Jace's Trial

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Jace's Trial Page 25

by J M Wolf

  “Don't get on that plane,” Adam whispered. “You know damn well you belong here with us, with Jace. Don't walk away from him, please.”

  “You love him too,” I said softly, as realization hit me. “That’s why you’re here for Jace, isn’t it? Even though you guys broke up, you still love him.”

  Adam didn’t even flinch at my accusation. “I’m always going to love him.”

  I knew I was probably running out of time to make my flight, but to be honest I didn’t give a shit. I didn’t feel the need to fly back home. I was more curious as to what happened between Adam and Jace. This man had gone above and beyond for Jace. Adam gave Jace the opportunity to perform in front of an audience again, he helped Jace get his record deal, they sang at the memorial together, and now he was here talking some sense into me on Jace’s behalf.

  His love for Jace knew no limits. They almost seemed to be a perfect match. Two popstars with the same passion and the same age. I could’ve easily seen them having a life together if I wasn’t around, but Adam was pushing me to Jace.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “You’re wanting to know why Jace and I broke up, right?” Adam asked.

  I nodded.

  “Believe it or not, I was the one who broke up with Jace.”

  “What? Why? I mean, you just said you’d give anything to have the kind of connection Jace and I have. I would think you’d have it with Jace.”

  Adam refused to look at me as he spoke. “Love isn’t in the cards for me, Gerard. Jace may have been the only man I dated who could look past all my sass and fabulousness but I knew there was never a future for us like that. Jace never once looked at me the way he does you. What you guys have is the real thing, Gerard. And let’s just say there’s a lot going on with me right now, and I just want to make sure everybody I love will be okay. That includes you.”

  His last statement sortof puzzled me. The way he worded it, it almost sounded like something was wrong with him, or that he may be leaving himself someday. I wondered if he was okay. Just as I was about to ask him that, a male voice on the intercom was making a last boarding call for my flight.

  “Make your choice while you still can,” Adam said looking back up at me. “Either turn around and get on your flight, or come back with me to Jace. You want to live your life the way you want it, well this is your chance. Make a choice for yourself.”

  I smiled at the red-head. “You really are something, Adam.”

  “Uh, le duh. That’s why I’m so amazing,” Adam retorted rolling his eyes, as if I could possibly think anything less than the best of him. “So are you coming with me, or what?”

  To Hell with it. Life was all about taking chances. I may have been afraid of what the future might hold for Jace and I, but I would rather be scared and have him in my arms than not have him at all. Riley always wanted me to live my life, to take chances. It was time I did just that.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I said.

  Adam beamed. “Oh good. I thought I was going to have to drag you out of here by force.”

  I busted out laughing.

  Adam grabbed my bag and we both headed out of the airport.

  “Where’s Jace anyways? Is he back at the house?” I asked as we stepped out of the entrance.

  “I’m right here,” a voice responded up ahead.

  My heart pounded as I looked ahead and saw a grinning Jace leaning against a parked limo with Adam’s bodyguard Tara standing beside him. Jace was there. He was waiting for me. He knew I’d change my mind.

  I turned to Adam who chuckled and nudged me forward. Feeling my hands twitch with nerves, I took the necessary steps to reach Jace.

  “Bluejay, I’m so –” I began to say, but Jace pressed a finger to my lips to silence me.

  “Just shut up and kiss me, old man,” Jace said with a wink.

  Even as I glared at the little shit for calling me old again, I grabbed him by the back of his neck and kissed him with everything I had. Wondering what I was thinking for even trying to leave this behind. I wouldn’t have lasted a day without needing to have Jace in my arms. He really was my second chance at happiness, and hopefully my last.

  “Take me home, Bluejay,” I said in between his lips as we pulled back for air.

  Jace’s smile was captivating as he rubbed his nose against mine. “I’d be glad to.”


  Eight months later

  “Jace, you’re almost up!” Tara shouted when she popped her head into my dressing room.

  “I’ll be right out. Thank you!” I replied as I pulled on my jacket.

  I took one last look at the full mirror, inspecting myself. I wore a white buttondown shirt that had a thick lace front to show off some skin, black leather pants with blue outlines, a blue sequinned blazer and white tennis shoes. I looked pretty good if I did say so myself. I leaned my face forward to make sure the black eyeliner used on me was even. I ran my fingers over the blue streaks in my hair that I dyed the week before. For the finishing touch, I attached an earloop around my left ear that had blue feathers sticking out. I was ready.

  In the eight months since Gerard chose to stay with me in Abingdon, things had continued progressing. Gerard moved out of his apartment in Tampa and became a true Abingdon resident. We took over my father’s bedroom since Gerard and I stayed there when he first visited. It was the most comfortable for us. My old room was turned into a guest bedroom. The picture of Gerard and my dad was also framed and stood perfectly on our nightstand by the bed.

  Desiree continued living with us for about three months until she decided to move into an apartment that was about two blocks from the house. That meant that Gerard and I had the whole house to ourselves. At first I was worried about Desiree being on her own, but after my third visit to her new place where I walked in on her and Tara making out, I knew I had nothing to fear. Desiree was in good hands. My aunt is a lesbian, who knew?

  Vincent King from Kaleidoscope Records stopped by to deliver my contract two weeks after Gerard moved in. I eagerly signed it and began preparing for my new life as a professional artist. I’d also be writing songs for other artists on the record label as a side job, which gave Adam more of a push to write songs for his sophomore album. After everything he did for me, I caved for him, but on the condition that he’d help me write them.

  Adam was eager to work with me after all that time of talking about being famous singers when we were kids. Now it was finally happening.

  Gerard told me about what Adam said back at the airport, and it made me worried. I knew if I asked, Adam wouldn’t tell me, so I just decided to keep a close eye on him. Even though I didn’t love him in the way he seemed to love me, I still cared about him. I couldn’t imagine my life without him in it. If something was wrong with him, I wanted to be there for him.

  I continued working for Malcolm while working on my music, but once my debut single hit, I officially put in my notice. Malcolm was of course sad to see me go, but I could also see how proud he was of me that I was able to live the life I was meant to have. He and Gerard seemed to have bonded over time which I was grateful for. I appreciated Malcolm’s assistance in helping Gerard sort out the conflicts in his head. Despite my real father being six feet underground, Malcolm was an honorary father to me too.

  Gerard insisted that I should update Gone But Not Forgotten and release it as my first single. When I did, it became number one in the top one-hundred charts three days later. I was floored by the success of it and everybody went out to celebrate. When I heard it on the radio that same day I couldn’t help but cry. My twitter and Facebook erupted with fans talking about the song. Some remembered my surprise performance during Adam’s concert months ago and were glad to see me again. I also received letters from fans who shared stories of their loved ones who committed suicide and mentioned how much the song meant to them.

  My debut Album Introducing Bluejay was set to release within a week, so today I would be performing a coup
le of the listed songs. I would open the show with my new single that Gerard didn’t know about. It was the song I began working on for him eight months ago, and it was finally ready. The performance itself would be one he would remember for the rest of his life. I spent the last couple of months training for the special performance and I was eager to put all those preparations to good use.

  As I made my way down the hall to backstage, I saw my crew all waiting with such fire in their spirits. They were just as pumped to give an amazing show. Adam, Malcolm, Patricia, Desiree, Tara, Vincent, and even Jesse were also there waiting for me.

  After turning Brett in, Jesse was relieved to never have to worry about him again. A month later, he got a call from Juilliard. The Dean gave him the dance scholarship he’d been after. He came over that same day to thank me for helping him. I offered him a job to be one of my dancers, but he refused saying he wanted to have a college experience first. I understood, and told him if he wanted the job after he graduated it was his. He accepted.

  Despite not being part of the record label, he seemed to have been around a lot. I noticed he and Vincent were always close together, and I briefly wondered if there was something between them. They would’ve made a cute couple if there was.

  I looked around the crowd of faces and noticed Gerard was nowhere in sight. Adam was the first to see me approach.

  “Oh my God, look who it is!” Adam said in that melodius tone of his. What a fruitcake, but he was my fruitcake and I loved him.

  “Hey guys,” I said waving to everybody.

  Desiree stepped forward and took me in her arms embracing me in a tight hug. When she pulled back, I noticed the stream of tears coming from her eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked in concern.

  Desiree shook her head as she wiped her face. “I’m just so happy and proud of you, Jace.”

  “We all are,” Malcolm chimed in with a smile. “We all knew this would be your life someday, and now it’s finally here.”

  I couldn’t break the smile on my face even if I wanted to. They were right. This was the life I was meant to have, but it was even better because I had someone special to share it with.

  Speaking of which… “Has anybody seen Gerard?”

  The crew turned to look at one another with huge grins on their faces before turning back to face me.

  Okay, I was a little creeped out.

  “Why are you all looking at me like that?” I asked with furrowed brows.

  Adam giggled then twirled a finger as a way of telling me to turn around. Slowly I turned and was face to face with the love of my life. The man who did everything in his power to protect me, to get me to open up to him, and to love me unconditionally. He truly was the shield that took all the blows life tried throwing at me, and I would forever be grateful for that.

  “Hi, baby,” Gerard said softly.

  I tilted my head in confusion, but I still wore my cheesy ass smile. “Hi yourself.”

  Gerard took my hands in his and lifted them up to kiss my knuckles before speaking. I didn’t know why, but before he even said a word, my heart grew heavy.

  “To your new boss and the audience waiting for you on the other side of these curtains, you’re Bluejay. But to your family, and to me, you’re Jace Garrison. To me, you’re the sole focus of my life. When we first met, I saw this gorgeous, but fragile angel who needed to be free of the pain and heartache he carried. I never once considered the possibility that, on top of you being the one to help free me from my own burdens, I’d also fall in love again.”

  My eyes began to sting and tears began building up.

  “I came to Abingdon to say goodbye to a man I thought was the only one for me, but you showed me that there was someone else out there waiting to be loved. I found his son, and through the grief we both shared over the loss of someone we miss, we found the strength to live again. You’re the reason I wake up every morning with so much joy in my heart, Jace. I’m finally able to have the happy ending I’ve always wanted, and it’s all because of you.”

  Before Gerard could say any more, he slowly dropped to one knee and pulled a hand back so he could reach into his back pocket and pull out a small black box. Everybody around us gasped, and I covered my mouth with one hand while still entwining fingers with the other. When Gerard opened the box, a small silver band was revealed and tears rained down my cheeks.

  “Jace Garrison, I love you with all my heart. I want to go on this journey with you as you experience life as a musician. I want to keep protecting you and making sure that you keep that winning smile on your face. I want to keep being your muse for the rest of my life. Will you do me the highest honor and marry me?”

  I couldn’t trust the strength of my voice since I was already a sobbing mess. So I simply nodded. Everybody erupted with cheers and Gerard stood tall and wrapped his thick arms around me. I cried into the crook of his neck as he rocked me side to side and kissing the side of my head.

  “I love you so much, baby,” Gerard whispered in my hair.

  “Love you,” I managed to croak out in between sobs.

  We pulled back and I began getting myself together since I still had a show to do, everyone came over patting us on the back and congratulating us.

  “Okay everybody, are you ready for showtime?” Vincent asked clapping his hands together.

  Me and my performers all shouted yes in excitement as my dancers got into position and I waited behind the curtain for my cue. Gerard slid the ring on my finger as my loved ones left to take their seats. Gerard would wait backstage and watch the show where he was. Vincent walked to the stage as the cheering crowd raised their voices knowing that it was about time.

  Vincent stood in the middle of the stage with a mic in hand and addressed the crowd.

  “How’s everybody doing tonight?” Vincent shouted through the mic and the crowd roared.

  As Vincent prepared to announce my arrival, I gave Gerard one last kiss then put in my head piece, setting the mic close to my lips.

  “I’m thrilled to see the excitement building as our superstar prepares for the start of his first tour. Are you guys ready to see him perform?” Vincent asked.

  The crowd cheered in response. Some even began chanting Bluejay, holding up signs with my name on it, some even said things like I love you, I will never forget you, proposals, etc. I took a deep breath trying to calm my racing heart.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, Kaleidoscope Records is proud to present our newest artist who’s already making headlines. Help me bring to the stage, Bluejay!”

  As soon as Vincent called my name I strolled on to the stage. The crowd erupted with cheers and wooing. Vincent exited the stage patting my back on the way and I stood in front of hundreds of screaming fans. The stage was perfect for my beginning performance. Blue silk fabrics draped in two swags on both sides of the stage, waiting to be used for flying.

  I looked to see if my dancers were in position while smiling at the crowd. They nodded that they were ready. I turned back to see my band mates were set to start as well. Finally I looked to see Gerard watching me from backstage and giving me two thumbs up.

  “Are you guys ready for an unforgettable performance?” I shouted to the crowd who all cheered in response.

  “You guys have a lot of energy, which is good. This first song was written for my fiancé Gerard Ramhart, who has helped me get to where I am now. Without him, I wouldn’t be Bluejay, and I wouldn’t have learned how to fly.”

  The applause rang in the air.

  “This song is called Learned How To Fly,” I announced as the music started playing and I began my show.


  Jace wrote a song for me, and he’s playing it now? I wouldn’t have believed it if I wasn’t witnessing it now. As Jace began singing, his two female dancers in white costumes entered the stage grabbing hold of the fabrics that hung along the sides of the stage. They began twirling around them, lifting themselves up and somersaulting to the music. Once t
he beat picked up and the chorus began, the ladies leaped across the stage swinging off the fabrics and began wrapping them around their feet using it as leverage to climb higher. Once they were several feet in the air, they wrapped the fabric around their legs and began twirling and spinning in circles as if they were truly flying. The crowd was eating it up. While the ladies twirled in the air, the male dancers joined Jace on center stage and began their own dance on the ground.

  What stunned me was the projector used to show images on the blank screen behind Jace and the dancers began showing pictures Jace took of me and him over the last eight months. Some were of the many times he and I spent at his favorite waterfall spot. Some were during our trip in Tampa when he helped me pack up to move. Pictures of me sleeping, the bastard. So many photos that were stacked one on top of the other.

  The images alone touched me, but once I focussed on the lyrics to Jace’s song, I was a goner. I covered my mouth with both hands as my eyes reddened with tears of affection.

  And now the storm has subsided and you stayed by my side,

  I can now spread my wings as I learned how to fly.

  You showed me how to live again and you taught me to love.

  You are my rising sun.

  I found your heart deep in the dark,

  I keep it close as I cry to the stars

  I see my future unfolding when I look in your eyes.

  You freed me from my cage and I learned how to fly.

  As the song slowed down, a single fabric that looped around like a swing slowly descended to center stage. Jace continued singing as he made his way toward it. Once he stood in front of it, he leaned back while reaching up to hold the fabrics tight. Within moments, he was being lifted from the ground. The crowd cheered in amazement as Jace leaned back, wrapping a leg around one side of the fabric a couple times before releasing it with his hands and was singing upside down.

  Jace began spinning in circles as he sang and the audience loved it. I was fucking terrified, but at the same time I was amazed. This must’ve been what he was secretly training to do for months. I constantly asked what he was up to, but he always brushed it off telling me that I would see soon enough. I did, and I was blown away. Jace really did learn how to fly.


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