Freshman Firsts (Connerton Academy Book 1)

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Freshman Firsts (Connerton Academy Book 1) Page 1

by Cassie Hargrove

  Connerton Academy Book 1

  Freshman Firsts

  Cassie Hargrove

  Copyright © 2020 by Cassie Hargrove

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover Design: JM Designs

  To my family for putting up with my disappearing act to finish this book on time. <3



  1. Harleigh

  2. Harleigh

  3. Harleigh

  4. Harleigh

  5. Brian

  6. Harleigh

  7. Colten

  8. Harleigh

  9. Brian

  10. Harleigh

  11. Harleigh

  12. Colten

  13. Colten

  14. Harleigh

  15. Orion

  16. Harleigh

  17. Brian

  18. Harleigh

  19. Brian

  20. Harleigh

  21. Harleigh

  22. Harleigh


  Connerton Academy Book 2: Secrets of a Sophomore

  Suited Up Daddies Book 1:


  About the Author

  Also by Cassie Hargrove


  Welcome to the world of my crazy ass dreams that I do my best to bring to life for you readers.

  This is my first reverse harem novel as well as my first attempt at the paranormal world.

  I hope you enjoy Harleigh and her men as much as I do! This is only the beginning.

  One book down, three to go ;)

  - Cassie



  All eyes are on me as I walk into Connerton Academy and it’s unnerving. I just want to spend the next 4 years studying so I can move away from here.

  Where is here exactly? Blossom, California. A small town in the middle of nowhere. No man’s land.

  That’s probably why Connerton Academy thrives. They offer privacy and security to anyone who attends. I mean, why else would there be such a prestigious school in the middle of nowhere?

  I can already tell that this school is different than my last one as I walk through the doors. It’s not just the fact that we stay in dorms, or that you have to pay out the ass to get a spot here. There is a different energy in the air. It’s like everyone just belongs here.

  Walking down the hall lost in my own thoughts, I run right into something hard and immoveable. Looking up I’m face to face with the hottest guy I’ve ever seen. Or rather, face to chest with. Yeah, I’m that short.

  He’s extremely tall and brooding with black hair, glasses and covered in tattoos. His right eyebrow is pierced, and he has small gauges in both ears. Confidence exudes off him as he stands there smiling at me.

  “Hey, you good?” His deep voice sounds like music to my ears.

  “Uh, yeah. I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” Yeah sure Harleigh, you managed to hurt him when he’s built as solid as a brick wall. I mentally face palm myself for being a moron.

  “I’m fine.” He chuckles. “I’m Brian. You’re new here?”

  “Yeah. Hi. Harleigh.” Way to be shy. We talked about this Harleigh, be confident. Shake his hand or something. Before I can even put that thought into action, he starts talking again.

  “Me too. First year. Mind if I come with to grab my schedule?”

  “Not at all.”

  Harleigh, do not blush!

  “I don’t mind your blush; I think it’s cute.”

  “Oh my God, I said that out loud didn’t I?” I seriously suck with guys.

  “You did,” he laughs and wraps his arm around my shoulder. “but I like it. Means you’re honest. Come on Harleigh, let’s get this day started.”


  Out of all the schools my parents could have sent me to, they decided to send me to the middle of nowhere. Something about “needing a normal teen life” or some shit. I fought it hard, but in the end, I was packed onto a plane and flown half-way across the world to live in a dorm at some preppy school, in a town that absolutely no one has ever heard of.

  Look, I know it’s a school for people like me.


  Me, I’m half human half angel, but the only power I possess is being able to sense demons. Other than that, I am your average teenager, you know, except for being an unseen famous artist back home.

  This place is a far cry from Europe, that’s for sure. I get why they want me to spend time here, it’s where I was born, and I need to learn about my roots. My parents also don’t want me to become too big for my head. That’s why I have a pseudonym to begin with though.

  I didn’t seek fame. It was a complete fluke.

  When you get the feeling that your parents are disappointed that you’re not more “special”, you throw yourself into whatever you’re good at to prove you aren’t a complete failure. Like I said, fame isn’t something I sought out or even wanted, so I have a pseudonym to keep my life private.

  I hate Blossom.

  There is zero culture to be found here, and the school is pretentious. Not to mention I’m going to be near demons, so my body is always going to be on high alert. I doubt I will find any enjoyment out of the next 4 years.

  Standing in the hall lost in my anger, someone hits me from behind. When I turn to give them shit for not watching where they’re going, I stop dead in my tracks.

  In front of me stands the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She’s short and curvaceous with long black hair and has the most intense green eyes you can imagine. They’re the colour of deep emeralds. I get the feeling I have to know her, that she is going to turn out to be someone special. And the moment I wrap my arm around her shoulder, it’s like something just clicked and my body hummed with pure joy.

  I’m being cliché but I am an artist after all. It’s kind of in my nature.

  “So, what brings you to Connerton Academy?” Damn. Her voice is soft and silky, almost like a song.

  “I came to spend some time with my aunt and learn more about where I’m from. My parents live in Europe. That’s where I grew up.” Spending time at her place is the last place I want to be, but I won’t tell her that. Something about this girl makes me want to tell her everything about myself, including my closest kept secrets, but I can’t. Not yet.

  “You live in Europe? That’s amazing. I want to spend some time there one day. I’ve never left Blossom.”

  I just barely stop myself from cringing and I hope she doesn’t see it on my face. I can’t imagine never leaving this place. I would want to run as far and fast away from here as I possibly could, but that doesn’t mean she’s like me.

  Maybe she likes it here, but also wants to travel?

  It’s easy to imagine travelling with her. She’s stunning beyond belief and I want to show her the world and how amazing it is outside of this shit town. I know I should be responsible about this. I don’t know what or who she is, but I open my big mouth before my brain even processes the action.

  “Then come with me next summer Harls. It’ll be a blast. No one better to show you the best places, than someone who lives there right?”

  Well shit. What is this girl doing to my common sense? She pulls out from under my arm and I think I’ve gone too far. Way to move too fast dickhead.

  Clearing her throat, she levels me with this intense look. “First, no one calls me Harls except my best friend. That is, unless you want your
ass kicked. Second, we just met, so let’s table the world travel talk for now.” She was laughing at me now, and it’s one hell of a beautiful sight. When she laughs, her eyes sparkle, and her face brightens. I know then, that I will do anything to keep her smiling, laughing and happy.

  “Noted. Don’t call you…you know…unless I want to get my ass kicked. As cute as you are, I’m quite fond of my ass the way it is so I’ll just have to come up with something else.” She has a fire under her shyness that I didn’t see before and it makes her just that much hotter.

  Whatever she was, I know I no longer care.

  “You didn’t tell me no on the travel by the way, so I’m going to take that as a win.” I wink at her, chuckling as we reach the office.

  Yep, I’m a sap.

  Turns out, Harleigh and I have almost every class together. Everything except music. That shit isn’t my thing. I appreciate all forms of artistic expression, but music is way out of my element.

  The way she gets excited about it being on her schedule though? I definitely wouldn’t mind hearing her sing. With a smooth voice like hers, I can just imagine how incredible she must be.

  By the time lunch rolls around, I’m starving. I didn’t eat breakfast this morning for favour of sleeping in and I am beginning to regret that choice.

  Note to self: If breakfast is skipped, bring snacks. Your dumb ass can’t handle going hungry.

  “Hey beautiful.” I greet her as I sit down. She just got out of music class and her smile is radiant. She’s beaming the same way I do when I’m in the studio. It’s easy to tell music is where it’s at for her.

  “Beautiful huh? I guess I can handle that. Just don’t go getting any ideas.” She winks at me with this adorable smirk as a blush creeps up on her face. Sorry babe, I got ideas the moment I saw you. I just won’t tell you that.

  “Good because I can tell we’re going to be close, and first names are just too formal you know?” She rolls her eyes at me before turning back to her lunch.

  “Are you this outgoing with everyone?” she asks without looking up.

  Interesting question.

  “Actually, no. I like to keep to myself most of the time, there is just something about you.” I tell her before wondering. “Are you this open with everyone?”

  “I’m trying something new.” She lifts her head to look me square in the eyes. “What do you think?”

  “Well, that depends. Is it the real you?” I ask.

  “It is. It’s the me my best friend sees. I usually just hide it from everyone else.” Why the hell would she ever want to do that? That’s like draining the world of all colour. The world needs more of her vibrant and sassy attitude, not less.

  I level her with an incredulous look. “Hate to break it to you beautiful, but I don’t think that’s possible.”

  “Yeah, ok Casanova.” She snorts at me. Like legit snorts and it’s fucking adorable. “I’ll have you know I was a nobody at my last school. Invisible.” That’s not even remotely possible. It’s just not.

  “Then they were blind. That, or they were too scared to approach you.” She snorts at me again and goes back to her lunch. Everything this girl does just draws me in. I’m definitely sunk.

  “Your best friend must be someone special if she’s the only one who has gotten to see the real you until now. Does she go here?” I figure she doesn’t because she would most likely be sitting with us now, but never hurts to ask.

  “She’s amazing, and no she doesn’t.” She has a longing look on her face that I wish I could erase.

  “You miss her huh?” She nods.

  “I do. We grew up together. She’s the sister I never had.” She looks thoughtful for a moment before she lets out a quiet chuckle.

  “What was that adorable smile about?” I know I’m nosy, but she is just too cute.

  “Addy is different. She’s unique and quirky and extremely outgoing. I was just thinking about how her first day is probably going. The hell she’s causing at the new school.” We both chuckle.

  “Ah, so she’s a hellion is she?” I wink and she laughs.

  “You have no idea. She’s energetic, vivacious and eccentric and loves to stir shit up. Never a dull moment.”

  “Well, if she makes you smile like that then I can’t wait to meet her. And hopefully you will find something here to make you smile just as much.” I grin at her and she smirks back at me.

  “I think I already did.” Well fuck.

  “Are you talking about me beautiful?” I ask, hoping she is. I mean I think she is, but I also don’t want to seem conceited or some shit.


  A group of students approached the table before I can respond. Probably a good thing since flirting isn’t something I’m great at anyways. I was bound to make a fool of myself at the rate we were going.

  “Look everyone, new blood.” The guy at the front of the group taunts, getting everyone else to laugh at his lame ass attempt to be funny. He’s good looking, in a dark and mysterious kind of way. He’s at least six feet tall with blonde hair, and haunting grey eyes that I swear are trying to burn right through my soul.

  “I’m Colten. Colten Connerton. I just wanted to introduce myself and make it known that I run this school.”

  Brian goes stiff beside me and looks like he wants to say something but doesn’t. Geez, the last thing I need is for him to make a scene. That almost never ends well with bullies.

  “Got something to say pretty boy?” Colten asks Brian with a glare that, if looks could kill, he would be dead on the floor by now.

  If anyone around here is a pretty boy its him, not Brian. Where Brian is covered in tattoos and piercings, he is clean cut and reeks of pompous rich boy with an undertone of danger. Serious danger.

  “Nope. Not at all.” He sarcastically says as he salutes Colten and his group. The looks passing between them is like they are about to go to war.

  This is going to go south fast. I can feel it.

  “A smartass angel. Interesting.” He turns to look at me. “What about you baby? You got anything to say to me?” Yeah, how about don’t call me baby, or even a plain old fuck off.

  But I won’t go there, not yet and hopefully not at all.

  I roll my eyes at him as I stand and pack up my things. Staying here is the last thing I want to do.

  “Nope.” The p makes a popping sound as I draw out the word. I throw my bag over my shoulder and turn to leave this mess, because that’s exactly what it is. One hell of a mess that I like to call drama and I have no use for it in my life.

  “Where do you think you’re going? I didn’t say you could leave.” Colten asks, and the look on his face shows he’s shocked that I would just walk away from him.

  Yeah right.

  I’m not going to let him control me. I made the choice to start over when I was forced to come here. No more letting others control my choices, but that doesn’t mean I need to stir shit up either.

  Brian stands up with me, looking like he’s about to lunge across the table at Colten. Reaching my hand out, I rest it firmly on his arm before turning my attention back to the group of students surrounding our table. There’s probably about 6 of them and they are all sneering at us like we don’t belong. The group is made up of 3 guys and 3 girls and they can have each other.

  “Look, we don’t want any problems. I just want to go to class, do the work and graduate in four years. I won’t cause you any trouble, that, I can promise.” As I finish speaking, I grab onto Brian’s wrist and pull him towards the doors leading out of the lunchroom. The one and only way out of here.

  “He was seriously a dick. I can’t stand people who use their name as power to make others feel less than them. Why did you stop me from knocking the smile off his demon face?” He’s vibrating from the anger towards this guy and he needs to calm down.

  “Invisible remember? I don’t want problems, and people like them feed off of reactions. The bigger reaction, the happier they are and they think th
ey’ve won. Besides, don’t you think demon is a little harsh? He’s an ass sure, but I doubt he’s evil.” He huffs out a breath looking at me like I grew another head.

  After he studies me for a moment, he nods his head at me and takes my hand in his. The moment our hands connect, I feel a snap of electricity surge through me. I look at him to see his reaction wondering if he felt it too, but if he did, he isn’t letting on.

  “Ok. You’re right.” He takes a deep breath and starts leading us to our next class. “Probably not a great idea to be causing a fight on the first day of school anyways. My parents would have my ass.” I bet. I would not want to be on the receiving end of that phone call.

  “Thank you.” I smile at him and squeeze his hand once more before pulling away. The feeling of emptiness I get when his hand is gone, is one I didn’t expect. Holding his hand felt natural. This was turning out to be a strange day.

  At the end of final period, I’m looking forward to unpacking my room and calling Adeline. I miss her so much already. I guess that’s what happens when you grow up next door to each other. You get attached. Addy is like a sister to me and being in separate schools for the first time is an adjustment.

  “So, any plans for the evening beautiful?” Brian asks as we pack up our books.

  “Same as you I presume. Unpack and get settled.” And boy was I look forward to the settled part of that statement. I needed to be surrounded by my things to start de-stressing and feeling more at ease away from home.


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