Saxon's Conquest (Hell Yeah!)

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Saxon's Conquest (Hell Yeah!) Page 27

by Sable Hunter

  “I don’t care,” Saxon growled. “Bite me. Claw me. Draw blood if you want. Just hold me tight, Alivia.” Possession was his only goal. Saxon needed to make this woman his, and he wanted her to know he would do anything for her.

  Alivia held on as tightly as she could. His body glistened with sweat as he worked over her, his cock sliding in and out of her body faster and faster until Alivia was helpless to fight off her orgasm. Wave after wave swept over her. She could feel reality slipping away.

  “Fuck, baby. You are a fucking miracle,” he hissed the words as his hips rocked wildly. “How is it possible this feels so damn good?”

  She didn’t know. All she could do was twist her fingers in his hair, riding his cock until he was sated. The man fucked like a barbarian who’d mastered his craft – rough, deep, with a wild rhythm designed to drive her mad. Faster. Harder. Deeper. Higher. He flung her up where the dawn met the day. “Saxon!” she cried as everything burst in white-hot ecstasy.

  “Tell me you love me, Alivia,” Saxon whispered in her ear as strobes of light flashed behind her eyes and bliss exploded through every fiber of her being. Alivia pulled back and stared at him. He was looking at her as if she were a fantasy – as if she weren’t real.

  “I don’t care if you mean it,” he muttered as a landslide of pleasure rushed, so intense, he thought the feeling might go on forever. Even as he gripped her hard as if clinging to a lifeline, Saxon knew what he said was a lie. He cared, he’d never cared about anything more in his life.

  “I love you, Saxon,” Alivia said after only a moment’s hesitation that had nothing to do with how she felt. She’d been dying to tell him but hadn’t known how to say the words without seeming vulnerable. This was something she’d vowed never to do, never to feel this way. Yet, here she was – totally and completely in love with Saxon Abbott. “I love you so much.”

  Pinning her to the wall, he gathered her hands and held them over her head as his hips pumped with every dominating thrust. Every muscle tensed, each breath was a grunt until he let go and threw his head back, roaring out her name, “Alivia!” Falling against her, he whispered, “I love you too, Alivia. I love you too.”

  They stood there, holding one another for long moments. When Saxon regained his strength, he placed her gently on the ground and turned away. “Sorry about that.” He pulled his pants back up. “I kinda lost it there. It might sound funny to you, but seeing my friend so distraught, and concerned for his wife made me a bit emotional.” He finally looked up at her. “I just needed to feel close to someone. Needed to feel loved. I know you didn’t mean what you said.”

  Alivia froze, not sure what to say. “It’s okay. I understand.”

  There it was. Now she knew. He hadn’t meant what he said.

  To Saxon, this was all roleplay. Just like the games he created. For a brief moment, the stupid girl inside of her had been convinced he’d meant the sweet words.

  The sound of her phone ringing upstairs drifted to her ears. “That could be the Diocese calling back,” she said unevenly, still shaking from what they’d shared.

  “You should go answer it,” he muttered flatly.

  Alivia headed back upstairs, leaving Saxon sitting on the steps with his head in his hands. “Dammit!” He’d said too much, and he didn’t know how they’d proceed from here.

  Or if they even could.

  * * *

  Methodically, he pulled off the white coat and hung it on a peg on the back of the bathroom door. After turning on the shower to the hottest temp, he undressed, staring at his pallid, lank form in the mirror. There was no doubt he’d benefit from some sunshine, but the deeds he committed were more suited to the shadows and the dark of night.

  Running water in the sink, he subjected himself to the sacrifice. Like the sin-eaters of old, who consumed the trespasses of the dead by eating bread placed on the breast of the dying, he took upon himself the sins of those whores he freed from the bondage of their transgressions. As he squeezed the lifeforce from their bodies, he knew they couldn’t understand he was saving them from their own iniquity. His act of righteousness came with a price, for he knew their sins became his, the very act of delivering them thrust his own immortal soul into jeopardy. So, to appease the Almighty, as has been done since the beginning of time, forgiveness came only with the shedding of blood.

  Taking a razor blade, he added one more cut to the many. One thin, sliver of a slice, arranged above the others. One for every life they’d taken, one for each handmaiden of Babylon who had sullied the earth with their immorality. Wincing, he continued his ritual, even as red blood flowed down into the sink, turning the water a sickening pink.

  “Complete!” he barked, then grabbed a white towel, enjoying the contrast of snow and crimson as he wiped the rivulets from his body. Aroused beyond belief, he stepped into the scalding shower and screamed as the fiery waters stung and blistered his skin. Taking his cock in his hand, he fisted it, pumping up and down until the essence of his being flowed out onto the ground like a drink offering. “Ahhh!” he bellowed, crashing his head against the tile until the skin broke, leaving a bloody mark on the wall.

  When he was done, he labored until the room was spotless. Only when he was ritualistically clean, could he proceed with the commemoration of his offering. This time when he wore the white coat, he pulled the garment over his nakedness, letting it serve as a liturgical robe. With reverent steps, he entered his sanctum, approaching the sacred altar to record the heroic deeds of his latest quest. The sins of his father were visited on him, and he welcomed the crusade. Those unlucky enough to live on this imperfect sod were called upon to dwell in a land tainted by a plague of depravity, and only he was sanctified for the pure purpose of purging the land of its ungodliness.

  After adding his photos of Amanda Syrian to the scrapbook, he closed the pages of the relic, satisfied he’d fulfilled his purpose once more.


  I love you, Saxon. I love you so much.

  Alivia leaned her head against the cool tile of the shower. Yes, she’d said those words. She’d said them in response to his request.

  And he’d answered her, whispered the words she most wanted to hear.

  I love you too, Alivia. I love you too.

  “Dumb. So dumb. I should’ve known he was playing some type of a game. He’s a master at playing games.” Alivia put her hands over her ears, trying to tune out what he’d said next. Her action didn’t help; she couldn’t stem the flow of memories once they started.

  I kinda lost it there. It might sound funny to you, but seeing my friend so distraught and concerned for his wife made me a bit emotional.

  When he’d finally looked up at her, she saw regret in his eyes.

  I just needed to feel close to someone. Needed to feel loved. I know you didn’t mean what you said.

  “Well, the joke was on me, Saxon. Because I did mean it.” She flipped off the water and stepped out to grab a towel. “I did mean those words, you jerk.”

  “Are we mad at Saxon?”

  Savvy’s question surprised her. “What are you doing, Savvy?”

  “I’m preparing your morning report. Everything you need to know for your day. I’ve also included a list of the new links I downloaded into Dragnet. The last thing I needed to know was how we felt about Mr. Abbott today.”

  “Why?” She understood the purpose of the report. Weather. Appointments. Lane closings. Take-out menus. Violet just thought she was Alivia’s right hand; Savvy was the real power behind the throne.

  “He sent you a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and I need to know whether to put them in a vase with water or throw them in the trash.”

  “Flowers?” Alivia almost stumbled while pulling on her panties. As she headed out her bedroom door, she grabbed her bra and dress. “Flowers? Where? What kind?”

  “Red tulips and purple hyacinths. On the kitchen table.”

  Alivia took off, stubbing her toe on the coffee table as she ran
through the living room. “Ow, ow, ow.” When she slid to a stop in the kitchen, her pain was forgotten. “Oh, how gorgeous!”

  “I presume we’re keeping them,” Savvy said evenly.

  “Why did he send these?” Alivia gathered them up, holding them close, mindful not to crush their delicate beauty. What was she supposed to make of this?

  “I don’t know, Alivia. If one were to consult the language of flowers, he is asking for your forgiveness and proclaiming his love.”

  “Savvy, they’re just flowers.” She couldn’t afford to read more into them than he meant.

  “Yes, they’re just flowers,” Savvy agreed.

  “Was there a card?” Alivia couldn’t help but ask.

  “Yes, that’s how I knew they were from Saxon.”

  “Give me the card.” She held out her hand.

  Savvy placed the white cardboard rectangle in Alivia’s hand. Regards, Saxon Abbott. “Regards?” She was stunned. “What does ‘regards’ mean?”

  “Best wishes. Concern. Consideration.”

  “Absolutely unbelievable. Totally cryptic. Just like a man.” Alivia turned the beautiful blooms over to her droid, then finished dressing. “We’re traveling down to Brenham for a meeting. I’m not sure when I’ll be back.”

  “Better take an umbrella. The forecast is for heavy rain. Oh, and Violet called in sick. I think she’s pregnant.”


  “Yes, she was throwing up this morning when I talked to her. When I asked if she was ill, she said no. Of course, it could be a hangover. I don’t understand why people drink. If she’s pregnant, she’ll have to quit drinking. Maybe her maternal clock alarmed. Did I say that right? English is such a strange language. If your maternal clock goes off, I’ll help you raise the baby.”

  “Savvy!” Alivia exclaimed. “Is your surge protector plugged in? I think you’re overloading.” She grabbed her purse. “Check on Violet during the day. She was supposed to make appointments for me to talk to the Duke brothers of OuterLimits about building the computer for their new rocket. See where she is on that. Also, remind her to call and check on my Darla boots at the shoe hospital. I think I might need them for the pageant. And don’t ask her if she’s pregnant, you’re too nosy.”

  As Alivia headed out the door, she laughed at Savvy rubbing her nose.

  “My nose is the same size as always, Alivia.”

  “Ack!” Alivia squealed as she made a run for the car. Rain was already beginning to fall. Just as soon as she closed the door, she started the engine and called Saxon. In a few moments, he answered.

  “Hey, Alivia.”

  Did he sound uncertain? Unsure? “Thanks for the flowers. They’re beautiful. Are you ready to go? I’ll pick you up. We need to get on the road, it’s forecasted to rain all day. Damn, I sound like Savvy.”

  Five miles away, Saxon rubbed his eyes. He hadn’t slept worth a shit. “I’m glad you like them. Hannah helped me pick them out.” He stood and stretched. “You sound disgustingly chipper. How much coffee have you drank?”

  “Just one cup.” What could she say? She’d been in the pit of despair, then the frustrating man had audaciously sent flowers – with his regards, whatever the hell that meant. “I’m excited.” Damn, don’t make your admiration so obvious. “About the interview.”

  “Give me ten minutes to grab a shower and get dressed. If you get here before I’m finished, the key to the house is under my hippopotamus.”

  He hung up before she could ask why he had a Hutto hippo in his yard. Following the GPS to his address, she was surprised to find he did live within Hutto city limits, even though his address was Pflugerville for some weird reason. Sure enough, there was a small hippo sitting in a dry creek bed in front of his house, a fitting tribute to the epic day over a century ago when a circus train stopped in Hutto to take on passengers. A worker had taken the opportunity to check on the animals and somehow managed to let loose a small herd of hippos into the wilds of Hutto. They immediately waddled to Cottonwood Creek, where they evaded capture for several hours. The Depot Agent had telegraphed the neighboring communities to STOP TRAINS, HIPPOS LOOSE IN HUTTO. The great escape hadn’t lasted long, but the legend endured forever. Today, the local high school’s mascot was a hippo and every business and many private residents, including herself, sported tributes to their favorite absent sons – concrete hippos ranging in weights from several hundred to several thousand pounds. Alivia was grateful Saxon’s hippo wasn’t so heavy that she couldn’t budge it.

  Finding the key, she laughed when she saw the fob said: Ask Me Why Sex is Better With Nerds. “All right, I will.”

  Making her way up the curved walk, she admired the landscaping. At least the flowers were all alive, that spoke well of the man.

  Who was she kidding? He’d sent her flowers! No man had ever sent her flowers before.

  The click of the lock sounded momentous. She was entering the private sanctum of the creator of Saxon’s Conquest. What was behind the door? Alivia eased in, half expecting booby trapped funhouse characters to jump out at her. When she walked into a normal looking entry with a wet bar and an antique hall chair, she was pleasantly surprised. “How tasteful, Abbott.”

  She passed the staircase and wondered what he’d do if she just went exploring. “Don’t be too curious, Alivia. Remember what happened to the cat.” The biggest part of the first floor was one big room. From where she stood, she could see the kitchen, dining room, living room, and a patio through the back wall of windows. A room-size rug defined the living space, featuring a huge leather couch, and a big recliner surrounding the most beautiful coffee table she’d ever seen. Drawn to the unique piece of furniture, she sat on the couch and ran her hand over the blue-green gemstone surface. “This is one huge slab of…”

  “Turquoise. Yes.” Saxon joined her, pulling a brown Henley shirt over his head. “One of the few things I’ve splurged on over the years. I like to think it keeps me and the house grounded.”

  “Why, how New Age of you, Saxon. I’m impressed.”

  Saxon stood still a moment, just appreciating Alivia’s presence in his house. Throwing caution to the wind, he walked behind the couch. When she turned to look up at him, he cupped his palm to her face and bent to kiss her. Once. Hard. “You look good in my house, Hart.”

  Alivia didn’t speak because she would’ve sputtered. She felt like she was walking on one of those amusement park bridges built over water, the ones that were constructed from floating barrels. Every step you took sent you up and down, up and down. Progress was slow because you were thrown completely off balance. “I look good anywhere I am.” There, that comment was sufficiently cheeky and presumptive. And totally not true.

  “Couldn’t have said it better myself.” As far as Saxon was concerned, he felt…edgy. He still couldn’t believe he’d told Alivia he loved her and begged her to say the same thing back. Why had she done it? Complying with another person’s unreasonable request wasn’t like Alivia. So…why had she done it? he asked himself again. And the flowers. He’d never sent flowers to a girl before. “Do you have plans for later tonight?”

  “No, I wasn’t sure what time we’d get home,” Alivia answered his question, then waited for him to tell her why he’d asked.

  “Do you want to take a mug of coffee with you, I have an extra travel size?” He held it up.

  “Yes, please.” What was his problem? How dare he ask if she had plans, then move on to another topic. “Can I use your restroom?”

  “Sure, my bedroom’s through the door by the fireplace.” Saxon wondered why he hadn’t pointed to the guest bathroom under the staircase. It was much closer. Oh yea, he just wanted her to walk by his bed and picture them in it. He grinned. “Man, I’m sneaky.”

  As soon as Alivia turned the corner by the stone floor to ceiling fireplace, she realized she’d just walked into Saxon’s bedroom. She couldn’t help but smile when she saw the walls were painted a rich sunflower yellow. Her feet stopp
ed of their own accord as she took in the layout of the room – the huge entertainment center that covered one wall, the apothecary styled chest with at least fifteen drawers, a wall of arched windows looking out into a backyard steeped in flowers – and a bed, a King-size sleigh bed that dominated the room.

  She gasped when she saw a couple writhing on the pale blue sheets.

  Her and Saxon.

  She grasped the edge of the chest for support. The sheer eroticism of her vision stunned Alivia. Then, she blinked, and the mirage disappeared. “Ye gods, I’m going stark raving mad.”

  Inhaling deeply, she continued on until she stepped into a large bathroom. Every surface was marble. A huge tub, two vanities, and a massive shower. Alivia swayed slightly. Everything smelled like him. Spicy. Clean. She crossed one leg over the other, for no other reason than to stave off the climax that was tingling between her thighs. “God, you’re weak,” she chastised herself as she stepped toward the water closet to do her business.

  “What’s taking you all day? Are you going through my medicine cabinet?”

  She scoffed, smiling, “No! I’m stealing a pair of your underwear!” Alivia heard him laugh as she straightened her clothes and flushed the toilet. “Be right there!” On the way out, she took one last look at herself in the mirror.

  Something was different.

  What was it?

  Alivia stared at herself – and then it hit her. Her expression was…expectant. Hopeful. Even after the weird way their intimacy had ended the night before, she felt content. Oh, she wasn’t about to run out and choose a China pattern. She and Saxon might never reach that point, they weren’t exactly a normal couple by the stretch of anyone’s imagination – but they fit. They connected. They complimented one another. And for the time they were allotted – according to whatever celestial programmer’s code this worldly simulation was based upon – she decided to enjoy him.

  Alivia giggled. You’re such a nerd. Which reminds me… “Saxon?”


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