Heartgem Homestead (Sexcraft Chronicles Book 1)

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Heartgem Homestead (Sexcraft Chronicles Book 1) Page 10

by Edmund Hughes

  Deliant stood to his feet, glaring at him. Mauve took a step closer to him, forcing both of his eyes to open wider. Deliant cowered back, his gaze flicking across the burns that he’d spent the entire conversation trying to ignore. Deliant was scared of him, and Mauve felt as though it was warranted as much from what he was willing to do to bring about justice for his family as it was from his appearance.

  “I… We…” Deliant gave a defeated shrug. “Maybe? Please, just relax Mauve. We can talk about all of this in good time.”

  “I’m putting my name forward as a candidate this afternoon,” said Mauve. “I’ll leave it up to you to decide what’s in your best interests. This conversation is over.”

  Deliant, opened his mouth, closed it, and then gave a small nod. He all but ran from the room.


  Mauve leaned back in the tub, wincing as he felt the warm water on his healing burns. Madina had given him an extra dose of the numbing tea before helping him into the bath, and he was grateful for it.

  Sandra, Madina’s lady in waiting, was quiet. Quieter than Mauve was used to, from a female servant. She worked slowly, gently cleansing his burns as delicately as she could while still making sure there was no chance of infection.

  “Have you worked here long?” asked Mauve.

  “A few months,” said Sandra.

  “Do you enjoy it?” asked Mauve.

  “Most of the time,” said Sandra.

  Mauve turned his head to look at her directly. She wouldn’t meet his gaze. He knew as well as anyone what he looked like. The reality of it was different from wincing at his reflection in the mirror, however.

  He’d taken the fact that he was handsome and charming for granted. All anyone would ever see upon looking at him now was a freak, someone to pity and avoid looking at for too long. He could see how uncomfortable the girl was, even given that she was being paid by Madina for her services.

  “Did you ever see me before?” asked Mauve. “Back before…” He gestured to his face. “This happened.”

  “I did,” said Sandra. “Here and there.”

  She smiled, but still refused to meet his gaze. She was blushing.

  “You could always pretend I still looked like that,” said Mauve. “It would make this go a lot easier.”

  “If it pleases you, I’ll do that,” said Sandra.

  Mauve chuckled.

  “You know, the burns don’t extend down to my lower half,” he said. “In case you were wondering.”

  The girl looked more offended than Mauve had realized someone could look. She made a noise and pulled her hands back, throwing the wash cloth at his face as she stormed off toward the door.

  Mauve stared at the water, feeling completely bewildered. He used to make comments, crude little jokes like that, all the time. Was it so different coming from him now, ugly and burned and disfigured? Of course it was. He’d have to change everything about himself to fit with who he was now.

  He finished his bath, carefully dried himself off, and retired to his room. Madina knocked on his door during the evening to call him to dinner, but Mauve excused himself, claiming that he wasn’t hungry.

  He’d been asleep for a while when the door opened. It was dark in the room, and when he first saw the silhouette of his visitor, he mistook it for Maddie. It took Mauve a couple of seconds to remember everything that had happened and correct his own assumption.

  “Mauve,” said Madina. “Are you okay?”

  Mauve was silent. It was a hard question to answer.

  “I heard what happened with Sandra,” she said.

  “I’m a fool,” said Mauve. “I think it’s partially the tea. It’s hard for me to keep my thoughts focused, and appropriate for the situation, I guess.”

  Madina sat down on the bed next to her.

  “It’s okay,” said Madina. “I spoke to her. She understands how hard this is for you. I understand, too. More than you know.”

  Madina set her hand on Mauve’s shoulder, her touch gentle and careful. She’d lost her daughter, and he’d known how close the two of them had been. Her pain resonated in much the same way his did, full of questions and anger at the injustice of it all.

  “Sandra told me what you said,” whispered Madina. “The joke you made about your… lower half.”

  Mauve groaned.

  “Madina…” he started. Before he could go any further, he felt her hand sliding under the sheets. Mauve gasped in surprise as he felt the fingers of his girlfriend’s mother closing around his cock.

  “I loved my daughter, and I love you, Mauve,” whispered Madina. “Both through her and as your own person. Anything I can do to help you through this… it helps me, too.”

  It felt wrong on so many levels. Mauve didn’t believe in an afterlife, and didn’t think that Maddie was watching them, or anything like that. But it still seemed to be a violation of boundaries. Except… he couldn’t deny how good her hand felt. It was as though the pleasure of her soft fingers and warm palm was made all the more enticing by how it contrasted against all the pain he’d been subjected to.

  “You shouldn’t be doing this,” he said.

  “I will do anything for you, Mauve,” said Madina. “Whatever you need. I’m doing it for you, and for Maddie. And for myself. We’ll make it through this, together.”

  She was a gorgeous woman, every bit as attractive as her daughter with a mature figure that had grown more elegant over time. She was far more beautiful than any woman Mauve would ever have a chance with now.

  Madina moved more slowly than Maddie would have. Her hand played with his tool with gentle, almost exploratory movements. It was as though she was indulging in a long held curiosity, discovering a part of his body that she had wondered about before, at least in passing.

  Mauve’s shaft grew under her touch. He let out a slow breath at the soft pleasure of it. He reached out with his hands, touching Madina through her nightgown. The fabric was thin, and he could feel the warmth and softness of her large breasts through it.

  Madina pulled back slightly, and for a moment, Mauve was afraid that he’d pushed it too far. Would he have to constantly hold himself in check? Was this the same as his failed flirtation with Sandra?

  His answer came with the sound of sliding fabric. Madina leaned back toward him, pulling his hand up to her now naked breast. She pulled the sheets of the bed back. Mauve wasn’t wearing anything underneath. His entire body pulsed with anticipation.

  He would have been lying if he’d said that he’d never thought about Madina in such a way before. Mauve had occasionally felt the same hunger all men feel when it comes to attractive older women, and doubly so for one he was in regular contact with. Mauve let out an eager breath as he felt Madina leaning over him. She kissed him, and in that moment, the situation became real.

  Maddie was dead. Mauve would never kiss her again. He’d never feel her body pressed against his while they danced. He would never again tease her, or be engaged by her brilliant mind. But Madina, Maddie’s mother, was naked and in bed with him. It felt like a betrayal to her memory, even though Mauve was harder and more eager than he’d been in a very long time.

  “I miss her too,” whispered Madina, as though reading his mind. “So much, Mauve.”

  “This feels…” Mauve was cut off as Madina kissed him again, her lips hot against his, her tongue flicking out into his mouth.

  “It feels good,” whispered Madina. “And… she wouldn’t want us to be alone.”

  That much was true. Mauve turned the thought over in his head as he took hold of Madina’s hips, carefully pulling her up and forward, as he’d done so many times before with her daughter. He felt a shiver of pleasure run through him as the head of his cock pressed between her thighs. She was wet, and Mauve slid into her with delicious ease.

  Madina let out a soft, satisfied moan. It reminded him so much of the noises Maddie would make. Mauve took hold of one of Madina’s naked breasts, trying not to let his thoughts veer in
a direction that would spoil the moment. Slowly, Madina began to move, taking care to be gentle for the sake of Mauve’s burned and injured body.

  She leaned forward and kissed him again, one of her hands cupping the less injured side of his face. Her forehead leaned against his, and Mauve felt the depth of emotion behind the movements of her hips.

  It wasn’t just about Madina’s loneliness, or her needs as a woman. Mauve knew that she saw what she was doing as a way of honoring what Maddie had left behind. Mauve was scarred, disfigured, and broken. Madina would help heal him, and not just with her salves and tea. She would try to bring him back to the man he was by giving herself to him, and proving that he still had value.

  Mauve took hold of Madina just underneath her breasts and flexed the muscles in his arms. He was still strong from his days training with the sword, and of course, practicing the flows, and almost effortlessly, he seized control of the encounter. Madina let out a shaky, excited breath. Mauve began thrusting up as he pulled her down, taking the mother in much the same fashion as he’d so often taken the daughter.

  The pleasured moans and breathless whimpers that escaped Madina’s lips were intoxicating to him. Underneath the reasons and emotions layered atop the encounter was the simple fact that Mauve was a man, and Madina was an attractive, lonely woman. She’d been a widow for years. How long had it been since someone had taken her like this? Mauve felt pitied and privileged at the same time.

  He let his pace build, wrapping an arm around her body and pulling her in close. He was heedless of the pain the contact caused his burns as he pumped into her faster and faster. Madina’s breasts pressed against his skin. Her body was covered in a thin layer of sweat, and it smelled wonderful.

  She let out a sharp cry of passion, her body slackening on top of him. Mauve groped at one of her thighs, shifted position slightly, and finished himself off with a few long, deep thrusts. He held her tight as he came, making sure all of his seed pushed deep into her. He felt confused, more than anything. Overwhelmed by several different competing emotions.

  He felt love, and he wasn’t sure how much of it was for Maddie, and how much was for Madina. She was running a hand over his scalp, gently caressing what would have once been hair, making no attempt to separate herself from him.

  “Mauve,” she whispered. “When you first woke up… you said something about a dragon.”

  Mauve tensed slightly.

  “Yes,” he said.

  “You only mentioned it once,” said Madina. “And you let it drop as soon as I questioned it. But I overheard you asking Deliant for an inquiry into… what happened.”

  “Yes,” he said.

  Madina was silent, as though considering her next question carefully. Mauve kissed her neck, feeling aware again of how naked she was against him.

  “I will help you find out the truth,” whispered Madina. “Whatever the truth is. And whatever it takes. I’ll help you, Mauve. With everything.”

  Mauve caressed her cheek, feeling another confusing surge of love for both mother and daughter. His cock was, much to its credit, already rising to attention for a second round.

  “With everything?” he asked, in a teasing voice.


  Hal was up long before Laurel the next morning. He headed down to the barroom. Meridon was cleaning up the mess from the night before and nodded to him as he entered.

  “Some fresh bread in the kitchen in the back,” he said. “Help yourself to a slice or two, but no more than that.”

  “Thanks,” said Hal. He turned to head behind the bar, into the small kitchen.

  “You’re a decent man,” said Meridon. “I didn’t hear any sound of… mischief, last night.”

  Hal chuckled.

  “And no mischief was had,” he said. “On my honor.”

  In fact, it hadn’t even crossed his mind. Laurel reminded him so much of Lilith, in behavior, if not appearance, that he found himself feeling protective of her, just like Meridon. He should have watched her more closely last night, and especially kept her from drinking so much ale. It wasn’t good for a young lady to get in the habit of getting sloshing drunk in taverns.

  Hal found himself a slice of bread and headed outside into the street as he ate it. The desert heat hit him instantly as he stepped out of the inn, instantly sapping at his strength. He looked at the sky, mentally bracing himself for how hot it would be when the sun reached its zenith.

  A note had been left on the door to Cadrian’s house, with Hal’s name written across the top in large letters. He pulled it loose, unfolded it, and saw neat handwriting on the inside.


  Your apprenticeship is still under consideration. Expect an answer within the next few days.


  He frowned. Though he hadn’t expected her to have decided yet either way, he was hoping he’d be able to get a little more instruction in the usage of his gem before heading back to the homestead with Laurel.

  Hal had little else to do in town, so he headed straight back to the inn. Laurel was making her way outside as he arrived, one hand holding her head in apparent discomfort. Hal grinned and resisted the urge to slap her on the back.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  Laurel groaned.

  “I didn’t do anything stupid last night, did I?” she asked.

  “You rode me,” said Hal, immediately regretting his phrasing. “I mean, up to the room. You jumped on my back and made me carry you.”

  Laurel was still blushing from his first words. She closed her eyes and shook her head.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said. “I sometimes get a little too excited when I start drinking. I didn’t do anything else weird, did I? Or… say anything?”

  “You told me a little about the town,” said Hal. “How everyone here has been exiled from the bigger cities. But that was pretty much it.”

  Laurel breathed a sigh of relief. Her hair was a mess, the usually straight locks tangled and curled wildly at the ends.

  “Good,” she said. “Do you have anything else to do in town? All I need is to check in with Koda and pick up our supplies for the repairs on the way out of town.”

  “No, I’m all set,” said Hal.

  He waited outside while Laurel went into the general store, and then helped her load replacement roof tiles and jars of special, flame resistant roof pitch into the wagon. It was nearly full when they were done, and Hal was a little concerned by the horse’s ability to pull all the weight.

  “I’ll walk alongside you,” he said.

  Laurel shook her head. She looked awful, and still somewhat drunk.

  “I’m… not so sure how well I’ll be able to handle the reigns right now,” she said. “How well can you ride?”

  Hal ended up on the front of the horse, with Laurel holding tightly onto his waist from behind. Toothy was cordial enough to respond to his commands. He had a great deal of experience with horses at home on his family’s estate, and they made good time, despite the heavy load.

  As he’d expected, the sun was extremely hot overhead. By the time they were halfway through the desert dunes, Hal was dripping with sweat and so was Laurel. He could feel her against his back, her body hot and soft where it made contact.

  She smelled musky, but not in a bad way. In fact, Hal felt himself being distracted by her scent. Neither of them said much, which unfortunately left his mind free to think about how her modest breasts felt pressed into his back, and the fact that she’d ditched the skirt she had over her pants before they’d set out.

  It’s just Laurel. I shouldn’t be thinking about her like this, not now and not ever.

  “Hal,” said Laurel. “Are you as sweaty as I am?”

  “You know I am,” he said, stiffly.

  “We can bathe in the pond when we get back,” she said. “I usually draw my freshwater from up the stream that leads to it, so there isn’t an issue of us getting it dirty.”

  Back on his family’s e
state, they’d had servants to draw and heat bathwater for them. It was a luxury that made Hal feel a little guilty to think about, now that his circumstances had changed so much.

  He pushed Toothy forward as the strong sun horse pulled the wagon up the last stretch of hill to the homestead. As soon as they crested into the valley, the horse let out a worried neigh and stopped in its tracks. A large, sandy haired bear was in the process of devouring the crops in Laurel’s garden.

  “Oh, for Darros’ sake!” muttered Laurel. “This happens half the time I head into town. We’ll have to wait until it leaves to get any closer.”

  The bear raised its head at the sound of her voice. Hal felt a chill run down his spine as it reared up on its back legs, showing off its immense size. It scratched a clawed paw along the ground, and then charged.

  Toothy was the first of them to react, the horse immediately bucking and knocking both Hal and Laurel loose in its attempt to get out of the charging bear’s trajectory. Hal landed badly, and knocked his head against the tightly packed earth hard enough to be stunned for a few seconds.

  “Hal!” Laurel was on her feet before he was, and the bear was pursuing her. “Get into the house!”

  Hal slowly pulled himself up. He saw the bear chasing Laurel, closing in on her as she attempted to make her way around it toward the safety of the homestead. He didn’t think twice, pulling out his pistol and leveling it at the animal.

  And then, he remembered that he had no bullets. Gritting his teeth, Hal charged forward, wishing that Cadrian had given him a sword, or maybe even just a dagger during her first instructional session.

  She did give me something, though. I can at least try to cast a spell…

  He positioned himself between Laurel and the bear. The huge animal held its ground for a moment, sizing up the two of them as a single fighting unit. It took a step forward, its lips pulling back to reveal rows of yellowed teeth and frothing spittle.


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