Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set

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Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set Page 73

by Amy Valenti

  Alex smiled. “Good. But I can’t simply take your word for it, I need to make sure you’re telling the truth. Stand up.” Sophie immediately got onto her feet.

  “Move over to the middle of the office.” Again, Sophie complied immediately with the order.

  Her heart raced as Alex gave his next command: “Strip in front of me, take off your clothes.”

  Sophie began slipping off her clothes. She took the blazer off first, setting it on the floor. When she got to the buttons of her shirt, she paused for a minute. In the harsh light of the day, sunlight streaming through the window, in the middle of this man’s office, Sophie felt so much more exposed than late at night in the dark with only a couple of lights on. She unbuttoned the blouse and let it fall to the floor.

  Piece by piece, Sophie’s clothing fell to the ground. Her skirt, stockings, bra and panties al lay in a heap after she slid them off slowly, one by one, Alex Carey enjoying the view. She stood naked in front of Alex, biting her lower lip in embarrassment. She felt so small compared to him as he sat in his large chair behind his desk, hands behind his head, watching her with a small smile on his face.

  “Good. Now come over here.” When she got to his desk, Alex reached over and tweaked Sophie’s nipples, teasing them until they stiffened. A small moan escaped her lips as he tweaked her nipples. “Stand next to me, and don’t move, don’t speak, don’t do anything until I tell you that you’re allowed to.”

  Sophie stood next to Alex, facing the door she’d entered from, at the other end of the room. She wondered what was coming next. When he next spoke, her face went white. He pressed the call button on his phone. “Hi Janet, I have some papers that I need photocopied, could you come in and get them?” Sophie resisted the urge to speak, to cry out. A few seconds later, the door opened and Janet walked in. Sophie was mortified. Every rational part of her body told her to cover up, to roll into a little ball behind Alex’s desk so she wouldn’t be seen. But another part of her remembered Alex’s orders. She wasn’t to move, she wasn’t to speak. Her face burned as Janet went straight to Alex’s desk, pretending not to see Sophie standing there naked, embarrassed. No, not embarrassed. Humiliated. Alex handed her a pile of papers. “I need two copies of each of these made please, one sent to accounting and the other to Marge in marketing.”

  “Yes Mr. Carey” Janet replied, retreating as quickly as she came.

  Sophie let out a deep breath when Janet closed the door behind her. Her eyes welled up with tears. She’d been so embarrassed; she couldn’t believe she had just gone through that. Why hadn’t she hid her body? Why had she blindly followed Alex’s orders? Alex swivelled around in his chair and looked at her almost proudly.

  “Well done Sophie, you did very well.” Sophie didn’t know what to reply so she said nothing, the sting of embarrassment still fresh in her mind.

  Alex put his hand on the side of her knee and slowly ran it up her thigh. He reached her most private area, his fingers moving around the folds of Sophie’s lips, teasing her with his light touch.

  “Mmmmm your pussy is on fire Sophie. Do you like it when I order you around?”

  “Yes, Sir” Sophie replied meekly. She somehow knew he would see straight through her if she lied.

  He moved his fingers up to her clit and pinched the nub hard, causing a small mewl to escape Sophie’s lips. “I can’t hear you, slut.”

  “Yes Sir” Sophie repeated, louder this time.

  “Good girl.” A smile crossed Alex’s face. He continued to toy with Sophie’s pussy as though it were a stress ball, his fingers slowly teasing her almost subconsciously. “Now, you did so well I think I’m going to give you a reward. Lie down on my desk, on your back.”

  Sophie did as he asked, awkwardly sitting on the edge of his desk before lying down. He grabbed her legs and swung them onto his shoulders, looking down at her hot, dripping wet, horny pussy. Sophie heard Alex unzipping his pants and licked her lips in anticipation of the pleasure she was about to experience.

  He pressed his cock up against her slit, rubbing it in the juices from her pussy first then slid into her with one long, hard stroke. Sophie let out a small cry of pleasure as the billionaire CEO entered her right on his office table. He looked down, watching his cock enter in and out of Sophie. She felt so exposed, but couldn’t have cared less at that moment. He thrust in and out of her, sliding her along the glass top of the table with each stroke, holding her hips while her ankles stayed on his shoulders.

  Sophie hadn’t realized just how turned on she was until she realized how close she was to coming to orgasm so quickly. Her breathing quickened with Alex’s pace as he thrust inside of her channel harder and faster. “You like that, don’t you, you dirty girl?” Alex asked her.

  “Yes Sir, yes I like it” Sophie cried out. She wanted him to keep fucking her, harder, faster, and he did. Finally, Sophie could take it no more and she let out a cry of pleasure as the orgasm came, washing over her in waves of pleasure that felt like nothing else. Time stood still as Sophie lay in the euphoric cloud of orgasm, no thoughts running through her head, only pleasure.

  Eventually Sophie’s orgasm subsided, and she lay gasping on the table while still being fucked. She’d been so into her own orgasm, it had been so intense that she hadn’t noticed Alex’s quickened pace or his small grunts. Seconds after her own orgasm passed, Alex had his own, shooting his hot seed deep inside of Sophie. She moaned as she felt his sticky cum shooting deep inside of her.

  When he was spent, he pulled out his cock and helped Sophie to her feet. She didn’t want to get up off the table, she could have laid there for hours, relaxing in the bliss of orgasm.

  “You can put your clothes back on Sophie” Alex told her, and Sophie went to her pile of clothes, slipping them on as Alex watched. What is it about this guy? Why am I so into him?

  When she was fully clothed, Alex motioned for her to have a seat, which she did, practically collapsing into the comfortable mesh office chair. He sat down at his desk across from her.

  “I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to give you the job, Sophie, but you’re definitely the top candidate so far.” He paused for a minute, as though thinking about how he was going to phrase his next sentence. “If you get the job, which at this point I’m pretty certain you will, you will be at my beck and call. I meant what I said earlier. You will be my submissive, and I will be your dominant. I will give you the exact details of what you are expected to do at our first meeting after the position officially becomes yours.”

  Sophie waited for him to continue. “You’re dismissed for now. I will probably see you in a few days.”

  Sophie left the office. She avoided Janet as she hurried by her to the elevators, her face burning red with the thought of what had happened before. Sophie went home and immediately drew a hot bath, touching herself gently, stroking her skin as she thought about what had just happened with Alex Carey, and what would happen in the future if he decided to take her on as his executive assistant.

  Sophie no longer had any doubts. If she got the job, she would be his sex slave. A sex slave with a fantastic salary, she thought. She smiled to herself, but in reality, the salary didn’t matter. He could have paid her the measly minimum wage she made as an intern and she still would have taken the job. Sophie still couldn’t figure it out. She didn’t understand why she was so completely infatuated with Alex Carey, so willing to do anything he wanted. She used to be so independent. When Sophie was sixteen her boyfriend at the time had wanted her to suck his cock, and she hadn’t been ready. When he’d tried to force her, she punched him in the balls and ran off. She’d told one of her friends, and the way small towns operate within hours everybody knew what had happened. The guy moved away with his family that summer. Sophie laughed at the memory. It felt like so long ago now. Now here she was, obeying every single command that came out of Alex Carey’s mouth.

  Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the phone ringing on the edge of the tub. Sophie grab
bed it and checked the number. Alex Carey’s office.


  “Hi, Sophie?” It was Janet.

  “Ummm... yeah, hi Janet” Sophie replied. She was ten miles from the office and still Sophie’s face burned red.

  Janet could hear Sophie’s discomfort on the other end of the line, and it hadn’t slipped past her how quickly Sophie had gone by on the way out, not meeting her eyes.

  “Don’t worry Sophie, I didn’t really see anything. No need to be embarrassed.”

  Sophie laughed awkwardly. “Thanks Janet... it’s just... really embarrassing.”

  “Don’t worry about it, it’s forgotten! Anyways, I’m calling with great news. Mr. Carey would like you to know that you’ve got the job! You’re officially his executive assistant. You’ll start tomorrow, it’s all been organized with your old boss Tony. Stop by and grab your things from your old office tomorrow morning, then make your way up to Mr. Carey’s office before nine o’clock. See you then!”

  Sophie thanked her, and hung up. She was excited, she knew that. This new job was going to completely change Sophie’s life, and she knew it. Despite all of the doubts Sophie had, despite all of the wondering what had changed with her, wondering why she enjoyed being dominated so much, Sophie knew it was the case. She knew she loved it, and she was excited to experience more of what Alex Carey was going to give her.

  The next day Sophie arrived at the office at 8 o’clock. She packed up her things at her small desk. Ellie stopped by, probably smelling blood in the water as Sophie packed up her things. She came over and sat on the edge of Sophie’s desk. Sophie smiled. Ellie had no idea what she was about to hear.

  “So, couldn’t hack it in the big city, could you? Going back home to the town of 200 people?”

  Sophie gave Ellie the biggest, fakest sugar-sweet smile she could muster. “Oh, no Ellie. I like New York City. In fact, I’ve just gotten a new job.”

  The news didn’t stop Ellie. “Oh yeah? I didn’t realize they grew wheat around here.”

  “Don’t worry Ellie, you’ll still be able to pick on me. From this building, in fact. Did you know Alex Carey was looking for an executive assistant?”

  The smirk suddenly fell from Ellie’s face as Sophie continued. “Because someone told me about it, and I figured I’d apply. I’d be a long shot after all, but apparently I really satisfied him in the interview, because I got the job. That’s why I’m packing up now, I’m going up to work with him. I’ll get to know him pretty well, since we’ll be working in such close quarters.” She smiled at Ellie, whose face had fallen completely. “How the hell did someone like you manage to get the job that I couldn’t?”

  “I don’t know Ellie, maybe he saw straight through you. After all, there aren’t very many dumb billionaires out there. You’ll have to settle for one of the traders. So bye bye now, I’ll look down on you from the top floor” Sophie added with a small wave as she headed towards the elevator, leaving a dumbstruck Ellie standing by Sophie’s old desk.

  Sophie smiled as she entered the elevator, balancing the box of her belongings on her hips. Adrenaline rushed through her veins, both from telling Ellie off for the last time, laughing at her crestfallen expression as she realized she hadn’t gotten the job she wanted, and anticipation and excitement as to what she was about to experience. Alex Carey was upstairs waiting for her to start her first day. Sophie’s heart raced, her finger hovering over the button for the top floor. After a few seconds of hesitation, she pressed it. She took a deep breath as the doors closed both in the elevator and on her former life.

  * * *

  Sophie took a deep breath as she stood alone in the elevator. One manicured finger hovered over the button with a big twenty eight, the top floor of the building. Sophie hesitated. If she went through with this, if she pressed this button, she knew her life would be changed forever.

  Exhaling, Sophie gained the courage she needed and pressed. The doors of the elevator slid noiselessly shut in front of her, closing the door on Sophie’s former life. She had all of her things packed in a cardboard box that she held against her hip. Alex Carey, the rugged looking, super sexy billionaire head of Carey and Uhlmann, had hired her to be his executive assistant. It had all been a whirlwind of events that led to this particular moment, started months earlier when Sophie started working as an intern and noticed a super sexy man at the cafe where she had lunch. She didn’t think she would ever see him again after he seduced her in the bathroom, but to Sophie’s surprise, he showed up late one night when she was working, and revealed to her that he was, in fact, the man who worked in the office on the top floor.

  The most surprising thing to Sophie was that a man like Alex Carey wanted her. She was pretty, definitely, but he was the type of man who could have any woman on the planet. He was rich, sophisticated and amazingly sexy. A few magazines had even named him America’s most eligible bachelor. But Alex Carey wanted Sophie. He invited her to apply to be his personal assistant, and after dominating her in his office, she was offered the job.

  Now the elevator was lifting her up to his office where she would begin her new role. Sophie was excited. Something tugged at her in between her legs. She had never considered herself to be a submissive. She wasn’t the most outspoken or confident person, but she wasn’t shy, either. Sophie considered herself to be just a normal girl in her mid 20s, a girl from a small town who came to the Big City to make it big, like thousands of others. But whenever she was with Alex Carey and he completely dominated her, something just felt right. She felt so turned on by him, so turned on when he ordered her to do things that she wouldn’t normally do. Even the thought of it made Sophie feel the first tingles of moisture in between her thighs. Not yet, Sophie. Get it together she thought to herself as the doors opened.

  Janet, the secretary, was at her desk. Sophie’s face flamed red when she remembered what Janet had seen the last time Sophie was here. A true professional, however, Janet acted as though nothing has happened. “You’re free to enter Mr. Carey’s office right away Sophie” she told her with a reassuring smile. Sophie nodded and tried to smile back. “Thanks” she managed to croak as she entered his office.

  Alex sat in the familiar leather managerial chair behind his desk, which was now cleared. He was on the phone, and motioned for Sophie to sit, which she did. She had to admit, the mesh office chairs he had for visitors were pretty comfortable.

  “Alright, you got that? Perfect, thanks. I’ll call you back this afternoon with more details. Bye” Alex told the party on the other end of the line before hanging up and smiling at Sophie. “Sophie, I’m glad you decided to take me up on my offer.”

  Sophie nodded in reply. She didn’t know what to say. Her heart pounded in her chest, butterflies fluttered in her stomach. This was going to be a completely new life for her. As this man’s sex slave she thought to herself. Even thinking the words made the butterflies flutter around inside of her even more.

  Alex pulled a small pile of papers from one of his drawers. “This is for you, Sophie. It’s your contract. It just has the standard business information, but by all means read it here, then sign at the bottom.”

  Sophie scanned the document, dated and signed it. There was nothing in there whatsoever that indicated the relationship they would have. Not that she would have expected there to be anything in writing about it.

  Alex smiled as she handed him the papers. “Good. Now as you’re going to be my sex slave, my submissive, I have some rules that I want you to follow. Understand?”

  “Yes, Mr. Carey” she replied.

  “First of all, you will call me ‘Sir’ at all times. No exceptions. Understand?”

  Sophie got the point right away. “Yes, Sir” she replied. He smiled. “Good.”

  Tingles ran down Sophie’s spine. She had to admit, she was excited. Alex stood up and opened a drawer. He pulled out a thin, silk collar studded with what looked like real diamonds. Those can’t be real, surely. He moved over behind Sophi
e and placed it around her neck, tying it securely.

  “This diamond collar represents my ownership of you. You will not ever take it off without my express prior permission. As long as I own your body, you wear this collar.”

  There was something so real, so permanent about having a physical representation of Alex Carey’s ownership of Sophie on her neck. She moved her hand up and gently traced the collar. Alex smiled at her. “Do you like it, do you?” he asked.

  Sophie nodded. “Yes, Sir. I do.”

  Alex continued to stand behind her. “Well, I feel like testing its effect. Stand up, slave” he ordered.

  Sophie immediately did as he asked. “Go stand against my desk.” Sophie did so, unsure as to what was about to happen. Her new master moved behind his desk and took some rope from a drawer.

  “Spread your legs” he ordered, and Sophie did so. He leaned down and spread them even further apart, so each of her legs were up against one of the table legs. Sophie’s legs were at least two and a half, maybe three feet apart. Sophie could feel her sex heating up. Her panties were getting moist and hot under her skirt in anticipation of what was about to happen to her.

  Suddenly she felt Alex’s hands at her ankles. He took one of the lengths of rope and tied it around her left ankle, then did the same with her right. Sophie was completely tied up to his desk. He moved in front of the desk and looked at her, standing legs spread apart in front of his desk. A small smile on his face, he grabbed Sophie’s wrists and gently moved them forward, forcing her to lie face down on his desk. Alex wrapped the last length of rope around her wrists and tied the other end to the steel rod going down the desk, holding it upright. Sophie tried moving, and found she couldn’t. She was spread wide open on her new boss’ desk. He could do whatever he wanted to her.

  The complete loss of control, the inability to do move while Alex Carey had her way with her was intoxicating to Sophie. He could do whatever he wanted to her, and they both knew it.


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