Daddy's Little Angela

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Daddy's Little Angela Page 7

by Alex Reynolds

  Angela understood what her daddy wanted her to do now, and though it made her wince, she turned in a slow circle so that Charlie and Mr. Larson (and the other shoppers, if they happened to be looking) could see her shameful attire from every angle.

  “Well,” Mr. Larson said, “this looks like the start of a lesson well learned.” His smile was still as kindly as ever, which made Angela feel a little bit less nervous around him. “What else do you need, Charlie?”

  “Well,” Angela’s daddy started. “I promised Angela that if she ever made fun of another girl in this community again, I was going to go out and buy a particular implement to use for her punishment. Angie, do you remember what I said?”

  Angela’s heart began to pound quickly against her ribcage. She honestly hadn’t remembered this threat until now; she had buried it deep in her brain and had been focusing on the other aspects of her punishment. She bit her finger nervously.

  “You said you were going to buy… a cane,” she whispered, her voice very small and vulnerable.

  “A cane is quite a fearsome implement for a little girl like you!” Mr. Larson said, maintaining his smile.

  “But it’s not too severe for my teen girl, is it?” asked Charlie, the question being obviously hypothetical.

  “No, not at all. The cane is ideal for punishing a naughty young lady of Angela’s usual age,” he said. “A few good, hard, welting strokes will drive home any lesson she needs to learn.”

  The descriptive language that Mr. Larson used made Angela squirm.

  “You see, Angela,” Charlie said. “The cane is going to be the final part of this punishment. Once you’ve learned your lesson and you’re ready to be my big girl again, you’ll get your big girl thrashing on your bare bottom. And then, after that, the cane will always be in the house, so if you ever think of this sort of behavior again, I’ll have a very effective deterrent.”

  Angela was sure that she was as white as a sheet.

  “That sounds like an excellent plan to me,” Mr. Larson told Angela’s daddy. “Let me show you where the canes are.”

  The three of them walked into the part of the store that featured implements and toward a rarely used back shelf. There were a variety of canes there, but Mr. Larson took down a straight rattan cane that was about a foot and a half long. It was just a little less wide than Angela’s pointer finger and had a wrapped leather handle and a string to hang it by.

  “This one would work well for your purposes, I think,” he suggested to Charlie.

  Charlie took the cane from Mr. Larson and flexed it between his hands. To Angela’s surprise, it bent quite a bit, forming a shallow arch for a moment before Charlie released it. Then he took a step back from where the other two were standing and sliced it through the air. It made a loud whooshing sound as it made its descent. Angela jumped back, startled by the sudden and frightening noise.

  “Yes,” Charlie said, “this will do nicely.”

  “What else did you need?” Mr. Larson asked Charlie, gesturing that he would carry the cane he had selected while they were shopping.

  “For part of Angela’s punishment today and tomorrow, I’ve decided that I want her to wear diapers,” he announced. “So, we’re going to need a couple of days’ supply of those, as well as some powder and wipes.”

  “Daddy!” Angela nearly shrieked. She felt so humiliated that she might cry. There was nothing in the world that was more embarrassing than having to wear a diaper. Surely there could be nothing worse.

  Charlie flexed the cane menacingly again, and Angela took a step back, hanging her head. She knew she deserved this punishment, but she wished it could have been anything but what it was.

  “If Angela is going to keep acting this way,” Mr. Larson suggested as he led them over to the area of the store that housed equipment for the littlest of littles, “you might want to get both proper diapers and some pull-ups. The advantage of pull-ups, of course, is really more in the ‘pull-down’ part of it than the pull-up part,” he said with a wink.

  “I see your point,” Charlie said. “Angela is in for quite a few spankings over the next two days, so I think I’ll take both.”

  Mr. Larson reached up onto a shelf and pulled down a package of thick-looking, bright pink diapers. The front of the packet showed a grownup baby girl with pigtails wearing only a t-shirt and a diaper. It looked particularly thick and padded and had teddy bears printed on the front.

  “I recommend these in terms of diapers,” he told Charlie, the conversation on the normal level for a shopkeeper and a customer, despite the fact that Angela was squirming in the background from the sheer disgrace of her situation.

  The shopkeeper then reached up and grabbed a different packet. This one was full of what looked like more diapers, but they were white with an assortment of colorful zoo animals outlined on them. “These should be able to withstand coming up and down quite often,” he told Charlie.

  “Sold!” Charlie said.

  Angela buried her face in her hands as one of the other shoppers walked by. It was a little who she didn’t know, just out to buy normal groceries and looking much more grownup than Angela was at the moment. She could hear a faint snicker from the other customer, and Angela had to choke back tears.

  “Do you see how it feels when people laugh at you in the store?” Charlie whispered to his little girl.

  Angela nodded miserably. It had never occurred to her just how cruel her teasing of the other littles had been, but now that she knew, she was never going to forget it.

  Mr. Larson took down a packet of baby wipes and a bottle of baby powder and handed them to Angela. “Could you carry these for us while we’re shopping?” he asked.

  Angela clutched them to her chest, not sure which she would rather hide: the embarrassing evidence that she was soon to be diapered, or the humiliating clothing that she was decked out in.

  Charlie looked at the things on the wall in that area and thought for a moment, then he picked up a pink pacifier. “I think we’ll get this, too,” he said.

  Angela groaned as quietly as she could. Here she was, feeling like a teenager, but about to be taken home and forced into a diaper and made to suck on a pacifier.

  “Well, Charlie, is there anything else I can help you with?” Mr. Larson asked.

  Charlie thought for a moment. “Actually,” he said, “I do remember one other thing. I’ve realized that the plug that I’ve been using to punish Angela’s little bottom hole isn’t quite as effective of a discipline tool as it should be anymore. She seems to be enjoying it a bit too much. Do you have some bigger plugs here?”

  “Of course,” Mr. Larson said with a smile, “and I have a little trick to make them more effective for naughty bottoms.” Mr. Larson gathered up all the items that Charlie had picked out so far and set them prominently on the front counter, the cane balancing on top of the stack of diapers. He then led the couple over to another small corner of the store that housed sex toys.

  Angela looked around to make sure that no one was looking as she walked back there. Much to her chagrin, the other little who she had spotted before was waiting at the counter to check out and giggling to herself as she viewed the items that they were about to purchase. Angela wished that the floor would swallow her up.

  “So, how big is the plug you’re using now?” Mr. Larson asked Charlie.

  Charlie pointed to a similar one in a package on the wall. “This one is like the one I had been using as a punishment plug,” he explained.

  “Well,” Mr. Larson said, “if that’s no longer effective for punishment, you can make that her daily plug.”

  “Daily?!” asked Angela, sounding shocked.

  “Oh, yes,” Mr. Larson explained. “Aren’t you getting anal training every day?” he then asked.

  Angela shook her head, her eyes wide.

  “We were planning on starting some before Angela got herself into trouble like this,” Charlie explained.

  “Many girls in this commun
ity get anal training,” Mr. Larson said, as if that was meant to be comforting. “I fully recommend that every little girl spend at least an hour with a plug in her bottom hole every day. It doesn’t just make her bottom more ready for other sorts of play, but it keeps her humble and polite.”

  “We’ll definitely start doing that, then,” Charlie said. “I so appreciate all the advice you have to offer, Mr. Larson. You’re really an asset to this community.”

  Mr. Larson winked at Angela, then thanked Charlie for the compliment. “Really, I’ve just been learning for others over the years. None of my knowledge is anything new,” he added.

  Then he pulled a package off one of the shelves that contained three more butt plugs, each of increasing size. They had wide flares, thin necks, and big, round bases. The writing on it read ‘Punishment Plugs for Naughty Bottoms.’

  “These punishment plugs really should do the job for when you want something bigger and less comfortable for Angela’s bottom hole,” he explained. “The three sizes increase depending on how much she’s misbehaved, and the shape of them helps them to stay well in place.”

  “Those look too big,” Angela whimpered.

  “They’ll certainly feel big, and they won’t be comfortable, but they’re not too big,” Mr. Larson assured her. “You might have to warm up to the biggest one at first, though.”

  Angela couldn’t imagine ever taking the biggest plug. It was the size of the plug that she had marveled at when she had seen it in her friend’s cabinet. Her bottom hole clenched unintentionally at just the thought of it.

  “Now, to make anal punishments more effective,” Mr. Larson began.

  Angela was really beginning to wish that he would be less helpful.

  Mr. Larson handed Angela the package of butt plugs, which she held with great shame. He then led them over to another display.

  “Ginger is, in my opinion, the most effective punisher of bottom holes,” he explained, “but it can be a bit much for a little girl, and it can be a lot of work to prepare. What I generally recommend is this.” He held up a small container of all-natural vapor rub. “Instead of rubbing this on your chest when you have a cold, you can put a small amount on a butt plug after you lube it up to really make it burn inside her.” He handed the jar to Charlie for him to look at. “It’s perfectly safe, though.”

  Charlie smiled. “Could I use this on her pussy, too?”

  “Oh, yes, it’s very effective for that, too. Just remember to use it sparingly: a little bit goes a long way.”

  Charlie grinned. “Great! I think we’re ready to check out, then,” he told Mr. Larson.

  Angela stared at the floor as they went to the cash register to check out.

  “Angela,” Charlie said. “One more thing.”

  Angela groaned. She couldn’t imagine what else there might be here that could make her impending punishment worse.

  “You were very well behaved during this shopping trip, despite how humiliating I knew it was for you. You can get a piece of candy as a reward for that good behavior,” he said, giving her a little kiss on the forehead.

  Angela smiled a little bit. She felt reminded of the fact that no matter what happened, she was always her daddy’s special girl.

  Chapter Ten

  Charlie pulled the car into the driveway of their house with a bag full of punishment equipment sitting in the front seat and his naughty little girl buckled in the back. He turned off the car and then went around to unbuckle Angela and let her out of the car. The cane hadn’t fit in the bag properly, so Mr. Larson had wrapped it up in brown paper for safekeeping; he handed that parcel to Angela to carry and took the bag in one hand and held onto her hand with the other.

  When they got into the house, Charlie got a blanket and set up an impromptu changing station, right in the middle of the living room floor. He organized the diapers, pull-ups, wipes, and powder. Then he opened up the package of butt plugs and looked at them up close. He couldn’t help himself from growing hard as he looked at the bigger plugs; he couldn’t wait to put one of them in Angela’s bottom.

  “Oh, look!” he said to Angela as he looked at the plugs more carefully. “The bases of these have writing on them! See?” He held them up for Angela to look at.

  “This one says ‘Naughty,’” he explained, showing her the smaller of the three plugs, which was bright pink and only a little bit bigger than the purple plug that she had worn all afternoon yesterday.

  Next, he held up the middle size. It was yellow, and was a bit longer and thicker.

  “This one says ‘Bad Girl’ on it.”

  Finally, he picked up the largest one, which was thick and long, and which Charlie knew would really help to prepare Angela to eventually take his big, hard cock up her ass.

  “And this one says ‘Disgraceful.’”

  Charlie smiled, seeing how wide-eyed Angela looked when he held up the red plug.

  “To be perfectly honest, your behavior has been disgraceful, hasn’t it?” he inquired of his little girl, thoroughly enjoying her downcast eyes, as if she didn’t dare look at the big plug directly. “But I think we’ll start your punishment with the pink one. That should be enough for now,” he said.

  He thought about sending Angela to go get the lube, but then decided against it. “Sit down on the blanket and wait for me to come back,” he instructed.

  He quickly climbed up the stairs and grabbed the lube off the top of the dresser where Angela had left it last night instead of properly putting it away. Then he came back down to find Angela sitting cross-legged on the blanket, exactly where she was supposed to be.

  “Good girl,” he told her. “Now stand up so that I can undress you.”

  Angela slowly rose to her feet.

  Charlie reached around, found the zipper on the back of Angela’s jumpsuit, and unzipped it. He helped it off her arms and then pulled it down, uncovering her Hello Kitty panties. Then he helped her step out of it and set it aside. He gently turned his little girl around to look at the back side of her.

  “Angela,” he scolded, “your bottom is not pink anymore. Is it still sore?”

  Charlie knew that the short hand spanking he had given Angela that morning was not enough to last for the amount of time that they had spent out shopping.

  Angela shook her head nervously. “But daddy,” she said. “I couldn’t ask for a spanking in the middle of the store.”

  “Why not?” Charlie asked. “Have you never seen another little girl being punished in public before?”

  Angela dropped her head. Charlie could remember a few occasions where they had both seen unhappy daddies turn their little girls over their laps for impromptu, public spankings. In fact, the chance that they might happen to see that taking place was one of Charlie’s favorite things about living in Little Haven.

  “I’m sorry,” she whimpered. “Are you going to spank me harder now?”

  Charlie nodded. “You’re going to get a few swats with the brush for that,” he told her. “I made my instructions on this matter very clear.”

  Charlie rose to his feet and walked over to a magazine stand that housed some of his architectural magazines. On top of them was a wooden hairbrush that he kept tucked away there. He liked to have implements hidden around the house so one was never too far out of reach. The brush wasn’t heavy, but he knew that it stung Angela’s bottom fiercely. She instinctively covered her bottom as he walked toward her with it.

  “Take off those panties and give them to me,” he instructed. “Even though these are good little girl panties, you won’t be wearing them today. You’re going to be in a diaper or pull-up until your punishment is over.”

  Angela pulled her panties down carefully and handed them to her daddy. He looked right into her pretty, clear eyes as he took them from her. He wanted to make sure that Angela was alright; he needed to make this punishment truly memorable and as embarrassing as possible, but he didn’t want to push his little girl too far over the edge. The look she g
ave him back told him all the she needed to know: she needed to be spanked just as much as Charlie needed to discipline her right now.

  He sat down and turned her panties inside out, inspecting the gusset of them. As he suspected, it was soaking wet with her pussy juice. As much as she had seemed to have hated their shopping trip, he wasn’t surprised to see that it had made her tremendously aroused.

  “Angela,” he chided. “Your panties are soaking wet. Being punished is making you horny, isn’t it?”

  Angela nodded nervously. “A little bit, daddy,” she admitted.

  “This is not just a little bit,” he said, pointing to the wetness in her panties. “I want to make it clear to you that you are not to touch yourself without my permission when you’re being punished today. Do you understand?”

  “But I didn’t, daddy,” Angela replied.

  “I know, I haven’t let you out of my sight long enough for you to get a chance to. I just want you to know that when I do, I expect you to keep your hands to yourself like a good girl you age. Masturbation is something that big girls get to do.”

  Angela shyly affirmed Charlie’s command. The idea of leaving Angela horny and unattended to in that state all day made Charlie grow hard; he loved the way that she screamed and writhed with orgasm when she was very pent up.

  “I’m going to put this plug in your bottom before your spanking,” Charlie told her, picking up the pink punishment plug and the lubricant and setting them next to the hairbrush on the arm of the sofa, where he could easily reach them while having Angela over his lap. “Get in position,” he instructed.

  Angela draped herself over Charlie’s lap and he adjusted her so that her bottom was high in the air and her head was low down, near the floor. Then he lubed up his finger and inserted it into Angela’s bottom.

  “Tell me how you’re feeling right now,” he ordered as he slowly began to work his finger back and forth. Angela’s bottom hole accepted the finger easily, after having worn the plug for so long yesterday.

  “I feel so embarrassed that I wanna cry,” was Angela’s first answer, but given a moment of silence to think about it, she added, “And I feel like I’m never going to make someone else feel ashamed of themselves again.”


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