Forever My Princess: The Royal House of Atharia, Book 3

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Forever My Princess: The Royal House of Atharia, Book 3 Page 13

by Gill, Tamara

Elena glanced to where Theo sat and caught him watching her. Her heart jumped, her blood rushed, and she knew without a doubt that he loved her, missed her as much as she missed him.

  A small smile lifted on his lips, and she could not look away. How she wanted to wrap herself up in his arms. Be with him and ignore all the tattle regarding their marriage should it occur.

  Some would say he married her for her fortune, and she would let them think that. But she knew the truth. He would marry her because he loved both the commoner Miss Smith and the royal Princess Elena.

  "It's telling me," she said aloud, hoping Theo could read lips, "that I love him too."

  Rowan smirked, and Alessa reached across the table and patted her hand. "Maybe there is another who needs to hear those words, Elena?"

  "I did hear them," Theo said, walking toward her to stand at the side of the table. He stared down at her, and hope burst through her like a rush of pleasure. "I heard them as clear as if they were spoken without any distance separating us."

  * * *

  Elena stood, and her chair fell backward and clanged loudly on the parquetry floor in her haste. Her heart beat fast, and she hoped that she did not succumb to the vapors and crumble at Theo's feet.

  He stood at her side, a towering man of sweetness and handsomeness combined. How could she have thought for one moment that he did not care for her? Love her? It shone from his eyes and was clear to see by anyone taking any heed of them.

  "I love you too," he said aloud. Loud enough for everyone in the supper room of the Hargrove ball to hear. Gasps sounded about them, wistful sighs from ladies wishing for similar outcomes from their prospective suitors.

  Elena could not shift the slow smile that formed on her lips.

  Theo reached out and took her hand, kissing her gloved fingers. "My declaration is long overdue, I know. I put my pride first and told myself daily that I was keeping away from you, for you, that this is what you wanted. But I realized that I could not do that. Not if I wish to be happy and have a fulfilled life. Having you as my wife will be an honor, and so I'm asking you, Miss Smith, Princess Elena, whoever and whatever you are, to marry me."

  Elena bit her lip, having thought that she would never hear those words. Not after the many weeks they had been apart, and the last time they spoke being less than ideal. "I'm royal, Lord Lyon. Are you certain you wish to marry a princess?"

  He pulled her closer, nodding. "I was a fool to judge you along with the English monarch. My father was not wholly innocent in his dealings with King George. My continual hatred of The Crown is over and I will never mention his gambling and the outcome of that night again."

  The music started up again, and Alessa stood with the help of her husband. "I think our attendance at the ball has come to an end. Let us return to my townhouse where you may discuss matters further, but without the ton looking on."

  Elena glanced about the room, noting the many pairs of eyes and rapt attention of guests they were holding. Theo held out his arm, and Elena wrapped her hand about it, reveling in the feel of having him so close once again. How she had missed him. The three weeks without him, their conversations, picnics, days basking in the sun at his estate, very much missed.

  "That would be preferable," Lord Lyon stated, leading her out of the room, and if their evening went as planned, leading them into a future.


  Chapter 23

  When they returned to Princess Alessa and Sir Oakley's home, they retired to the drawing room, enjoying a refreshing cup of tea together for a half-hour, idle chitchat filling the awkward void that Theo and Elena had a lot to discuss, before the princess and her husband, a burly, bruiser-looking kind of man, bid them goodnight and left them to their own devices.

  Not that Theo was complaining of being alone with Elena. He had longed for such an opportunity, had wished that he had seen her at the events he attended over the past three weeks, but then also grateful he had not.

  She did not need to have the memory of what a total ass he had acted before the ton in trying to persuade himself of things he wanted that he did not.

  Elena sat beside him on the settee and turned to face him once they were alone. She was everything a princess ought to be. The diamond tiara sat across the bridge of her head. Ornamental roses sparkled in her dark hair. He could see the question in her eyes, wondering if he was truthful with his words back at the ball.

  Theo reached out, taking her hand in his and holding it against his heart. "I was a fool who allowed a past that had nothing to do with you or who you are to affect my decision. I came to London seeking a rich wife, to prove to you that I would not marry you for your money, and yet, I cannot marry anyone. I cannot stomach being with anyone other than the woman before me. Even if that woman is wealthy, a princess and heiress who would save my broke self. It is you whom I fell in love with, and so I am asking you to trust what I say is true, that I've been a fool and will never hurt you again. That I will love, honor, and adore you for the rest of our days if you will only give me a second chance."

  Elena did not say a word for a moment, and he remembered to breathe, holding on to the fact she was here with him. That she had mouthed the words love across a supper room.

  Those words had been for him. No one else. She would forgive him, and they would marry. Nothing else would do.

  "I will forgive you, Theo, if you forgive me. I know you thought me common, Miss Smith, but I'm still the same person inside. I did not mean to lie and make you look like a fool. I'm sorry I did not trust in what I felt for you, what I knew you felt for me." She shuffled closer, and Theo took the opportunity to wrap his arms around her waist. "I find it hard to trust people's true motives. I should never have believed that just because you were not given the time to state what I thought you felt meant it was no longer true. That you did not love me."

  "I love you so very much," he declared, wanting her to hear it again and again if only to dispel any lingering doubt.

  She reached out, clasping his jaw. "I love you too. We have both been so very foolish, but no more. Tonight we start anew, and in three days, you will marry me, Lord Lyon. I will hear of nothing else."

  He grinned, kissing her quickly, needing to taste her before he expired. The kiss lingered, and he deepened the embrace, wanting her with renewed vigor. "I think with our connections, we can arrange a marriage in three days, and I cannot return home until you're my wife in any case."

  Elena frowned up at him, a question in her dark orbs. "Whyever not?" she asked.

  He chuckled, taking her lips yet again. "Mother told me not to return home until I had you as my wife. So glad that I will. I am particularly fond of my estate."

  She laughed, and after weeks of living behind a drizzly, dark cloud, the sun burst into his world and made everything well again. "I'm fond of it too, and I have plans. As the new Marchioness of Lyon, it is only right that I make our home our own."

  How could he have been so fortunate? How could he have the fortuitous event that gave him both a woman he loved more than life itself, along with a fortune? He had not thought he would have both. His marriage to her would save them all. He owed her so much, more than he could ever repay.

  But he would repay her by adoring her always.

  "You have saved me, you know. In more ways than you shall ever realize."

  She smiled up at him, tears in her eyes. "Make love to me, Theo. I have missed you so very much. I do not think I can stand another moment of not being with you."

  Theo kissed her hard, needing no further prompting. What his future bride wanted, he granted. He would never disappoint her again.

  * * *

  Elena gasped as Theo took her lips in a searing kiss. He came over her on the settee, pushing her into the plush, velvety cushions beneath her back. The feel of his weight eliciting a shiver of expectation. How she had missed him, them, this, since the last time they were together.

  The kiss was demanding, wild and wicked and set her heart to race
. Unlike their night at the lake where they savored every touch, every kiss, tonight was different.

  Theo settled between her legs, reaching beneath her skirt and teasing her wet, aching flesh.

  "Oh yes, touch me," she begged, needing more. So much more. She undulated against his hand, seeking release, wanting what he could give to her.

  He moaned, kneeling between her legs and pooling her skirts at her waist. She wore drawers, and he untied the little strings holding them at her waist, sliding them down and off her legs. The night air kissed her skin, but she was not cold. Not with the thought of what they were about to do.

  Other than her evening gown and silk stockings, she was bare to him. His eyes darkened with heat and need, and before she knew what he was about, he was kissing the inside of her thigh, working his way up her leg.

  Elena bit her lip and thought that she might die of embarrassment or longing at any moment, she wasn't sure which, before he kissed her where she ached most and she was lost.

  She gasped, having never felt anything so exquisite before. He lathed, suckled, and teased until she thought she might go insane with want.

  She clutched at his hair, holding him against her as he worked her to a frenzy. "What is this madness?" she asked, never wanting it to stop.

  "Just me, loving you in the way I have wanted to for so long."

  His muffled, deep voice soothed and excited her. She undulated against his tongue, his wicked mouth, seeking the glorious release she had with him before.

  And then he was above her, kissing her hard, his large, engorged cock pushing into her welcoming heat. Elena wrapped her legs about his waist, pulling him to her with haste. Fully sated, she sighed, knowing this was what she wanted. To be full and inflamed by his love.

  "I love you so much, Elena. I have missed you," he breathed against her lips before kissing her with a passion that left her breathless.

  How she loved him too. More than she ever thought to love anyone in her life. He was everything to her, the reason she would give up her life in Atharia and remain in England. The man who would be the father of her children. The first and last man she would ever kiss and give herself to.

  Theo thrust into her with frantic and wicked strokes that sent her wits spiraling. Elena worked with him, moving and taking all that he gave. The need within her built, her body standing on a knife's edge, wanting to jump into the endless chasm of pleasure.

  And then she fell.

  Elena moaned his name through his kiss, never wanting the satisfaction to end. He loved her until the last of her tremors eased, and then he let go, spending within her, her name a chant on his lips.

  One she would never tire of hearing.

  He chuckled, coming to lay at her side, pulling her against him on the settee. Their breathing ragged, their brows damp from exertion. Elena smiled into his chest, kissing him there as the thought that in only a few days, she would be the new Marchioness of Lyon.

  A wife. And if she were fortunate, a mother soon enough.

  As if he read her mind, he tipped up her chin, catching her eye. "Three days, Princess, and we will be married. I hope you can pull a wedding together on such short notice," he said, a teasing light in his blue orbs. "Because I cannot wait a moment longer," he declared.

  She smirked, knowing she would have no trouble whatsoever. "It will be no issue, I promise, and then you'll be mine, Lord Lyon. Mine to love and do with as I please. Mine forever," she said, hardly able to wait to see him again, and he had not even left yet.

  He kissed the tip of her nose. "Mine forever too," he declared, and her heart was full. Fuller than she ever thought it could be.


  They were married three days later as planned and were only a few miles from Lyon Estate. They had agreed to surprise his mother with their marriage and arrival and hoped she would not be too upset she had not attended the wedding. Elena did have a little news tucked away in her heart that she was sure would please the dowager and repair any disappointment she may have had in missing the nuptials.

  How she longed to be back at the estate, to start repairs and see that it was restored to its former glory. To give her sweet, new husband everything he deserved after going without for so long.

  Under the seat opposite them sat a box with a piece of parchment she intended to give Theo, but she needed to ensure they were almost home before she did so.

  She knew he would hardly be able to contain his excitement, and he would want to celebrate, and one could not celebrate in a carriage, not very well at least even though they had found other things to do in the equipage on their way to Somerset.

  They rolled through the small village not far from the estate, and Elena knew it was time she gave him her wedding gift.

  She kneeled on the floor, opening the seat and lifting out the parchment from the box within. Theo threw her a curious look, clearly wondering what she was about.

  She handed the rolled parchment to him, watching as he unrolled it and read the contents. Elena sat beside him, a frown on his brow as he studied the deeds to land.

  He glanced up at her, his eyes wide with shock. "You bought the land back from The Crown? How did you manage to do such a thing?"

  She shrugged, grinning. "King George is a distant cousin as you know, and no one ever likes to have disagreements in families. I asked, offered a reasonable sum, and he accepted. Lyon Estate is back to its original holding size, and it is my gift to you for loving me just as I am, not for who I am."

  He shook his head, for a moment lost for words. "I do not know what to say, Elena. Thank you does not seem enough."

  She reached out, stroking his jaw, loving every facet of him and his character. His good, honest heart, his sweetness and wickedness combined. "That is not all. I have another gift for you too."

  He beamed, picking her up and depositing her on his lap. "What else does my clever wife have for me?" he asked, teasing her with a kiss.

  She moaned when his hand squeezed her bottom, pulling her against his hardened manhood, jutting against his breeches.

  "I'm going to have a baby," she declared, hoping he would be pleased. When he did not say anything, his face paling, fear fluttered in her stomach. "I know we've only been married a day. And we have not known each other all that long compared to other couples, but I think this is wonderful news. I love the idea of us having a child, possibly an heir, to take on Lyon Estate. Do say you are happy, for I do not think I could bear to hear you are not. Theo I—" He pinned her lips closed with his fingers, stalling her words.

  "You're rattling on again, my dear, and there is no need. My wits are back, you may have shocked me a moment, but that is all."

  She smiled, biting her lip in anticipation. "You are happy?" she asked again, needing to hear that he was.

  "Elena, I could not be more so. A child. Our child. You have made me the most fortunate of men."

  He kissed her then, took her lips in a searing capture that left her breathless and the footman waiting when the carriage rolled to a halt before the estate.

  Theo helped Elena step down from the carriage and, bending, swooped her into his arms, carrying her through the front door of the estate. She laughed, having not expected him to do what he did.

  "Welcome home, my love," he said to her, not attempting to set her down once they stepped into the foyer.

  She clutched him about the neck, playing with the hair at his nape. Her heart could not be fuller for the man who held her, would evermore love and protect her. "Welcome to our home, my love," she amended, kissing him again and knowing she would always adore him so. Her husband and friend.

  Forever her marquess as she would be forever his princess.

  Thank you for taking the time to read Forever My Princess! I hope you enjoyed the third and final book in my, The Royal House of Atharia series.

  I’m so thankful for my readers support. If you're able, I would appreciate an honest review of Forever My Princess. As they say, feed an author, lea
ve a review!

  Don’t forget to check out my new series, available February 2022, The Wayward Woodvilles! If you love Dukes and scandal, you’ll love this new series coming soon!

  Alternatively, you can keep in contact with me by visiting my website or following me online. You can contact me at or email me at [email protected].

  A Duke of a Time

  The Wayward Woodvilles, Book 1

  Available February 2022!

  Pre-order your copy today!

  Series by Tamara Gill

  The Wayward Woodvilles

  Royal House of Atharia

  League of Unweddable Gentlemen

  Kiss the Wallflower

  Lords of London

  To Marry a Rogue

  A Time Traveler’s Highland Love

  A Stolen Season

  Scandalous London

  High Seas & High Stakes

  Daughters Of The Gods

  * * *

  Stand Alone Books

  Defiant Surrender

  To Sin with Scandal


  About the Author

  Tamara is an Australian author who grew up in an old mining town in country South Australia, where her love of history was founded. So much so, she made her darling husband travel to the UK for their honeymoon, where she dragged him from one historical monument and castle to another.

  * * *

  A mother of three, her two little gentlemen in the making, a future lady (she hopes) and a part-time job keep her busy in the real world, but whenever she gets a moment’s peace she loves to write romance novels in an array of genres, including regency, medieval and time travel.


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