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Immortal Page 2

by A. M. McNally

  ‘Thanks, Eilam,’ Constantine said. ‘Indeed, the members and supporters of The Under-TAMI Agers Confederation have once again gathered here, in front of Dr. Life’s Immortality Institute in New York City to demonstrate their dissatisfaction with the minimum age at which a person can start taking the Cure. I have the president of the Confederation, Miss Sarah Robertson, here with me. Miss Robertson, what is the purpose of today’s demonstration?’

  Amaranthine recognized the red-haired girl. She had seen her in the previous reports from The Confederation protests. She wore the same, brightly colored scarf as the last time, now matched with a red jacket and huge black boots. Her skirt was the length of a figure skater’s and her fluorescent-green fingernails were like a pangolin’s claws.

  ‘Like you said, we think it’s crazy to keep us all mortal till we’re 25,’ she replied. ‘I mean, like, it’s been 90 years since it’s been invented and everybody takes it when they turn 25 anyway. There are tons of reasons why we should be allowed to take it as early as we want.’

  ‘Which reasons do you have in mind precisely?’ asked Constantine.

  ‘Well, first of all, it’s not like we can’t stop taking it later, right? So what’s the difference when we start? Then there are dozens of cases of young people suffering from illness and having to spend hours in hospitals to be treated – I myself was forced to waste two whole days getting rid of the HIV virus the other month. A friend of mine got leukemia and had to take the whole WEEK out of her life! And many conditions that hit us by the age of 25, are irreversible! Like the loss of collagen in the skin. Whereas if we were allowed to become immortal in our teenage years, all these troubles could easily be avoided and we’d all be much happier. The Cure would prevent us from developing all sorts of diseases.’

  So it’s about the wrinkles all over again, Amaranthine thought. They all want to look 16 for the rest of their lives. They’ve no chance.

  ‘Thank you, Miss Robertson’ said Constantine. ‘And I believe my partner correspondent, Helios Lloyd, is inside The Institute, with Dr. Life’s spokesman, who will be able to deliver Doctor’s point of view on the matter.’

  The camera returned to the studio for a moment. ‘Thank you, Constantine,’ the presenter said. ‘Helios, over to you.’

  Helios Lloyd was another iconic reporter of The Immortal Times Channel. Not as charismatic as Constantine Spencer, but just as famous. The camera showed him inside the Institute, sitting at a round wooden table.

  ‘Good morning to you all. I have Mr. Tsuneo Walker, Dr. Life’s colleague, friend and spokesman of many years, here with me,’ he said, at which the camera focused on Mr. Walker, his face unruffled as always. Whenever she saw him speak in public, particularly on the matter of minimal Cure administration age, Amaranthine could not help the feeling that he was internally amused.

  ‘Good morning, Mr. Walker, and thank you for having us here today. You’ve heard Miss Robertson speaking a minute ago here on The Immortal News. What do you make of her arguments for the lowering of the minimum age at which one can become immortal?’

  ‘Good morning ladies and gentlemen,’ he began. ‘Well, this isn’t the first time crowds of very young people gather outside our door demanding changes of rules regarding the administration of the Cure. We admire their spirit and appreciate their interest in becoming users of our product, commonly known as the Cure. We hear and consider their argumentation for the Cure’s availability for humans younger than 25 and we assure them that all the pros and cons, based on current research and evidence, are being carefully considered on a continuous basis. However, we feel that at this stage, the historic consensus achieved in 2026 between The Immortal Institute and the governments of all democratic countries in the world is still, in our view, the best practice for humanity’s use of the Cure. All arguments that constituted to TAMI, The Act of Mortality and Immortality, are still valid and binding, and the main one is that an average human is not developed enough psychologically to be able to make such an important decision at a younger age. Please note that whilst we are the owners of the patent and the only manufacturers of the Cure, we have never claimed to have the right to sell it to people at will; instead, we have always co-operated with the public via their democratically elected authorities and have always sought the best possible solutions. This policy has not changed in over nine decades, and it never will. TAMI is a binding law and even if we wanted to, we could not just change it at will.’

  ‘The Confederation representatives claim that numerous diseases, such as HIV infection or cancer could be avoided in under-twenty-five-year-olds if they were allowed to become immortal at an earlier age,’ Helios Lloyd replied. ‘Those illnesses are now keeping them away from their studies or work if a treatment is required. I hear what you say about TAMI, but it’s only natural that The Institute should have the biggest say when it comes to potential revisions or amendments to The Act.’

  ‘You are overestimating our powers, Mr. Lloyd,’ the spokesman smiled. ‘But that’s beside the point. We hear the Confederation’s arguments, however, we still don’t feel they are valid enough to even consider a revision of TAMI. Let me remind you that 90 years ago, before the Cure was invented, the diseases Miss Robertson mentioned were fatal in most cases, or required very serious treatments that took months or even years. Thanks to the invention of the Cure and its derivatives, it’s now the case of a few hours or days. I am sure that the study or work time loss incurred by those – trivial today – infections, can easily be made up for in the hundreds of years that young people can look forward to living nowadays.’

  ‘Thank you very much for your comments on that, Mr. Walker,’ Lloyd concluded. ‘Would you mind me asking one more question regarding the rumored plans of upgrading the security system in The Institute?’

  This was another standard question that Mr. Walker was asked at every possible occasion. Safety of the formula, production plants and stocks of The Cure were the top priority of not only The Immortality Institute, but also the governments of all the countries in the world in which the medicament was available and was always in the public’s center of attention, especially since the infamous attempted break-in at the Institute five years ago.

  ‘I’m afraid I am not at liberty to confirm or deny this information, Mr. Lloyd,’ replied Mr. Walker. ‘Let me reassure you, though, that The Cure’s formula, production process and stocks are perfectly well protected.’

  No dramas there, then, Amaranthine thought, sipping her coffee. Same old. As usual, the youngsters are trying any arguments they can think of to change TAMI, but they are kidding themselves, because let’s face it, who’s going to support their cause? The people who had to wait themselves till they were twenty-five to become immortal and will always look twenty-five? These kids will understand this as soon as they reach TAMI age. You will not hear a word from them then.

  ‘So, it seems that yet another demonstration by The Confederation members will not bring their desired results,’ concluded the presenter. ‘And now the latest news in the Athos Morrison scandal.’

  Amaranthine frowned.

  ‘After it’s been revealed in September this year that the famous Hollywood movie producer has been leading a double life, enjoying both immortality and having children with a mortal partner living on the outskirts of LA, his trial is about to reach its conclusion in the California High Court in a couple of weeks’ time. According to our source close to the case, the defense line chosen by Mr. Morrison’s advocates is that the accused has had the intention of giving up his immortality since the birth of his first child, in accordance with TAMI. His failure to do so up to this moment was apparently due to distress caused by sudden fear of old age and death,’ the presenter could not help a note of gibe at that. ‘This argument is not expected to be strong enough to convince the judges. If convicted, Mr. Morrison faces up to 10 years in prison, on top of, obviously, an irrevocable ban of using the Cure and a fine of up to $5m.’

  Plus a complete
and utter exclusion from the world of the Immortals, Amaranthine added in her mind. No more doing business with them, socializing with them, or being a part of their world in any shape or form. And since the Immortals were 85% of the world’s population, it meant a dull existence on the outskirts of real life.

  If there was one thing that the Immortals did not forgive, it was duovitaery. It meant leading ‘double life’ – taking the Cure whilst having children – and was considered the worst crime an Immortal could commit. First, because it meant the violation of TAMI, the law act that ensured a balanced human population on Earth since its signing in 2026. More importantly, though, it meant the betrayal of the values that to the Immortals were hard and fast: continuing the human race through re-births after immortality was made possible, was not only wasteful and shortsighted, but downright stupid. It slowed down the advancement of technology that would allow people to find other planets fit for human habitation and thus the day when everyone could have both: immortality and offspring. Therefore the severe punishments – not severe enough in Amaranthine’s view – were essential.

  ‘This is the fifth high-profile duovitaery scandal this year,’ the report went on. ‘And it has once again flared up the discussion whether hormonal contraceptives should be compulsorily administered to all Immortals. The supporters of this solution argue that it would solve the problem once and for all and that it is easily enough done, considering all Immortals have to visit an immortality clinic every year to have the Cure administered. It would also save law enforcement a lot of money that is now being spent on investigating a rising number of duovitaery cases and prosecuting the offenders. The opponents, on the other hand, point out that forcing everyone to take hormonal contraceptives would be a violation of human rights, as well as being highly complicated or even impossible to carry out, considering the many types of contraceptives that are in use today. However, the newest annual report of The World Population Control Commission, published just last week, may tip the scales in favor of the supporters of compulsory contraceptives. It shows once again an alarming growth in human population within the last year – two hundred and fifty thousand over the critical figure of fifteen billion humans that our planet is capable of sustaining. In fact, it’s been noted that the severity of punishments in duovitaery cases has already risen ever since the report was published. Worldwide, imprisonment sentences given in the last week were statistically 6 months longer, and the financial fines 30% higher compared with the pre-report data.’

  So they are finally doing something about it, Amaranthine thought. Though still not enough. The duovitaerers’ selfishness, irresponsibility and cowardice, their utter stupidity and weakness, have always made her angry. Unfortunately, the next piece of news was not to cheer her up.

  ‘Mrs. President Rodriguez’s administration refused to comment on the rumored changes in the federal budget proposal for the fiscal year 2106/2107,’ it started. ‘A heated debate once again erupted in the Congress between The Immortal Republican Party, The Immortal Democratic Party and The Mortal United Party representatives after several globenet networks speculated on a possible shift of funds from the Universe Exploration Program to Primary Education and Environmental funds. New York State representative, Hermes Campbell, from TIDP called the potential changes “unacceptable”. He said: “As it stands, the Immortal community is bringing the United States budget nearly 100% of its revenue, effectively financing the vast majority of vital government projects. The Mortals still enjoy numerous, obsolete family benefits and tax allowances, and on top of that, claim controversially high pensions. I strongly believe the list of Mortals’ privileges in our society is long enough already and further cuts of funds for projects as crucial to our future as the Universe Exploration Project, ranked as a priority by the whole Immortal community, would be grossly unfair, wasteful and irresponsible.” The Mortal representatives criticized Mr. Campbell’s statement, calling it “biased” and once again pointing out the personal, financial, emotional and psychological sacrifices that the Mortal community endures, whilst bringing new members into the society. These new members, they added, if provided with high-quality education, will greatly contribute to the future of the society and therefore deserve this crucial investment.’

  How typical of the Mortals, Amaranthine thought. All we hear from them is how their children will contribute to the society in the future. It’s easy to shift the responsibility to someone else, rather than taking on the challenge of making a contribution themselves, here and now.

  ‘We will no doubt hear more arguments from both sides in this on-going debate, and as the deadline for the budget proposal in two months’ time approaches, Mrs. President will have to clarify her stance on this sensitive issue.’

  ‘Next on The Immortal News, the latest update on the introduction of the sixth hoverway in New York City. In the statement released today, the Commissioner of the New York City Department of Transportation announced that the testing of the sixth level has been successfully completed and the software will be available for downloading from the MOT globesite as of January 1st, 2106. So in less than six days, it will be fully accessible.’

  Finally something constructive, Amari thought.

  ‘Tonight’s the night of the long anticipated launch of The Universe nightclub, which is rumored to be the most spectacular venue in history,’ the channel reported next. Amari’s heart jumped. ‘However, the only concrete detail we know about it is that it’s the first hovering nightclub in the world. The venue has been concealed with an invisibility field since day one and all the contractors, engineers and PR specialists working with its creator, Mr. Paramonos of Paramonos Enterprises, are sworn to secrecy. All details regarding this mysterious place, from its architectural design, to décor and entertainment on offer, are being kept top secret and since its creators have managed not to have any leaks up till now, we will all just have to wait and see what they present to us tonight.’

  Amari felt her stomach sink a little. Talk about pressure.

  ‘And finally, summary of news from the New York City Mortals’ community. Today, on December 25th, many Mortals are celebrating the ancient tradition of Christmas. As some of you may remember – ’

  Eiko, detecting her hostess’s rising blood pressure and picking up a strong, abrupt mental signal, stopped the broadcast even before irritated Amaranthine managed to swallow a sip of her coffee, put the cup down and jump up.

  ‘Eiko!’ she was livid. ‘Didn’t I request you not to show me anything about the Mortals? It’s enough that I have to hear about them in the general news!’

  ‘I’m afraid this function is still on.’

  ‘Switch it off, then!’

  ‘I’m afraid this kind of setting cannot be self-adjusted. Would you like me to connect you with my provider to address the problem?’

  ‘Do it.’

  Eiko connected the call in less than three seconds.

  ‘Thank you for calling Mind-Ex,’ the operator’s voice came. ‘How may I help you today, Miss Quinn?’

  ‘Look, I’ve been your customer for seven years and I updated Eiko quite a few times now, as I’m sure your records show. Every time a new version was installed I confirmed the settings and they’ve always been the same: I do not wish to receive any information about the Mortals beyond what’s in the general news. So maybe you can tell me who didn’t do their job this time, and why she decided to update me on something so… so mortal as Christmas?

  ‘I do apologize for the distress it has caused you, ma’am. It always takes Eiko a certain amount of hours of interaction with the host to tell the conscious from the subconscious wishes, so… ’

  ‘What exactly are you suggesting?’ she hissed.

  ‘Forgive me, ma’am. Let me just adjust it manually. What is your machine’s serial number, please?’

  ‘EIKO 05/0000017.’

  ‘For the authorization of the new setting, please say the following sentence: ‘Please switch off the M
ortal News Service; authorized by Amaranthine Quinn.’

  Amaranthine repeated the order, feeling some of her anger vent away with it.

  ‘Thank you. Just a moment… that should be ok now. Is there anything else I can help you with today?’

  ‘No, thank you. Are you sure this is going to be fixed now?’

  ‘Quite certain, ma’am.’

  ‘It’d better be.’


  Phoenix was in a joyous mood as his new Kestrel22 approached Amaranthine’s apartment. He admired the clean line of the front of the vehicle and enjoyed the powerful humming of its two engines that carried him through the air with the speed that made all the buildings and hovermobiles he passed blur into colorful smudges of light.

  Despite spending the last few weeks in Sydney on a difficult case of duovitaery and only getting back seven hours ago, he felt refreshed and full of energy. The 2-hour flight to NYC onboard Boeing’s newest baby, the Peregrine, included the time zone adjustment treatment, composed of several doses of Cure-melatonin mixture, a full body massage and a session with a relaxation program. By the time he alighted in New York, having gained fifteen hours of time, he was ready to start his Saturday the second time round, feeling like he’s just woken up from a full night’s sleep.

  He was excited about tonight, he anticipated a first-class show. He’s seen some venues and events that Amaranthine put together in the past, including the opening of The Olympus in year 2100 and he knew she would show something new this time; each of her events was tailor-made for the venue and one of the golden rules of her PR agency was to never show something twice. Whatever she had up her sleeve this time, it would be state of the art, he was sure of that. And the whole crème de la crème of Immortal New York would be there.

  His hovermobile slowed down as he approached Amaranthine’s apartment block, aiming for the penthouse. The flashing on the front panel confirmed connection between his on-board computer and Amari’s Eiko. The vehicle hovered outside her windows for a few seconds as Amari’s machine configured it for parking. Then his hatch opened simultaneously with her portal, and he was free to enter her living room. As he did, his hovercar descended to the bottom of the building to get itself parked in one of the guest charging stations downstairs.


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