Classic (Adrenaline Series Book 1)

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Classic (Adrenaline Series Book 1) Page 14

by Xavier Neal

  Yeah. I'm not fucking with you. Vinnie has a no alcohol allowed at these things rule. Safety believe it or not is up there on his list of fucking rules. You get caught, you get banned. He even makes us take breathalyzers before we race. Hey, too much bad shit happens without us having to add it.

  Jovi leans over to me and asks, “What's the point of them having their cars with their hoods up?”

  “Lets you see what each other's packing,” I explain my eyes finally finding their way back to hers. “Also lets you get a better idea if you race one that's not on the books what you're racing up against.”

  She nods in understanding at the same time a group of gathered girls, yell my name out in the well-known groupie fashion, “Merrick!”

  Jovi responds immediately by moving closer to me.

  Looks like I'm not the only one easily jealous.

  Draping my arm around her shoulder, I use the other hand to wave in acknowledgment. The action causes a scoff from Jovi on our continued path to J Money. With a short chortle I question, “Problem?”

  Not looking at me she snaps, “Nope.”

  “Merrick...” A blonde girl coos at me from bent over on the edge of a hatchback, her photo being taken by a group of horny first timers from their excitement.

  When I wave back this time, Jovi huffs loudly enough to make me stop, and turn her body to face me. Flatly I say, “You're jealous.”

  “You're fucking flirty.”

  “I'm being polite.”

  “Could you keep polite in your pants please?”

  Folding my arms firmly across my chest, I shake my head at her. “This is exactly why I didn't wanna bring you.”

  “Because you've slept with half the city?”

  “A fourth.”

  “A third.”

  “Fine. A third.”

  She snips in a whisper, “Less people doesn't really make the situation that much better!”

  “What do you want me to do? Sew my eyes shut? Glue my lips together? Shove pennies in my ear? Cut off my entire existence from having any chance at possibly coming in contact with another female?”

  Clearly flustered she snaps, “Yes!”

  I would. For her. Don't mention that though. She can't know just how much power she really has over me. I'd like to keep some of my manhood thank you very much.



  “Let's get this straight right here, right now.” I step closer to her. “This is the lifestyle. It's girls ready and looking to be fucked by guys with status. It's guys looking to get fucked by girls who think they are worth a damn. It's toys versus toys. Pride on the line. Bragging rights waiting to be claimed. It's like fucking Hollywood of the car world.”

  Can you think of a more accurate description?

  “What matters to me isn't who used to spread their legs for me or who is dying to now.” My arms cradle her tense body closer to mine. “What matters to me is the girl I get out of bed every morning to be with. The girl who is breaking the law by simply stepping into my way of life. What matters to me...” I lower my face until my lips hoover above hers. “Is you.”

  Weak from my words or position or maybe both, Jovi pulls me down until our lips are together once more. One hand creeps under my shirt against my abs, the light touch causing me to groan into her mouth as my hand that was on her hip slides slightly down to get a good grab of her ass.

  Fuck off. I know it's not classy.

  The second she feels my hand grip, her lips stumble off mine with a whispered moan and heated stare.

  Drifting my hand back up, I shrug. “Why would I want anything else when I have you?” Her smile lets me know I win, but this argument is one that's going to grow old quickly. “Are we done with this subject because I don't really wanna go through it again. This is twice now and even if this one had merit, I don't wanna keep doing this bullshit.”

  With a heavy sigh, Jovi gives me a nod. “Yeah. You're right.”

  “I'm right?” A cocky smirk comes on my face. “How did that taste?”

  “Like poison.” She glares playfully. “Don't get used to it. You're not gonna hear those words often.”

  I chuckle, snake my arm around her waist, and reply, “I believe you're right.”


  We laugh together and call for Hayli to join us again as we finally reach J Money who is vibing along with the music, rapping along to the music pulsating out of his speakers.

  He's much more than just a club D.J. He's done some beats for some of the big names you would know from the radio, but he doesn't typically demand credit for it. J Money claims that's when you start to lose the passion for your craft. I can see the truth in that.

  “J Money!” My voice booms his name as he extends a fist for me to bump.

  Thankfully with the way the speaker system is rigged around the place, he doesn't have to have it ear splitting level right beside his vehicle. However, the controls to the entire system are wired to be controlled by him from his car.

  “What up, McCoy?” he greets at the same time the track switches.

  “Just wanted to intro you to my girlfriend and her best friend before the race,” I slyly say. “This is Hayli. My girl's best friend.”

  Instantly she extends her hand for him to shake, glee on her face. Sensing it himself, he lifts her hand to his lips. After the kiss he says, “Pleasure.”

  “And this is Jovi.” She lifts her hand for him to shake and wisely that's all he does.

  Not as dumb as Ben or trouble making as Vinnie. Definitely one of the calmer elements around me.

  “So you're the reason McCoy's been walking around with that stupid shit eating grin on his face all the fucking time,” he says making Jovi giggle.

  It was an innocent giggle, but that's my job. What? What do you mean I'm being possessive again? I'm just sayin—But I― Fine. No point in arguing.

  “I sure hope so.” She pushes her body tighter into mine.

  “She is,” I confirm.

  “First time here?” He questions and she simply nods.

  “Mine too,” Hayli chimes in sweetly. “Wanna show me around?”

  J Money smirks, wets his lips, and nods himself. “I can arrange that.”

  “Is that all you can arrange?” She flirts.

  Subtle. Damn.

  “Hayli!” Jovi snaps and I chortle.

  In a whisper in her ear I say, “Don't cock block, baby.”


  “Why don't we start there and see?” J Money says back.

  Suddenly there's a wave of honking through the garage and my attention turns over my shoulder to see Vinnie and Ben coming for me.

  A panicked expression appears on Jovi's face. Concerned she looks up at me, “Is everything ok? Is there trouble?”

  Sweetly I touch her cheek. “Everything's fine baby. Just show time.”

  “You're gonna race now?”

  “Yeah.” Seeing the fear still there I question quietly, “You ready for that?”

  “I think so. Do I just...wait alone?”

  “Definitely not,” I assure her. Turning my body and words to Ben, I point harshly at him. “You keep your eye on her the whole fucking time. Got it?” Ben nods and I repeat, “The whole fucking time Ben. If anyone so much as looks at my girlfriend the wrong way and are still breathing after the race you won't be.”

  Ben shakes his head. “I'm not sure I like you in love.”

  Immediately my eyes fly to Jovi who I haven't actually said that to or even talked about with, hoping it doesn't terrify her. She simply looks up and offers me a smile that tells me something, but not enough.

  Is she in love with me too? Is that what that was? Or was she just flattered? And why aren't you helping? Isn't that what you're here for? What do you mean you're just here to watch?

  “I'll keep her with me,” Vinnie volunteers. “She'll be the last thing you see off the line and first thing you see when you win. My word.”

  Trusting Vinnie more than Ben with her, I sigh, “Alright. Same rules Vinnie.”

  “Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Now come make us some money...”

  With Jovi back under my arm, we turn and follow Vinnie through the crowd until it's time for me to part, to grab my car. Before letting Vinnie take Jovi away, I wrap my arms around her and hers fall around my neck.

  Gently I push her against the car and whisper, “Kiss for good luck?”

  “Since when do you need luck?”


  “Kiss goodbye?”

  “You're not leaving...”

  “Damn it, Jovi. Kiss for―”

  She slips her lips onto mine shutting me up before I have a chance to say anything else. I do my best to remember this kiss should be brief, that we are surrounded by our friends, by strangers, all looking on, but it doesn't work. Like normal, the only thing I see, hear, feel or care about is her. This moment. This overpowering flood of her in all my senses and sanity.

  Probably not the best way to way to race or fucking live life for that matter, but I don't give a shit. I'd rather die a thousand deaths from this than ever live an eternity without having ever tasted her.


  Nervously I stand next to Vinnie, the coordinator, and one of Merrick's best friend's while Hayli effortlessly flirts away with his other best friend, J Money.

  J Money's hot if you've got a thing for that whole Usher meets Tyrese, cross breeds with Drake kind of thing. I mean don't get me wrong, he's definitely two scoops of chocolate hunk, with a definite confidence that can't be hidden, but he's just...not for me. Mine's about to be behind the wheel of a Lotus Elise. See. I do listen to car garble.

  “Preston this is Merrick. Merrick, meet Preston,” Vinnie makes the introduction with me lurking over his shoulder.

  The tall blonde male, who reminds me of something you would ship in from the Alps, is not just striking from looks but radiates intimidation.

  “I thought you'd be taller.” He chortles at Merrick as they shake hands.

  Um...Merrick's not short. He's 6'0. Basically he's about to race the angry blonde giant. If Jack and the Bean Stalk would've been told with him, I feel it would've been Jack and the Mountain Top.

  “Don't worry. It's still gonna hurt,” Merrick shit talks back and the gathered crowd makes noises of entertainment.

  Just like in the movies.

  “Gentlemen,” Vinnie calmly interrupts. “Bets have been placed. Wagers have been presented in cash.” He makes a motion and a girl in a very low rise pair of jeans struts over carrying a briefcase. “At this time, would either of you like to raise the stakes?”

  “I would,” Preston smugly says before he tilts his head. “Your girl.”

  Whose girl?

  “I win, I take your money and your girl. I wanna see that orange dress on my bedroom floor.”

  Should I be flattered? Or feeling objectified? Both? Can I be both?

  Merrick makes a swift move that's obviously going to end with a punch being thrown. Thankfully before he's successful, Ben has him caught, holding him back. “Stay the fuck away from my girlfriend.”

  “So no?” Preston weaselly questions. “You don't wanna up the stakes? Because if we aren't upping them, I'm not sure I wanna waste my time with you anymore.”

  “Fucking fine by me.”

  The crowd roars in displeasure and Vinnie quickly turns to Merrick, “Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Let's not get hasty, Merrick.”

  “That's my fucking girlfriend Vinnie. She's not a fucking trophy.”

  “Looks like the best one to me.” Preston pokes the situation and winks at me.

  Merrick tries to get out of Ben's grip, “I swear―”

  “Chill cuz,” Ben insists, tightening his hold again.

  I've never seen any guy in real life lose his shit like this over a girl. As crazy as it's gonna sound, it's really hot to be so wanted so badly by someone. To be claimed. To be...declared in front of the whole world that they want you to belong to them in a basic principle manner. It’s like a weird line in a poem. Or like a painter refusing to share his brushes.

  “Fuck you!” He yells at Ben. “I―”

  “Preston,” Vinnie speaks over Merrick. “Clearly, Merrick isn't betting his girlfriend and these people came for a race. Paid for a race―”

  “And I'll gladly give them one,” he agrees. “As soon as the stakes are raised.” Before Vinnie can say anything else he adds, “See the thing is, I can race anywhere. Any time. But to wipe the floor with the one and only Merrick McCoy would only be that much sweeter if I take away the one thing he clearly loves as much as racing.”

  Again with the L word. That's twice tonight! Can the whole world see how much he loves me? Is it that obvious? What do you mean of course it fucking is?

  Merrick denies again, “No fucking way!”

  At least he's not willing to treat me like an object. That's good. That's the logical, sane reaction. That makes me feel better because I know what I'm about to do is completely crazy.

  “Then I'm not fucking racing.”

  “Then fuck off!”

  “Damn it, wait! There's too much money on the line here!” Vinnie yells. “I―”

  Unexpectedly I pipe in, “I'm in.”

  Remind me why I'm volunteering as tribute again?

  “What?” Several voices boom at me, though I'm not exactly sure which ones belong to who. I am sure at least one of them is my best friend's.

  In a steady voice, I take a page out of Hayli's playbook, and muster up all the sass I can find. “I said. I'm in.”

  Living a little? That's what I'm doing. No one said I had to live like I had all my ducks in a row.

  Watching Merrick's jaw hit the ground I state, “Fact of the matter is it's me you want and I'll offer myself up to sweeten the pot. After all, you're gonna lose so I don't have anything to worry about.”

  The crowd enjoys my response and Preston wets his lips at me.

  I''m fucked if Merrick loses.

  Finally shaking his cousin off his body, Merrick moves around to get to me. In a very protective tone he says, “No fucking way Jovi. I told you. I don't share.”

  My tone matches his, challenging him once more. “Then. Don't.” His blue eyes that are swarming with anger, terror, and hints of sadness search mine. Stepping closer I place a hand on his face and ask in a soft whisper, “Have you ever lost before?”

  “Not in years.”

  In the same whispered tone I question, “What scares you more? Losing me or this race?”


  A wide smile crawls on my face, “Then you won't lose Merrick McCoy.” Pushing my lips next to his ear I say, “After all, who's hands should my virginity end up in?”

  Growling the answer, his hands grip me harder than ever before, enough pressure to bruise my hips. “Mine.” His forceful kiss that's deep but brief is enough to declare to the cheering crowd that there's not a chance in hell I'm going home with anyone else.

  Dear God I hope not. I wouldn't have offered myself up like a birthday present if I didn't think he was going to win.

  Merrick drops the kiss and turns to look back at Preston. “You want my girl to be my prize to raise the stakes? Fine. I want your car.”

  Preston glances back at his Audi. With a crooked smirk he raises his eyebrows.

  “And not some punk ass version of it where you give me your information and I collect later. No. Your car is mine the minute I cross the line. You sign it over to me.”

  “You'd have to have the forms.” Preston states.

  Vinnie raises his hand. “I do. Including the ability to get all that legally switched over with a few clicks of a mouse.”

  Preston pauses for minute and shrugs. “I'm not afraid. You want my car? You win. She's yours.”

  “Good,” Merrick cockily states, hand still attached to mine. “Because all the shit you think you're gonna do to my girlfriend, is what I'm gonna do to your car when I rip her apart. When
I strip her. When I spread that bitch wide open and show her how it feels to have a real man inside her.”

  Are we still talking about cars? Is it just me or are u questioning that too?

  The crowd gives noises of approval and Merrick leans forward at him and snaps, “Now get in the fucking car.”


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