Battle in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 4)

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Battle in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 4) Page 17

by D Patrick Wagner

  “We just did our job, Admiral. Now it’s your turn. Kick those bugs out of our skies.”

  “I fully intend to, Captain. In time, I fully intend to.”

  One hundred, seventy-nine midsized freighters and ninety-eight large freighters fled for their lives, racing to the Arium gate. Eleven fast-movers and one human Dreadnaught did the same.

  Onboard Ravage Maker

  “My Lord.”

  War paused his slurping of the human forearm and looked at Intelligence.


  “I am sorry to have interrupted your meal, but I thought you would wish to know immediately. We have vanquished the soft skin system known as Corrinar, My Lord.”

  “Excellent news, Intelligence,” War responded after licking the juices from his snout. “Have World Crusher exit the gate and begin exploitation of any hospitable planets.”

  “There are none in Corrinar, My Lord. This system seems to have been a buffer system.”

  “But, from the reporting, there was fierce opposition.”

  “Almost all automated. Once we destroyed the soft skin’s weapons platforms all of their ships withdrew. Fled to another gate.”

  “Then they used this system as a skirmish front. Used it to inflict damage to our fleet.”

  “And, as you know, they did that, destroying our attack fleet and crippling Defiler of Planets.”

  “A well thought-out plan.”

  “Yes, My Lord. It seems that way. And that is what seems strange.”

  “In what way?”

  “The soft skins destroyed our attack ships with automated weapons platforms. Then they crippled Defiler of Planets with small, fast-moving attack craft of their own.”

  Yes. And?”

  “As you know, we found the soft skin war ship. It engaged for only a short period of time before it fled. It had no other war ships in support. From our scans, there were almost three hundred other ships in the system. But they were not war ships. They were transport ships. Lightly armed. No armor. They fired minimal rounds then fled. Along with the small attack craft.”

  “That is a strange way to conduct a battle. What is your assessment?”

  “There are two possibilities. The first is that, by showing obvious weakness, they are leading us into a trap. That there is a larger, more powerful force waiting for us on the other side of their exit gate.”

  “The other?”

  “The second possibility is that this force is all that they have. The soft skins never had a formidable fighting force.”

  “What do you think?”

  “We have analyzed the platform wreckage. There is no weathering or wear on any of the debris that we inspected. There is no indication that they had been in space, subjected to meteorite strikes or solar storms, for any period of time. These weapons were newly constructed. In response to our invasion. I do not believe that the soft skins have a larger space force waiting for us.”

  “That is your assessment?”

  “It is, My Lord.”

  “Then you believe that we should push forward?”

  “I do, My Lord.”

  “Then we shall. Flight!”

  Flight, as always, had been within easy reach of War. The four-legged Mortek scurried in and straightened his thorax, coming to attention.

  “My Lord?”

  “Have all frigates, destroyers and cruisers press through this Corrinar system. At full speed. Have Purifier of Stars follow. Then World Crusher. We are continuing our invasion. Heading towards the next system.”

  “Without any attack ships?”

  “Yes, Flight. Intelligence believes that we have the soft skins on the run. We will use the frigates as our entry force.”

  “As you command, My Lord.”

  “Have Defiler of Planets remain here and begin repairs. Without its engines it will be useless in the coming battle.”

  “My Lord.”


  The two left. War looked at his partially dissolved meat and pushed it away, lost in thoughts of the current victory and the coming battle.

  Onboard Heimdallr

  Captain Scott kept Lieutenants Brooks and Torres busy during the six days in the Bridgelen wormhole. They squared away their ship, practiced the maneuvers required to keep a stealthy little reconnaissance ship alive and exercised to keep their minds and bodies alert. With everything and everyone as ready as possible, Heimdallr floated into Bridgelen.

  Everyone knew their rolls. Torres kept all passive sensors working, collecting all information possible and saving it for future use. Brooks crept his ship around the parameter of the alien fleet, nervously keeping his hands hovering over the controls, planning his rapid response if they were detected.

  “Brooksy, take us high. Over the top of the bug fleet. I want a look-down, get another view of what we’ve got.”

  “On it, Cap.”

  “If we’re spotted, head for open space. There’s no place to hide around here.”

  “It’s already programmed in, Cap. I’ve set up a one-button activation, with vector and acceleration already pre-programmed.”

  “Good boy,” Scott smirked while winking at Torres.

  “Looks like the bug armada is down to one fleet, Captain.”


  “Yeah. Only two dreadnaughts and one carrier.”

  “The usual support ships?”

  “Yes. All two hundred and eighty-one. The same distribution of ships.”

  “We know where one fleet went. Cencore. So the other is attacking another system. Any bets?”

  “Corrinar, Cap.”


  “Well, if they are like us, they sent out scouts. Nothing in Novius. Easy pickings. They wouldn’t need a whole fleet. Same with Amazon or New Brittany. So the only place they needed their big guns would be Corrinar.”

  “And don’t we look all smart and smug, Brooksy. He’s right Captain. My bet is Corrinar.”

  “Ok, Brooksy. Over the top. Sneaky Pete. All the way. Toast, lots of pics we can send home.”


  Ballison’s governmental pyramid, had been transformed from a giant, empty, unlived-in structure to a home for two biological races and three artificial intelligences. With its nano-technological capabilities, it had become a multileveled living space for these newly-arrived travelers. And, thanks to this technology, everyone had the freedom to make their quarters unique to their own wishes and needs.

  High in this colossal, silver pyramid, at its very pinnacle, ninety floors high, Ballisonian’s sharp morning sun cast its golden rays through the large window which covered the entire eastern wall of Princess Analyn’s suite. Bathing in its rich light, the Princess stood in only her tunic, belt and medallion. No cooling unit graced her arm. No camera sat on her shoulder. No maids bustled around, attempting to keep their Princess comfortable or the living quarters spotless. She basked, not only in the light of Ballison’s sun but also her solitary tranquility and freedom.

  Standing at her window, looking over Ballison’s countryside, she felt completely at ease and comfortable. With the room temperature set at just above freezing, and her sipping the now habitual cup of mint tea, Princess Analyn strangely felt at home.

  Looking out, she saw this strange, Ballisonian world, with its never-ending forests and flowing rivers of water. The strange, green and brown colors entranced her. The flowing, unfrozen waters thrilled her. Shuddering at the idea of how warm this planet seemed, she smelled and sipped another swallow of her tea, enjoying the minty smell wafting into her nostrils and relishing the minty flavor washing her tongue.

  Turning back to her quarters, the Princess saw how the Ballisonian nanites had succeeded in creating a luxuriousness and spaciousness which matched her upbringing as the Princess of Elonia. She had taken her time to lay out an elegant entertainment area, spacious sleeping area, decadently pampering bathing room and a small but efficient kitchen. All the color of her home planet’s ice. Throughout,
though, as a result of her interaction with the Humans, she had added splashes of color-couches, chairs, rugs and wall decorations. All very different from what she would have done a year ago. All very humanly influenced.

  The Princess also saw, for the first time, a living space she designed. One only for her. Not a living space designed by others. Not a living space judged by others. Not a space requiring approval by anyone but herself.

  When that thought crossed her mind, she wondered if this human idea of independent thinking had crept into her being.

  Thinking on the rest of her fellow travelers, she thought about their own unique quarters.

  The floor below had become the living quarters for Mahajani, he maids and Master Varrini. Below that, the barracks for the eight Royal Guardsmen.

  The Elonian doctors, Roshnak and Ganakin, held the entire fourth level down, the eighty-seventh floor, slicing it up into two living quarters and two laboratories. Mack and Sue did the same to the eighty-sixth, with the exception of deciding on a single living area.

  Having spent so much time in each other’s quarters and growing closer as a pair, Krag and Keiko also decided to live together on their level. Between Krag’s utilitarian eye and Keiko’s upbringing as an ambassador’s daughter, their home became a blend of high practicality, simple luxury and maximum comfort. As Krag’s vassal, Gopai had his own, simple quarters down a hall, on the same level.

  At first, Buster, Vidhee and Igaklay’s avatar simply parked wherever they desired. But, as Buster evolved, Vidhee began expanding her emotional algorithms and Igaklay worked to assimilate into the Griffin Den, the three started forming their own unique identities and behavioral patterns. Each decided to have his or her own living quarters on the eighty-fourth floor.

  They divided their level into four equal squares, three for personal space and the fourth for community. A strange configuration for three artificial intelligences. But their interactions and self-advancing emotional algorithms moved their self-identity processes closer towards that unique blend of emotional and logical rational which was a unique attribute of all biological races. They were becoming more Human/Elonian.

  The proximity bell’s chiming brought Princess Analyn back to the present. Looking at the monitor above the door, the Princess saw that Ambassador Suzume stood patiently.

  “Open the passage portal.”

  Princess Analyn approached the middle of the room to meet here guest and friend.

  “Welcome to my humble home away from home.”

  The two met in the middle.

  “I am glad I have the heater unit you constructed for us, Your Highness. Your quarters are freezing.”

  “In private it’s Anyl, Keiko. And yes, it is freezing for you. For me, it feels like home. I haven’t felt this comfortable in a long time.” The Elonian Princess flicked her tail and ears in humor and a tease.

  Keiko smiled back. “Well, you can keep your cold. Give me sixty-two degrees any day.”

  Humanity’s ambassador looked around the spacious top floor of the pyramid. She saw that all of the nanite-constructed couches, Lounges, tables and chairs now flashed bright colors and soft lines, rather than the Ballisonian default silver. The tapestries on the walls splashed the room with more color, displaying Anyl’s love of her home. Their depictions of landscapes, glaciers, frozen lakes and red forests gave the room a warmth that the temperature did not.

  “I like what you have done. Did you do the layout yourself?”

  “I am not just an ice-headed princess. Of course I did.”

  “I never thought you were, Anyl.”

  “I know. I am just teasing. I did make use of Master Varrini and Mack to design my security and lighting. Would you like something to eat? Drink? I had a replicator station put in.”

  “Maybe something to go. I came by to invite you to the library. Now that our quarters are completed, I feel like doing some work.”

  “That is a very good idea. I want to start my research and study.”

  “What have the Doctors been up to?”

  “Preparing for their first environmental foray into the wilds.”

  “Well. Would you like to do some studying today?”

  “Absolutely. I had better notify Sir Mahajani. He will be very upset with me if I leave these quarters without him.”

  The Elonian Princess froze then unfroze.

  “He instructed me to wait here until he returns from training with the Guardsmen.”

  “That gives us time to make some drinks and snack food.”

  Sir Mahajani arrived before Keiko and Anyl finished ordering and completing the snack basket. The huge Elonian bodyguard waited patiently outside the door until his charge finished her preparations. Once finished, Princess Analyn strapped on and activated her cooling unit then opened the portal. Then, along with Ambassador Suzume, she joined Sir Mahajani.

  “Thank you for interrupting your training, Sir Mahajani.”

  “It was nothing, My Princess. I think the Guardsmen were getting worn out anyway. They needed a break.”

  “I don’t doubt that for a moment, Sir.” Princess Analyn flicked her ears in humor. “We are going to the library. I am sure that we will be safe there. You will be able to return to your training.”

  As the two conversed, the three reached the levitator. Once all three stood on the plate, Sir Mahajani announced, “Library!”

  The air around the plate shimmered and the plate descended. As she did every time, Keiko reached out and touched what seemed to be a hard wall. But all she saw was air. It continued to amaze her.

  “Another Ballisonian wonder. I’ll bet Mack and Master Varrini are going crazy over how this works.”

  “They are, Ambassador Suzume. They have been quizzing Igaklay ever since their first ascension.”

  Reaching the second level above ground, the platform stopped. Again, in a precautionary gesture, Keiko reached out to touch the solid wall of air. It had dissipated. Stepping forward, she led Anyl to the center of the empty floor which was just smaller than the ground floor.

  “Igaklay. Where is the library?”

  “I am the library, Ambassador Suzume,” a bodiless voice spoke from everywhere.

  “Oh. Of course. Is there a separate room, one away from the center?”

  “For some reason, my creators left a small room intact, after removing all other rooms and furnishings.”

  “That little room, over there?” Keiko pointed towards the southeast corner.

  “Yes, Ambassador Suzume.”

  The two women, one human, one Elonian, walked the distance over the large, empty space, the Elonian’s foot-claws clacking. They reached the room. What they saw was a room barely three meters square using two of the pyramid walls and two walls standing about two meters high. Upon their approach, a section swirled away and an opening appeared.

  Inside, they saw a short, small table with a crystal resting in the center.

  “I’m smaller than you, Anyl. I’ll go in.”

  Standing a good foot taller, Anyl looked down at her friend, set the snack basket on the floor and nodded.

  Entering quickly, Keiko looked around and saw that the room, except for the table and crystal, was completely barren. Taking the crystal, she exited and showed it to the Elonian princess.

  “What do you make of that?”

  “No idea.”

  “Igaklay, any ideas?” Keiko asked as she held up the crystal.

  “I have scanned the crystal, Ambassador Suzume. It is locked. I cannot access it. So I have no idea what data it contains.”

  “Strange,” Keiko commented as she dropped it into a pocket. “I’ll have our engineers look at it. That room is too small for any type of research. Are there any other study rooms?”

  “No. You just need to construct any room you wish and fill it with any furnishings.”

  “Oh. Anyl, any preferences?”

  “Can we make windows, Igaklay?”

  “Of course, Princess Analyn.”

  “Northern wall, then.”

  A holographic green arrow blinked into existence and floated towards one of the four slanted walls making up the pyramid.

  “I guess we go that way,” Anyl joked.

  Anyl picked up the snack basket and the two followed the floating arrow until it reached the northern wall and blinked from existence.

  “Igaklay, please create a room off of the northern wall of the pyramid. Make each wall five meters wide and four meters tall. With a roof.”

  “Please step back, Princess Analyn, Ambassador Suzume.”

  The two women did. The sparkling swarm of construction nanites, much more than before, streamed from the wall and arrived. They began swirling at floor level and worked their way up. This time Keiko and Anyl could watch the construction of the walls and ceiling. As before, once completed, the sparkling nanites streamed back into the walls of the pyramid. A small, silvery building now stood where empty space had originally existed.

  “Silver ok?”

  “I like it,” Anyl responded.

  “Silver it is.” Keiko approached the building and an entrance swirled open. The two walked in.”

  “Big enough. One desk or two?” Anyl asked.

  “Two will do. Igaklay, how do we access your library?”

  “With full sensory monitors. While most of my data crystals are visual and auditory, some contain other sensory experiences. Smell, taste, touch.”

  “Are they two or three dimensional?”

  “Both, at your request.”

  Got it. Please create two office desks, facing the center. Have their tops be these sensory monitors.”

  Again, the nanites went through their light dance, this time resulting in two desks positioned so that each faced the other.

  “And a large window on the pyramid wall.”

  This time, no nanites appeared. Just the large window.”

  “How did you do that? Never mind. That’s a Master Varrini question. Thank you, Igaklay. This room is perfect. Could you make the entire ceiling a light source? Soothing sunlight? Not to bright?”

  “I thought you might need that, Princess Analyn. I will make it the same as your chambers.”


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