Battle in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 4)

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Battle in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 4) Page 33

by D Patrick Wagner

  “Good for us, Admiral.”

  “What do you make of the carrier?”

  “From our monitor drones, the aliens have hit Latinia with everything they’ve got. I don’t think the carrier in Arium has much left in the way of invasion forces.”

  “You’re saying, Jerome, that you think this is another carrier?”

  “If it were me, then yes. Another carrier.”

  “Why only the five ships?”

  “No idea, Admiral. Maybe the aliens are running out of fleets? The most we’ve seen is five. One for Sasania. One for Nye Nippon. One for Cencore. And this one for Corrinar, Arium and here. Tolimar. That leaves the one fleet holding Bridgelen.”

  “Then, that’s the carrier. The one from Bridgelen.”

  “Makes sense. Since there are no inhabited planets in Bridgelen, it’s not needed there. So it’s here.”

  “We stick to the plan. We make a run at the carrier.”

  “I think we should wait, Admiral.”

  “Why, Captain?”

  “Wait until it takes up orbit over Tolimar. The dreadnaught and cruisers should be standing off, guarding the gates.”

  “Mr. Hartman. How are we doing in this corona?”

  “Many systems are beginning to show stress. Almost all of Odin is unlivable. When I need to leave the bridge area, I wear a hazardous environment suite. And we’re getting hotter. Nothing broken down, but we’re getting there.”

  “Captain. What did Mr. Conner say? How long will it take for that carrier to reach Tolimar?”

  “He didn’t say. One moment.”

  Captain Brewer worked his tablet, stared at the screen and nodded his head.

  “They’re not wasting any time, Admiral. They should hit Tolimar within a day.”

  “Mr. Hartman. Do we have another day?”

  “It will be rough, but, yes.”

  “Captain. Send off another buoy. Let Tolimar know they have a day. And get the remaining crew into the emergency control pod.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain.”

  Let’s start getting all systems back up and on line. I want to be ready for this run, as soon as that carrier hits orbit. That’s all for now.”

  Everyone rose and watched them leave for their assigned tasks. He sat back down, took a strong slug of his drink and did nothing. Twelve hours later, after a fitful sleep and listening to the thrum of Odin continually increase, he again stood and headed for the emergency control pod. Glancing through the bridge’s hatch, he saw an empty room, screens dark, consoles powered down, a soft, red light bathing everything in its glow.

  Upon reaching the E.C.P., Vice-Admiral Weiskoff took a breath, calmed his nerves and stepped in. again, struggling for calm, he turned the hatch, closed it and battened it down, finalizing the last run of his ship for many years. Turning back, he scanned the last remaining crew of Odin.

  “I’m repeating myself. But the time has come. You ten people are the last line of defense for Humanity. For the Federacy. It is our responsibility to save as much of humanity as we can. You all understand this. That is why you are here. To paraphrase Dylan Thomas, We will not go gently into the night! We will rage and we will fight until our last Breaths! Now is our time. Now is our time to leave our indelible print on the alien invaders. Prepare. This day, we attack!”

  Shar’s New Bar

  Looking around, Governor Kaufman found the council seated in their regular spots. He watched Mz. Grey, at her regular table, work her computer and do whatever she did. When the Tolimar Defense Force’s leader, Feldmarschal Rosser, entered, the Governor and Chairman of the Tolimarian Board of Directors motioned him to take his place at the end of the conference table.

  Randy and Harriet strolled in, with Randy being the gentleman and opening the swinging door first. Once the two took their customary places at the bar and Harriet placed a loving hand on Randy’s knee, Tolimar’s Governor took his own place at the head of the table.

  “The rumors are that Trotzig is ready. Tolimar’s people are here and Odin’s people have settled in. let’s go around the room and get your feedback. Corry. You’re first. How are Orin’s marines fitting in with our Defense Force?”

  “Surprisingly well, Governor. Major Wilson doesn’t have the same stick up his ass as our good Vice-Admiral. Sorry, ladies. He’s not stuck in the ‘by-the-book’ mode, I meant to say.”

  “We ladies, as you say, have heard worse. We know what you meant,” Mrs. Brandt replied, speaking for them all.

  “When the Major first arrived, he was all spit and polish, trying to be the Major that Weiskoff wanted him to be. Then, like we said we’d do, we let him run his own marines and become a contributor to the Officer Counsel. You can tell it chews on him a little bit, but he’s accepted that you, here, run the show and I run the Defense Force.”

  “So, no problems?”

  “Just the reverse, Mr. Roth. He’s pretty smart. And he’s had a lot of training in tactics and manpower disbursement. So I gave that all to him. With your permission of course, I would like to make him my second in command.”

  “What about Stein?”

  “I asked him first. I knew he would like it. There’s a reason he only made it to First Sergeant. He likes to get his hands dirty. Doesn’t like pushing paper. He likes it.”

  “Master Sergeant Nelson?”

  “Nellie. Him and Stein have become drinking buddies. They keep pitting their squads against each other. We’ve got a real competition going.”

  “I can attest to that,” Randy Roth interjected. “I can’t tell you how many times men and women from those squads have shown up at the med center. I’ll bet, for now, those two squads have more stitches than the rest of the populous combined.”

  “Then Odin’s marines are fitting in.”

  “Marines are marines, Governor. Absolutely no problems on that point. Oh, and Major Wilson has come up with some very interesting deployment ideas. We are going to make a very good showing.”

  “Thank you, Corry. Harriet. Tolimar’s civilians?”

  “All within the walls. We’ve got them all in homes. And the emergency bunks in the cave system are all up. So, the civilians are ready.”

  “Anthony,” Kaufman addressed Gregor’s inventory and warehouse foreman. “Food? Water? Supplies?”

  “The supply cavern is packed to the gills, with more meat and plant stuffs coming in all of the time. The preservation plant is running twenty-four/seven. We have enough, with more coming. Water? The purification plant is more than adequate. We’re all good.”

  “Um, Governor? I need to interrupt. I just received a message from Odin.”

  “What is it, Patricia?”

  “The aliens have arrived. The super dreadnaught and three cruisers.”

  “Well, we didn’t get our six months. Not even a month. I’m glad that we’re ready.”

  “The alien carrier?”

  “They didn’t say, Corry.”

  “Back to you, Corry. Can you get together with Major Wilson and get your people deployed?”

  “Paul and I discussed that. We can start immediately.”

  “Let’s do that.”

  “Governor? I just received another signal. The carrier just arrived. Odin believes we have no more than a day before it takes up orbit.”

  “Harriet, would you make the announcement?”

  “As soon as we finish.”

  “Corry, get your people moving.”

  “I’ve already contacted Wilson, Nellie and Stein. They’re on it.”

  “Now it begins.”


  Igaklay raced up the stairs to the huge silver pyramid. A quick pause while the iris opened then he dashed to the lift and shot up to the top floor, Lady Analyn's quarters.

  "They're here! Your father is here!"

  Upon hearing this, Analyn shouted for her maids, who came rushing out of their rooms and hurried over to their Lady.

  "Father is here. I must prepare! Igaklay, please inform Ambassador Su
zume and Captain Marston."

  "Buster has already contacted them. They already know."

  "And cooling shields. Find out how many people they are and begin printing the cooling bands."

  "We did that last week, Lady Analyn. They are already at the landing pad."

  Analyn's personal maid came over and took her paw. Please, My Lady. Be calm. The Lord will be glad to see you. We will prepare you for your audience."

  "I know. it is just that, it has been so long since I've seen Father and Mother."

  "I am sure that they are as anxious as you are." Turning to Igaklay's avatar, the personal maid asked, "Sir Igaklay. Has the first shuttle left Wisdom Seeker, yet?"

  "No, Maid Bariva. I came as soon as Wisdom Seeker entered Ballisonian space."

  "How soon before Wisdom Seeker is in orbit over Ballison and the Royal Shuttle arrives?"

  "Three and one-eighth of your sedeca, Maid Bariva."

  "There, see, My Lady? We have plenty of time. Now, sit. Let me comb out your fur. You are a sight." Turning to Analyn's quarters maid, Bariva commanded, "Folita, please lay out Our Lady's formal gown."

  * * * * *

  Being a moon-sized super A.I., Igaklay's timing proved to be perfect. The Royal shuttle left Wisdom Seeker right on time.

  Griffin’s Kaporine Guardsmen formed two rows, establishing the Lordship Honor guard. Lady Analyn fussed and nervously stood at one end, waiting for her Father and Mother. Keiko stood directly behind her, dressed in her dark blue power suit, as did Krag, in his formal dress blues. Igaklay, in the Griffin dress tunic, stood beside Keiko, matching the formal pose of his overseers.

  The hatch to the shuttle slid into the hull. The ramp slid forward and dropped to the ground. Five Kaporine guardsmen, the leader being Commander Tarunga, exited the shuttle first. Lord and Lady Kaporine followed, with Buster just behind. Three more Guardsmen trailed.

  Keiko saw that all wore their cooling shields, protecting the newly-arrived Elonians from Ballison’s temperate weather.

  The procession somberly walked the lines of Guardsmen, coming to a halt just in front of Lady Analyn and her entourage. Commander Tarunga saluted. With tail and ears high, he sidestepped out of the way of his Lordship, with. the other four Guardsmen following his lead.

  Now, with no Elonians blocking him from his daughter, Lord Kaporine commanded, “Enough of this. Get over her, Little Fire.”

  His daughter raced forward and lunged at him. Grabbing him in a bear-hug, the young Elonian exclaimed, ‘I missed you, Father.”

  “Me to, Little Fire,” Lord Kaporine responded while hugging back.

  Everyone watched with amusement, seeing this extreme violation of protocol.

  Analyn released her father and repeated the hug with her mother, this time following it with an accompanying lick on Lady Kaporine’s cheek.

  All this time, eight Kaporine Guardsmen surreptitiously threw glances at the small, green being. The being closely resembling their God of Life, Kokali.

  Finishing their reunion, Analyn stepped back, reassumed her formal pose and began her introductions.

  “Father, Mother. You both know Captain Krag Marston, owner and captain of Griffin. You also know Ambassador Suzume, voice of Humanity in general and voice of Griffin Den in particular. Now, I would like to introduce you to Igaklay, the all-encompassing artificial intelligence of the Ballisonian race.”

  Analyn signaled to Igaklay’s avatar and, per their previous plan, Igaklay marched forward, came to attention and performed the Elonian salute.”

  “By Bashia’s Light, you do look like Kokali.”

  “Yes, Lord Kaporine. I now understand that Kokali was my friend. In his honor, I have taken his form for my Avatar.”

  “And the moon we see overhead. That is truly you?”

  “Yes, Lord Kaporine.”

  “Astonishing. What did you mean, when you said that you now understand that Kokali was your friend?”

  “Until I met the Griffin Den, I did not have a personality matrix as part of my core. Only a communication interface. After watching the Humans and Elonians interact, I created one. For the purpose of better interacting with them.”

  “And that is why you are now wearing Griffin’s colors and emblem?”

  “As a significant part of my core programming, my creators installed loyalty algorithms which require that I am loyal to my creators. However, since my creators are no longer within communication, I re-directed my loyalty algorithms to Captain Marston and Ambassador Suzume. They are now my Overseers. And they have accepted me into their Griffin Den. That is why I am wearing this Griffin uniform.”

  “How old are you, if I may ask?”

  “Just over four thousand of your planet cycles, Lord Kaporine.”

  “And your personality matrix?”

  “Just under one Human year.”

  “So, an old body and a young heart.”

  “Lord Kaporine?”

  “Yes, Ambassador Suzume?”

  “We thought that, to welcome you and Wisdom Seeker to Ballison, we might have a banquet. Would that be acceptable?”

  “I would rather we had a planning session first on where we go in the future.”

  “Perhaps a strategy session? With the leadership of the Kaporine Clan and Wisdom Seeker’s officers?”

  “My thoughts, exactly.”

  “I will arrange our end. While I do that, may I ask? We are not prepared for servicing a large group. We have been more ‘do as you want’, when it comes to meals and personal requirements. May I ask that you bring down your retinue and personal staff?”

  Lord Kaporine went through the freeze/unfreeze. Everyone turned to the noise of the shuttle lifting off and thundering into space.

  “I can swap your engines out on your shuttle, Lord Kaporine. Replace them with Ballisonian ones.”

  “That would make it into a small jump ship?”

  “Yes, Lord Kaporine. But not with very big jumps. Less than a human light-year. Excellent for local transportation.”

  “I will put that on my list of things to beg for.” Lord Kaporine said this with a playful ear and tail flick “Thank you, Sir Igaklay.”

  “Just ‘Igaklay’, Lord Kaporine. Or, if we become friends, ‘Iggy’. Like Mack calls me.”

  “Igaklay, it is. Until we become friends.”

  This whole time, Krag just watched, letting the scene play out, letting Keiko establish the communication lines and the boundaries of protocol. He gave Buster a chin-up nod. Buster cocked his head, greeting in return.

  “Please come inside. We have refreshments waiting.”

  Keiko gestured in the direction everyone was to go. The newly-arrive Elonians confusedly looked at the giant, silver pyramid without any openings.

  “You will love it! My Overseers love it!”

  “Yes we do, Igaklay. Lord Kaporine, you must forgive Igaklay’s exuberance. As you said, he has a young heart.”

  “I seem to recall a daughter just the same.”

  “This way.”

  Keiko led. Analyn linked her father’s arm with hers, rubbed the fur on his hand and dragged him along, behind Keiko.

  Everyone climbed the wide, silvery steps. Just as they approached the pyramid the opening irised. The newly-arrive Elonians paused in wonder.

  “Come, Father. Mother. You will love it inside.”

  By this time, Keiko had entered, waiting with Krag and Igaklay joining her. Sue and Mack rose from their couch and came to attention. Master Varrini, with Doctors Roshnak and Ganakin doing the same. Vidhee remained standing. The royal entourage entered and stopped, overwhelmed by the size and the silveriness of the gigantic room.

  “Welcome to our home, Lord and Lady Kaporine.”

  “Magnificent! To warm for my liking, but, magnificent.”

  “Lady Analyn, would you please have your maids bring our guests some refreshments while Igaklay and I create a sitting arrangement?”

  Keeping in the formal mood, Analyn replied, “Certai
nly, Ambassador.”

  Keiko caught the smile and ear-flick.


  “My Lord?”

  “Please dismiss the Guardsmen, Griffin’s included.”

  “Yes, My Lord.”

  Lord and Lady Kaporine exchanged glances and quizzical ear flicks as they watched Vidhee hurry forward to meet Buster.

  “Something is happening here, Husband,” Lady Kaporine commented in Mindspeak.

  “Yes, Naliana. Electronic romance?”

  “If it is, this is very new. These humans are more of an influence than we thought.”

  “This may not be a bad thing.”

  “It may not be good, either.”

  “Either way, it sure changes things.”

  “Lord, Lady Kaporine, where would you like to set up your conference area?”


  “Yes, Your Lordship. Just pick an open area. Igaklay has a show for you.”

  “There, I guess.” Lord Kaporine pointed to an empty area next to one of the pyramid’s walls.”

  “Excellent choice. Would a lounge area with individual seating be acceptable?”

  “No”, Analyn interrupted. “A large, half-circle couch. Facing the wall. And a large window.”

  “At your command,” Keiko laughingly responded. “Igaklay?”

  “Coming right up, Ambassador,” Igaklay replied, getting into the spirit.

  The Ballisonian avatar raced to the center of the open area, raised his three-fingered hands and waved them like a conductor leading his orchestra.

  “He didn’t need to do that, Lord Kaporine.”

  “Young. Has he been difficult?”

  “We’ve needed some adult discussions. But for the most part, Igaklay is a good being.”

  When the nanites began swirling from the walls, the Lord and Lady flinched. The eight Wisdom Seeker Guardsmen began to draw their weapons. The Griffin Guardsmen laughed and signaled that all was right.

  The nanites swarmed. A half-circle couch, with slots in the back, formed. The nanites returned to the wall. The wall changed from solid to translucent to transparent, displaying Ballison’s forest.



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