In the Arms of an Earl (The Duke's Daughters Book 4)

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In the Arms of an Earl (The Duke's Daughters Book 4) Page 9

by Rose Pearson

  “My dear Harmonia,” he whispered, his mouth so close to hers that his warm breath fluttered across her cheek. “I am taking a great liberty, I know, so you must tell me to stop should I be in the wrong. I confess that I have been quite unable to get you from my mind of late, ever since that night in the library.”

  The noise and conversation of the other guests made Harmonia’s heart clench with a sudden anxiety, but she pushed it away. The room was completely dark and, should someone come in, then it would be very difficult for them to be seen.

  “I have thought of that night also,” she whispered, excitement swirling in her belly. “And no, Newford, I would not dream of sending you away.”

  He did not say another word but pressed his lips to hers. Harmonia could do nothing but melt against him, feeling his hands tighten on her waist as her gloved hands remained around his neck. It was soft and sweet and tender all at once, leaving Harmonia feeling as though she were burning from the inside out.

  “Harmonia,” he said again, his lips against her mouth. “I confess that my heart is filled with none but you. I love you with all that is in me, more than I ever thought possible.”

  She laughed softly and twined her fingers into his hair. “And I love you, Newford,” she replied at once. “My heart has been yours since the first moment I saw you.”

  He kissed her again, softly, before letting her go. Harmonia heard a long breath escape him, his hand finding hers in the darkness.

  “I should get you back to your sister,” he whispered, softly. “Forgive me. I could not help myself.”

  Harmonia laughed softly. “My dear Newford,” she replied, with a warm smile. “There is nothing to forgive. I am glad that you told me what was on your heart.”

  “As am I, my dear Harmonia,” he replied. “As am I.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Amelia tipped her face towards the sunshine and let out a long sigh of contentment. “It is a beautiful day, is it not?” she hummed, as Harmonia looped her arm through her sister’s. “It makes one’s heart lift.”

  “It does indeed,” Harmonia replied, with a smile. “I do enjoy days when the sun is high – although you will get freckles if you are not careful!”

  Amelia laughed and tossed her head. “I do not care and nor does Northfell, I assure you. Indeed, when I am home, I do not ever wear a bonnet when walking the grounds or playing in the gardens with the children.” She gave a sly glance towards Harmonia. “Nor do I think Lord Newford would care whether or not you had any,” she finished with a lift of her brow.

  Recalling what Lord Newford had said to her only last evening, Harmonia felt herself blush. “I think you are quite right, Amelia,” she agreed in a soft voice. “He is quite wonderful, is he not?”

  “He is, and I am glad for you that you have found a man so suitable for you,” Amelia replied, pressing Harmonia’s arm. “I am sure there will be a proposal very soon.”

  Harmonia made to reply, only for Amelia to stop dead. Caught by her sister’s inexplicable pause, Harmonia looked ahead of them and saw, much to her dismay, none other than Luke Darnsley walking towards them

  Her fingers tightened on Amelia’s arm, as Amelia began to walk towards him, albeit very slowly.

  “We will not turn from our path, Harmonia,” Amelia murmured, as Harmonia felt a slow rising panic begin to dwell deep within her soul. “We will continue as we have done before. Do not fear him, Harmonia. I am beside you, and he will do nothing to you, I promise you.”

  It was clear that Amelia was remembering what Luke had said to Harmonia the last time they were together, making Harmonia’s worry increase all the more. The fact that they had not seen him in some time made things even more fraught, for they had very little idea of where he had been and what he had been doing – and that could not be a good thing when it came to a man who was so fixedly determined to get what he wanted, which was Harmonia’s hand in marriage.

  Luke was striding towards them, his black hat matching the rest of his demeanor. His eyes were dark, his face angry and Harmonia felt as though his piercing gaze could somehow see right through her.

  Her heart was beating wildly in her chest, making her more than aware of how frightened she was of Luke. If he had been walking towards them in a calm manner, with a light smile on his face, then Harmonia was sure she would not feel the same dismay and fright that now held her heart.

  “Good morning, Luke,” Amelia said, as he drew near. She pasted a bright smile on her face and inclined her head, as Harmonia did the same – although she did not manage to smile at the man in front of them.

  “And how are you on this fine day?” Amelia continued, in a friendly manner. “We were simply out enjoying the air and trying our best to avoid the fashionable hour! You know how crowded things can get.”

  Luke did not bow. He did not smile. Instead, he glared at Harmonia, his lips curling as he regarded her.

  “We have not seen you for some time,” Amelia said, still trying to engage their cousin in conversation. “Might I ask where you have been? Did you return home for a while?”

  Luke sniffed and lifted his chin a little. “I do not think that is any of your business, Amelia.”

  “Luke!” Harmonia exclaimed, a little shocked at Luke’s coldness towards her sister. “That is unpardonably rude.”

  “I might say the same to you,” Luke replied, with a sneer. “Turning your back on those you call family.”

  Realizing that Luke was talking about her refusal to allow his court, Harmonia sighed heavily and shook her head, keeping her mouth closed. She could not see a reason to talk with him when he was in such a mood as this.

  “We have wondered where you have been, that is all,” Amelia stated, coolly. “Now, I think it best we continue on our way if you are going to continue in this manner. Come, Harmonia.”

  Harmonia made to step around Luke but, to her shock, he gave her a none-too-gentle shove so that she stumbled back, forced to remain where she was.

  “Luke!” Amelia exclaimed, her arm still looped through Harmonia’s. “How dare you accost my sister in this way!”

  “You will come to the ball with me tomorrow evening.”

  Staring at her cousin, Harmonia wondered if it was a hint of madness she saw in his eyes. Her stomach coiled with fear, making her eyes widen as she looked back at him.

  “Lord Middlesex ball,” he continued, his gaze still fixed on her. “You will attend with me.”

  Her spine stiffened. No matter what she said or did, Luke appeared to still believe that she was his to control.

  “No, I will not,” she replied, stoutly, aware of the anger that flashed across his expression. “I will not attend anything with you.”

  His lip curled. “You will.”

  “No, I will not,” Harmonia replied, dropping Amelia’s arm and taking a step forward as she tried to find the courage she’d displayed before when confronting Luke. “I have no interest in attending anything with you, Luke, as I have already explained to you.”

  For a moment, she thought he would strike her. The anger of his face was so great, his fury so strong that when he pulled back his hand, she flinched without intending to do so.

  Amelia came to stand by her, one hand settling around her waist.

  “I would not dare do that if I were you, Luke,” she said, in a warning voice. “My sister and I know all about you, Luke. We know all about the things you have been trying to hide from us in an attempt to keep yourself in our father’s good graces.”

  Luke’s hand dropped as his eyes turned from Harmonia to Amelia, the look of anger slowly fading.

  “Believe me, our father knows it all now as well,” Amelia continued, softly. “I would not do anything that would put you out of favor with him even more.”

  Harmonia lifted her chin. “He has refused your court and is now more than glad that he did so,” she said, quietly. “He would not want me married to a man who is caught by gambling and the like.”

knew that man was trouble,” Luke breathed as two red spots of anger appeared in his cheeks, his eyes flashing. “It was Lord Newford, was it not? He told you all this.”

  Not quite sure what to say, Harmonia kept her mouth shut, suddenly afraid that there might be some kind of consequence for Lord Newford if she admitted it.

  “It does not matter who we heard it from, Luke,” Amelia said, quietly. “The truth is out, and we cannot allow you to continue to associate with us. Harmonia is to be kept as far away from you as possible and I intend to fulfil that duty.”

  Luke shook his head as a hoarse laugh left his throat. “You think that you can trust this Newford?”

  “I do not care for your opinion in this matter, Luke,” Harmonia replied, finding her voice once more. “It appears that it is you that has kept secrets from us and you will not turn my head away from Newford by trying to convince me he is not the man he seems.”

  A dawning realization seemed to come over Luke’s features as he slowly turned his gaze back towards her, the redness fading from his face.

  “I see how it is,” he breathed, folding his arms across his chest. “You have chosen him over me. Even though I was to have you at the first.”

  Harmonia shook her head, trying her best not to roll her eyes at the possessive way in which he was talking. Her anger and her fright had long since disappeared, seeing Luke in an entirely new light for the first time. He was rather pathetic, in a sad kind of way, trying to cling onto something in the hope that it would solve all the problems he had created for himself. When she had refused him, that had brought all of his plans down in one fell swoop, making them crash all around him. Instead of simply accepting that he was the one to blame for his debts, he had grown angry over Harmonia’s insistence that she choose her own path, and, in his anger, he had grown desperate. That was the reason for the fury in his eyes, the insistence that she attend the ball with him when she had already made it clear that there would be no future for them. He was trying his best to find a way to allow his plans to go ahead as he had thought instead of trying to deal with the mess he had made.

  “It is him,” Luke hissed, his eyes narrowing. “He was talking to Baron Roth, and I knew he was not to be trusted.”

  Something dropped in Harmonia’s stomach as she recalled that name. Newford had mentioned Baron Roth on the night he had appeared at her father’s house, desperate to see her. Somehow, Luke had overhead Newford’s conversation with the Baron. Did this mean that Luke intended to harm Newford in order to try and get what he wanted?

  “You are not to go near Newford, Luke,” she said in a voice that shook just a little. “Believe me when I say that our father knows all about what you have done and is now conducting a little research of his own. Should you go near Newford, should you attempt to put anything between he and I, then I assure you that my father will make it all the worse for you. Do you understand?”

  Luke’s jaw tightened as he tried his best to come up with some kind of response. Harmonia remained steadfast, holding his gaze and feeling Amelia’s hand tighten on her waist. She remained there until, with a growl, Luke turned on his heel and stormed away from them, his coat tails flying in the wind.

  Letting out a long breath, Harmonia sagged as Amelia hugged her tightly.

  “You did very well,” Amelia murmured, as they watched Luke walk away. “But I think it best that we tell papa and Lord Newford about this meeting as soon as we can. It is important that they are aware of the threat he poses.”

  “You do not think him likely just to quit London and return home?” Harmonia asked, realizing that she had been hoping for just that. “I thought him angry and upset but I was also afraid that he might take his frustrations out on Lord Newford.”

  “I think him just as stubborn and just as determined as he has always been,” Amelia said, softly. “There was something about him that made me shudder, even though I know that is something of a strange notion.”

  Harmonia nodded and squeezed Amelia’s hand for a moment. “I felt it too. I have never seen him with such an expression.” Both she and her sister quickened their steps, chased by a sudden, unexpected urgency that had them eager to speak to their father. In addition, Harmonia thought of Lord Newford, hoping to get a note to him as soon as she could. They would all need to be wary of Luke.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Phillip meandered into Whites, feeling rather jolly after what had been a very lovely afternoon. He had spent the first part of the day waiting for the time he was to take Lady Harmonia out for a walk in the park. A few hours of waiting had seemed like days until, finally, it had been time to depart for her father’s townhouse.

  What had followed had been a wonderful few hours. After taking tea with Lady Amelia, Lady Harmonia, and even the Duke himself, he had taken Lady Harmonia out for a short walk in Hyde Park. What had made it all the more remarkable was that he had been allowed to do so without the presence of her sister with them. Although, of course there had been a maid trailing behind them. It had been a very different experience, being practically alone with her in public while there had been no-one to interrupt their conversation, no-one to take Lady Harmonia’s attention away, no-one else to consider other than her. Since they were now courting, he was able to offer her his arm and she was able – and willing, it seemed – to take it. How lovely it had felt to have Lady Harmonia on his arm, his heart lifting with such happiness that he thought it might burst from his chest. The sun had shone down on them, as though blessing their courtship. Lady Harmonia had been full of wonderful conversation and he had enjoyed laughter and smiles with her. The love in his heart was blossoming to an ever-greater fullness, giving rise to thoughts of his future and her place it in although, as yet, he had not spoken to her of it.

  However, one thing had clouded his happiness. Lady Harmonia had been upset by her cousin, Luke Darnsley. She had told him of her happening on him in the park, although he had been relieved to know that she had been walking with her sister at the time. Hearing the details of what had passed between Lord Darnsley and Lady Harmonia and Lady Amelia, Phillip had felt himself grow even more angry with the man for behaving in such a manner. To threaten the ladies, even if they were family, was entirely inappropriate and vulgar, to the point that Phillip had suggested he try and speak to Luke in a calm manner. However, Lady Harmonia had begged him not to do such a thing, sharing her concern with him that Lord Darnsley might, in fact, bring Phillip harm in some way.

  Her worry and concern for him spoke volumes and Phillip, seeing the fear in her eyes, had been entirely unable to refuse her pleading request no matter how little he worried about the harm a man like Lord Darnsley might pose to him. He had promised not to search Lord Darnsley out in order to speak with him about his behavior towards Lady Harmonia and Lady Amelia, and he would never break a promise to Harmonia. It had brought some kind of relief to his heart to know that the Duke was well aware of Luke’s behavior and was doing all he could to ensure that Luke stayed well away from his daughters.

  “Ah, Phillip!”

  Pulled from his thoughts, Phillip looked up to see Lord Benjamin Marshall waving at him from across the room. Walking smartly towards him, he slapped Lord Marshall on the back and chuckled as the man immediately handed him a glass of port.

  “I was hoping you’d turn up,” Lord Marshall grinned, after Phillip had nodded to the other men around them. “I want to hear all about how you’re getting on with Lady Harmonia.”

  Phillip grinned, aware that the news he was now courting Lady Harmonia had flown all around town. “It is going very well, I thank you.”

  Some of the other gentlemen laughed and shook their heads, clearly eager for more than just a very basic reply.

  “No, I shall not be giving you any more details than that,” Phillip said firmly, as Lord Marshall waited expectantly for more. “I do prefer that my private affairs remain just that. Private.”

  Lord Marshall rolled his eyes good naturedly. “That is not fair
in the least, Lord Newford! You know that we are all waiting for some kind of idle gossip to tide us over! Can you really deny us that?”

  “Even if I did have something of interest to say, I would not reveal it to you,” Phillip chuckled, his eyes dancing. “I am afraid that you will have to find something else to chew on for a while.”

  The gentlemen around him laughed and began to pour yet more port into their glasses, even going so far as to top up Phillip’s glass even though he had only taken a sip. Phillip enjoyed the conversation and good humor, thinking that it was a rather pleasant evening to end an even more wonderful day.

  “You. Newford.”

  A harsh voice suddenly cut through the laughter, making the gentlemen fall silent as each pair of eyes turned to see who the man behind Lord Newford could be.

  Phillip turned around to see none other than Lord Luke Darnsley standing behind him, his eyes flashing.

  “Lord Darnsley,” he murmured, trying his best not to let the instant fire that kicked through his veins have any kind of hold. “Is there something I can help you with?”

  The tension in the corner of the room immediately began to rise as the gentlemen, clearly ready to hang onto every word that either Phillip or Lord Darnsley said, waited in eager anticipation. Phillip lifted one eyebrow, looking at Lord Darnsley carefully. The man appeared to be in something of a pique, for his stance was rigid, his hands clasped firmly in front of him.

  “I think we should talk about Lady Harmonia,” Lord Darnsley said, softly. “You are in the wrong there, Lord Newford.”

  Phillip’s shoulders crept up as tension filled him. “I have nothing to say to you as regards Lady Harmonia, Lord Darnsley. In fact, she expressly asked me not to say anything to you although heaven knows I am more than eager to!” He gave Lord Darnsley what he hoped was a disinterested look before turning his back on the man.


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