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Capricorn Page 4

by WL Knightly

  “No way. Whoever this is, they knew right where to find me. That means they already know where I stay, and they could come after Hannah. I need to go to Bay with this shit, but I’m not sure what to say. What if it is Bay?”

  Logan scrubbed a hand over his face. “Man, he’s fucking crazy enough, but I’m not so sure. He’s got too much going on in life to be a part of something this fucked up.”

  Bay did have a lot going for him, and he was always in control.

  “Yeah, but he’s got a big enough ego to think he won’t get caught. But I think you’re right. It’s not really his style. He doesn’t like to do the dirty work. He likes others to do it for him.”

  Logan slammed down his empty glass. “Don’t tell him you’ve been here, whatever you do. I don’t want to be mixed up with this.”

  “Yeah, it’s a little late for that, but don’t worry, I won’t mention it. I’m sorry I came barging in. I guess I just didn’t know what the fuck to do or where to go. This secret, it wears on me, man. It eats at me.” It wasn’t the only secret he’d had to carry, and for too many years, he’d had to cope with that kind of stress.

  One day, he wanted to live a life where he didn’t have to remember the things he’d done, the things others had done to him, or the way he’d let them happen. His life was consistently out of control since the day he’d been born. “I’m going to go.”

  “It’s okay, man. Take it easy out there. Be careful, and as I said, don’t come here with a target on your back.”

  Tad turned to Logan before he opened the door. “You’re missing the point, man. We all have a target on our backs.”

  He turned and walked out, pulling the door to behind him. He hurried to his car, knowing someone might be watching him again. His entire life, he had been watched. He figured he’d be used to it, but it never got any easier.

  He sped toward home, and in the silence of the drive, his mind drifted back to the day his uncle had let him into the basement. After he’d finished his lunch, his uncle had invited him down to the basement where he’d originally thought he’d never be allowed.

  “This here is my man cave. You’re familiar with one of those, aren’t you? It’s where guys come to do guy things. In other words, things not meant for ladies to know about.” Tad’s uncle Roddy was a smooth talker, and Tad hung on every word.

  “Like what?”

  “Well, I have a big screen TV, for one. That’s what every man’s room needs.” He walked over and patted his TV stand, and Tad couldn’t help but notice the camera set up across the room.

  “What’s that?”

  Uncle Roddy’s eyes lit up. “That’s something really special. It’s my camera. I make a little money on the side doing some photography.”

  “That’s cool.” Tad had never really had his picture taken before, other than at school. His mother didn’t even own a camera. “Could you take a picture of me?”

  His uncle had chuckled softly. “As a matter of fact, I can.”

  Remembering how he’d been the first one to suggest taking his picture turned his stomach. The suggestion would be used against him for the next few years.



  Morning traffic was thick, and Darek’s stress levels were already through the roof when his phone rang, blocking out his radio. He looked down to the console where he had it charging, and he saw the picture of Satan he’d replaced Megan’s with. The last thing he needed was for his soon-to-be ex-wife to call and make his day worse, but with things the way they were, he had no choice but to answer.

  He hit the button on his steering wheel to answer. “Yeah?”

  “Good morning, Darek.” Megan’s voice was as sweet as honey. In the background, he could hear a man’s voice, and then the sound of the shower running.

  “Is it? How does Rick like my bed, my shower? Tell me, has he found my slippers? Because I lost them somewhere.” It was hard not to sound bitter, but he didn’t care. He’d had many chances to stray and hadn’t, and even though he was glad he didn’t, sometimes he wished he’d not let her get the best of him. He didn’t have a single betrayal of his own to shove in her face.

  “It’s fine, thank you. I need you to come and get the rest of your things, actually. So, if you could do that, I also have some papers for you to sign.”

  “Fuck you. I’m not signing anything.”

  “I thought you’d say that. Let me guess. You lawyered up?”

  “I hired a lawyer, yes, and I’m not rolling over for you, or bending over, if that’s what you’re hoping. I know you think your balls are bigger than mine, but I assure you, they’re not.”

  “There’s no need to be vulgar, Darek. And I’m not worried about your balls. I’m sure your lawyer isn’t anything to cringe over, either, so do me a favor and spare me.”

  “Yeah, you know me. I’m just a lowly cop, with no connections or anything.”

  “Yeah, I remember your connections from that time I got in the fender bender, thank you.”

  Darek cringed remembering that. The attorney he’d hired was late to court and showed up drunk. “You didn’t have a fender bender. Throwing a hissy fit and deliberately rear-ending someone is not an accident.”

  “Is that who you hired? Let’s hope he shows up sober. I’m sure my attorney will be shaking in his loafers.” She let out a little chuckle, and even though he was going to keep Bay a secret, he figured, what the hell?

  “Nah, why would your lawyer be worried? I mean, I’m sure he’s gone up against Bay Collins and won. Oh, wait, no one has.”

  “Bay Collins? You hired The Slayer? How did you manage that? He doesn’t normally handle divorces.” Her voice cracked, sounding like a jealous child’s.

  Darek’s day had seriously improved in that second. “I have my ways.”

  “Yeah, smart guy? Well, how about this, since you want to play dirty? How about I make a call to the FBI and let them know about you and your little blackouts? You know, those spells you have where you blank out all the time? I mean, I wasn’t going to be a total bitch and ruin your dreams, but since you felt so threatened that you hired the best attorney in town, whom you obviously have the money to afford, then you don’t need that silly promotion.”

  “You go right ahead and do your best, Megan. I’m done talking. If you need to speak to me, go through my attorney.”

  “Oh, and since you don’t want to come and get your things, I guess I’ll just keep calling about your meds. It would be a shame to cancel them at the pharmacy. I know how much you need them to keep your shit together.” She let out a thick, syrupy giggle.

  “I wouldn’t fuck with my meds, Megan. You never know what I might do during one of those blackouts.”

  “Are you threatening me?” She laughed loudly. “Please tell me you are. I’d love to go down to your office and file a restraining order. Face it, Darek. I still have you by the balls.”

  Rage overtook him, and he knew it was best if he didn’t stay on the line. He ended the call and punched his palm against the steering wheel a few times. “Fucking Bitch!” He let out a long breath. One psychopath in his life was enough, and he hated having to call him and explain Megan’s little episode.

  He finally got to work, and to make this day worse, the first thing he saw when he entered the room was Emily Johnson’s decaying body. Lizzy had put the case file on his desk and left the pictures scattered across it. Nothing like your past slapping you in the face at eight a.m.

  He gathered the pictures up and stuffed them into the folder as Lizzy walked into the room and hurried over. She had a pastry and two cups of coffee. “Sorry, about that. I didn’t mean to leave a mess, but I thought we could go over this today, now that we have all the information from Cobb.”

  “What exactly are we going over?” The file on Emily Johnson’s murder was from nearly twelve years ago, and he hadn’t gotten to where he was so quickly by wasting time. Not only that, but he didn’t feel like playing the role of crooked cop at that
moment. Darek already felt shitty enough this morning.

  “Well, I just thought we’d make some comparisons, but it would be nice if we could go over the other murder; like do a recap of the facts.”

  Darek turned and saw Max sitting behind his desk nearby. “Hey, Max. Do you need a recap of the facts?”

  Max looked up, and his eyes moved between them, back and forth. After a moment, he shook his head like he wasn’t getting in the middle of the two of them. “Nope, I’m good.” He went back to work.

  Darek sat at his desk, and Lizzy pulled the pictures out of the folder and placed them right next to her pastry. Then, she passed Darek a coffee and flipped through the photos until she found a map. “This is where Otis found the body.”

  “Let me see that.” Darek grabbed the aerial photograph from her. It showed the old diner and the trails behind it, marked in red. A crude drawing represented where the body had been discovered. Right where he’d put her. It was strange to see it all laid out from above. When he’d been running through those woods, he only knew the road was in that direction. He’d hoped to find help, someone with a car who could get her to a hospital. But it hadn’t happened that way. She’d died in his arms instead.

  Darek’s eyes caught something on the page. “Wait, this says Otis was found with the body, not that Otis found the body.”

  “Same difference.”

  “No, it’s not. You’re making it sound like Gough didn’t put her there.”

  Lizzy shrugged. “Well, according to his statements, he didn’t. He only found her there.”

  “And why do we believe what Otis Gough had to say? He’s the one who killed her, Lizzy. He’s the one who stabbed her and did God knows what to her after she was put there.”

  “What do you mean, after she was put there?” Lizzy’s eyes narrowed.

  Darek fumbled for his words and then stood to pace the floor around his desk. “Don’t get me aggravated. It’s not a good morning for this. I just got off the phone with Megan, and she’s having fun fucking with me.” He raked his hand through his hair, and his heart pounded in his throat as he pointed down to the pictures. “I meant, after Gough killed her, there’s no telling why he stayed there with her to be found. For all we know, he was using her to keep warm. He was a lunatic.”

  Darek turned and walked away. He went to the bathroom to splash some water on his face, and a moment later, Max came into the room and stood with him at the sink.

  “Are you okay, man?”

  Darek wiped his face down with a paper towel. “Yeah, I’m just frustrated. I don’t have time to go back and redo an entire fucking case. That man was found guilty. So, why is it so fucking important to her? Do the cases seem that similar to you? And even if they are a little similar, these new murders could be someone copycatting the old murder or doing it as a kind of tribute to the guy, like he’s some kind of killing messiah. We’ve seen it before. This could be the guy’s following.”

  Max clapped his hand on Darek’s shoulder. “I don’t think it’s that similar, either, but it couldn’t hurt to look into it just to dismiss it, right? I mean, she’s bound to hit a point where things don’t line up.”

  “Not when she’s looking for any little clue and creating half of them as she goes. She’s the fucking FBI, and this is her focus?” Darek knew that finding Victor’s body put a hitch in the investigation, and until they figured out a new lead, they were pretty much left to test theories. The only direction they could go would be to focus on the brands, and since they put that out to the public, they were hoping someone would come forward. And he had his own little side investigation going there.

  “You heard her; it’s just a recap; what’s the harm?” Max shrugged and gave him a sideward glance like he wasn’t sure what had gotten into his friend. Darek wasn’t sure himself.

  The pressures were horrible and only getting worse. He needed his friend to listen and to understand him, not agree with everything Lizzy said or did. “Whose side are you on, Max?”

  Max held his hands up. “Hey, I didn’t know there were any sides, man. We’re all on the same team, aren’t we?”

  Darek realized at that moment that he was, in fact, on a different team after all.

  He looked up to Max’s reflection behind him. The man’s eyes were so full of concern that he was upset with himself for snapping at him. “Give me a few minutes, man. I’m going to step out and call my lawyer. Megan’s pulled some shit, and it’s got me sideways.”

  “Take all the time you need, brother.” He patted Darek’s back. “Oh, speaking of needing time, could you maybe make yourself a little scarce tonight? I’m going to be entertaining a lady.”

  Darek gave him a half-hearted smile. “I’m going to check into a new place today, so I’ll be out of your hair.”

  “Man, you’re welcome to stay. I won’t be too late, just dinner, some making out, a trip to the bedroom, and then I’ll toss her out.”

  “Nah, don’t toss her out, man. Let her stay. I’ll be fine. Seriously. I’ll make a quick run to grab my things sometime today, and then I’ll find a good hotel.” He knew Bay owned a nice one across town.

  The two walked out together and parted ways as Max headed back toward their desks.

  Once Darek got out to his car, he dialed Bay’s number, but the asshole was probably in court. He left a message for the man to meet him for lunch, and hopefully, he’d get things worked out regarding a place to live. He even called the pharmacy and got that straightened out. Megan would have a hard time tampering with his meds now that he had her flagged.

  Even though he had work to do inside the police station, he took his time, hoping that Lizzy would work through her recap on her own.

  He felt horrible for snapping at her and making her feel like her ideas were the worst, but it was only out of self-preservation. He knew that he had to watch himself and his arguments, or he would have to kiss his dreams of being FBI goodbye.

  He took a deep breath, knowing it was time to go back in. He’d wasted half of the morning with his little tantrum. He didn’t need Megan to destroy his life; he was doing a hell of a job all by himself.



  Tad rolled over in his bed and scrolled through his phone. He didn’t have to be at work until later, so he’d planned on spending a quiet morning at home without his sister to try and make sense of what had happened. Someone was stalking him, and he needed a game plan.

  “Are you going to sleep all day?” He looked up to see Hannah peeking around the door. “Sorry, it was open, or I’d have knocked.”

  “No, it’s okay. I don’t have to go in until later. I thought I’d hang around the house, do some shopping for the fridge, and maybe catch up on some current events. I feel like I’m living in a bubble these days.”

  “I wish I could miss things. It seems every petty crime that happens in this town leaves a mark on someone, as well as every accident and every domestic dispute. No thanks. If I had a day at home, I’d certainly not be watching the news.”

  And wasn’t that good for him. He was hoping that one of these victims piling up wouldn’t show up with a brand across their face that made her think of her brother.

  “Yeah, I guess not.”

  “So, did you ever check that number I gave you? What happened?”

  Somewhere between being stalked and having his Capricorn brand show up on a dead body, he forgot all about the job opportunity.

  “Shit, sis. I forgot all about it.”

  Her shoulders slumped, and she gave him the same look that his mother used to. “Are you fucking kidding me?” Hannah was a tough cookie, and she had master their mother’s colorful vocabulary, along with her disappointing glares. Her heart was much different, though. Where his mother’s lacked empathy, she had it in droves. “I went through all that trouble, and you’re just going to forget it? The man has seen your best work already, and I put in a good word with Lexa.”

  “I’ll call him, okay?” Hannah
wouldn’t get off his back if he didn’t, and he didn’t need more guilt. Besides, this was a big opportunity. If these murders didn’t amount to anything with him, he still had an entire life to live.

  He’d cover his mark and go down to try and get the job. Hopefully, the photographer wouldn’t see the bandage and wonder what happened to him. Most of his jobs were for catalog shoots anyway, where he’d be clothed, and even the ones with his shirt open wouldn’t reveal the mark on the front of his shoulder.

  “Well, that would make me very happy, and you know you need the break. You don’t want to be working for Bay Collins all your life.” She rolled her eyes. “I hate that guy.”

  “Look, I only told you that so you’d get off my back about how I landed the job so quickly. Bay’s not back in my life. He bumped into me at a party and asked what I was doing. He knows those escorting jobs didn’t pay well, so he offered me the job. It’s no big deal.”

  Hannah’s idea of Tad’s life as a an escort did not include all the sexual favors he provided for his clients. She would never paint him in a bad light, and while she knew that some took the extra money for sex, Tad was too much a gentleman. He found no reason to lead her to believe otherwise.

  He didn’t want to sit and argue, so he rose from the bed and started past her.

  “Well, good luck. You know I only want the best for you, little brother.” Hannah threw her arms around his neck, and then after a lazy hug, she went to get her purse and headed out the door.

  Tad went ahead and called the number she’d given him. After being on hold with a few different people, Spencer Wiggs answered the phone. “Tad Halston, what an honor. Your sister, Hannah, is amazing, so I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.”

  The guy sounded okay, a little animated, but it wasn’t any different from any of the other photographers he’d worked with in his life. “Sorry, it took so long for me to call. I’ve been working a strange schedule, but I had a little time off this morning, and Hannah wanted me to try and get in touch with you.”


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