Arcadian Nights

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Arcadian Nights Page 3

by Marie Medina

  “Okay, okay, but you do know it is possible you might develop some feelings for her, don’t you? It’s hard not to when someone is always in your thoughts. It’s like living with someone almost. You can’t help caring.”

  “I don’t mean her any ill, but that doesn’t mean I care.”

  “You don’t hate her for doing this?”

  Hermes tried to collect his thoughts. Surely if anyone deserved his hate, it would be Eris, but he shook his head. “No. I’m angry. That’s all.”

  “Did you find her attractive before?”

  Hermes knew he could probably lie to Aphrodite, but he thought he’d stand a better chance of getting fast help if he cooperated. “Yes. She’s beautiful and has an amazing body. She’s attractive. So?”

  “Then fuck her and see what happens.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I beg to differ. Isn’t that your problem, how much you want to?”

  He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He’d learned to think carefully before saying anything to Aphrodite. Better to deal with a little mocking than to actually argue with her. “You know what I mean.”

  “I do, but this is fun.”

  “I’m glad I amuse you so. Are you happy now? Yes, if she came on to me in the normal way I’d be tempted, I suppose, but not exactly dying for it. How can I be any clearer?”

  She looked at him seriously. “Why not sleep with her? Really? There must be some reason.” She lowered her eyes and then looked back up at him.

  “I know what you’re thinking, but I’m not in love with you, Aphrodite. We’ve had this discussion many times.”

  She shook her head. “That’s not what I mean. I know you aren’t. I want to know why you object to sleeping with her. Are you afraid?”


  “Then what?”

  How could he explain it to her? She could have a different partner every day and not care. He couldn’t do that. All of Olympus knew what was happening. They’d never stop laughing at him if he gave in. He did have a sense of pride and honor he felt most of them simply could not understand. He would not give in to this spell.

  “I’ve already given in more than I wanted to. I shouldn’t have had sex with you in the woods.”

  “No one thinks less of you.”

  “But now Ares is angry.”

  She waved the comment away. “So what? He’s in a bad mood most days anyway.”

  “Well, besides the fight, I’m sure he trusts me less now. He never sees his sister for what she is.”

  “It’s not about Ares. It’s about me.”

  “No, it isn’t.” He was not going to admit that she was right, not on this issue.

  “Don’t give me that. All of Olympus knows, you said. Yes, they all know you fucked me. You see it as humbling, as if you want me back. It really gets to all of you, not knowing which of you is Eros’ father, doesn’t it?”

  “I don’t understand why we can’t know.”

  She crossed her legs and looked down into her glass. “I don’t want you to.”

  “You don’t want to be tied to one man.”

  She snapped her head up. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. You don’t want to be tied to one man. If everyone knows who the father is, they’ll wonder why you aren’t together. They’ll always think of the two of you together.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “Now who’s being proud?” He leaned forward and made her look at him. “Admit that you like being mysterious and elusive. Admit that you’re scared of being like everyone else.”

  “Admit that you want to know if Eros is yours, that it hurt your pride to fuck me like that and have everyone wonder if you love me.”

  He glared at her. “I don’t care what they think.”

  “Yes, you do. You care if anyone sees you as weak. Just like me.”

  “You’ll admit I’m right?” He never liked holding out too much hope where she was concerned, but she seemed ready to open up to him like never before.

  “If it makes you happy. I didn’t have to say it for you to know it’s true.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “I think I did. You’re a complicated woman yourself.”

  She smiled. “So we’re both flawed. Point taken. Now can we get back to your problem?”

  “Yes, though I doubt it will do any good.”

  “You never know. Why not go talk to her?”

  “Because I can’t trust her. Don’t you see that?”

  She stared at his lap. “Good point.”

  He took a deep breath. “Yes, I know I have an erection. Fighting with you always did that anyway. Combined with the images in my head, it couldn’t be helped.”

  She seemed intrigued, leaning closer. “So what do you see? Is it your imagination or images she gives you?”

  He decided to indulge her, for the moment. “Both. If I go to see her, I’ll sleep with her.”

  “What if she said no? What if she wants to torture you and not fuck you at all?”

  He had to admit he hadn’t considered that. For just a moment, he felt terrified at the thought of her turning him down. He shook his head. “That would be cruel. I don’t know what I’d do.”

  “Hmmm. I hate to admit it, but that could be it. Cruelty is something she’s good at.”

  He was having a hard time concentrating. He needed to get off very soon. “Look, you can make fun of me if you like, but I need to take care of this.” He gestured to his swollen cock. “I can’t think. Excuse me for a few minutes.”

  She smiled. “I could take care of it for you.”

  “Didn’t we just discuss this?”

  She shook her head. “We discussed the time people knew about. Who would know about this?”

  The thought of fucking her made his cock harder, but he didn’t want to do that to his emotions again.

  “I don’t want to complicate things further.”

  He thought she would object again, but she didn’t. “Okay. I’ll try to think of something.”

  He walked down the hall to her bathroom, questioning whether he was right in turning her away and wondering what the Fates had planned.

  Chapter Two

  Eris opened the door for Aphrodite. The blonde goddess looked up and smiled at her.

  “May I come in?”

  “Yes.” She stepped aside and then closed the door. “Let’s go into the living room.”

  Aphrodite sat on the loveseat, while Eris took a seat on the couch next to Cosmos. She rubbed the cat’s back as she began to purr.

  Eris glanced up. “Since you’ve come to see me, you’ll have to tell me what you want.”

  “That’s what I want to know. What do you want?”

  Eris wasn’t sure what Aphrodite’s intentions might be. She seemed passive, which was unlike her. It made Eris cautious.

  “I don’t want anything. And I haven’t done anything wrong.”

  “You put a spell on Hermes.” The goddess still showed little emotion, as if the fact she’d just stated had little significance.

  “Yes. And what harm has that done? I didn’t make you two fuck.”

  Aphrodite took a breath. “But what did you intend to do?”

  Eris wanted to laugh. “Get him to fuck me. That’s really it.”

  “That can’t be all you want.”

  “Why not? He’s incredibly desirable, and you’ve said dozens of times how good he is.”

  Aphrodite didn’t answer.

  “Come on. Why not?”

  Aphrodite gave a slight shrug that looked a bit too stiff, as if she were actually quite tense under her mask of nonchalance. “Well, I suppose I assumed it wouldn’t be that simple.”

  “Well, it is. I didn’t want to be invited to Eros’ wedding, but I went because it would seem I was slighting you if I didn’t.” Eris shook her head and finally laughed. “Do you even know why I wasn’t invited to that wedding?”

  “Peleus and Thetis?” Ap
hrodite raised her eyebrows. “Well, no. Not really.”

  Eris moved over on the couch to be closer to the loveseat. “Thetis was my friend. Zeus wanted her, but she resisted him. I told her she should give herself to him. He’s boring and egotistical, but he’s marvelous in bed and she could have had anything she wanted. She didn’t listen though. When he heard the prophecy about Thetis having a son who would eclipse his father, he sent her away and gave her to Peleus as a bride. She was so angry and ashamed at being married off to a mortal she didn’t want to see me.”

  “But it wasn’t your fault.”

  Eris shrugged. “She needed someone to be mad at. She didn’t want to get married and didn’t care one way or another about having a son. That all changed afterwards, but she was not a happy bride. She thought I would come to the wedding and gloat.” She smiled. “I would have been smug, but I would have been respectful. The Fates had great plans for that boy.”

  “You made him the hero of a war that spanned his lifetime. He profaned the temple of Apollo though. You should have let him be a great king instead.”

  Eris wanted to roll her eyes, but she resisted. “So I’m so powerful I knew a war would start because of what I did? Who do you think gave me the idea? You think I cared about you three bitches fighting? I agreed to perform a task for the Fates because I was angry.”

  Aphrodite narrowed her eyes. “I’m not here to fight about this. I’m here to help Hermes.”

  Chaos hopped onto Eris’ lap. She stroked him under the chin. “I’m not trying to fight. I am trying to tell you to stop judging me. Clotho and Atropos looked on as Lachesis carved the words ‘to the fairest’ into that apple. When was the last time you visited the Fates, or even saw one of them?”

  Aphrodite blushed.

  “Something wrong?” She tried not to smile, but she’d always known just how to hit a nerve with Aphrodite.

  “I spoke to Lachesis last year.”

  This should be good. “And what did you talk about?”

  Aphrodite locked gazes with Eris. “I asked her if Poseidon and Layla were meant to be together.”

  “Oh yes, important matters of state, I see.”

  Aphrodite huffed and folded her arms. “So you do the will of the Fates? Always?”

  She shook her head. “Some of my mischief is my own. You should know that, knowing my brother as well as you do.”

  “I can see that.”

  Eris ran her hand over Chaos’ ears. Aphrodite had basically admitted she was right. Eris couldn’t help wondering if she had it wrong about the love goddess and Hermes. Perhaps she was the one who couldn’t get over him. She was being so civil it only made sense she was worried about angering Eris. The feisty blonde didn’t tend to be a respecter of persons. She never cared who she angered or slighted as long as she got her way.

  “Look, I’m not going to hurt Hermes or anyone else. Just mind your own business.”

  “He asked me for help.”

  “So what?”

  “He’s my friend.”

  Eris smiled. “You sure that’s all?”

  Aphrodite’s face flamed red. “Look, Hermes is favored by Zeus as his most loyal friend and most dutiful servant. He won’t let you torture him like this.”

  “How am I torturing him?”

  “He doesn’t want you!”

  Her smiled faded. “He doesn’t want you either.”

  Aphrodite made a very unladylike sound. “That is not what this is about! It was funny at first, but now it isn’t.”

  “You can’t stand to think of it, can you? Him fucking me. Makes your blood boil, doesn’t it?”

  “You conniving bitch! Let him go, or I will make sure you pay for this.”

  Eris laughed. “Pay for what? Making a man horny? How many seduction spells has Zeus put on how many women? How many times has mortal history changed because some god couldn’t keep his cock out of a pretty little mortal? No one can even keep count. Look, I’ve wanted him for a long time, and he gave me a glorious opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “If I can get Hermes to say even one word in my favor, everyone will look at me differently. I’ll bed a man I’ve had a craving for and teach all of you a lesson.”

  Aphrodite looked shocked, but then she laughed. “No. That can’t be it. That can’t be all.”

  “Why not? You think I’m as petty as you and my brother? Is wanting everyone to quit suspecting me too noble, perhaps? Or do you think I’ll use their trust to get them all in the end?”

  “You can’t blame us for what we think.”

  “So I’m just evil, am I? Is that why Hermes is so repulsed?”

  “I didn’t say that. If you knew anything about him, you’d know he doesn’t just fuck. He has feelings for a woman when he takes her. I really don’t see that happening with you two.”

  Eris moved the cats aside and stood up, then walked over to Aphrodite. “Maybe I’ll make him love me. Wouldn’t it be funny if I succeeded where you failed so miserably?”

  Eris hardly had time to catch her breath as Aphrodite threw her against the wall.

  Aphrodite got right in her face and screamed, “He could never love you! There is nothing in you to love. No one could love you!”

  “Someone does, you jealous bitch!”

  Eris got up to see her brother Ares holding Aphrodite’s arms behind her. “I’m fine, Ares. Just let her go.”

  Aphrodite tried to free herself, but Ares wouldn’t let go. He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “You touch my sister again, and I won’t care what Zeus and Hera say.”

  Eris saw the anger on Aphrodite’s face slowly fade. Despair replaced it. Eris shifted on her feet. She knew she couldn’t tell Ares what to do, but she didn’t want to watch this. “Ares, come on. Get her out of here and be done with it.”

  Ares looked at Aphrodite as tears rolled down her red face. He laughed. “That isn’t going to work, Aphrodite. I’m not hurting you. You like it.”

  She scowled at him. “I bet you want to fuck me so bad. You love it when I’m angry. You can’t get enough of it.”

  He released her and stepped back. “I think I’ll live. Go.”

  Aphrodite looked at both of them, her expression angry and hurt and humiliated. Eris didn’t know if the goddess could tell she was uncomfortable about what her brother had done or not, but it didn’t matter. Aphrodite would never believe Eris hadn’t planned this. Anyone who got hurt around Eris blamed her automatically.

  Aphrodite disappeared.

  Eris looked at her brother. “She wouldn’t have hurt me.”

  His eyes flamed again. “She had no right to touch you. You did nothing to her. Are you hurt?”

  “No, I’m fine. I put a spell on a man she desires, and I turned her lover against her.” Eris touched his arm. “I didn’t mean to cause strife for you.”

  Ares shook his head. “Her charm wore off long ago. She’s a hard lover to leave though. My good fortune is you just made it easier for me.”

  “Yes, no one seduces a man like she does.”

  “No one drives men insane like she does. I’m glad to be rid of her.”

  “I hope in time that will be true.”

  Ares scowled at her. “I’m not a lovesick pup.”

  “I didn’t say you were. You still want her though. Or at least to fuck her a dozen more times.”

  “Maybe so, but that’s not what I want to talk about.”


  “Yeah. What do you really want?”

  “I want to bed him. Nothing more.”

  Ares crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes. “You sure about that?”

  She stared at her brother. “Excuse me?”

  “You’ve had your eye on him for a while.”

  She laughed. “I’ve never had my eye on anyone. Aphrodite still wants him, so he must be good. He’s an arrogant stick-in-the-mud, and I want to crack that perfect veneer and see what’s under

  Ares eyed her for a long moment. “And what if you like it as much as Aphrodite does?”

  “No man is going to tame me, Ares.”

  He uncrossed his arms. “Is that what you think Aphrodite did to me?”

  She shook her head. “I wasn’t even thinking that. You really don’t love her?”

  To her surprise, he took a moment to think about it. “Not now. Perhaps I did once, when she was mysterious and enchanting. She never opened her heart to me though. The woman who could make me happy will.”

  “That’s sweet.” The words were out before she could stop them. She knew Ares would scoff at her statement.

  “Don’t make fun of me.”

  “No, it is. You and I aren’t like the others. Our hearts won’t be captured by looks or words or prowess in bed. You know that.” She knew there was more to her brother than a dashing smile and bedroom tricks. If Aphrodite couldn’t see that, it was her loss. Eventually someone who was good enough for him would.

  He smiled. “We’re better than everyone else?”

  “More complex.”

  “You’ve always said that.”

  “It’s true. Ask the Fates.”

  “They don’t tell me what to do.”

  Eris looked down at the floor. “You think that’s what they do to me.”

  Ares shrugged. “In a way. You chose that role though. It was not assigned to you. You really sealed the deal with that golden apple trick though. You’ve been their favorite ever since, but you could still walk away anytime.”

  She raised one eyebrow. “So I was not fated to serve the Fates?”

  He laughed. “No. You wanted a purpose, and they had one ready for you. You weren’t compelled.”

  “You’ve been thinking about this.”

  “From time to time,” he said with a shrug.

  “I won’t hurt Hermes or anyone else. If he doesn’t relent I’ll release him eventually.”

  Ares nodded. “That might do something in your favor. If you meant what you said.”

  “You were listening?”

  He nodded. “I knew Aphrodite would come, so I waited. She can be petty. I wanted to be here just in case.”

  “No harm would have come to me, and I’m too smart to have hurt her.”

  “Can’t blame me though. You’re the only one who loves me more than you fear me.”


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