Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set

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Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set Page 45

by Amy Valenti

  Marcus shrugged. “It didn’t occur to me. It was nothing. Things like that happen all the time. Disgruntled workers. Unhappy competitors.”

  Tabitha squeezed his arm. “You have to take that stuff seriously.”

  Marcus grasped her hands in his. “We do. Security investigates all of it, and the police notified when necessary. Most of the time, nothing comes of it.”

  Tabitha’s calm crumbled. “Marcus, someone tried to kill you.” Visions of his mangled body crept into her mind and she struggled to push them out.

  Marcus shook his head. “We don’t know that. It could’ve been an accident.”

  Her voice rose as her distress increased. “Do you believe that?”

  “In this instance, I’m not sure. If someone meant to scare me, they certainly succeeded.” Marcus enfolded Tabitha in his arms. “I was terrified when I thought you might be injured or worse.”

  “I know. The thought that something might happen to you…” She buried her face in his chest.

  Marcus stroked her hair. “Shhh. It’s okay. We’re both okay.”

  Tabitha lifted her head. “Marcus, do you think this has anything to do with this merger situation?”

  Marcus shook his head. “I don’t see how. Harming me doesn’t aid the takeover.”

  “Doesn’t it? Without you leading the opposition, maybe it would be easier.”

  “These guys fight their brawls in the boardroom, not the street.”

  Tabitha concurred, but the feeling of unease persisted. There had been such menace in the air. If someone lost control of their car, wouldn’t they have been trying to turn away instead of turning toward them? It seemed like they’d been aiming for them. No, I’m just being paranoid. Of course there’s menace in the air when someone almost runs you down.

  Marcus kissed her cheek. “Come. Let’s take a hot shower and go to bed. A good night’s sleep will do us both good.”

  Tabitha acquiesced as fatigue settled deep in her bones.

  They were both quiet as they walked through the apartment. They stopped in the dressing room between the bedroom and bathroom. Marcus helped Tabitha unfasten her dress and she hung it up, smoothing out the skirt. Dark, oily splotches stained the fabric and a jagged tear marred the lace.

  “Marcus. My dress is ruined.” With her mundane observation, the dam finally broke. Tears streamed down her face and her shoulders shook with deep sobs.

  Marcus reached for her. “Oh, sweetie. It’s all right. It’s over. We’re both fine.” He stroked her hair and rubbed her back.

  Tabitha clutched at him, grasping him tightly.

  Marcus held her close, waiting for the storm to pass and murmuring words of reassurance.

  After a few minutes, Tabitha’s breathing slowed with only the occasional hitch.

  Marcus kissed her forehead. “Are you ready to shower?”

  Tabitha placed her head on Marcus’s shoulder and followed his lead. Her emotional outburst had left her drained and empty. They passed into the bathroom together. Tabitha stepped into the shower and he embraced her from behind. The hot spray rained down on their entwined bodies as they stood still, soaking in reassurance from one another as the rivulets of water carried away the dirt and grime from their skin.

  Marcus grasped a bar of soap from the dish on the wall and lifted the soap to her nose. “I love this scent. I hope you approve.”

  Tabitha inhaled the fragrant lavender. “I like it.”

  “I want to smell it on you. It will complement your own unique scent.”

  Tabitha smiled. “You’re not trying to tell me something, are you?”

  Marcus bestowed a small kiss on her nose. “You smell wonderful, always.”

  He soaped his hands and explored the curves and planes of her body, leaving a slick trail of fragrant lavender. His touch combined with the hot steam of the shower to heat her skin. Her muscles loosened and the knots of tension unwound.

  Marcus nuzzled her neck. “I can’t help but want you.”

  “It’s a reaction. The adrenaline and all.”

  “It’s a reaction all right. To you.” He took her hand and guided it to his erection, thick and throbbing.

  All that was feminine inside her called out for him. “Yes …”

  Marcus needed no further invitation. He turned off the water and wrapped her in a large, fluffy towel. He swept her off her feet into his arms and strode into the bedroom.

  “I need you,” was all he whispered as he bore her down on the coverlet. He unwrapped the towel, cradled her close, and kissed her moist skin. He licked away the lingering beads of water he found as he explored her body.

  Tabitha writhed against him. The gentleness overwhelmed her senses. This was yet another Marcus. A gentle, loving Marcus. She filed the images and sensations away in her memory. Physical and sensual urgency had marked their previous encounters. This was different. This was pure emotion.

  As he entered her, Tabitha trembled. It felt right. It was right. What was Marcus doing to her? She needed this man, beyond anything she had experienced before. Her body not only desired him, he was essential to her on a primal level.

  Their lovemaking took on a different tone, slow, deep and powerful. His hands roamed her body with unhurried, lingering caresses. His kisses drugged her with sensual bliss. She could only accept and hold on.

  Her body spasmed inside, not the hot, powerful contractions of her usual orgasm, but rather deep, slow waves of prolonged pleasure that rolled on and on until they crested.

  Marcus nipped her shoulder as he came and soothed the mark with his tongue. He collapsed on top of her, crushing her against the soft mattress. He kissed his way up her neck to her cheek and then rolled off, gathering her close. He pulled the covers over them, and they savored one another for a moment before sleep claimed them both.

  Chapter 8

  Tabitha’s nerves danced with anticipation. Ring, phone, ring. Foolish embarrassment filled her. She hadn’t waited by the phone for a boy to call since high school. All her insecurities rolled back into focus.

  Marcus had told her he’d be working over the weekend. She supposed working on the weekend wasn’t uncommon for him. He’d also mentioned meeting for lunch, but this was silly. Was she really going to sit in her apartment on a beautiful day waiting for a call? Should she call him? She rejected that idea. She didn’t want to be clingy and needy. But I am clingy and needy sometimes, she thought. Isn’t everyone? She wanted reassurance. She needed it. But did she need it from him? Every time she started to get comfortable, her lack of confidence roared back in. She’d never felt at such a disadvantage in a relationship. But the problem wasn’t Marcus. Her own uncertainties were to blame. All the reassurance in the world from Marcus wouldn’t be enough if she didn’t believe she deserved him.

  Did she deserve him? Her mind screamed yes. She was smart. She was attractive. So what if she wasn’t a doctor or a lawyer or a CEO? But a hidden place in her heart kept repeating her fear that Marcus was out of her league. Handsome. Successful. Sexy as hell. He had his pick of women.

  As that thought slapped through her again, she told herself Marcus chose to be with her. He could be with someone else, so if he was with her, there was no other reason than it was where he wanted to be. Her tension eased as her tangled thoughts unwound. She needed to relax and give things a chance to grow.

  When the phone rang, Tabitha restrained herself from snatching it up. After the second ring, she took a deep breath and picked up the receiver. “Hello?”

  “It’s Marcus. Things are taking longer than I thought. How about picking up lunch for us and bringing it by? We can eat here in my office.”

  Tabitha’s heart jumped at the thought of being with him. Would it always be this way? “Okay. I can do that. Do you have a taste for anything?”

  “I trust your judgment. I’ll call down so they know to expect you. See you soon.”

  The abruptness of the conversation startled Tabitha, but she imagined Marcus wanted to g
et back to work. At least he’d called and not forgotten her completely.

  Tabitha gathered her things and left her building within minutes. Around the corner was a market where she shopped for drinks, salads, and sandwiches. Her arms laden with bags, she hailed a cab, heading toward Marcus’s office.

  She had no trouble at reception after she gave her name. The security guard escorted her to an elevator and soon she stepped out on Marcus’s floor. She realized the doors were all locked. Just when she reached for her phone, the door behind her opened.


  She turned. The guard must have called up to Marcus. “Hi.”

  “Hi yourself, pretty lady.” He took the bags from her.

  Tabitha followed him through the door and down a hall. There were no other employees around. “Is it just you here?”

  “Yes. Sometimes I work from my place, but I didn’t know what I might need, and I didn’t want to drag everything home.”

  Tabitha admired the landscapes hanging on the walls as they walked. “That makes sense.”

  Marcus guided her inside his office. The expanse of glass framed a midtown view of apartment and office buildings silhouetted against the skyline. Several differentiated work areas organized the large space. Papers were spread out all over his desk and a small conference table.

  Marcus put the bags of lunch items on an empty round table by the window.

  Tabitha marveled at the panorama of the city. “How do you get any work done in here? I’d be looking out the window all the time.”

  Marcus laughed. “It can be distracting sometimes. You get used to it. I guess I take it for granted.”

  Tabitha sighed. The differences between them kept popping up. Things far out of her experience were commonplace for him. She moved to the table and set out the lunch items. “You have a choice between ham and turkey. Which do you want?”

  “Turkey is fine.”

  When Tabitha turned back toward Marcus, he gave her a speculative look. “What?”

  He smiled. “I was thinking about how I might work up an appetite.”

  Tabitha’s body responded to his hint. “Oh. Is that so?”

  “It is.” He gestured toward the door. “Lock it.”

  Tabitha’s skin tingled. She marveled at how he ignited her arousal in an instant.

  Tabitha went over and twisted the lock. As she turned, she realized the glass walls of the office didn’t give much privacy. Were the other buildings offices? Residences? Likely both. Her brow creased.

  Marcus shook his head. “Not to worry.” He pushed a switch on the wall and the windows darkened. “Better?”

  “Wow, that’s convenient.”

  “It’s a coating R & D’s been working on. Once we get the production costs down, it has promise.” Marcus moved closer. “Now you can strip for me in total comfort.”

  Tabitha grinned. “Yes, Sir.” She grabbed her knit top by the hem and pulled it over her head. She unfastened the waistband of her casual twill skirt, allowed it to fall to the ground, and then she stepped out of it. She took both items and placed them on a chair.

  “Leave the bra and panties for the moment. I quite like them.”

  Tabitha wore a matching underwear set, light blue with pink flowers.

  Marcus gestured with his hand. “Turn around.”

  Tabitha complied.

  “I love your ass. It’s truly perfect. And seeing it now, displayed in such a lovely way, makes me want to spank it.”

  Tabitha wiggled her rear in his direction.

  Marcus laughed. “Ah, I see that idea appeals to you.”

  Tabitha leaned forward and looked back at Marcus through her legs.

  “Does it appeal to you?”

  Tabitha straightened and turned. “Yes, Sir.”

  “I thought it might. What would please you?”

  Tabitha licked her lips. “Please, Sir, won’t you spank my ass?”

  “It would be my pleasure.” Marcus moved close and cupped one ass cheek in his hand.

  Tabitha bit back a moan as heat rose within her.

  “You should move to the end of the couch for support.” Marcus guided her there, placing her hands on the arm. He caressed her ass through the fabric of her panties.

  Tabitha pressed back against his hand. Moisture gathered inside her.

  Marcus paused. “Tell me again what you want.”

  Tabitha took a deep breath. “Please, Sir, won’t you spank my ass?”

  “Yes.” Marcus used his hand to smack one cheek and then the other.

  Tabitha jumped but didn’t move away. The welcome sting radiated through her skin.

  Marcus spanked her again. “Does that feel warm?”

  Tabitha twisted to see his face. His intent, aroused expression thrilled her. “Yes, Sir. Quite warm.”

  Marcus fondled ass, tracing his finger along the edge of her panties. “Good. It’s important to warm you up before I take you.”

  Tabitha arched her back as he struck her again.

  “That’s what I’m going to do, you realize.” He alternated side to side. Lighter blows and stronger slaps. “I’m going to have you. Right here. Right after I warm your ass.”

  Tabitha twitched. “Yes, Sir. Please.” She wet her lips with her tongue and closed her eyes, opening herself to him and allowing the thrilling sensation saturate her entire being.

  Marcus stopped. “Are you properly warmed up?”

  Tabitha struggled for a proper answer. “That is for you to say, Sir.” She longed to feel him inside.

  “Yes, it is. Pull down your panties.”

  Tabitha grabbed the elastic waistband of her panties and pulled them down over her hips. They dropped to the ground.

  Marcus touched her thigh. “Spread your legs.”

  Tabitha stepped out of her underwear and widened her stance. She wanted Marcus to take her. She needed to feel him. Only he could satisfy the ache he’d created.

  “Your ass looks nice and pink, but I’m not sure you are truly ready.”

  Tabitha remained silent.

  Marcus spanked her ass twice more before rubbing her heated skin. He slid his hand down between her legs, probing her entrance with his finger.

  Tabitha clenched, gasping. Yes, please, she thought. I can’t wait. It’s agonizing.

  “Close, but not yet.” Marcus squeezed her ass cheek and slapped her flesh again.

  Tabitha’s knees buckled, but she straightened them again.

  “Mmmm. So very lovely. Are you ready?” He reached between her legs again, running his hand down the length of her slit. He guided two fingers inside. Methodically, he pistoned his fingers in and out as he spanked her.

  A heated flush washed over her. The rhythmic strokes of his fingers created tiny tingles of pleasure. The intimate friction combined with the ache of the spanking had deepened her capacity for pleasure. She spasmed inside, approaching a climatic peak.

  As she began to contract, Marcus grasped her ass for a moment. His fingers traveled lower to tease and torment her innermost depths. Tabitha shook, her whole body arching in a long, drawn-out paroxysm of pleasure. She slid down the other side, tremors still rocking her body.

  “You’re ready now.” Marcus released her. Tabitha heard him unfasten his pants. He probed between her legs and entered easily, her slickness easing his way. He gripped her hips as he took his pleasure and Tabitha’s response rose again. They tumbled over the edge together, entwined in sensual ecstasy.

  Tabitha remained still, savoring the tingling echo that remained in the aftermath of their spent passion. Arousal hung heavy in the air and she breathed deeply as the scent dissipated.

  Marcus massaged her back as he disengaged from her body. “You make me so hot. Sometimes I feel as if I’ll burst into flames touching you.”

  Tabitha straightened. “It’s the same for me. When you touch me, I burn inside. You push me past my boundaries, farther than I’ve ever thought I could go. Sometimes I can’t stand it another mome
nt, but I don’t want you to stop, either.”

  Marcus smiled as he refastened his pants. “It’s a quandary, isn’t it? You want it, desire it. But then it’s too much and yet not enough.”

  “Yes, exactly.” Tabitha located her clothing and dressed. She approached Marcus and kissed him, a fragile, feathery kiss that danced across his lips. She released him and ambled toward the food. “I managed to work up an appetite. You?”

  Marcus grinned. “Oh, yes.”

  Tabitha grabbed the ham sandwich for herself as Marcus helped himself to the turkey.

  Tabitha roamed his office, taking an occasional bite of her sandwich. Bound shareholder reports and business books occupied the shelves along one wall. She stopped at the conference table where Marcus had his papers spread out. She handled one or two before jerking back. She didn’t want to disturb anything confidential.

  Tabitha glanced at Marcus. “Errr, sorry. I wasn’t thinking. You’re probably working on something private.”

  Marcus shrugged, unconcerned. “I’m looking over the proposals we’ve developed for the shareholder meeting. We’ll go for a modified poison pill most likely. That ought to make things less attractive to Coron.”

  Tabitha nodded. “Yeah. It would make Granger Pharma a more expensive target.” She’d seen such arrangements put in place many times through her work at the law firm.

  A firm knock sounded at the door.

  Marcus crossed the room, unlocked the door, and opened it.

  A man, taller than Marcus but with more rugged features, stepped inside. “Hey, I didn’t know you were still here. Want to get lunch?”

  Marcus motioned the man inside. “We’re having lunch now, actually. Tabitha, this is my brother, Jonah.”

  Tabitha finished her bite. “I’m pleased to meet you.” She noticed the resemblance between the two men at once. Both had strong masculine faces, but Marcus was more smoothly handsome.

  Jonah smiled and his craggy features softened. “Likewise. Why’d you have the door locked?” Without waiting for an answer, Jonah made his way to the table and poked through Marcus’s papers.

  Marcus’s gaze followed his brother. “The door was locked for privacy.”


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