAC. He likes to give me information, whether I need it or not. But, getting back to the original question; Jason and I are not engaged. We are far too young!”

  Zeekee took a step back. “So you will be, once you are older?” He looked down at Jason and frowned.

  I shrugged. “I’m not going there. Let’s just say we’re great friends. He has my back and I have his!”

  Zeekee grinned. “You are truly wise, Lia Strong from Earth!”

  “Just Lia, please.”

  “Okay, Lia please.”

  “No, just Lia.”

  “Okay, just Lia,” he said.

  “Alien dude, just refer to her as Lia,” MAC said.

  Zeekee pointed at me. “Right. You are Lia!”

  “Very good,” I said, patting him on the shoulder.

  Zeekee’s big green eyes popped open. “Oh, this is bad. Scout drones have found me…”

  I turned to see about a hundred black and silver fly
ing machines hovering over us. They looked like they had mechanical eyes. I fought back the urge to shiver. They started to spin faster and began to turn red. I figured this was a sign that they meant business.

  Dear Diary: This is so amazing! I’ve actually met a really cool and extremely good-looking boy from another planet. Sure, he thought Jason and I might be engaged. Sure, his mom, the leader of that planet, doesn’t want him to be here. And, I can’t help noticing that Jason seems jealous of this guy. Not sure what to make of that. Part of me likes that Jason is so protective of me. But is this being more than protective? Man, nothing in my life is ever easy. But at least my life is interesting!

  Fight and Greet

  Okay, I had to deal with these spinning eye drones. They didn’t look like much, but there were a LOT of them. Plus, I’ve been a superhero long enough to know that things aren’t always what they seem. Heck, I look like a normal girl but I can flatten a herd of elephants with a fart, and not even one of my BAD farts. Dad and his team of scientists think that one of my power farts could actually drop an army! I know Dad likes to exaggerate, but I have done it in simulation. Of course, these drones were obviously machines and would probably be immune to my fart power. And truth be told, unleashing one of my farts in public would cause more harm than good.

  I activated my mask and uniform.

  “That is so blook,” Zeekee said.


  “It’s how we say cool…”


  Zeekee leaned into me. “I don’t think the drones care what you want. They are very stubborn.”

  “Man, if my neighbors see this, I’m not sure what the heck they will think…” I sighed.

  “Don’t worry, I’m creating an illusion so any normal humans who see this, will think the drones are flying butters,” Zeekee said.

  “Well, that’s good,” I said. “I guess. And I hope you mean butterflies. Flying butters would just be weird.”

  “Oh right, I knew that,” Zeekee said, peeking out from behind me. “But your human language is so confusing.”

  “We’ll talk language later. For now, I need to deal with these drones!” I looked at the drones and shouted. “Okay, you have one chance to back off!” I held up one finger.

  The drones instantly bombarded me with rays of red-hot energy. I’m not sure how many beams they blasted me with, but my uniform smoked in at least a hundred different places.

  I shook my head. I looked at the drones. I swear their eyes had popped opened wider. “Okay, I’m going to assume that means…nope, we’re not backing off!” I growled.

  I leaned forward, squinted my eyes and thought of hot things…the sun, volcanoes, a spaceship blasting off, and Latin dancing. Okay, that last one was a little weird, but it worked. A wide cone of red-hot energy burnt from my eyes and cut through the middle section of drones. The drones I hit simply crumbled to the ground.

  “Take that!” I said. The good news was, I took out at least half the drones. The bad news was, I had used up a lot of my energy firing a blast so wide and powerful. I would need a bit of time to recharge. From the way the remaining drones were swarming into formation, I knew I didn’t have a lot of time.

  The drones fired at Zeekee and me again. This time I grabbed him and leaped up into the air, over the burning red beams of pain.

  “Zow! You are truly splendid!” Zeekee said as I flew up into the sky.

  I had to admit, I liked that he liked what I had done. It made me feel tingly. But no time for feelings now. I needed to stop these drones before they hurt Zeekee. New problem being, while I had him up in the air alongside me, I really couldn’t attack the drones. I was forced to dodge attack after attack.

  “Man, these drones are certainly persistent,” I said, spinning in midair.

  “Zeppers! And they never tire,” Zeekee gulped.

  We started falling back towards the ground. While I’ve become better at leaping and floating, I still can’t hover for too long. Still, I figured I could use my falling to my advantage.

  “Hold on!” I told Zeekee.

  I started twirling at super speed, gaining momentum with each spin. I spun so fast, I created a whirlwind.

  The whirlwind ripped through part of the drones, smashing them to the ground. I spun towards the ground, turning my body so I hit the ground first, shielding Zeekee from most of the force. I jumped back to my feet and pulled Zeekee up.

  “Zow! That was mega bloop!” he said. He had turned a very sickly shade of green. He twisted away from me and bent over. “Don’t look,” he pleaded.

  I returned my attention to the remaining drones that were now circling us. I heard barfing sounds coming from Zeekee. The drones started spinning faster and buzzing louder.

  “This is so embarrassing,” Zeekee groaned.

  If I didn’t find a way to take out the rest of these drones, barfing would be the least of Zeekee’s problems.

  I thrust a finger at the drones. “Okay, you crazy things have made me mad now!”

  I heard a high-pitched “Hiya!” Looking up, I saw my little neighbor, half-vampire, Felipe, flying through the air at the drones. As he flew, he swatted drones left and right. His older cousin, Tomas, leaped into the air behind him. Tomas batted down the drones Felipe had missed.

  Supporting the two half-vampires from the ground, was Tomas’s girlfriend and my buddy, Jessica the witch. Jess used her telekinetic powers, waving her hands to smash a bunch of drones into each other.

  I smiled, watching my friends clean up the remaining drones. Tomas and Felipe floated down beside me.

  “That was so fun!” Felipe shouted.

  “I agree,” Tomas said.

  Jess walked over to me, cool as ever. I don’t think Jess has ever formed a bead of sweat in her life. “We thought you could use a little help,” she said. “I could have banished them, but the boys wanted to have some fun.”

  “I appreciate the help,” I told her. To be honest, I might have been able to handle the drones alone, but it would have worn me down – a lot.

  Jess pointed to Zeekee, still on all fours, looking a little shaky. “What do we have here?”

  Felipe looked at Jason, still asleep on the ground. “And what’s wrong with Jason?”

  Zeekee stood up and wiped his mouth. He looked at me. “I’m so sorry for arfing…”

  “Actually, it’s called barfing,” Tomas corrected with a grin. Tomas looked at me. “I take it this guy isn’t from around here.”

  Before I could say anything, Zeekee moved forward. “No, I am from a planet many light years away. I have run away from my home planet. I want to see how Earth people live.”

  Tomas and Felipe both sniffed him. They looked at Zeekee with squinted eyes.

  “What’s wrong guys?”

  “Ah, nothing...” Tomas said, he just smells like alien barf.

  Zeekee nodded. “Yeah, ah sorry about that. Not one of my finer moments.”

  I looked at Jess, looking Zeekee over. She raised an eyebrow.

  Jess put her arms around Tomas and Felipe. “Okay guys, our work here is done, let’s get back to the house so these two can talk.”

  She turned and led the half-vampires away.

  “Thanks, guys!” I said again.

  “So, you are not the only superbeing on Earth?” Zeekee commented.

  “There are a few others, but we are very rare,” I told him, without going into details.

  “But you are the most powerful. Right? Their leader, right?” Zeekee asked.

  I shrugged. I could tell this cute alien boy wanted more information but I had to be careful. Just because he happened to have big dreamy eyes didn’t mean I should totally trust him. “As you can see, I’m powerful. I’m also the only super being that’s open about being a hero. I guess I’m kind of the leader,” I added. “Though I like to think of myself as being an inspiration, more so than a leader. I lead by example. Doing the right thing and all that kind of stuff.”

  I poin
ted to my house. “Now let’s get inside where we can talk more privately. It’s amazing that fight didn’t draw the attention of all my neighbors!”

  Zeekee smiled. “Any normal human being who was watching, simply thought you were chasing butters that fly.”

  I smiled back at him. “It’s butterflies, but you’re getting closer.”

  We started heading towards my house. It hit me. I stopped. I turned and pointed to Jason. “Ah, can you wake him up?”

  “But he is sleeping so nicely. He’s quiet. And he’s calm.” He paused for a moment. “Why don’t you use your mind to control these simpler humans?”

  “Well, I don’t think of them as simpler, and I don’t like to use my command voice,” I said.

  “But they are, and you should!” Zeekee insisted. “After all, you have power, you should use it.”

  He had a good point. But one I don’t really like talking about.

  “Can you please wake up Jason? He’s going to get all dirty sleeping on the ground.”

  “But I don’t think he likes me,” Zeekee protested.

  “He’s just being protective of me,” I said.

  “I suppose that is a good trait,” Zeekee said slowly. He pointed at Jason and said, “Wake up simple little human male!”

  Jason started to stir. He slowly pushed himself up. He spat some dirt out of his mouth. “Yuck,” he said. He looked up at us. “What did I miss?”

  “Not much,” I replied, innocently. I pointed to my house. “I’m going to take Zeekee into the house so he’s safe. Do you want to come?”

  I shot Zeekee a glance. He seemed to be concentrating on Jason.

  Jason shook his head. “I’d better get home and start on my homework.” He pointed at Zeekee. “I don’t totally trust him, but I do totally trust you!”

  I watched Jason walk into his house. I turned to Zeekee. “Okay let’s get inside.”


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