Hard & Deep: A Football Romance

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Hard & Deep: A Football Romance Page 30

by Krista Lakes

  Mr. Hayes stood and extended his hand. Her fingers slid easily into his as he helped her stand. She loved the way his skin felt against hers and the strength of his grip holding her to him. Again, she passed tables where there were people. Although she couldn't see their faces, she knew that their eyes were on her.

  Mr. Hayes led her to the middle of the dance floor. The crowd parted naturally for him, giving him space on the crowded dance floor without anyone realizing it. Although he wasn't Latin, he had rhythm and confidence, two of the main ingredients of a good dancer. They were also the two main ingredients of a good lover, she thought while smiling. As he twirled her and dipped her, she could feel herself sweating. During the second song, he turned her around and ground on her ass for a moment, and her body heated in response to his touch. By the end of the third song, she was ready to make love to him right there on the dance floor.

  "Let's go upstairs," she said, knowing that if they danced to another song, she'd go crazy with lust. "I need my torte."

  He grinned at her and she suspected he knew how much she wanted him. This time, he let her walk in front, his hands on her hips as she slowly walked to the stairs. The stairs were mostly deserted, and he took the opportunity to run his hands down her thighs as she walked. She knew he was trying to turn her on, and he was succeeding. She wondered if there was a private VIP room that they could slip away to...

  They sat down at the table, and there was the dessert waiting for her as promised. It was beautifully presented, with whipped cream and even a single little cherry on top. There were two spoons, and Tracy grabbed one of them and broke off a little taste. It melted in her mouth, the taste touching all of her taste buds, and it was amazing. After being turned on so much and now having this delicious dessert, she figured this to be one of the best nights out since she’d started dating Mr. Hayes.

  She looked up to tell Mr. Hayes to try it, but his eyes were focused on someone in the hallway behind her. She heard a female voice behind her over the music. "Mr. Hayes?"

  Tracy turned, and even though she hadn't met the woman personally, she already knew who the woman was. Or rather, she knew who this girl was.

  "Jenna!" Mr. Hayes exclaimed, a little more excited than he should have been. He nearly knocked the table over in his hurry to stand and greet her.

  This girl wasn't quite as young as she had been in Mr. Hayes' dream, but she was pretty close. She could almost be considered as angelic as Mr. Hayes' dream had made her out to be. She still had the light freckles from the dream and her cheeks were slightly chubby. The most striking differences were that she had pale skin, and her long hair was so dark that Tracy was sure that she must have dyed it.

  Jenna wore a strapless, black, sweetheart-cut dress. At the bottom was a frilly line of lace, and around her midsection was a pink bow, tied up like she was a little present. She had on a beautiful set of black heels, which added a few inches to her height. There was no doubt about it. The package was all there, and she knew just how to attract eyes to her. She was beautiful, Tracy admitted. Absolutely beautiful.

  She could see why Mr. Hayes had a crush on her.

  Jenna grinned a smile so bright it was visible even in the dim light. She shrieked, and as Mr. Hayes came around the table, she gave him a big hug. "I haven't seen you since my high school graduation three years ago! How are you?"

  "I'm great, just great,” he assured her. Tracy could see all the signs of a schoolgirl crush. Jenna was blushing and giggling with every word. Mr. Hayes didn't need to be a psychic to see the same thing. “Jenna, meet my girlfriend, Tracy!"

  Jenna turned and hugged Tracy. "So great to meet you!"

  A hug wasn't exactly what Tracy was expecting, but she managed to return the embrace without being awkward. She put on a happy smile, but her fantastic evening alone with Mr. Hayes seemed like it might be over. She told herself she wasn't jealous, but this was the exact type of scenario she’d been trying to avoid. A younger, beautiful girl who just happens to be the daughter of one of his oldest friends was exactly the type of girl who could steal Mr. Hayes right out from under her.

  "Take a shot with us, Jenna," Mr. Hayes said, as he pulled a third shot glass from the arrangement on the table.

  "Sounds fantastic!" Jenna replied, settling in to a chair. Tracy made note of the way she set down her purse on the last empty chair. Jenna intended to stay there the rest of the evening, Tracy thought. Mr. Hayes poured three shots and put one down in front of Tracy. He handed the other one to Jenna.

  "Thanks, Mr. Hayes!" she said, the girlish charm oozing through. “I can't believe I managed to run into you. It must just be my lucky day!”

  "Please, call me Paul," he said.

  Jenna smiled. "Paul," she said, as if confirming it. "What should we cheers to, Paul?"

  He had made the offer to call him "Paul" many times to Tracy, and she’d never taken him up on it, but now she really could feel the jealousy rising within her. It surprised her, but she at least admitted it to herself.

  "I don't know. Tracy, do you have any ideas?" Mr. Hayes asked.

  Tracy shrugged not really feeling like toasting to anything involving Jenna. She was still trying to figure out a way to get Jenna to leave so she could continue her wonderful evening.

  Jenna spoke up. "To seeing old friends."

  Mr. Hayes smiled and locked eyes with Jenna. Tracy hated the way it made the pit of her stomach drop.

  "To old friends," he said, and clinked shot glasses with Jenna. For a moment, Tracy thought they might forget all about her, but Jenna made a point of clinking with her, before Mr. Hayes remembered too.

  Tracy wanted to hate Jenna. She wanted to find a way to make the younger woman leave, but before she could come up with a plan that wouldn't anger Mr. Hayes or be considered rude, Tracy's opinion of the younger woman changed.

  The very first thing Jenna did was start up a conversation with Tracy. Jenna asked her question after question about her restaurant and life. She seemed far more interested in finding out everything she could about Tracy than reconnecting with Mr. Hayes. In fact, she almost seemed to be ignoring him and concentrating solely on Tracy.

  The cynical side of Tracy thought it was because Jenna could already sense that she had Mr. Hayes wrapped around her little finger. Or maybe it was that she knew that she had to act aloof to get his attention. Either way, Tracy knew that she should feel threatened. After a few more drinks and pleasant conversation, however, she felt herself intoxicated by Jenna.

  "I love your dress," Jenna giggled, pouring them each another drink. She made sure that Tracy and her hands touched as she handed Tracy the glass with a smile.

  Tracy frowned slightly as she picked up the glass. She wasn't sure how many drinks she'd had at this point, but she was certainly feeling much more comfortable with Jenna around. In fact, she was even beginning to enjoy herself.

  "You've got a hair on your cheek," Jenna said, setting her glass down and reaching out to touch Tracy. Her hand was soft as she caressed Tracy's cheek. It was far more than just a friendly beauty fix. Heat flashed through her touch and Jenna's pupils dilated as she looked at Tracy.

  "Thanks," Tracy whispered, surprised at the erotic thoughts suddenly filling her brain. She didn't know if it was her bubbly demeanor, the rapt attention with which Jenna listened to her, or the alcohol. All she knew is that her resistance to Jenna hanging out with them was slowly fading away.

  Mr. Hayes, apparently tired of being the third wheel on this date, insisted on going and dancing with Jenna. He asked Tracy if it was okay, to which she smiled and said it was. It wasn't like she could say no without looking like the jealous girlfriend.

  Tracy watched from the balcony as Mr. Hayes danced at least as dirty with Jenna as he had with Tracy. She couldn't help but notice the smile plastered across Mr. Hayes' face. He was having a great time, but he did occasionally look up in her direction, which made her feel better. At least he was thinking about her.

  She watched as they
stayed out there for two, three, four songs. During the fifth song she finally got tired of watching them and headed down to the dance floor herself. She caught up with the two of them on the dance floor and tapped on Mr. Hayes' shoulder. He looked back and smiled, then immediately broke from Jenna and turned to Tracy.

  Jenna said something to Mr. Hayes which Tracy couldn't hear over the music, then disappeared into the crowd. Tracy noticed that Mr. Hayes was covered in sweat from dancing on the hot dance floor. He looked exhausted, and his dancing didn't have quite the energy that it had an hour ago.

  "Hey, do you want to have another shot?" he asked in her ear as they danced close.

  "Why do you ask? Is Jenna up there waiting for us?" she asked, teasingly.

  He paused, making eye contact with her. "I'm sorry if you feel like she's intruding on our date. I can send her away for the rest of the evening if you'd like."

  Tracy smiled, knowing that he meant it. He wouldn't make the offer lightly. "Don't worry about it, I'm having a great time!"

  Mr. Hayes pulled her in close. She could smell the deliciously masculine scent of his cologne. "Just how great a time are you having?"

  Tracy leaned into him and whispered, "If you have a question to ask me, why don't you just get to the point?" She could feel the bulge growing in his pants.

  "Well, what do you think of asking Jenna to join us tonight?" he asked. He raised his eyebrows hopefully, like a kid waiting for Santa to respond to a Christmas request.

  There was the question. At least he had got it out. "It looks like she’s already joined us tonight. I'm sure she's waiting at our table right now," she said. She wasn't about to let him have it that easily.

  "Don't act coy. You know what I mean," he replied, frowning slightly.

  She leaned back and laughed, doing a couple dance moves. He didn't miss a beat, twirling and spinning her before pulling her back again.

  She knew that it was a bad idea, and that she’d probably regret it later. Yet, Jenna had been fun to hang out with this whole time. Plus, the way she'd touched Tracy's cheek earlier was still on Tracy's mind. It was obvious that Jenna found both her and Mr. Hayes attractive. Tracy was used to men finding her sexy, but to know another woman thought so as well was more of a turn on than she had expected.

  "What are you going to do for me?" she asked, not wanting to make it too easy for him.

  He smiled broadly. They were in his arena now. Negotiation was his strong suit. "I don't know. What do you want?"

  Tracy had pretty much everything she wanted already. It was nice being the girlfriend of a billionaire. "How about a seat on the company's board of directors?"

  Mr. Hayes chuckled. "I want this badly enough to say yes. However, every new member has to get a majority of the current board's votes. I doubt you'd get approved, unfortunately."

  Tracy shrugged and smiled, twirling away from him again. She could play hard to get, for sure. Mr. Hayes wanted this to happen more than she did. She would be able to live with just imagining what happened next, whereas she wasn't sure the billionaire who always got what he wanted could be content with just imagining. He pulled her back in and spun her around, grinding into her backside.

  "How about the restaurant you used to work at?" he whispered in her ear.

  She stopped cold, right there on the dance floor. She had never told him that she wanted to own the thing, but it had been her dream to own some kind of restaurant for years now. With Mr. Hayes bankrolling the project, she'd make that place the greatest restaurant in the city.

  "Are you serious?" she asked.

  He nodded. Gray eyes met hers and she knew he would give her anything she wanted and more.

  She thought about it for a moment. It was a dream come true. She had already tipped her hand that it was important to her, so she couldn't easily trade something else for it. She smiled, dancing slowly with him.

  "I have three conditions," she finally said.

  "I expected that," he said with a laugh. “I would be disappointed if you didn't.”

  "One. The restaurant and a budget for a complete redecoration," she said, already thinking of the new décor.

  "Agreed," he said, pulling her into him from a spin.

  "Two. This is a one time thing," she said. She stopped dancing to make sure he knew she was serious.

  He cocked his eyebrows. "You mean you'll never have another woman join us? Ever?" he asked.

  She smiled briefly. "That's not quite what I meant. I might be convinced to do it again, but never again with Jenna. It'll have to be a different woman next time."

  Mr. Hayes hesitated for just long enough that Tracy added, "These conditions are non-negotiable."

  "Alright, I agree," he replied. Tracy wasn't sure if he meant it, but she would stand fast. "And the third condition?"

  Tracy grinned. "You may fuck her tonight, but only if you please me for the rest of this song."

  Mr. Hayes laughed, pulling her into him for an embrace before kicking his dancing into overdrive. His dancing instantly took on a new energy, and it was as if she were dancing with a new man. Every thrust, every dip, every time they locked eyes, they all reminded her that he knew who he was really here with, even if he might be going home with two women tonight.

  As the song ended, he dipped her very low. At the very bottom of the dip, he held her there. His eyebrows lifted, as if to ask, "Was that good enough?" Without waiting for an answer, he pulled her back up, and immediately gestured towards the stairs. She led the way. The hands on her hips groped her with even more intensity than they had last time, and she could feel his manhood brushing up against her. She was completely turned on.

  When they got back to the table, Jenna, of course, was there. What surprised Tracy was that she was eating a piece of cake... her cake! She was furious for a moment, then laughed at herself when she realized that she would be okay with sharing her man tonight, but would flip out over sharing a chocolate torte.

  Jenna smiled as she saw them, and immediately began pouring three shots. Tracy almost refused hers, but when Mr. Hayes picked it up and handed it to her, she found it hard to resist. Mr. Hayes raised his shot glass in the air. "To negotiation!"

  When Jenna looked confused, Tracy put her shot glass up. "How about this instead?" She looked at Jenna. "To new experiences." They all clinked shot glasses.

  For the rest of the evening, Mr. Hayes divided his attention evenly between the two women. Jenna seemed strangely aloof, as if she didn't care that he was hitting on her. However, the man kept dancing, the shots kept being poured, and soon all three were sweaty and drunk. Tracy hoped that Mr. Hayes had paced himself. It would be quite embarrassing if he exhausted himself before he was required to perform that evening.

  At one point Mr. Hayes was dancing with Jenna, and Tracy looked over the balcony at them. Jenna looked absolutely fabulous when she was out on the dance floor with Mr. Hayes. Instead of being jealous, she was turned on, and Tracy knew that this would be a night that they would all remember. She found herself glad that she’d agreed to this. New experiences, indeed.

  As the two stumbled their way back to the table from the dance floor, Jenna took a sip from her cranberry drink. She looked a little woozy. Tracy wouldn't have been surprised if she couldn't hold her alcohol at her age and weight. "Hey, Jenna. Would you come to the bathroom with me?"

  Jenna smiled up at her and nodded. The two grabbed their purses and left Mr. Hayes all alone at the table. Jenna hung off Tracy the whole way.

  There was a line at the bathroom on the first floor, but the VIP had a bathroom all to itself, and there was no line at all. As a couple girls walked out, Jenna and Tracy walked in.

  In the bright lights of the mirror, Tracy could tell for sure. Jenna was trashed. "Mr. Hayes sure is a lot of fun to hang out with," she said, running some water onto her hands.

  "He sure is." Tracy smiled.

  Jenna looked Tracy up and down in the mirror. "You're a lucky woman to be with him. I keep thinking he's
going to ask me to come home with him, but then I remember that you came here with him. You two are close, right? It's not just an act?"

  She sounded genuinely disappointed.

  "No, it's not an act," Tracy confirmed. "He really does care for me, and I for him. We're happy."

  "Oh. That's what I thought." Jenna blinked hard as if she were upset. "It just seemed like he might be interested in me tonight. I've always had a bit of a thing for him and was kind of hoping..."

  Tracy smiled. If Mr. Hayes hadn't yet "sealed the deal," Tracy was unsure if she should help him or not. She decided, however, that she could help ensure that her conditions were met if she helped the process along. Besides, she was looking forward to the evening now.

  "He is going to ask you to come home with us," Tracy said, leaning into the mirror and reapplying her lipstick. She watched Jenna's reaction carefully. "I'm coming too. Enjoy it, and enjoy him, because this is a one-time event," Tracy said.

  Jenna's jaw dropped a little bit. "You're serious?"

  Tracy was still all smiles. "Of course I'm serious. You're not a prude, are you?"

  Jenna, her mouth still agape, shook her head. "Of course not. You're one of the most beautiful women I've ever met."

  Tracy smiled. To have someone as beautiful as Jenna compliment her was nice.

  Tracy looked at their reflection in the mirror. The two women in their black dresses made quite a pair, and she was sure that they would blow Mr. Hayes away. She took Jenna's hand in hers and began walking to the door.

  "Now, let's not keep him waiting." Tracy stopped and faced Jenna. "Oh, and Jenna?"

  Jenna looked back at her, eyes wide and hopeful with what was about to happen next. She was practically vibrating with excitement.

  "Don't tip him off about what I told you."

  Jenna smiled and winked at her before hugging her.

  "Don't worry," Jenna assured her. "I wouldn't want anything to ruin my chances tonight. This is something I've wanted for a long time."


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