Guardians: The Turn (The Guardians Series, Book 3)

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Guardians: The Turn (The Guardians Series, Book 3) Page 6

by Lola St. Vil

  Marcus spent the entire time going over the details of the location of the Triplex. He went over the clues a million times and then a million more. At the end of the day, nothing will happen useless Julian is willing to tell us what he knows.

  I would have told him that we could worry about Julian after we get Rio and Miku back but it’s hard to talk when you are in the arms of an Angel flying thousands of miles above the earth. Even if I told him not to worry, it wouldn’t have done any good. I guess that’s the job of a leader: taking on everything.

  I wish sometimes he could just be a regular guy and I could just be the girl he loves. Then, we could do normal things like…go to the dance.

  C’mon Emmy. The guy has to save the world and take you to the dance? That’s asking a lot. I know, but I’ve never gone to a dance before and I thought it would be nice if he could take me. Schools almost over and it would be great to do something normal for a change (not that flying all over the world and fearing for my life isn’t fun).

  “Emmy, hello?” Marcus calls out.

  “What?” I hate it when he catches me daydreaming.

  “You can let go of him, baby girl, we’re here,” Jay teases me.

  Here is a car dealership in Calabasas, California. Jay informs me that we cannot fly into Bliss because it is a no fly zone. We go in to buy a car and of course Jay insists we take the fanciest, most expensive vehicle they have.

  Marcus tries to reason with him, and the two go back and forth and settle on a truck with lots of fancy extras. As we drive to Bliss, Jay breaks down to me what fancy things the truck can do and why it’s top of the line. I’m not into cars at all, but I think Jay needed to get the mission off his mind so I let him ramble on.

  Finally, we pull up to a massive warehouse. Attached to the warehouse is a field that goes on for miles. Hundreds of Angels are playing Runner ball and interacting with each other. On the far end of the field is a high rise apartment building made entirely of glass.

  “Wow, if they get to live there, I want to be in prison too,” I say to Jay.

  “Trust me, you don’t. It’s a tower made of Dune. Dune is a glass-like prison cell that encases Angels. There is no getting out of it.”

  I look closer and sure enough what looks like a large apartment building with tenants looking out the window is actually a series of large glasses with Angels trapped inside them.

  “That’s awful. They look miserable in there.”

  “It’s prison,” Ameana retorts.

  “I know but…what about the ones playing Runner ball? Can’t they just fly away and escape?”

  “They can fly only a few feet in the air. Once they reach a certain height, they will be knocked down,” Marcus explains.

  “Because it’s a no fly zone.”

  “Exactly,” Jay says.

  “Take a look at the two guys over there,” Marcus instructs me.

  I follow his stare and find two Angels arguing over which of them rightfully possesses the ball. The two scream back and forth. Marcus tells me to focus on the circular rod floating just above their heads.

  “You mean their halo?”

  “Actually, it’s called a Bar. When they start to lose their temper, the Bar will change color. Once that happens, they will automatically be pulled back into their Dune,” Jay says.

  And sure enough, when one of the guys pushes the other, the Bar goes from white to grey. Once they start fighting, the color changes to blue, and the two guys are yanked into the air like a Yo-Yo. Each of them goes kicking and screaming into the glass casing.

  “So the halo-like thingy, the Bar, has the power to transport them back to their cell? Or rather, their Dune?”

  “Yeah, it’s funny because you humans always draw us with a Bar. So basically every picture of an Angel you have ever seen is a picture of a convict.”

  “I know they can’t fly out of here but what’s to stop them from running away?’ I ask.

  “They are here because the alternative is The House of Fire. So they really don’t have escape issues.”

  We get out of the car and head for the Warehouse. Jays tells me they can’t get access to any of the prisoners without getting permission from the Warehouse. Once inside, we find glass casings stacked from floor to ceiling.

  “I’m Marcus Cane. We’re here to see Wolf.”

  The Angel behind the desk looks at us with weary eyes. He has a slight pot belly, glasses and chews on the tip of his pen.

  “I’m Warden Bishop. I been expecting you all.”

  “Are those Dunes?” I ask.

  “Yup,” he says simply.

  “Why do you guys need so many?” Jay asks.

  “Ever since Redd, we get more and more prisoners.”

  “Why is that?” Ameana asks.

  “Angels normally come here because of a lapse in judgment. But lately, some of them have been down right unruly. A lot of them think this the end. So they break rules and act crazy.”

  “Do you think it’s the end?” Marcus asks him.

  “All I do know is that if the Council doesn’t figure something out, Redd will tear this world apart. They never should have sent teenagers to save humanity.”

  “Guardians have been able to save the world in all the other cycles before this one,” Marcus says defiantly.

  “No offense, but the other First Guardians didn’t fall for a human, take his eye off the mission, and get a bunch of his weak teammates killed.”

  I knew he was going to strike the warden but still the quickness and speed with which he does it catches me off guard.

  Marcus wrapped his hands around the warden’s throat and slammed him up against the wall.

  “They were brave Guardians who gave their souls up for humanity. You say something bad about them again and I will rip your damn wings off.”

  “Marcus. Enough,” Ameana says.

  Marcus doesn’t listen. He uses his other power and reflects the Warden’s worst fear back to him. The warden screams in horror. Only then did Marcus let him go.

  “You can’t go around doing that,” I scold him.

  “I didn’t even reflect his fear at full capacity.”

  “That’s not the point.”

  “You heard what he said about Reese and Rio.”

  “Yes, but that doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want.”

  “She’s right, Marcus. You have to start showing some control man,” Jay says.

  “Whatever,” Marcus replies bitterly as he addresses the Warden again.

  “We need to see this Wolf guy. Now.”

  “He knows you’re here for him. He’s coming out in a few,” the Warden says, still trying to catch his breath.

  “We can talk to him in the yard. He doesn’t have to come out here,” Marcus says.

  “I was told that he would be released into your custody by the Sage.”

  “No, we just need him to give us some info then he can go back to his Dune.”

  “Not what I was told. I have already processed him. I’m not gonna have time to rebind his wings with Samson string before my lunch break.”

  “He can’t go with us.”

  “Well, you have him for the next three days. Then you’re supposed to bring him back here. Unless he actually adheres to his contract by then.”

  “What do you mean?” Jay asks.

  “Wolf is in here because he refuses to adhere to his contract as an Omari. He refuses to kill.”

  “He won’t kill other angels?” I ask.

  “He refuses to kill anyone - Angel, Demon, Seller; whatever.”

  “He won’t even kill Demons?” Marcus asks.

  “Nope. He needs to kill at least once so that he is living up to the contract. Until he does that, he will be a guest here at Bliss.”

  “We just need some info from him. He can’t come with us. He’s dead weight,” Marcus insists.

  “Well, then tie him to a tree or something cause for the next three days, he’s all yours.”

  Marcus balls his hands into fits and clenches his jaw. Fearing that the Warden was in for another pounding, Jay says we should wait for Wolf back at the car. Everyone agreed; especially the Warden.

  On the way back to the car, it seems the entire yard had somehow been notified that we were there. All the prisoners are gawking at us. They are shouting out cat calls to me and Ameana. They ask her to let them see the rest of her tattoo.

  “Why didn’t the council destroy them like they tried to do with Rio?” I ask Ameana.

  “Killing Angels is a last resort.”

  “So, they’re put here to get rehabilitated?”


  “Does it work?”

  “It depends on who you ask,” Jay says.

  Once in the car, Marcus doesn’t let a second go by without cursing Wolf for taking so long to come out. In truth it has only been two minutes but no one in the car felt it would do any good to point that out. A few minutes later, the door to the Warehouse opens up and an Angel comes towards us.

  Oh. My. Ominus…

  Wolf is 6’2” and has a body that puts David Beckham to shame. Normally a girl would have to daydream about what’s under the shirt of a guy like that. But there is no need to wonder; Wolf is shirtless.

  His tan, lean, sculpted body moves with the rhythm of a rock star (guitar included). He has a six pack that makes me wish I worked out. While Wolf’s body is sinfully alluring, there is something heavenly about his chiseled face. He has emerald green eyes any girl would beg to fall into and an easy smile.

  His hair is a maze of sexy golden dreadlocks that cascade down to his waist. His faded jeans are slightly loose on his hips, giving us a peek at his boxers. He has a tattoo of a ferocious lion that covers up most of his left side. It starts on the back of his left shoulder, over his chest, and all the way down into his--wow.

  A rock n’ roll hottie with wings.

  Everyone in the car is speechless. I have to remind myself that it’s impolite to stare and the fact that the guy is hot doesn’t change that. There is also the matter of my boyfriend being only a few inches away from me.

  Wolf turns around, faces his ex-cellmates in the yard and howls at them. They all shout back causing a wave of cheer to hit our ears. I’m guessing Wolf is very loved by the gang at Bliss. He shouts, “Love and lights man!” over and over at his adoring fans. He then hops into the car, and places his guitar beside him.

  He shouts out to us with unbridled excitement, “Alright baby, let’s hit the road!”

  My cell phone rings just as Marcus starts to tell Wolf we aren’t planning to take him with us.


  “Where are you?” my mom demands.

  “I’m just hanging out,” I say, making eye contact with Marcus.

  “Did you forget?”

  “Oh, no. Movie night!”

  “You picked the time and the day.”

  “I know. I’m sorry.”

  “I’m really disappointed, Piglet. How could you forget?”

  I can actually feel the dagger of guilt sink into my chest. My Mom and I used to do things together all the time but now I hardly see her. She thinks it’s because I have a boyfriend now. She keeps telling me that I have my entire life to spend with boys and that I need to make time for other things.

  I want to tell her that my time with Marcus is short. I want to tell her that there is a good chance that all our times are short but I can’t. It’s better she think that everything is okay. Still, I really hate lying to her.

  I try one last thing to see if I can get out of the dog house with her.

  “Mom, ‘life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs.’ ”

  “A Bronte quote? You know I can’t resist that. That’s very low Piglet.”

  “Yeah, I play dirty. Listen, when I get home—”

  I hear the car explode before I actually feel the heat on my skin.

  “Emmy, what’s happening? Are you okay?” my mom yells on the other end of the phone.

  “Mom, I’ll have to call you back.”

  She continues to speak but I hang up and find half of the car in flames. Jay uses his powers and Glides over to me. He removes me from the car mere seconds before the next explosion. Terrified, I look over and find that the rest of the team is out of the car and safe. But they won’t be safe for long; Rage comes toward us with yet another fireball.

  By the time he realizes Marcus is behind him, it’s too late. Marcus tackles him; they both hit the ground--hard. The earth beneath us shakes as the two strive to kill each other. I am too caught up with Rage and Marcus to see the poisonous daggers Frenzy sends my way. I turn just in time to face the blade.

  I’m dead. I’m dead…

  I wait for the pain but there is none. I look around and discover I have been whisked away from danger. Shocked, I look up and find Jay smiling down at me.

  “Skillz, girl. Skillz,” he brags as he heads back into the midst of the fight. The Akons are everywhere. They tackle the Guardians causing a full-out battle in front of Bliss.

  Ameana calls for Rage’s car and sends it hurling into the air towards War, who is about to kill Jay with the acid from his hand. The car sends War flying to the side of the mountain. Ameana calls for a bolder to end the already wounded Akon.

  Before she can aim the bolder at War, she is tackled by Mayhem. He grabs her hands preventing her from getting a good shot at her target.

  At that very moment, Rage breaks free of Marcus, thanks to a lighting blot Frenzy sends right into Marcus’s chest.

  “No!” I don’t even realize I’m screaming.

  Marcus falls to the ground writhing in pain. Rage sees his chance and summons up a fireball in each hand. He positions himself to take one final strike and end Marcus.

  I don’t know when my feet start moving; all I know is that I am now in front of Marcus blocking Rage. He laughs and prepares to incinerate me. I close my eyes and await the heat. I’m knocked down to the ground but there is no burning of flesh. I look up and Marcus has come to and pushed me out the way.

  “Emmy, go!” he shouts at me.

  I force myself to get out of the way. Rage releases the fire ball and the spot where I stood just seconds ago is now scorched earth. Marcus rips a tree from the ground and knocks Rage flat on his back.

  Frenzy tried to land another lighting bolt into Marcus’s chest but Ameana is able to redirect it back to him. Frenzy’s own bolt sends him flying into the air.

  Furious, War shoots acid directly into Ameana’s face. There is no time for her to prepare for the attack, let alone counter it. It happens in slow motion. The acid shoots out of War’s knuckles and right into Ameana’s face.

  Luckily Jay is faster than the spray and instead of getting Ameana, the acid eats its way through what’s left of the burning truck. By then Rage is already back on his feet. He signals to Chaos, who now focuses his attention on the prisoners.

  Mayhem sends daggers for Jay, who is too busy helping Ameana, to see it coming. Wolf raises his hand and a powerful light glows from his palms. The white glowing ball is sent flying toward Mayhem. It hits Mayhem’s arm causing him to misguide the daggers.

  Jay, realizing he almost died, shakes his head and heads over to help Marcus with Rage. Before he can get there, Rage gives Marcus the slip and heads to Ameana.

  Rage tackles Ameana to the ground. She calls for the windshield of the car and smashes it over Rage. He recovers quickly and hurls a fireball at her head. She narrowly avoids it and counters by throwing him across against the side of the mountain. He groans as his head hits jagged edges of the mountain side.

  “I miss that,” he says to her mischievously.



  “Yeah, like you were ever any good at it,” she mocks.

  “That hurts. But so does this,” he throws a fireball at what’s left of his own car. The car blows up and takes Ameana with it. I watch, horrified
as Ameana’s body goes flying into the air. Marcus rushes over to her.

  Meanwhile, Wolf blasts Rage with his white power ball. Rage goes into the air and lands right at Wolf’s feet. Rage isn’t moving. Marcus, now battling with War, calls out to Wolf and tells him to take out Rage before he gets back up.

  Wolf looks down at Rage, summons up the white ball again and attacks him. But he doesn’t aim for Rage’s chest, ensuring Rage’s demise. Instead, Wolf hits Rage in the leg.

  Rage squirms on the ground. Wolf kneels down beside him and says everything is going to be okay. He tells Rage to work on his Chi and to allow positive energy in his life. Then he reaches out to Rage and asks him if he wants to meditate.

  Rage waits for Wolf to get closer then blasts him with a ball of fire. Wolf is airborne. Jay catches him in time to stop him from colliding with the mountain.

  Rage laughs and blows Ameana a kiss as he and the rest of the Akons gather in front of Bliss. They seem to be amused about something but I can’t tell what. Then I see it.

  War has used his powers and cut a giant hole into the Dunes. Chaos than uses his mind control to take over the minds of hundreds of Angel convicts. Each one of them is now rushing towards us.

  “We can’t hurt them!” Marcus commands.

  “I have an idea. Follow me!” Wolf says as he darts around the back of the Warehouse. There, we find a beat up Jeep.

  “It’s the Warden’s; get in,” Wolfs says. The mob is quickly gaining on us. We all pile into the Jeep and Jay drives off. As we head down the road, the mob of Angels follows us. They run feverishly after us, determined to catch us.

  “Jay go, go, go!” Marcus orders. Jay mumbles something to the car that sounds like he’s trying to charm it. I don’t know what he said but suddenly the car picks up speed and we are finally, finally, clear from danger.


  After a few miles, Jay says something I never thought I would hear coming from him. He tells us he can’t drive anymore. Ameana scolds him, saying this is not the time to joke. But then Jay pulls the Jeep over and shows us his leg. He has a big wound on his left leg and it’s seeping.


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