Classic (Adrenaline Series Book 1)

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Classic (Adrenaline Series Book 1) Page 17

by Xavier Neal

  “Problem is.” The Devil pops another grape his mouth smacking loudly. “You fucking the daughter of the one man we can't seem to pay off seems like a conflict of interest.” At the statement, the sound of guns are cocked and cold metal is pressed against my temple as well as Madden's.

  You know when they said that falling in love would be the death of me, this isn't exactly what I had in mind.

  Thank Yous

  Crazy Lady- You live up to the name and always will, but just know, no matter how crazy you drive me, I wouldn't trade you for anything. Ever.

  Her husband- Thank you for being proud in your own silent weird way.

  The Law Student- I appreciate the pride you have in me and just know that I am proud of you too. And proud to be your sister.

  The Lumberjack- Ha. Can you believe I made it this far?

  Katniss- Where would I be without you and your couch?

  Sissy B- Thank you for being in my family. You fit right in and are an amazing addition.

  Real Life Erin- Someday I'm taking you on that tropical adventure, lol.

  Nanny Job- Thank you for the time to balance this job and the one that helped make this one easier for me to accomplish!

  Throwback- Thank you for the custom swag, the fun convos and late movies.

  PAs- My left and right brain. You know the drill by now. You keep me much more than sane. You keep me alive. Lol

  Editor 4eva- Not real sure if these books even make sense first draft, so I'm glad I have you. You are wonderful, not only as editor but as a person.

  Boss Lady- Thank you for always letting me go after whatever crazy book dream I wanna chase.

  The Army- You loves are wonderful. No more dead weight. We are strong.

  Griffin Kodors- Thanks for being an awesome model and a relaxed dude.

  Marketing Guru- Miss you. Love you. Simple.

  Dream Team- You ladies rock my socks. You are wonderful, stay that way please. I love y'all being my family. Thank you for all you do!

  Special Dream Team Shout Out- A.Parkins and B. Crossley. You two women are remarkable and I hope you know that. Thank you for your endless love. #LoveYourFaces

  Bloggers- Thank you for the endless support. Thank you for sharing your time with me and my work with others.

  Readers- Thank you for reading and letting me share what these voice have to say!

  See you in the next book!

  If you liked this story of forbidden love check out Sacrifice for Love by Vicki Green available now.

  Sacrifice For Love Excerpt:



  I remember all the times my parents hated me for going over there, forbidding me to and telling me how wrong it was. They’d tried to ground me, take away my more than generous allowance, and scream at me, but they were not able to stop me. They’d said I needed to stay away from them, from him. But I couldn’t. We grew up together, spending all of our time together, playing out in the field overgrown with tall grass and weeds. Laying for countless hours watching the stars, sharing his beat up blanket. How can you stay away from the one you love? The only one that loves you unconditionally. How can you shut off feelings inside you when you don’t want them to, when just the air you breathe when you’re with him is the only thing that helps you want to live?

  My parents think that it’s a phase that I’ll get over and that I’ll conform to how they want me to be. Yeah, right. Where they are proper, prestigious and stuffy, I’ve always been a tomboy. I’ve wanted nothing more than to wear my tank tops, sneakers and capris or yoga pants, play in the field, throw a ball or climb the big dirt mounds at the constructions sites. I love getting filthy and not having to wear fancy dresses. Many times I got home after dark with dirt clumped in my long black hair and under my fingernails that were too long to have fun the way I wanted, just to have the nanny help me wash my hair in the bathtub. Too many times to count. But God. I just wanted to be me. Why couldn’t they understand that? Why couldn’t they love me for what I am and not someone they wanted me to be? Infuriating!

  Then there’s Brock. I’ve spent so much of my time dreaming about him, fantasizing about us taking off together, making a life for ourselves and being together always. My heart is never still when I think of him. My feelings for him always overwhelm me, and I can’t wait until I see him the next time. Every day this occurs and every day I’m planning on how to get out of the house to meet him at our secret place at the far end of the field. I feel like we’re stuck in some modern day Romeo and Juliet movie. The Capulet’s and Montague’s (except it’s the Mills and Evans’) are striving to keep us apart, our love forbidden. And according to my parents, it is very forbidden.

  However, as life gives us happiness, it also has a way to take it away. Secrets are kept that I can’t even tell Brock, for fear that our love will shatter. That is something I will not, cannot, allow happen. I would cease to exist, and I’m afraid of what he’d do if he ever found out.

  My almost happy existence slowly evaporated several months ago, the moment everything crashed down on me and would never be the same again. Brock’s parents own a small bar. It’s a comfortable place filled with laughter, love and friendship. His dad and brother also own a construction business and between the two businesses they make more than enough to have a good life. However, my parents are on the “wealthy” side and don’t condone me hanging around them even though they are more like my family than my own. My brother, Sebastian, was on their construction crew. He worked hard and loved what he did. Even though my parents didn’t think it was good enough for him, that he could do better, they were proud he was one of their crew leaders. He strived for excellence and could do no wrong in their eyes. Then that fatal day. It was the day my world stopped. The day an accident at the site took my brother’s life. It was the day my parents tried to sue the company but failed, and the day that I was forbidden to ever see Brock again. Not only did I lose my brother, and the only one in my family that loved me for me, but I lost the love of my life. The one that was going to take me away from my horrible existence, protect me, take care of me and love me forever.

  I shiver as I remember the last nine months, the last time I left my room, or ate a good meal. The last time I saw Brock. It’s time to give my big girl panties a yank and start to live my life again, even though it’s not the life I want.




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