Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set

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Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set Page 67

by Amy Valenti

  He whispered her name. "Amy."

  Hearing that word from his lips made her heart clench. He'd never called her by her first name. Amy's whole body shivered, and she felt herself falling deeper into that place that she promised she wouldn't go. It was just business, wasn't it?

  J came close to Amy's ear and nipped at it. He whispered to her again, punctuating each word with a long, slow stroke.

  "Amy," he said, "Amy, Amy, Amy."

  She dug her fingers into his skin. At that moment, it didn't matter if what she was feeling was true or not. Amy wanted to believe that it was.

  Amy covered J's mouth in a kiss. She wrapped her legs around him, getting as close as possible. Her hips rocked so that he could go even deeper than before. J seemed to get the message. He thrust into her hard enough to shake the huge bed. All Amy could do was hold on. For a moment, J wasn't cool, calm, and collected, like he always was. No, he was a different person now.

  J's body shook as he took them both to the edge. Amy held her breath, she knew just one more movement would push them over. J lifted Amy's legs higher, grabbed her bottom, and pulled them closer together. That's when she couldn't hold back any longer.

  The two of them came together, their bodies clutching at one another. Amy's nails scratched down J's back and his kiss on her neck deepened so hard that her skin bruised. Finally they collapsed, sweaty and exhausted, on the mattress.

  Chapter 16

  It was hours before Amy opened her eyes again. She looked around the room, blinking her eyes drowsily. What were all those hooks doing in her ceiling? And where had all that dark wooden furniture come from?

  She sat up in the bed and something dropped from her shoulder. An arm. Amy jumped back in the bed. She ripped off the covers to reveal J sleepily opening his eyes. He looked about as unsure as she was.

  With the sleep gone from her mind, Amy remembered everything. At first, she just wanted to lay down in his arms again. It felt good there. But then Amy reminded herself of her promise.

  "It's just business."

  The first time they had sex, that was true. But the second time? Had Amy shared part of herself with someone who didn't even care? The thought of it made her want to run away.

  She glanced over at J. He had his head propped up on his hand and looked at her with his eyebrows raised.

  As soon as she met his eyes, Amy jumped off the bed. She grabbed her clothes from the ground and made for the door. But before she could get anywhere, a hand wrapped around her wrist.


  J wasn't begging, he was commanding. Amy shook her hand out of his grasp.

  "What am I to you?" she yelled.

  J looked at her as if the answer was the simplest thing in the world. "You're my sub."

  Amy could feel herself flushing, her body shaking. She wanted to be calm, but couldn't stop her feelings from showing through.

  "And what the fuck does that even mean?"

  His head tilted to one side, and he seemed to examine her, but J said nothing. Amy waited. She gave him a chance. Just a few words would end this horrible feeling she had in her stomach. But they never came.

  "You know, that," Amy said and then pointed at the bed, "that wasn't a game for me. You toy with people! If what you said is true, if that's all we are, then let's act that way."

  Amy wanted J to say something, anything, but he didn't. He didn't even get angry. She hurriedly put on her clothes, hoping that he would stop her. Maybe he would say "I'm sorry, don't go." But by the time Amy was dressed again, he hadn't moved from the spot where he was standing.

  She had a moment of weakness. For just a second, Amy was sure that she would turn around and run back to him. They'd hug. They'd kiss. It would all be okay. But that feeling only lasted a second.

  The door swung backwards as Amy pulled it open. She rushed out, finding her way to the front door and grabbing her keys from Mr. Farrow. Amy wouldn't even wait for them to bring her car. She stomped over to where it was parked and jumped in.

  It wasn't a good idea to be on the same road as Amy Cryan that day. She sped down the road, music blaring and her foot pressing on the gas. Images of J's face came back to her, and they only made her drive more recklessly. She wanted to get away from him, his stupid club, and the way that he made her feel. Could she do that in her little car?

  While Amy was in her thoughts, her mind wasn't on the road. By the time she decided to focus on her driving again, Amy realized she was just about to rear-end someone. She jerked the wheel to the side and the car swerved. Amy just barely made it. She punched the horn, letting it blare. Stupid drivers not paying attention on the road. She almost made her crash into them!

  Somehow, she was able to make it home safe. With the door locked behind her, Amy stripped off her clothes. She threw them into the laundry as if they were infectIous. She pulled on some pajamas and started to rifle through the drawers in her kitchen. Finally she found it, the pizza delivery menu.

  Fifteen minutes later, piping hot pizza was at her door. Not just pizza, but nachos, chicken nuggets, and those things they sell as "brownies" that are little more than piles of chocolatey, sugary dough. It didn't matter. Amy shoved everything into her mouth.

  It was a feast just for her. With one hand, Amy flipped through the TV channels. She watched every terrible drama that she could find. When that got boring, Amy poured vodka and grapefruit juice into a glass. She didn't have any cranberry juice, so that would have to do.

  Suddenly, even the most stupid shows became amusing again. Amy sat in front of the TV until her head started to nod. Her eyes closed and eventually she fell asleep on her own couch. It wasn't until hours later that she woke up, with a crick in her back, and decided to go to bed.

  Then, alone in the dark with no food, alcohol, or TV, Amy cried. The tears poured out of her eyes and trickled down her cheeks. She wiped them away.

  What did she have to cry about? Amy laughed to herself. She was fine. Totally fine!

  Amy kept wiping her cheeks, but she couldn't stop the flood. By the time she finally closed her eyes, Amy's pillow was wet with tears.

  Chapter 17

  Amy opened her eyes. It was a new day. Her alarm was going off and the sun was already out. She reached over to turn off the blaring electronic noise, but then she rolled back into bed.

  Amy covered her head with her blanket. How could she go anywhere after what had happened? How could she face him again?

  Amy groaned under the covers and closed her eyes. She had almost fallen asleep again when her phone started to beep. It vibrated on the side table.

  "Stupid alarm," Amy said, "didn't I turn you off already?"

  She picked it up, almost ready to throw it across the room. But it wasn't an alarm. The little notification on the screen blinked on and off.

  One new message from "J"

  Her finger hovered over the button. Should she even look? Maybe she should just delete it without even taking a peek.

  But Amy's curiosity was too strong. She had to see.

  Today's session will take place in the evening. Please come during regular club hours.

  Amy tried to scroll down, but there was nothing else. No sorry or anything. She clicked the little trash bin and deleted the message before tossing her phone back on her nightstand.

  She crossed her arms over her chest and scowled. Fine. Whatever. She'd be there. But at least she didn't have to put up with J all on her own for one night.

  Her expression softened. Heck, it might even be fun this time.

  The day passed by quickly. It seemed that the sun went down in almost no time at all. Once the time to go came near, Amy stared at her closet. What was she supposed to wear? She remembered the crazy outfit she wore the first time. It was terrible, like some strange mashup between a dominatrix Halloween costume and a rockstar's outfit. That wasn't going to happen again.

  Amy pushed aside the hangers, looking at all of her clothes before rejecting each one. Then finally, there it was.
Her little black dress. She picked it out from the closet and pressed it against her body, looking in the mirror.

  There wasn't much to it. It was just a simple black dress, but maybe that was exactly what she needed. Amy pulled off her clothes and slipped under the silky fabric. She had gained a little weight since the last time she wore it, but maybe that was for the best. The fabric clung to her new curves.

  Satisfied, Amy brushed her hair and laid it over her shoulders. She topped off the whole look with the only lipstick that she owned. Sure, it wasn't as mind blowing a transformation as Robin could achieve, but it would do.

  Amy hesitated before she left her place. The last time she had gone to a club night, everything had gone completely wrong. Would the same thing happen again? No, she reassured herself. She was smarter now. Everything would be okay.

  Just like the first night, Amy was a little nervous as she stepped out of the car. The place really was different at night. Tons of cars were parked all over the property, and every few minutes a new person walked through the huge doors. There was no mistaking it, a party was definitely going on tonight.

  At least there was a familiar face to help calm her. Mr. Farrow stood at the front, as usual, checking each of the people who tried to enter. He took their coats and let them inside.

  "Hello Ms. Lopez," Mr. Farrow said.

  It took Amy a moment to realize what he was doing. As soon as she figured it out, she was grateful. This way Amy wouldn't have to explain to everyone how her name had suddenly changed.

  "Good to see you again, Mr. Farrow," Amy said.

  They smiled at one another as she handed over her coat. Then Amy walked towards the door that led to the club. She stood outside of it, listening to the music thumping. Every now and again, people walked in and out of the doors. When they did, the music was deafening. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. They laughed and threw their arms over one another, too absorbed in their own business to notice her.

  She wasn't sure how long she had stood there, but eventually Amy decided it was enough. There is no reason for her to be frightened. She was almost done with her training, and had done things she never even imagined. This wasn't like the first time. Amy was wiser now.

  The next time someone walked through the door, Amy caught the handle. She pulled it open, took a deep breath, and moved her way inside.

  Amy had remembered all the strange things she had heard and seen the first day, but she hadn't remembered just how overwhelming the club was. As soon as the door closed behind her, she was enveloped in sound. The bass was so loud that it shook her bones. Not only that, but strobe lights flashed, almost blinding her every few seconds. For a while, Amy just stood near the entrance, trying to get accustomed to the sensory overload.


  Arms wrapped around Amy from behind. Soft breasts pressed into her back and squeezed against her. Amy jumped and spun around.

  "Mimi?" she asked.

  "And here I thought you wouldn't remember me," Mimi said. She threw her arm over Amy's shoulder. "Where have you been? I've missed you !"

  Amy's body relaxed. It had only been a few days, but it was good to see Mimi again. Meeting her was definitely the best part of this whole stupid experiment.

  "Well, I've been kind of busy…" Amy said.

  "Busy with Master J?"

  Amy sputtered. "What? How did you — "

  "Ah, so it is true!" Mimi said, and snapped her fingers. "Rumors had been going around that Master J had finally taken a sub. As soon as I heard that, I knew it was you. Ohhh, I'm so jealous!"

  Mimi pinched Amy on the arm.

  She forced a smile. "Yeah, lucky me…"

  "Well, now that I have you all to myself, we've got to dance," Mimi said.

  "I don't know," Amy said, "I wasn't planning on staying too long…"

  Mimi didn't listen to a word. Just like the first time, she pulled Amy out onto the dance floor. She hadn't planned too, but soon Amy was moving her body to beat. It was fun. Amy almost felt like she was having a girls night out. If it wasn't for the people dressed in latex gear, she could almost forget that she was in a sex club. Amy wished that she could forget.

  Suddenly, Mimi stopped dancing and stared behind Amy.

  "O.M.G!" she yelled.

  The anxiety returned to Amy again. "What? What happened?"

  Mimi didn't answer, instead she ran off in the direction of the bar, pulling Amy behind her.

  "Cordelia!" she yelled.

  Mimi draped herself over Cordelia's shoulders, the same way she had greeted Amy. Cordelia calmly turned and smiled at Mimi.

  "Lia, look who I found!" Mimi said.

  Cordelia slowly turned away from her drink. When her eyes met Amy's, she grinned.

  "So, you're back, are you? I thought we had scared you away, right Maddix?"

  Amy hadn't even noticed that Maddix was sitting on the floor next to Cordelia. She gave him an awkward wave, and he nodded in her direction.

  "What would you like to drink, kitten?" Cordelia asked.

  "Oh I'm not-"

  "Something fast and strong!" Mimi interrupted.

  Cordelia laughed, and then turned to the bartender. "Three Liquid Cocaines, please."

  "Really, I was just going to dance a little and then-"

  "Guess what Lia? Shirley is J's new sub!"

  A tentative smile came over Cordelia's lips, and then broke into a grin.

  "My, my, my. So you're the one who's been keeping him all to yourself," she said. "Even when I asked him, he refused. You must be a special girl."

  Amy's eyebrows furrowed. "But I thought you were a Domme."

  "Yes, but what does it matter? Anyone would want to be in your position," Cordelia said. "Even me."

  Cordelia's words struck Amy. She hadn't been thinking about it that way. Was she lucky? Until now, all she could focus on was how dissatisfied she felt. But everyone was envious of her. Should she be happy?

  Amy glanced at Cordelia. She was a beautiful woman, and unlike Amy everything about her was polished. From her short blonde hair, down to her painted nails, Cordelia looked like she just stepped out of the salon. But J Didn't choose Cordelia. He chose Amy. J could have had anyone he wanted, but he chose her.

  The thought put a smile on Amy's lips.

  A shot glass was shoved into her hand.

  "One, two, three!" Mimi shouted.

  The three of them downed their shots at once. The alcohol burned Amy's throat, searing as she swallowed. She coughed a little and then slammed the glass on the bar counter top. Already, the drink was warming her up.

  "All right guys, let's party!" she said.

  Mimi looked at her with shock, and then smiled. She grabbed Cordelia and Maddix by the arms.

  "Yeah, let's go!"

  The four of them returned to the dance floor. With this group of friends surrounding her, Amy felt safe. What could happen? She danced, even taking a turn with Maddix while the music blared around them.

  Sweat covered her body as the temperature rose. Soon, it wasn't just the four of them, but Amy danced with anyone who was willing to take a spin. Normally, she wouldn't be so bold, but tonight was special. It was like a do over, and Amy was determined to get it right.

  The crowd started to break up. Amy was too caught up in her dancing to notice, but people were leaving the room. It wasn't until Mimi grabbed her that Amy even paid attention to what was going on.

  Mimi pulled her in the direction of the crowd.

  "Come on, let's see what's happening!" she said.

  Cordelia and Maddix didn't move.

  "We're going to stay here," Cordelia said. She waved at the two of them. "You two go along. Have fun!"

  Part of Amy wanted to stay with them and dance the night away, but part of her wanted to see what was happening. The crowd was moving in the direction of the scenes, and she wanted to prove that she could take it this time. This time, Amy wouldn't be the one ruining the atmosphere.

  So she let
herself be pulled along by Mimi. The air in the room was full of excitement. Amy wondered what everyone was so eager to see. Was something special happening? She looked around the room, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

  Then Mimi pointed at the stage directly in front of them.

  "Look, look! Here he comes!"

  J walked onto the stage. When she saw him, Amy took a step backwards, bumping into someone else. She apologized quickly, her heart racing.

  What was he doing here? As soon as she thought it, Amy knew the answer. It was his club after all. But she was hoping not to have to see him, not after what had happened.

  Their eyes met as J prepared the scene. Amy gave him a weak smile, but he looked through her as if she was just a stranger. Her legs buckled again, and she fell against Mimi.

  "Hey, are you all right?"

  Amy tried to stand up straight again. "Yeah, I must have tripped."

  She forced a laugh and then turned to look at the stage again. Her heart was sinking. Maybe he didn't see her. There were so many people in the crowd, maybe he didn't know it was her. Already, she wanted to run, but Amy forced herself to keep watching.

  Once J finished his preparations, someone else came on the stage. A woman. Amy bit her lip. The only things the woman wore were a thin black thong and pasties that covered her nipples. She stood next to J, and he began.

  J turned the woman around so that her back faced him. Then he made her fold her arms together, one on top of another. Amy's chest tightened. She folded them just the way Amy had, just the way J had made her.

  It seemed like the world was slowing down. Amy knew exactly what was going to happen, but at each step she hoped it wouldn't. J tied the women's hands behind her back. He secured her legs so that they were forced apart. He even hoisted her up with the rope so that she bent forward, her ass in the air. J's movements were so smooth, as if he had done it a million times before. Amy knew he had done it at least once.


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