Willing Bride_7 Brides for 7 Bears

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Willing Bride_7 Brides for 7 Bears Page 17

by Moxie North

  “Mine, we’ll park it at the airport.”

  Piper hopped in the cab that smelled like leather and Anson. He got in and started it up.

  “After tonight we’ll be permanently mated. I plan on making love to you all night long. When I come inside you… your mark will appear. You’ll have a much higher tolerance to illnesses. If you’re injured, I can help heal you, if it’s minor enough.”

  “How do you do that?”

  Anson smiled at her. “Let’s leave that for a surprise.”

  “So that’s it? Just sex?”

  “No, it’s not just sex. It’s us sharing the very essence of ourselves. Your mate mark will look just like mine. I’ll be yours forever.”

  “It surprises me every time you say it like that.”

  Anson pulled out into traffic. “Like what?”

  “That you’ll be mine.”

  “Piper, you’ve been trying to be someone else’s wife for too long. You thought it was all because there was something wrong with you. It was the other people that didn’t work. Now you can know that you should have been looking for a mate instead of looking to be someone’s wife. More importantly, maybe things worked out so you’d be my mate. I wouldn’t have wished any of it on you, but it led me to you. So I’m going to take the gift I was given.”

  “Don’t you worry that you’ll be stuck with me?”

  Anson let out a barking laugh. “There is nothing a Kindred wants more than to have to only think of one person. Crave only one person. Love only one person. Every unmated Kindred will be jealous of me. They will see a beautiful accomplished woman on my arm that will love me.”

  “How do you know that I’ll love you?” she asked, the words hanging like ice shards in the air.

  “You will. I told you. I have no other desire in the world than to spend the rest of my days making you fall in love with me.”

  “I wish I was that confident.”

  “Piper, you just need to see something to the end. You’ve been let down too many times. Tonight you will get my words, my ring, and my mark. Tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow is the beginning of the truth of your new life.”

  Chapter 22

  Anson looked over at his mate tucked into her first-class seat, wrapped in a fluffy blanket he’d seen at a store as they walked through the concourse to their flight. He bought the blanket and a bar of chocolate thinking she might be hungry.

  After they boarded, he saw that she still had the deer in the headlights look about her. He didn’t want to make her talk anymore. The best thing he could do was to leave her alone with her thoughts for a while. Once she was buckled in and the flight attendant had brought her a small glass of white wine, he’d wrapped her in the blanket. Her big eyes kept looking up at him like she was surprised by everything he did.

  He’d wink at her and continue. He offered her the chocolate and she shook her head in the negative. Reaching under the blanket, he took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze. An hour into the flight she’d fallen asleep. He was glad. He had a big night planned for them. Checking his phone, he saw the reservation for the hotel and noted it was the honeymoon suite. Nadia thought she was being funny. But he was happy for it. There was also a confirmation for a limo to pick them up at the airport.

  They’d need to hit the Strip for something to wear. He was ready to drop some hard-earned money in kitting out his mate. He’d have the limo take them straight to the courthouse for their license then shopping for clothes before the ceremony. After that, he planned on naked bodies and room service.

  Anson knew that Piper was overwhelmed. He wished he could take that stress from her. But working through it on her own was the only way for her to truly believe was what happening to her. As for him, Piper had become the air in his lungs. Her kiss made a bomb of pleasure go off inside him each time their lips touched. There was no way he wasn’t going to become addicted to her kisses.

  She was so beautiful laying there asleep. Anson couldn’t help but imagine what their cubs would look like. He’d told her that they were going to be in Vegas for three days. What he didn’t tell her was that he’d texted King when they’d been waiting for their plane. The entire crew was on duty trying to catch her stalker. Her disappearing for three days had to make him come out of the bushes. Anson hoped he’d screw up and do something obvious and his team would be there when he did it.

  There was no chance of this guy getting to her with him by her side. He’d like to see him try. It would end the torment for his mate. Piper was going to have the future she had given up on. One of peace, love, and choices. That’s what her stalker had really taken away from her. Choices. He’d been controlling her for so long that Piper didn’t even realize that he’d kept her on such a short leash. Controlling where she lived, worked, and who she was with.

  Anson was going to piss him way the hell off when she came home with a ring and a mark. There was no turning back from that and he hoped the human knew that at least. His entire Clan had his back now. Thousands of Fehu would be willing to come to his aid to protect his mate.

  Anson sent an email to his Clan leader letting him know that he had found his mate and that the situation was precarious. He promised a phone call to fill in the details. The presentation ceremony would be planned soon enough. He still hadn’t told his dads. Plus his Clan’s Crone needed a call, but he was afraid that he’d vent his frustration at her for not giving him a clear answer when he’d talked to her before. Not that what she had said, or rather didn’t say, would have changed how things played out. She probably knew that.

  Settling back into his seat, Anson kept his eyes on his mate, never growing tired of watching her. When the plane landed, Piper blinked sleepy eyes at the bumps of the wheels hitting the tarmac.

  “We’re here?”

  “Yeah, baby.”

  “Wow, I slept really hard,” she said stretching.

  “You did, you even snored a little. It was cute.”

  “Hah, I bet.”

  “There’s a car waiting for us. Let’s go get our license then we can grab food if you’re hungry and go shopping. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not get married in KSI gear.”

  Piper looked down at her clothes. She was in the suit she’d worn to work. She frowned then looked up at him. “I can’t wear a wedding dress,” she said softly, her eyes tearing up.

  “Then we will find you the most beautiful dress that’s not white. Whatever you want.”

  “It won’t bother you?”

  “I don’t care if you want to get married naked. Seriously, I’d be up for that. I’m sure there’s a chapel around here that caters to that.”

  “No, no naked vows, please.”

  “Fine, there are as many places to shop in Vegas as there are to gamble. What do you think, a suit for me?”

  “You aren’t a suit guy. Maybe a nice shirt and slacks?”

  “Then that’s what I’ll do.”

  “If I had said a tux?”

  “Then I’d go to one of those horrible rental places where the suits smell like cheese. I don’t have the patience for them to do a custom fit. I want this done now.”

  They were still taxiing to the gate as she watched him. “What if I asked you to shave your head?”

  Anson shrugged. “If it’s important to you, then it goes.”

  “No, I like it.”

  “Then it stays. See, it’s easy. There’s no fight here.”

  “You realize I’m going to probably keep testing you,” she said with a little grin.

  “I know, and I’ll keep showing you that there isn’t reason to. But don’t worry. I won’t get annoyed. I know you need time. You just have to ask.”

  “Ask what?”


  Piper chewed on her lower lip for a moment. “Do you love me?”


  Anson folded up her blanket and slung it over his arm as he took her hand. They found a very nice man named Big Joe waiting for them w
ith a limo. He knew exactly where to go for the license. Piper looked a little nervous as they applied. The clerk asked her straight out if she was being coerced and if she really wanted to do this.

  Piper burst out laughing. “I’m sorry, it’s just that, I’m still a little surprised that he wants to marry me.”

  The woman looked Anson up and down then gave Piper the same treatment. “I don’t see why you’d be surprised. You’re a very handsome couple. And he looks like he’s about ready to eat you up. That’s usually a good sign, honey.”

  Piper had blushed and signed her name to the paperwork. Big Joe made a suggestion to shop at a group of designer shops connected to one of the hotels. He parked and waited while Anson made Piper go through store after store until something caught her eye long enough to be a possibility.

  A soft lilac-colored dress that looked to be made of nothing but pleats slid through her fingers. It had a deep V-neck and narrow straps at the shoulders. Her eyes lit up when she saw it

  “Try it on,” he suggested. Piper had started to reach for the price tag and he ripped it off before she could look at it.

  “Baby, it’s the dress you’re going to marry me in. It doesn’t matter.”

  “I’ve wasted a lot of money on wedding dresses,” she said, her eyes flitting from him to the dress.

  “Good thing this is a mating dress. Not even in the same category,” he said. “Try it on,” he ordered.

  Piper turned to the shop attendant that had been hovering at a reasonable distance waiting for them to need her. As she happily scooted past them and took the dress towards the dressing room, Anson gave her the tag and she heard him say, “Don’t let her see this.”

  The woman gave him a knowing smile. Anson took a seat across from the fitting rooms. When the saleswoman emerged, her eyes got big at him and then he saw why. Piper floated behind her, a vision in purple. The dress fit her curves perfectly, skimming over them just giving the slightest peek at what lay beneath. Her eyes came to his and he knew that his were flashing silver at her. He wanted to growl at her and so he did. The saleswoman made a yelping noise then recovered herself.

  “Do you like it?” Piper asked nervously.

  “It’s exactly what you should wear. You’re beautiful without it. In it, you’re a goddess.”

  Piper blushed. “That’s a bit much.”

  “You can’t see what I’m seeing.” Anson turned to the red-faced woman hovering nearby. “We need shoes.”

  “Of course,” she said, her eyes lighting up at the increasing commission she would receive.

  Strappy silver sandals were brought and slid onto Piper’s feet. The woman also looked a little hesitant. “I was just thinking maybe something sparkly?” She produced a beaded headband that she slid over Piper’s head and tied at the back of her neck. Silken ribbons trailed down her back.

  “Perfection,” Anson said standing up to pull her into his arms. “Let’s get my shit out of the way. I don’t want to wait.”

  “Don’t crush my pretty dress,” Piper laughed.

  “You like it so much, you better make sure you take it off when we get to the hotel room. I don’t think I can trust my claws.”

  “You better not rip this! It’s gorgeous.”

  “You’re gorgeous. Let’s ring this up and go.”

  Anson walked with her over to the counter. When the price came up, Anson swung Piper behind him and handed the woman his card. Piper didn’t fight him, she just laughed.

  He wanted her laughing. He wanted her happy. Money didn’t mean anything to him. He had plenty. But he wasn’t going to give Piper any reason to change her mind. They went to another shop and Anson showed Piper what power shopping was. He found a black shirt with satin cuffs that flipped up and were silver on the inside, a pair of slacks that they managed to hem as he stood there and a new pair of shoes took half the time it did for Piper to pick something out.

  Once they were both dressed to the nines, Anson had Big Joe drive them to the hotel. They were greeted at the door and taken directly to the wedding chapel. Nadia had reserved their time and managed to have them waiting only a few minutes before it was their turn.

  Anson took a moment to pull Piper to a corner. He didn’t say anything, he just held her close and started taking deep breaths until she matched him. He felt the tension leave her. When it did, he tilted her head back up to him. “Just us. No one else looking, no one judging. We are walking down that aisle together. Me and you. I will never leave your side, not even during the wedding march.”

  “We’re really doing this?”

  “Mate, a few minutes from now, you’ll be married.”

  Piper took a big breath then let it out. “Okay, let’s do this.” She sounded brave, but Anson could still hear her heart beating too fast.

  He’d get her through this. Then she’d see.

  Chapter 23

  Piper was in a lovely chapel wearing a dress that was a dream. A woman she’d never met handed her a bouquet of pure white roses, the smell tickling her nose. Anson was walking her towards the open doors of the chapel. She could hear a soft song playing and Anson paused at the opening.

  She felt nervous and didn’t want him to think that she wasn’t really choosing this. She tried to offer him a wonky smile and he smiled back. He leaned towards her and placed a soft, delicate kiss on her lips. The touch calmed her. It wasn’t like his other kisses. This one was more about him telling her she wasn’t alone.

  “Together,” he whispered.

  “Together,” she replied.

  Anson took her arm and hooked it over his. They walked slowly through the empty chapel towards a woman dressed in a suit at the end. She was smiling at them and Piper couldn’t help but smile back at her. She knew if she had to walk down the aisle by herself, she might not have made it. With Anson at her side, she didn’t feel like was walking towards her doom. He was standing so proud and tall next to her that she couldn’t help but let that pride seep into her. She was a catch. She did have her shit together. Anson’s enthusiasm was incredibly validating for her.

  She was about to marry Anson of Clan Fehu. It was an honor and Piper was going to be his mate. The enormity was sinking in and she realized this wasn’t by accident. Anson would have to be beyond sure about her to go this far. He was hers.

  When they reached the altar, the officiant gave a speech directed at just them. She spoke of choice and conviction. Of what it meant to stitch your life to another person. That together they would weave their future as they saw fit. Like a blanket of love and devotion that would warm them through the rest of their lives.

  The words touched Piper’s heart and when it came to her vows, her voice never wavered. She let her heart speak for her and she made her promises with an ease that really didn’t surprise her. Anson’s vows had the weight of his lifelong pledge. He looked so earnest and proud.

  When it came time for the rings, Anson pulled out two matching rings from his pocket. Piper looked up in surprise and he just said, “Nadia.” The rings were matching silver bands with black engraved vines around them. Hers was a bit loose, so she curled her finger around it. Her eyes met his and he looked calm and happy.

  The officiant gave them a moment of contemplation where Piper looked past the silver flash of Anson’s Kindred eyes and saw his love shining back at her. She hoped that he saw something similar in her eyes. They were announced husband and wife to the empty room and Anson barely paused before planting a kiss on her that was almost not decent for mixed company.

  “Congratulations,” the officiant said when Anson finally let her up for air.

  Piper looked at the woman then back to Anson. “We did it.”

  “We did, now we just need a few photos then it’s time to make this permanent.”

  Piper didn’t comment. Human marriages were anything but permanent. Kindred didn’t marry anyone that wasn’t a mate. So for them, it was.

  A photographer came down the aisle and started taking photos. At
least she’d have those photos. Not like ones from the best wedding photographers she’d spent months researching, but then she didn’t need the photos. She had the memories.

  Anson tipped the man and led her out of the chapel. They crossed through the hotel and were stopped over and over with strangers congratulating them. Her bouquet was a dead giveaway along with their rings and smiling faces. Their enthusiasm had Piper smiling and thanking them. It was obvious that Anson was Kindred, so they probably didn’t see that a lot.

  People even handed over chips. Anson told her she could gamble them later. He was on a mission to hit the elevators and Piper couldn’t help but giggle as he dragged her along. He punched the close button and they rose up. Piper was up against the wall being kissed out of her mind.

  The elevator opened and people got on and she didn’t even bother looking. Anson didn’t stop kissing her so she figured they were getting a free show. Good for them. She heard some snickers but didn’t care. Anson’s hands were roaming over her body and she was starting to feel a little desperate.

  He only broke the kiss when they made it to their floor. She followed blindly behind him, holding the skirt of her dress up so she could keep up with his large strides. They stopped at the end of a hallway, a set of double doors in front of them. Anson swiped the card and she followed him in. The door clicked shut behind her and Anson pulled it back open, putting a Do Not Disturb sign out before shutting it again and dropped the security lock in place.

  Piper took in the large room with a seating area with couch and chairs, and the bed on the other side near the windows. The sun had already set so the view outside the floor-to-ceiling windows showed all the lights of Vegas.

  “Why don’t you take a moment to yourself,” a gruff-sounding Anson said behind her.

  Piper looked over her shoulder at him. He was leaning on the door looking very much the predator ready to pounce.

  “Okay,” she replied. The bathroom she found was as big as her first apartment. The hotel had brought up her bag from the dress shop along with her purse. She didn’t bother with too much makeup, just what she’d managed to spackle on in the limo. Looking in the mirror, she saw she still had smoky eyes but the lipstick she’d put on was long gone. She looked well kissed. She also looked well loved. It was a new look for her. One that she’d never seen before.


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