Freshman Firsts (Connerton Academy Book 1)

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Freshman Firsts (Connerton Academy Book 1) Page 4

by Cassie Hargrove

  “Dad, talk to me, cause right now you’re freaking me the hell out!” I wince because I probably shouldn’t have chosen those words. He’s going to be pissed.

  “Brian!” He hollers down the line. “You know better than to speak to me like that. Now, I will tell you everything, but I need to tell you both at the same time. I have arranged for Harleigh to be excused from classes as well.” I’m about to ask him how he swung that before he cuts off my thoughts. “And don’t ask me how I managed that, I just did. Meet me in your dorm at lunch. We can talk privately there.”

  “Yeah, okay. I will grab her, and we will get our lunch to go. See you in my room in an hour.” I hang up, because really there is nothing left to say. He already made it clear that we had to talk about this face to face, and I’m not up for more of his snark when I’m already on edge.

  If he wants to yell at me, he can wait until I have all the facts and I at least know she is okay.

  One hour. I just had to last one hour and then I could see her, hold her, and know she is safe because I’m there. I would figure out how to handle the fall out later.


  Bry is already waiting outside the cafeteria with our food when I get there. During class he sent me a text to ask if we could eat lunch in his room today and I didn’t argue. I’m too tired to deal with Colten and his antics today anyways so I may as well avoid them.

  When I get close to him, I can see the worry etched into his features and my heartrate picks up as I wonder what’s wrong.

  “Bry, are you okay?” I’ve never seen him like this. He’s always so sure of himself, but right now he is freaking me out. He quickly turns his eyes to meet mine before he speaks.

  “Harleigh, I’ve been keeping something from you.” O…k…? I’m not sure I like where this is going.

  “Okay, what?” I ask, trying to keep the edge out of my voice. Clearly whatever it is, its big enough for him to be freaking out.

  “My dad is here to talk to us. I can’t really explain it until you know all the facts, and since I don’t have them, I can’t tell you. But you have to believe me, if I had known anything concrete, I would have found a way to tell you! Consequences or not, because I really really like you and I care about you more than I thought was possible for me to feel.”

  Okay, I’m lost. He’s keeping something from me, but he didn’t know until now? And his dad? SHIT! He just said I’m meeting his dad?! Now.

  “Brian Renald! What the hell are you talking about?! And I’m meeting your dad? Now?! Are you insane?!” What the actual fuck is happening right now?

  Brian looks pale as he nods his head slightly.

  “Yeah, he got us both excused for the remainder of the day, and don’t ask me how because he won’t tell me. I asked.”

  Ugh men! I’m so confused, and I guess the only way to get unconfused is to go meet his dad, so I put one hand on my hip and throw the other towards the door, silently directing him to lead the way.



  Walking to Brian’s room feels kind of like walking towards my doom. I have this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach that what was going to happen can’t be good. Brian looks like he’s about to pass out from sheer terror and that definitely doesn’t give me confidence in meeting his father.

  I also have no idea how he got me out of classes. Did he talk to my parents? This is entirely too sketchy for my liking. I would rather go back to class than face what is on the other side of that door.

  Brian doesn’t talk about his parents often. I know that he feels like a giant disappointment to them, and for them to make him feel that way, automatically puts them on my shit list. No child should ever have to feel like they are a disappointment to their parents when they haven’t done anything worth warranting it.

  Just because he hasn’t lived up to some weird expectations yet? Come on, get real. He’s a genuinely good guy. Although right now, I am more than a little pissed at being blindsided, and it better be for a damn good reason or I’m kicking his ass.

  “Harleigh.” He grabs onto my hand and stops me, his other hand cupping my face. “I know you’re pissed and probably freaking out. I’m here beautiful. I am always here for you, no matter what.” The emotion in his voice is unmistakable. “I care about you so much.”

  I nod because the emotion he is invoking in me has made me temporarily speechless. I’m lost to that emotion as he opens the door and guides me into his room.

  Coming face to face with his father, I’m not expecting to see the warm smile on his face. He looks like an older, more clean-cut version of Brian. He is dressed in a well-tailored black suit with a matching shirt and purple tie. He has no tattoos that I can see, but he does wear glasses. The resemblance is uncanny.

  “Ms. Roe.” He says walking slowly to me and offering his hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard a great deal about you from Brian.” He gestures towards his son with a head nod, before guiding us over to the couch to sit down.

  I take a breath and look around the room before meeting his eyes again.

  “Mr. Renald. It’s nice to meet you.” I keep my voice as steady as possible. This guy is intimidating as hell.

  “Call me David, please.” He extends the pleasantry and I nod at him. “You look worried dear. I’m sorry if you’re frightened.”

  “I wouldn’t say frightened. Concerned maybe. Confused…why am I here?” I force confidence into my tone that I don’t actually feel.

  “I know you’re close with Brian. You guys are friends, yes?” He states and continues before I have a chance to answer. “There really is no easy way to ease you into what I need to tell you, but before I start, I want to make sure you understand that Brian was under strict orders to not say anything to you. Now, knowing how my son cares for you, I kept information from him until I could be here to tell you both this at the same time.” I nod, trying to follow along, but honestly, I’m completely lost as to what he’s talking about.

  “I can see you’re confused but bear with me a while longer and what I am saying now will make sense, but I need to know you won’t hold this against him. You’re going to need him now, more than ever. Alright?” He searches my face for understanding as I answer him.

  “Yes.” I take a deep breath. “Okay.”

  Bry reaches for my hand and links our fingers together, squeezing to let me know he’s here for me. I’m still annoyed at him, but the tension in this room is thick, and annoyed or not, he makes me feel comforted and safe.

  “How much do you know about supernatural beings?” Uh, what? Not what I was expecting him to say.

  “Ummm…like vampires and werewolves? That kinda thing?” He nods his head at me before speaking.

  “Among other things, yes. Angels, demons, anything you can think of.” I want to laugh, because really, this has to be a joke, right? This is what Bry was worried about?

  Maybe David is crazy and that’s why he was worried about me meeting him.

  “I guess as much as anyone who reads or watches tv. Why?” I ask, uncertain I even want to entertain this topic.

  “Connerton Academy isn’t a regular school. It was built for children, teenagers more specifically, that are half-bloods. Do you know what that means?” Okay this guy is completely off his rocker.

  “I know what it means on tv, but this is the real world. Why are you talking like this? Of course Connerton is a normal school. I wouldn’t be here otherwise.” I state before even realizing my mouth is acting like I’m entertaining the idea of this being real.

  Brian and David share a look and Brian nods.

  “When Brian met you, he was drawn to you. He felt a connection to you that was undeniable. How did or do you feel when you’re with him? When you met?” Why is this important! I look over at Bry and he’s staring at me and squeezing my hand harder.

  “Beautiful” he looks sad “do you trust me?” I nod.

  “Of course I trust you Brian. I’m a bit pissed at you
for bringing me here when I don’t know what the hell you’re playing at, but yeah, I trust you.” I blush a little as I hear his dad mumble under his breath

  “Of course she swears, just like you.” I don’t think he realizes I heard him and I’m not sure Brian actually did.

  “Harleigh, please answer the question.” He’s being kind and gentle, but his face is stern, and I can tell he isn’t kidding around, so I answer.

  “I technically ran into him because I wasn’t paying attention. I don’t talk to many people, and especially not guys, but when he touched me, my entire being vibrated like I was shocked with an electrical current.” I blush and look down at the floor because I really don’t want to talk about this. I know Bry has feelings for me but admitting this and in front of his dad no less?! That’s a hard pass at my comfort zone.

  Grabbing my chin, Bry pulls my face to his and gives me the softest of kisses.

  “I felt it too. It’s how I knew you were important to me. Special, like I needed you in my life.” I melt into a puddle at his words and soft touch.

  The emotion and truth in his eyes tell me all I need to know. I think I might actually be in love with him.

  Shit, Harleigh now is not the time to go soft!

  I chastise myself and he smirks at me. Great I said that out loud. I look over to his father and he is watching our exchange, but I don’t think he heard me. And if he did, he has decided to ignore it which I am pleasantly grateful for.

  “That type of a connection doesn’t just happen at random Harleigh.” David starts speaking again, drawing my attention back to him. “Especially not at your age.” I look at him like he’s dense. I hate when people don’t give me the credit to be smarter than the average ‘adult’.

  “What I mean to say” he continues, “is that you and Brian have a supernatural ethereal connection. It’s different than humans feel or connect.” I just continue to stare at him until he moves his eyes over to Brain and gives him a nod.

  “Beautiful, when I met you, I was instantly drawn to you. I wanted to learn about you, spend time with you. The sound of your voice is like music to my ears,” he smirks “which is funny considering I still haven’t heard you sing…but that’s not the point. Everything about you called to me. You are single handily the most beautiful girl I have ever met. I wanted to spend time with you, and I didn’t care about who I am or what I am, and the moment you laughed and gave me attitude, I knew I didn’t give a damn what you were either.”

  He looks conflicted as he searches my face. I’m not sure what he’s hoping to see there, but I don’t think he sees it.

  What the hell were they going on about not human, and what he is or what I am? It doesn’t make any sense and I tell them as much. I’m not one to mince words.

  “No offence, but are you both insane? I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. I’m human Brian, just like you, just like your dad, and just like everyone else on this planet!” I feel exasperated because I really don’t understand why we are having such a meaningless conversation about shit that doesn’t exist.

  “Harleigh,” David speaks up, interrupting my thoughts again. “I am not human, and Brian is only half human.” I scoff at him. “I am an angel. Brian is half angel, half human.” I decide to leave this crazy conversation behind, but before I make it to the door, there is a loud whooshing sound behind me making me turn. I almost pass out when I see what caused the noise.

  I can’t think or breathe as Brian makes his way over to stand beside me, keeping his promise of always being here no matter what. Even when I have all but told him he’s certifiable and was leaving, he still came to my side.

  He’s not though, and if he is then I need to be locked in the padded cell with him.

  Standing before me is David, but there are large white wings coming out of his back. I stumble a little and Bry catches me before I fall, gently guiding me back to sit down as his father draws his wings back into his body.

  Whoa. I think my brain may be slightly broken.

  Everything I thought I knew about life has just been thrown under the bus and I feel lost. I lean into Bry for comfort as he wraps his arms around me and lifts me onto his lap before giving his father a look.

  “Did you have to do that Dad? You freaked her out!” He scowls at him while rubbing his one hand up and down my arm, pulling me closer. “We could have tried to convince her some other way than with shock value!” He’s tense underneath me and I try to pull away but he holds me still so I shake my head, but his father speaks before I find my voice.

  “Son, she was leaving. I had to do something to make her believe, because her safety depends on her knowing the truth about us, the school, and most importantly, herself. You can’t keep her safe without knowing how.” That brings me out of my stupor.

  “What do you mean keep me safe? From what? And what exactly am I?” I look between them before pinning Bry with a glare. He shakes his head at me.

  “I don’t know beautiful. I just know I was called to help you and it became clear very fast that you had no idea about this world. That you were here blind…so I called Dad.” He tilts his head in the direction of David.

  “And once Brian convinced me he actually was given his first assignment and it wasn’t an issue of infatuation, I started talking to the higher ups.” Wait, so what Brian and I share is just an assignment?

  “So, everything between us was a lie?” I ask him, trying to pull out of his grasp. “I am an assignment to you; you don’t actually care for me?” The pain on his face is unmistakable.

  I’ve hurt him, but I doubt he feels as much pain as I do right now. My life has just been turned upside down. Do my parents know? What am I? How could he lie to me? Use me like that?

  “Beautiful, no. Nothing between us has ever been a lie. What I feel, what we feel is real. I can actually get into a lot of trouble for being in a relationship with you.” I look to David and he nods in agreement.

  “Your connection to my son is most definitely frowned upon. Not you specifically, but because you are his assignment. His assignment was to keep you safe and to teach you about our world. To help you understand what you are, and to help you choose good over evil.” He may as well be speaking a foreign language because I just can’t wrap my head around it.

  So what am I then? If I can choose to be evil, that doesn’t sound like something I even want to know.

  I shudder at the thought and Bry looks at me.

  “I don’t know what you are, but I don’t care. I know you Harleigh Roe and you don’t have even an ounce of evil in you. Stop saying shit like that.” I really need to get a filter and stop saying shit out loud.

  My panic slowly starts to melt away as I look at him. He believes in me. He has feelings for me. As long as he is by my side, I can get through this. Right? A cough pulls us back to reality and we both turn to his father.

  Swinging his finger between Bry and I he asks, “What just happened there?” and I wonder what he’s talking about. He must see the confusion on our faces because he just stares at us.

  “Never mind. It’s not important. I clearly missed something.” He shakes his head.

  “Dad” Bry lifts me off his lap and back onto the couch beside him, never letting go of my hand. I’m grateful because he is grounding me right now. The questions in my brain threatening to draw me away.

  I can’t get lost in my head right now.

  “You said you know what she is…so, tell us.” Good question. I want to know that myself. I can’t believe any of this is happening. Maybe I will wake up tomorrow and this will just be one tripped out nightmare that we can laugh about.

  Turning to me, David prepares for the worst by setting his shoulders and his entire body goes rigid.

  “We aren’t 100% certain. We know half of what you are, but you need to brace yourself for what I’m about to tell you, because it isn’t just about what you are. This also involves your parents.”

  Well duh, I mean if I’m n
ot human or whatever than clearly, they know. I would have gotten it from them!

  “Harleigh, you are half succubus. You get it from your mother.”

  Oh she has a lot of explaining to do if this is real. How could they keep this from me, and why was a stranger telling me?!

  “Why wouldn’t my parents tell me? If what you’re saying is true, they would have told me.” I’m getting defensive now, but I’m frustrated. I need answers.

  “Because, they don’t know. They aren’t your birth parents.”




  This isn’t going well. Harleigh is about a second away from punching one of us, and at this point I wouldn’t blame her. This is way more complicated than I anticipated when I reached out to him for help. I wish I could have prepared her more for this, but I didn’t know. He told me nothing because he knew I would do my best to tell her on my own.

  He knows I care for her.

  I pull her back into my lap when I feel her shaking beside me. She’s trying to fight the tears, but I can see it on her face that she sort of suspected this, but she doesn’t want to believe it.

  When I say this, I mean that her parents weren’t actually her parents. The supernatural thing? That’s going to take some time for her to come around to. I wasn’t happy about dad spreading his wings as a way to shock her into believing, but he was right. She was leaving, and the look she gave me before she stood up made my chest tighten. I never want her to doubt me.

  I shoot Dad a look, because let’s be real, there are better ways to drop a bomb like that on someone. Especially given everything else we’ve thrown at her today. I’m worried that this is all too much for her to grasp and she’s going to lose it. It’s not that I don’t believe in her strength, because I do, but even the calmest angel I know would probably blow a gasket from everything she’s learning.


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