Battle in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 4)

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Battle in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 4) Page 15

by D Patrick Wagner

  “Counter, Your Honor.”

  “As is allowed, Senator Sanjinan.”

  “I am not charging that King Kaporine was not in the right for his ruling of defense of the Human Captain. It is his lack of ruling which allowed the existence of a known, battle-programmed synthetic to remain intact with its full complement of combat matrix operational. By law and our Constitution, this synthetic must have been wiped and reprogrammed.”

  “Buster is a Human synthetic, constructed by Humanity and a member of a Human ship. As such, he is not bound by our citizen laws. As this is the first time that we Elonians have encountered an alien synthetic, I ruled that we did not have the lawful power to demand his wiping.”

  “Yes, King Kaporine. And we will see the results of that ruling.” The sarcasm in the use of the title fairly dripped from the senator’s jaws.

  “Next. With this proof that the Human Race is warlike and a threat to all of Elonia, King proceeded to turn the Human interstellar ship into a ship of war. With guidance from the Human engineers known as Mack and Sue, King Kaporine allowed Griffin to be weaponized, mounting cannons that have never existed on any Elonian space-faring vessel. This put all of Elonia in danger. What would happen if these Humans decided to train those cannons on our ships. On our home world?”

  “Rebuttal, Honorable Agidan.” Only the one quick flick of his tail betrayed the King’s tight control over his rising anger.

  “As is allowed, King Kaporine.”

  “The same as on Wisdom Seeker, these cannons are for defensive purposes, only. They have been mounted on Griffin to protect my daughter, Princess Analyn during her journey to Human civilization.”

  “And, what if the Humans change their minds? What if they decide to stay here? How could we stop them from becoming pirates and thieves, stealing whatever they want? How can we stand up to the threat of the first armed space ship in Elonian space? The second charge is one of malfeasance for contributing to the construction of a warship from an unknown race and its allowance to fly with no controls within our solar system.”

  “That is your opinion.”

  “That is the opinion of the Senate.”

  “Your Honor, I request that the Honorable Vidhee speaks on behalf of the Humans.”

  “That is unacceptable. Totally against protocol!”

  “Yes, Senator Sanjinan, it is against protocol. But so is this entire proceeding. We are dealing with something that we have never dealt with before. Representatives of a completely alien race. We must go into unmapped ice flows if we are going to find our way through this new time of Elonians and Humans.”

  “I object!”

  “Your Honor, we have heard the fears of the Senate. We have heard that I disagree. We need a third voice. One that is completely objective. One who can look at this situation and speak directly and simply. I ask that the Honorable Vidhee be allowed to speak.”

  “A moment.” The Chief Judge, as well as the rest of the Monarchal Legal Court froze for a full two seconds.

  “We have come to a consensus. Vidhee may speak. But not as a member of the Court. Only as a citizen with intimate knowledge of the Humans and the human synthetic.”

  “Thank you, Your Honor, Honorable Judges. Vidhee? Would you speak of your observances of the Humans? Specifically of their choices between violence and non-violence?”

  “Of course, King Kaporine.” Unlike Senator Sanjinan, Vidhee spoke the title with respect.

  “I have observed that, in many ways, Humans are the same as Elonians. They evolved and survived by being the most ruthless predators on their original planet, the one they call ‘Earth’. Although, physically, they are inferior to us, they succeeded in becoming the apex predator, same as we Elonians. On the intelligence scale, Humans and Elonians are approximately the same. However, in problem solving and intuitive reasoning, they are ahead of us. Where we are physically superior and intellectually more disciplined, they are more eclectic.”

  “What does that have to do with their proclivity to violence and being a threat against Elonia?”

  “Everything, Senator Sanjinan. If they were not three hundred of their years, or approximately one hundred and ninety-nine years behind us in technology, we would be the technologically inferior race, struggling to survive. Where we systematically grow in our knowledge and resultant discoveries, the human mind will make leaps.”

  “Again, I ask, are the Humans a danger to Elonia?”

  “They are capable of being a danger. But, based upon my interaction with the Humans of the Griffin Den, I do not believe so. They have reached the same level of enlightenment as we have. They understand that violence and war are not a proper solution. Further, they have shown a willingness to utilize their intuitive capabilities to help us in various technological endeavors, Senator Sanjinan. In conclusion, I believe that, not only are the Humans not a danger, but they can become excellent allies. With their extensive civilization, their multiple star systems and their billions of people, with their help, we can expand our own civilization to reach into the stars.”

  “That is a philosophical argument. You have not given proof that these humans and their combat-capable synthetic are not a danger to all of Elonia.”

  “A negative cannot be proven, Senator Sanjinan. I can only offer my conclusions based upon my observations.”

  “What about the actions when the Human starship left Elonia? The Senate, by a majority vote, enacted the Extreme Circumstances Clause. And through that clause, the Senate, by a majority vote, passed a resolution to impound the Human starship and to take the crew into custody. With prior warning from Princess Analyn, the Human synthetic donned armor and weapons of war then proceeded to attack the Senatorial Guardsmen as they attempted to carry out the mandate of the resolution. Please display the video of this action.”

  Whoever shot the video had positioned himself behind one of the Senatorial vehicles. Knowing what was to come, King Kaporine watched the gallery, endeavoring to read the mood of his people. The video played. They saw their Princess standing in Griffin’s open cargo bay. They heard her command and the counter command from the leader of the Senatorial guard. They saw the eight Royal Guardsmen take up defensive positions on board Griffin. They saw sixty-four Senatorial Guardsmen prepare to attack. Then the entire room gasped as they saw Buster.

  The Elonian audience saw Buster marching down to the center of the ramp and taking up his position of power. They saw the sun turn Buster’s pearl-white reidite armor into glowing gold, turning the seven-foot Human synthetic into something god-like. When he roared, the crowd laid their ears flat, attempting to muffle the ear-pounding noise.

  The crowd heard Buster’s statement as he fired a confinement net at one of the Senatorial Guardsmen. Again, the Elonians of the gallery laid their ears flat to stifle the chatter from the withering fire Buster laid down in front of the Senatorial guardsmen.

  Then they watched as the Human synthetic backed up, the cargo bay ramp closed, the Human starship lifted off and shot into space.

  The video stopped.

  “That Human synthetic is the most dangerous being in all of Elonian space. That thing is what King Kaporine ruled as harmless.”

  “That is not a ‘thing’, Senator Sanjinan. Buster is no more a ‘thing’ than the Honorable Agidan, And, might I point out that, If Buster wished, he could have killed every Guardsman and destroyed every vehicle without any effort.”

  “That is his decision now. What if he decided differently in the future? That is one of the reasons that the senate has voted for your impeachment. The lifting of your crown.”

  “We cannot be ruled by fear. Humans are here. They occupy multiple star systems. They are billions strong. If we do not establish a peaceful relationship with this new race, we will be overrun, swallowed up.”

  “And that is why you, against the wishes of the Senate, approved of Captain Kakkarna’s support in helping your daughter’s flight from the duly issued Senate decree.”


  “We have a witness. You approved Captain Kakkarna’s actions and his support for your daughter. You knew that she was going to flee justice and you approved!” Senator Sanjinan’s smirk and glee could not have been more obvious.

  “And now we know that you have been hiding alien technology that would benefit all of Elonia. More malfeasance. These truths are why you are no longer fit to wear the crown.”

  “Who is this witness? I demand to meet my accuser!”

  “She is not currently on Elonia. She is the Sub-Captain Desinal. And she recorded your meeting with Captain Kakkarna, Princess Analyn, the Human, Krag Marston and the Human, Keiko Suzume.”

  “She recorded the meeting? That is illegal. She wilfully ignored Captain Kakkarna’s order of privacy.”

  “Be that as it may, the video exists. Please play the video.”

  With the revelation that the meeting would now become public, King Kaporine knew that his attempt to overturn the Senate would be a failure. To attempt to stop the playing of this video would only increase its importance. For he knew that the Senator and his son would insure that it got out. Internally acknowledging defeat, he resigned himself to playing this charade to the end.

  “Even though this video was obtained illegally, I will not protest.”

  The video played. The entire room saw the plan for Princess Analyn’s flight hatched. They heard the scheming to use the Human civilization for protecting King Kaporine and his throne.”

  “Now you see why we voted to remove the crown from King Kaporine. I strongly state that our vote should stand.”

  King Kaporine seemed to deflate on his throne. With his tail down, ears flat, he just stared at Senator Sanjinan and thought about the betrayal by his son. He knew any extension of the argument would only make the situation worse. He came to the realization that it was time to end this. It was time to withdraw, consolidate whatever position he had and then strike back. King Kaporine sat in silence, staring at nothing.

  “King, Kaporine, have you a rebuttal?”

  “No, Your Honor. The meeting, as you saw and heard, took place. My only defense is that the establishment of a peaceful relationship with Humanity is the only way to insure the survival of Elonia. That is what I was striving for. The survival of Elonia.”

  “The survival or your kingship, you mean. Honorable Agidan, I request a ruling.”

  “The court will conference.”

  A full minute passed as the ten judges in attendance and one off-site froze, carrying on a debate that would have taken natural Elonians days. The hundreds of people sat, silent and waiting.

  “We have come to a majority consensus. Not unanimous. We see no reason to overturn the Senate’s vote. In a timely, dignified manner, King Kaporine is required to relinquish his crown. As is the law and the Senate’s ruling, Prince Daruke will assume the throne.”

  Still at the podium and gloating even more, Senator Sanjinan raised his paw.

  “Honorable Agidan, I have another order of business. The Senate has tasked me with immediately issuing a warrant for the arrest of Captain Kakkarna for the willful aiding and abetting of a wanted criminal by his refusal to hold Princess Analyn and impounding the human starship, along with its crew.”

  “Due to evidence presented, the warrant is issued.”

  “Johi. Get Captain Kakkarna’s family to safety. Get them on a ship to Wisdom Seeker.”

  Johi heard his King’s mindspeak. He quietly left the hall by a small side door and rushed to fulfill his King’s command.

  “Once his family is aboard, have Captain Kakkarna take Wisdom Seeker just outside of Elonian space. And have him throw Sub-Captain Desinal into a cage.”

  “As you Command, My King.”

  Soon-to-be ex-king Kaporine sat up a little straighter, already dismissing the current situation and planning for the future one.

  Roth Winter Cabin

  Sunrise. Master Sergeant Stein studiously walked his eighteen men and women. Stepping to the first of six in the first row of three, he held out his hand. Lance Corporal Ramirez clacked open the breach on her rifle and snapped it forward, ready for inspection. Sergeant Stein took it, inspected it and handed it back. The procedure repeated with Lance Corporal Ramirez’s sidearm. A good look-over of the uniform finished the inspection. The whole procedure took just over a minute. He checked every one of his squad. Every weapon, every uniform, every stance. All eighteen, truly the best of the best, held their positions and didn’t so much as move an eyeball.

  Twenty minutes later, Master Sergeant Stein was satisfied with his squad. “Parade rest!” he bellowed.

  Watching his people snap to the ‘at ease’ stance, he turned and marched over to Staff Sergeant Roth and Harriet Gregor.

  “Mz. Gregor. I have been ordered to incorporate you into the squad and have you train in the usage of the anti-gravity packs.”


  “Same for you, Sergeant Roth.”

  “Sir. I am not in a combat position. Definitely not with the prerequisite training to join an elite combat unit.”

  “This is strictly for self-defence and safety. Join the squad.”

  “Sergeant, yes, Sergeant.” Randy quick-marched to the squad and took his place at the end of the last row.

  “Ma’am, there is a set of fatigues in the bunk house. I would recommend that you change before training begins.”

  “Who gave this order?”

  “Lieutenant Rosser, ma’am. I suspect at the behest of your father.”

  “If I don’t do this, Daddy will have a conniption. Great. Now I get to play G.I. Jane.”

  “You don’t need to shave your head, ma’am.”

  Harriet grinned. Sergeant Stein held his stoic look. She hurried to the bunk house, knowing that twenty people waited on her. Five minutes later, fully dressed in marine fatigues, boots and head-covering, she returned to the Master Sergeant. He pointed to a spot at the end of the first row. Harriet quick-stepped over and attempted to emulate the statue-like stance of the marine on her left.

  “Listen up!” Stein glared over his squad.

  “Mz. Gregor is a civilian. She has never learned what it is to be a marine!”

  “Oh, boy,” Harriet mumbled under her breath.

  “Quiet in the ranks!” The Master Sergeant stared directly at Harriet. She tried even harder to emulate the other marines.

  “This does not mean she is soft. This does not mean that she is a quitter. You will not go easy with her. You will not treat her as a civilian. You will treat her as a marine. Is that clear?”

  “Sergeant, yes, sergeant.” Nineteen voices shouted as one.

  “Good. Doctor McCauley has new equipment to be issued. One at a time, receive the equipment, return to position and place the equipment at your feet. Now, marines! Ramirez, first up.”

  Eighteen confused marines received their funny-looking harnesses and returned to their positions, where they again took their ‘at-ease’ stances. Randy and Harriet knew exactly what they retrieved.

  “Listen up! Doctor McCauley will explain the new equipment. You will pay attention and remember every bit of knowledge. Is that clear?”

  “Sergeant, yes, Sergeant.” Randy and Harriet joined in.

  Hank wheeled a table containing one of the harnesses to the front of the group. He began.

  “First, let me tell ya, this is alien tech. Not bug tech. We don’t know where it came from. We discovered it in a cave back at Trotzig. But we know how it works. We call it an anti-gravity pack.”

  The marines exchanged various looks. “Marines!” They snapped back to parade rest.

  “If I need to repeat myself, boot camp will look like a sit on granny’s lap. Am I clear?”

  “Sergeant, yes, Sergeant!”

  Hank took back the presentation. Pointing to each component, he repeated the same presentation as he had delivered to Mr. Gregor. He added one more piece of information.

  “Notice this purple light on the botto
m container. As I said, I believe the container is the power source. The purple light is the gauge. If this is the case, I don’t know how, but the power source recharges. Through testing, I have discovered that, leaving the unit off overnight causes the gauge to fill back up.”

  Upon finishing, he nodded to Dean, who rushed over. Hank signalled Dean to face the squad of marines. Then he placed the harness on the ground and had Dean step into the loops designed for the legs. Lifting it up, Hank held the shoulder straps so that Dean could slip his arms in. once done, he buckled everything together, ending with all straps connected at the center of Dean’s chest. All this time, Hank kept a running dialogue, explaining how to don the equipment, adjust the straps and check that it fit firmly, without any looseness.

  “Marines! Don the devices in exactly the manner described by Doctor McCauley!”

  All eighteen Special Forces Marines plus Randy, Harriet and Sergeant Stein did as they were told. Once all had accomplished suiting up in the alien equipment, all returned to their positions.

  “You all see that a hand device hangs from the right side.” Hank returned to his teaching.

  “As I said previously, that is the control. Spread out. We are going to begin. Dean will be the guinea pig.” Hank said this with a smile. “He will perform each maneuver and you will follow.”

  “Exactly as shown, people! No deviation! No experimentation! Is that understood?’

  “Sergeant, yes, Sergeant.”

  For the next hour, Hank explained. Dean demonstrated. The squad, its Sergeant, Randy and Harriet followed the instructions. At the end of the hour, Sergeant Stein ordered a twenty minute break. Before everyone relaxed, one marine raised his hand.

  “Yes, Lance Corporal Cox?”

  “Sergeant. If we need to constantly hold the controls, we will not be efficient in utilizing our weapons.”

  “Excellent point, Corporal. Squad, relax. Form up in fifteen.”


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