Classic (Adrenaline Series Book 1)

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Classic (Adrenaline Series Book 1) Page 8

by Xavier Neal

  I've got one of those teachers who gives you more extra credit for realizing that you shouldn't think outside of the box, but that there is no box at all.

  My cell phone vibrates across one of my books. The simple anticipation that it's probably Merrick has me giggling before I even open it.

  Yup. Full-fledged giddy school girl, but come on! This is the longest relationship I've had with the opposite sex since I was a junior in high school and discovered guys really don't wanna date the daughter of the man who can lock them away for breaking her heart.

  Merrick: For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.

  A Van Gogh quote. He knows his audience.

  Merrick: The stars outside your house in particular.

  In disbelief my fingers speed across the screen.

  Me: Are you outside?

  Merrick: I am.

  Not sure if I should label his action brave or stupid, I fly off the bed, and down the stairs, knowing there's no need to worry about Nadie questioning my actions.

  She could sleep through the tornado that took Dorothy to Oz.

  Opening my front door, I'm still in slight shock to see Merrick leaned against a clean, black car, hands in his pockets, arrogant smile on his face like he doesn't have a care in the world.

  “Have you lost your mind?” I fold my arms on my march across my front yard. “Stalking is still illegal in this country.” He gives a small shrug. “And more importantly stalking the Police Commissioner's daughter is probably one of the most insane things you could do.” Stopping right in front of him I further scold, “If my father were to catch you, jail wouldn't even appear as an option on the list of what was going to happen to you. What the hell were you thinking?”

  “This.” Merrick's mouth captures mine before I can object.

  I totally wouldn't have. Kissing him is so intoxicating, I am finally starting to get what people mean about being drunk in love or love stoned. Whatever it is people say.

  While pushing my tongue against his, my body drops it's defensive stance, and leans into him. His hand, much like the previous kiss, wraps around the back of my neck. With me in the perfect position for the kiss, which originally seemed to have a simple longing vibe to it, floors its way towards insatiable levels as our tongues seem to be in a competition of desperation. Knowing I should stop before we get caught, I place a hand on his chest to push him back. Instead of accepting my intent, his fingers wrap around my hand, cradling it in such a romantic gesture I whimper sweetly into the deepening kiss.

  Huh? What's that? Right. Neighbors. Oh God...neighbors!

  Finally pulling my lips from his I whisper, “That...that was a good thought.”

  “I thought so.” He smiles huge. “Can we continue on with it?”

  “No.” I giggle. “Is that the whole reason you came over?”

  “It's the main reason,” he says, our hands now dangling, but still linked. “But I was thinking about your art project.”

  “Thinking about my”

  Merrick laughs sweetly.

  Is it weird to just wanna hear that again and again?

  “I was thinking I could help you out.” Intrigued I raise my eyebrows to let him know I'm listening. “You remember the painting I showed you?” After receiving my nod he continues, “It's one of many.”

  “You just go around tagging the city?”

  “I prefer enhancing the city.” The choice of correction has me smirking against my will. “All around. All different types of neighborhoods. I could show you them, you could take some photos, and do the project based on them.”

  It's a really fucking good idea, but you've met him right? There's gotta be some sort of deal in motion.

  “Why does the catch to this whole thing feel like it might involve you trying to get me naked?”

  “That's not an option?” The playful response is accompanied with another laugh. “The catch let me paint you after you see the others.”

  “Like put me into my own project?”

  “Yeah. I think it would add a unique element to your final piece and more importantly, I think the city could use a little more beauty like you in it.”

  His romantic words cause a small swoon out of me.

  Fuck you. That was a good line!

  “With my clothes on?”

  Merrick chuckles, “If you must have clothes on...”

  His calf receives a gentle kick. “And somewhere my father is less likely to see it.”

  “I have the perfect location.” Before I can find another reason to argue he interrupts, “Is that a yes? Did I turn that no into a yes?”

  “It's not a date,” my squeaky contesting just makes him smile more.

  Ugh. That's gonna get old. Okay. Maybe not. But whatever.

  “Close enough to call it. I'll pick you up tomorrow?”

  “No.” I reply sharply. “And definitely no more drop-bys without warning. I wasn't kidding about my dad.”

  “I'm a risk taker.”

  “I'd rather you be alive so you can keep taking risks,” I mumble. “You can pick me up after I get out of class on Friday.”

  “Friday?” A look of disbelief flies on his face. “That's four days from now.”

  “At least you can count.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Why do I have to wait four days?”

  “One, because I have a job and class and a life that's going on....”

  Shut up. I know I don't have a life, but he doesn't have to know that.

  “Two, because I think it's good for you to not get everything you want when you want it.” The words seem unexpected to hear from the way his eyebrows briefly furrow.

  Believe me, I wanna cave. I want him in all these dirty little ways, just to see what it's like, but I'm not stupid. Well, not that stupid. Guys like this always get what they want eventually. I may not have an entourage of friends, but I've seen it happen anyway. A little challenge might keep him around long enough for me to actually finish my project. Though I gotta work on the letting him kiss me thing. I'm not good at resisting that yet.

  Merrick holds his tongue for a few more moments before he asks, “What time do you get out of class?”


  “I'll be there at 11:31,” he states strongly. “Just in case your professor is late letting you out.”

  I smile at his response, lean up, plant a kiss on his cheek, and whisper in his ear, “I'll see you then.”

  Letting his hand go, I turn and walk away without another glance at him.

  If I look at him again before I get to my front door, I know it's not gonna stop with a look.

  “Night Jovi,” he calls out.

  Once I reach my front porch and glue my hand to the door knob, I finally take him in one final time. His relaxed position hasn't changed, but something has. Could be the way his blue eyes seem even more luminous now, or how his smile seems more at ease, or just the simple fact I think his heart might be thrumming as hard as my own.

  With a deep exhale, I sigh back, “Good night, Merrick.”

  And what a good night it is...


  Thank fuck it's Friday. This week has dragged much like nuts. I can't even remember the last time I waited this long for anything. As much as it's sucked, it's been kind of refreshing. Jovi and I've spent these last few days texting back and forth, plus instead of looking for something to pass my time doing, I have something. Sketching how I wanna paint her is definitely time consuming. Hell, she's time consuming. Fuck that. Just consuming. She's got me so engrossed in everything about her, I forget to come up for air.

  “And I'm out.” I drop my tool back in the box. “I gotta shower.”

  Drew slides out from underneath the car he's working on. “Where are you going?”

  Out of the triplets, Drew is the oldest and never fails to step into Madden's over-sized father figure shoes while he's gone.

  “Out.” My reply c
auses him to scowl.

  J Money uses his dark brown hand to tip up his snap back from the chair he hangs out in. “Mid-day ass?”

  Doesn't know dick about cars, but loves to be around them.

  With a chuckle I shrug. “Not exactly.” When J Money scrunches his eyebrows I add, “Date. I've got a lunch date.”

  “A McCoy with a date,” his smooth voice mocks. “That sounds like something that's said before the apocalypse starts.”

  “Or a zombie virus outbreak,” Knoxie adds from under the hood of a different car.

  “Thanks Knox,” I say to her.

  “Who's the chick?” Drew looks unamused.

  Let's not go into details, shall we?

  When I don't reply he asks, “Does Madden know?”

  “Do I have to announce every time I'm trying to get my dick touched?” My defensive response allows for a swift change in subject. “Speaking of Madden, where is he?”

  “You didn't hear?” Destin, the youngest of Triple D, comes out of the office with his tablet in his hand. “Ben was arrested out in Rotcod last night.”

  “What?” Surprised, I take a couple steps closer. “What was he arrested for?”

  “Speeding.” Destin rolls his eyes. “He was racing some jackass on the highway, caught a cops attention. Madden went to get him and see how many strings he can pull to help him keep his fucking license.”

  “I swear, Ben's gonna get himself in shit so deep, not even Madden can paddle out to save him,” Drew gripes sliding back underneath the car.

  “Amen,” J Money agrees.

  “I'm going to shower. Then my date.”

  “Coming to Olympus tonight?” J Money questions.

  Honestly? Not planning on it. There's no fucking reason to go trolling for ass when I've got a perfectly beautiful piece at home. Have you seen her ass? It's fantastic.

  “Not sure.” The lie is so transparent, I know if I linger any longer, it's gonna get challenged. “On a time schedule. Gotta go...”

  “Make smart choices!” Knoxie yells as I head towards the door to get into our apartment.

  On a playful chortle I reply, “I always do.”

  “You never do!” She fights, but anything said after it is lost on the other side of the door that shuts.


  Watching the college students roam around the parking lot coming and going from their classes has my mind racing in a direction that I'm not comfortable with.

  College wasn't even a suggestion for me. Not sure I wanted it to be an option or not. By the time I got to high school, it was pretty much decided I would join the rest of my brother's at the shop, so I didn't ever look at colleges. I knew I would go where they went to get certified and credentials, then spend the rest of my life under the hood. Imagine my surprise at 18 when I got recruited by The Devil to join the other half of the business my brothers were hiding.

  The sound of my cell phone ringing breaks my thoughts. I hit the answer button on the steering wheel as I reach across the dash for my sunglasses.

  “Where are you?” Madden grouses.




  “Where are you?”


  “I'm not in the fucking mood,” he snaps. “I just spent most of my morning getting Ben's ass out of jail and trying to keep the rest of us out. Now where the fuck are you?”

  “Waiting for my date to show up,” I cave continuing to watch the crowd.

  Madden commands, “Home before sundown.”

  “What?” My body shoots up.

  “You heard me. Curfew is in effect.”


  “I don't wanna fucking hear it. I really don't. Ben's little stunt raised one too many flags. Curfew all weekend. When the heat dies down and something else falls on their radar, I'll lift it. Until then...just deal with it.”

  Fuck. You don't understand. The last time we had curfew I was 18 and Triple D made the mistake of crashing into the back of an unmarked undercover cop car. It was settled with the help of The Devil, but we were on strict curfew for the next week. Longest fucking week of my life.

  “What'd Ben do?” I ask knowing there's no point in actually fighting.

  On a deep sigh Madden says, “Dumbass decided after leaving Vinnie's set up to go on a little highway race. Both got caught, but Ben got the short end of the stick since the other guy was the Mayor's brat.”


  “Like I said. Curfew. And Merrick, so help me fucking God, if your ass isn't home, I will have Destin rig the GPS in your phone to locate you and drag you by that fucking hat on your head.”

  Cocking a smirk, I notice Jovi rounding the corner. “How do you know I've got on a hat?”

  “When don't you?”

  With a chuckle I announce, “Gotta go before curfew is in effect bro.” Hanging up the call, I roll down the window and yell, “Hey! You need a ride?”

  Hayli smiles and elbows Jovi in the side before pointing my direction. Spotting me, she smirks, says something to her and quickly strolls over towards my car. I take the time to admire her jean skirt, off the shoulder top, and flip flops.

  Girl looks like a summer dream. How much you wanna bet she's rocking a thong under that?

  I slide out to make a point of opening her door.

  What? I'm a fucking gentleman.

  “On time,” she hums.



  “You should be.”

  “Should I?” the playful tone makes me smile wider.

  Not wasting another moment having her close, but not in my arms, I pull her into me by the hips, her shoulder bag dropping in the process.

  “My bag,” she whispers as her hands grip my biceps.

  “It'll still be there when I'm done,” I reply. Slipping my lips onto hers, I am thankful to be greeted with an immediate welcoming of her tongue, which seems just as anxious to have me as I am to have it. The combination of flavor and pressure is addicting.

  I've never been so obsessed over one chick's mouth before. Make no mistake, I've had my fair share of makes and models, but this one....this one feels almost like it's always waiting for me. But only me.

  Pulling back she shakes her head. “And what gives you the right to just kiss me like that?”

  “The last two days of conversation.” Jovi slightly blushes as I lean over to swoop up her bag. “Now, you ready to see some cool shit?”

  “Definitely,” her answer is followed with me opening the car door for her.

  Once she's safely inside, I walk around and get in. Backing out of my parking space, I listen to Jovi tell me about the two classes she had this morning, my attention torn between focusing on driving and the way her lips move when she talks.

  Shut up. I'm listening to what she's saying too. Her professor sounds like a dick. Any man who takes someone's coffee off their desk for being late and drinks it in front of them out of spite, is an asshole.

  “So, that was my morning,” she sums up with a shrug. “How was yours?”

  “Other than missing the shit out of you?” the remark gets a smile. “Not too bad. Just working at the shop.”

  “Have you always liked cars?”

  “To put it mildly.”

  Jovi smiles wider. “How come?”

  “What do you mean how come?”

  “I mean, how come? Why cars? Why not...airplanes? Or tractors? Or buses?”

  “I was raised in a car family. It's what we do. My dad opened the shop before I was born and the rest of just kind of followed in his footsteps.”

  “You close with him?”

  “Never really had the chance,” I answer uncomfortably. “He was in and out of prison most of my life before he died.”

  “I'm sorry.” Now the uncomfortable one she adjusts in her seat. “What about your mom?”

  Clearing my throat I make sure to keep my eyes focused ahead. “Died giving birth to me.”<
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  “Wow,” Jovi croaks. “That's...that's...”


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