12-Alarm Cowboys

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12-Alarm Cowboys Page 119

by Cora Seton

  Disappointment doused her like cold water. “Shout if you need anything.” She wandered back to the kitchen and chose a casserole to put into the oven for lunch, then emptied the dishwasher from the morning meal. She didn’t have chores to do until later. If Treven wasn’t sleepy, she’d love to spend time with him.

  Opening the hall closet door, she reached up and took down four games in colorful boxes. This would keep them busy. And keep her mind off her thoughts of jumping Treven and inventing naked games to play with him.


  It took over a week for the pain to abate enough for Treven to be able to use his hands for a few things. After two trips to town to see the doctor, and daily visits from friends and neighbors—all bearing gifts—Delta had settled into life on his ranch. And she loved it.

  No traveling cross-country, no media circus surrounding her, no dealing with her uncle about expenses and mistakes she made on the track. And how rare that she could wear just shorts and an old T-shirt? Plopping down on a rocking chair on the porch, she set down her tall glass of iced lemonade and breathed in the sweet, warm evening air.

  She liked him. The brave cowboy who volunteered as a fire fighter in his spare time. They’d played every game he had in the house, taken walks when he was feeling well enough, and had watched television. Mostly, though, they talked. Not about anything deep or soul-searching, but about their lives and how they’d gotten to where they were.

  She’d learned about his wife, who’d left the ranch four years earlier because she couldn’t stand the country life. The girl had given Treven an ultimatum—move to Houston with her, or she’d go alone—and she’d gone without him and gotten a divorce. He didn’t seem too broken up about it, though, so maybe the relationship hadn’t been all that strong to begin with. But he’d torn down the old house he’d grown up in and had this amazing new one built. What did that say about him?

  The screen door opened and Treven walked out, wearing a white T-shirt and gray sweatpants. “Hey.” He stretched and yawned, coming around after his long nap.

  When his shirt rode up, exposing a peek at his firm abs, she snuck a look. “Want some lemonade?”

  “No, thanks.” He padded barefoot and sat in the chair next to hers. “Nice evening.”

  “Beautiful.” The sun would set to their left, over the field, and would turn the tall grass golden. She loved this time of day here. Peaceful. Something she’d never thought she’d crave.

  “Supper was good. Thanks.”

  Rex Tarrow, the dark firefighter who’d helped her that day on the track, had brought hamburgers, and she’d asked him where the grill was. Rex had directed her to an electric grill on the patio off the back of the house. That had gotten her thinking, and while Treven slept after the three of them ate, she checked the water heater. Electric. The furnace. Electric. Clothes dryer. Electric. There were no gas appliances on the property.

  “What is it, Delta?” He stared at her with those intense green eyes.

  “Why do you think there’s something?”

  “You stopped rocking. You’re in constant motion. Unless something’s wrong.”

  Delta used her toes to get the chair moving again. “May I ask you something personal?”

  “We’ve been talking personal all week. I don’t see why anything would be off limits.”

  A smile curved her lips. She’d told him about how her father hadn’t known about her until, on her fifth birthday, her mother had dropped her off at his big house in an Atlanta suburb. And Mom had never come back. Her world tilted and wobbled that day, and had never truly righted itself since.

  Dad never adopted her, legally, but he’d changed her name and taught her how to drive race cars. He’d brought her on the circuit with him and had given her cars and a pit crew when she came of age. Then, when he’d died in a dirt bike accident five years ago, her uncle had ended up managing Dad’s estate, and treating Delta like she was a commodity, not a relative.

  But, as long as she made money for Pennington Racing, he gave her some latitude to do what she wanted.

  “You stopped rocking again.” Treven’s voice held a hint of worry.

  “Guess I’m the kind of girl who can only do one thing at a time.” She turned toward him. “Will you tell me about the scars on your neck and shoulder?” The burn mark concerned her, made her want to hear the whole story. To hear another piece of Treven’s life, and share another bit of personal information with this man who’d snuck his way into her heart.

  He huffed out a breath and got his own chair rocking. After a few minutes, he cleared his throat and stopped moving. “I was twelve.” He pointed in the direction of the outbuildings. “We had a fire in the barn. My sister…” He didn’t move, just stared at the barns.

  He’d already mentioned that he’d grown up here. Said his parents were now living in a retirement community on the Gulf of Mexico. But he’d never spoken of a sister.

  “They think she started it. She was fifteen, and had a boyfriend with her in the hayloft. They were smoking.”

  “Oh, Treven.” She heard the pain in his voice, hadn’t meant to dig up such a terrible memory. “I’m sorry. If you’d rather not discuss—”

  “No.” He reached over as if he wanted to take her hand, then shook his head as he stared at the big white bandage.

  She wrapped her fingers around his forearm and gave him a soft smile.

  Treven blinked a couple times, looking at her as if he was just seeing her for the first time. “I want to talk about it. I’ve never talked about it with anyone.”

  Her brows rose. He’d never talked about it with his wife?

  With a harsh laugh, he took his arm back, and she laced her fingers together in her lap.

  He stared off into the distance. “I couldn’t save her. Rhianna. My sister. I climbed the ladder, but the fire was too hot.” His jaw clenched, a cracking sound came from his mouth.

  “You were only twelve.”

  “I was a big kid, strong for my age. Back then, the ranch had cattle and I worked with Dad when I could.” He went silent for a while. “I was hit by a falling board, knocked down, and burned. But that probably saved my life because the roof collapsed over the hay loft, and the whole thing came down.”

  “That’s so sad.” She rocked slowly. “And that’s why you’re a volunteer firefighter?”

  “Yep. I joined when I turned eighteen. Even though I have a fear…no, a complete and nightmarish paranoia about fire.”

  That explained the lack of gas appliances, and the electric grill. “But you ran right in and saved me without a thought for your own safety.” Had it been to prove something to himself after all these years?

  “Delta.” He sat forward, resting his forearms on his thighs. “I knew I would be burned. I didn’t care. I had my chance to prove I could do it. That’s why I went in after you. Not because I’m some hero, like you said.” After a few minutes, he stood and walked to the railing. “I wanted to know I was capable of saving someone.” His voice caught on the last word.

  Foolish man. Why was he overanalyzing this? She stood and walked to him, wrapping her arms around him from behind and pressing her cheek to his back. “The term hero might not sit right with you, but it doesn’t matter why you reached into those flames. And why you risked getting blown up along with me if the gas tank had gone up. And why you dragged me to safety.”

  He stiffened.

  “Treven, you didn’t have time to think, you just acted. Now, after the fact, with your body coping with the residuals of the pain pills, this might not be the best time.”

  He turned and wrapped his arms around her, looking into her eyes. “What are you saying?” His voice came out too quiet.

  “I’m saying that you can analyze your actions from now ’til the end of days, but in that moment, in that split-second, you ran straight for danger and did what few people would have done. And those who would have done the exact same thing? They’d probably have solid reasons for doing it too. So
me of which might even be, ‘I wanna be a hero!’”

  Tipping his head down and getting closer to her, he swallowed hard. “How is it you understand me so well?”

  She cupped his strong jaw in the palms of her hands. “I’m not sure.” Delta looked into his beautiful eyes. “But I do know that I don’t want to leave here without spending a night with you.”

  His brows shot up.

  “And I know that’s forward and fast and flirty, but I’ve got the hots for you, Treven Arnett. And I want to do something about it.”

  Chapter Four


  Treven nearly shouted with relief. Here, he’d thought Delta looked on him with pity, the poor rancher who couldn’t do a thing for himself; and imagined she was pacifying her guilt over ultimately causing him so much pain. After he told her his ambivalent feelings about the reason he saved her, he thought she’d back away even further.

  But here she was, her hands on his face, pulling him in for a kiss. And he would damn sure accept any offer she made. He pressed his lips to hers, tugged her in tighter using just his forearms, and pushed his hips forward. Her hips against his sent a manic plunge of heat down his spine and into his cock. “Yeah.” Whispering the word, he tasted her, the seam of her lips, her tongue, the roof of her mouth.

  “Me too.” She dug her hands in his hair and tipped her head, granting him deeper access, turning the kiss even wilder.

  Treven wanted to pick her up in his arms and carry her to the bedroom, but his injured hands would probably have him dropping her on that sweet, round ass of hers. He slowed the kiss and touched his nose to hers. “Come to my bedroom.”

  “I’ve been waiting for that invitation for a week.” She walked backward, hauling him with her, then she opened the screen door and they made a quick retreat to his room.

  Helpless. He couldn’t do anything, couldn’t touch her. But he could use his voice. “Delta, darlin’, you are more sexy than should be legal, and you have me totally under your power.”

  Her smile went mushy and she sighed. “Wow, you’re one Texas charmer.”

  “No charm. All truth.” He kissed her neck, trailing his lips to her ear. “I want to see you naked. All for me.” In his pants, his erection swelled, pressing the head of his cock against her belly.

  “Anything you want, Treven.” She slid her shorts down her legs, peeled off her T-shirt, and stood in front of him in a lacy white bra and panties, her skin glowing in the evening light filtering through the windows.

  “Beautiful.” He kissed her shoulder and snagged a bra strap in his teeth. Reaching one hand behind her, she unclasped her bra, allowing him to pull it all the way off. Her breasts, round and firm, were tipped by dusky rose-colored nipples.

  He couldn’t resist, and bent to suckle one tight peak into his mouth as he used his forearms to hold her thin waist, hold her where he wanted her. In his arms, he felt her sinking, and walked her backward to the bed, letting her sit on the edge as he took her other nipple in his mouth. Like spiced cherries, she filled his senses with her taste, her scent, her perfection.

  Delta’s hands roamed across his shoulders and down his arms, then up his back to cup the back of his head. She shifted and kissed the top of his head.

  He released her nipple and looked up at her. “You’re so amazing.” She was so loving and gentle, caring, yet tough enough to run a ranch almost single-handedly.

  Brushing a lock of hair from his forehead, she trailed her fingertips down the side of his face. “I’m amazed that it took us so long to make it to your bed.”

  Growling, he kissed between her breasts, sliding nibbles and kisses down along her belly. “I’ve wanted you since that day in the hospital.” He reached her panties.

  She put a hand on her hip, but he nipped at her fingers. “Uh uh. Those are mine.” He eased her back on the bed and leaned over her, kissing along the top of her lacy underthings, then catching them in his teeth and dragging them down. With her helping by lifting herself off the mattress, he had her bare for him in seconds. And she was. Bare. Clean-shaven and as peachy-smooth as anything he’d ever seen.

  Leaning down, he tasted. “Yep, softer than anything I’ve ever known.” Using his elbows, he spread her legs and knelt on the floor between her feet. “And I’m gonna get to know you real well, Miss Delta.”

  She propped herself up on her elbows.

  He looked into her eyes. They’d gone dark, one forest green, the other midnight blue.

  Her breathing sped up. “Don’t leave me waiting.” Her words rolled, soft and southern.

  All Treven wanted to do was obey her every command. “Yes, ma’am.” He dipped lower, pressing his lips to her mound, kissing along her pouting pussy lips, lapping at the spicy taste of her.

  Delta’s body shook, her exhales becoming tiny moans, her scent flooding out and dizzying him with every breath he took.

  Suddenly frustrated at not being able to use his hands, he closed his eyes and pressed his lips against her soft, moist skin, vowing to make this perfect for her, even if he couldn’t use his regular tricks. He used his tongue as he would have used his finger, scooping it inside her sweet channel, circling and thrusting.

  She jerked and let out sexy little noises with each of his movements.

  Moving upward, he followed the swollen cleft until he found the tight little bud waiting, pulsing and hot for him.

  Her body shimmied and her fingers tunneled through his hair. He was definitely in the right place. Wrapping his lips around her clit, he sucked it in gently, then circled it with his tongue, alternately flicking it and rubbing the flat of his tongue against the nubbin.

  “Ohhh.” Delta breathed the word, then cried out twice, each sound louder, higher. “Wait.” She tugged at his hair.

  He stopped what he was doing. Oh God, had he hurt her? “Darlin’? What’s wrong?”

  Using his hair to pull his head up higher, she sat up and looked into his eyes. “Nothing’s wrong. You’re amazing.” She shivered for a few seconds. “I want my first time coming for you to be with you. I want you inside me, coming with me.”

  So romantic, this woman of his. Turning his head, he kissed her arm. “Delta, you’re the sweetest angel.” He bent and kissed her thigh, licking a quick path back to her pussy. “You sure, now?”

  “No. Yes.” She laughed and traced her thumb across his lips. “You’re mighty talented, cowboy.” Shaking her head, she sat up and grabbed the bottom of his T-shirt. “But I want this, for us.”

  He blinked a couple times. For us? She was talking more than just a quick hop in his bed before she went back to her life. The thought had his heart pounding. He wanted an “us.”


  Delta didn’t know why she’d said that, why she’d stopped him. She wanted this to be different. To be the one time when things were perfect, and right, and done together, the way she’d always dreamed. She’d never had time for relationships, and starting one with this man would change her life dramatically. Was she ready for that? Sure, she loved the country life, didn’t miss traveling the US in a damn trailer, but would this be enough for her? Heck, would he even consider something longer-lasting with her?

  As she pulled his shirt over his head, he stared at her, looking a little bit startled. Surprised by her words, maybe? They eased the shirt over his bandaged hands, then he stood.

  His cock pushed the fabric of his boxer briefs and jogging pants to the limit, pressing hard and straight out toward her.

  “I love this.” Delta stroked the fabric over his erection up and down, causing friction and heat on her palm, wanting him to feel it along his cock.

  He groaned and tried to get his hands into the waistband, but she couldn’t let him hurt himself, no matter how much she’d like to keep teasing him.

  Pulling his clothes carefully away from the hard shaft, she let them drop as his cock bobbed and pulsed close to her face.

  “Impressive.” With a grin, she took his length in her hands, sliding her pal
ms along him gently. Hard and long and thick, he was more than she’d expected, and a gift she would like to spend hours unwrapping. Leaning forward, she licked at the drop escaping from the slit, then took his head into her mouth, savoring the hot, salty skin of this incredible man.

  He jerked and eased back an inch, popping out of her mouth. “Same goes for me, darlin’. Let me come inside you. I’m too torqued right now to be able to stand much more of that magical mouth of yours.”

  She smiled and reclined on the bed, rolling across the quilt to make room for him beside her.

  He eased onto the mattress and rolled on top of her, his elbows bearing his weight. An instant of narrowed eyes proved to her that this was not a pain-free position for him.

  “For now?” She wrapped her leg around his waist and pushed with her hand.

  He didn’t budge. “Yeah? What now, darlin’?” His smirk set her heart pattering.

  “How about I get to be on top?”

  His jaw set.

  He didn’t care to be told what to do, she knew that. But worse, he didn’t care to be reminded of how dependent he was, how useless his hands were right now. “Just so I don’t have to give you a pain pill, and watch you fall asleep on me tonight.”

  His brow shot up. “Since you put it that way.” He wrangled them so he was on his back, with her lying atop his body, his hard cock pressed tight between them.

  She wriggled, letting her mound hit right on the heat of his shaft.

  Nose to nose, they just breathed for a minute, sharing air, building anticipation.

  “Darlin’, I’m gonna have to ask you to put the condom on me.” With that low, sexy voice of his, she couldn’t refuse, and sat on his thighs to roll on the protection.

  “You’re so hot, Treven.”

  “It’s gonna get hotter, Delta.” He reached for her hips then let out an exasperated sound and lay back on the bed. “Or not.”

  She hated to see him frustrated, but she knew how to turn on the heat again. “It’ll be damn hot, cowboy, since you’re gonna tell me exactly what to do.”


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