Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set

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Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set Page 76

by Amy Valenti

  “Am I... do I...” Sophie stammered.

  “Yes, you’re going to wear the egg to the meetings today. I’m going to have some fun with this little toy” he told her, showing off his little remote.

  As Sophie slipped on her clothes, she thought about nothing except how she was about to make it through the day. She had a vibrator in her pussy that Alex could control at will. Oh my God, this isn’t happening. Feeling more self conscious than ever, Sophie left the hut with Alex. All she could feel was the little silver egg inside of her. What if it falls out? What if someone hears it? Oh this is so embarrassing.

  Sophie could feel her face burning as she walked along the path towards the conference room, and she tried taking a few deep breaths. After a few minutes she started getting used to the egg being inside of her. Calm down Sophie, you can get through this. You know you can. No one in that room will know what’s in you except you. Despite her pep talk, Sophie’s heart beat at a million miles an hour. The anticipation was killing her, knowing that at any moment Alex could flick a switch and the egg would start buzzing inside of her.

  Sophie had to admit, it was a bit of a turn on. He had complete control over the egg, complete control of how much pleasure she felt during the meeting. She wondered when he was going to flick the switch, not knowing whether it would be in seconds, minutes or hours was a tease that turned Sophie on.

  Just before they entered the room, Alex leaned his head down and nibbled lightly on Sophie’s ear. “Don’t forget to keep your hands above the table this morning, slave” he whispered to her before they entered the room.

  They sat down at the table and the meeting began. Sophie squirmed in her chair, slightly. She started taking notes, trying to convince herself to focus on the conversation happening rather than the vibrator in her pussy. Ten minutes into the meeting, this time discussing bank lending and creative financing, a small vibration started inside of her.

  Sophie tensed up immediately. It sounded like a nest of a thousand bees, like the loudest thing in the room. She looked around cautiously. No one seemed to notice anything out of the ordinary. No one was staring at her, or anything of the sort. Sophie realized maybe she was overreacting, that no one could hear except her.

  It wasn’t long before the vibrator had an effect on Sophie’s body. The slow, low, steady vibrations against the walls of her pussy made her all wet and tingly inside, Sophie could feel the juices beginning to leak from her entrance.

  As Sophie got more and more turned on, and focused less and less on taking notes, she came to an alarming realization: the vibrations were enough to keep her turned on, to keep her pussy dripping wet and make her squirm in her seat, but not enough to bring her to orgasm.

  Sophie shifted position in her chair, over and over, trying to at the same time not draw any attention to herself, but get a better positioning from the vibrator. She wanted to cum, she no longer cared that she was in the middle of a business meeting. She’d simply have to try and be very subtle about it, but the vibrator was on too low a setting to give her that freedom. It was torture, pure torture. She tried meeting Alex’s eyes, to silently plead with him to give her that release. When she finally did catch his eye, silently begging, he only smiled.

  A few seconds later, he turned the vibrator off completely. Sophie had to catch herself, she had almost let out a mewl of disappointment as the sensations she’d been enjoying were taken away. She’d been on the edge of orgasm for minutes, now, minutes that felt like bliss and torture at the same time, being denied her finish.

  Sophie squirmed in her chair, feeling the juices of her pussy in between her legs. She wanted nothing more than to slip her hands subtly down in between her thighs and give herself the orgasm she needed, but she remembered Alex’s directions not to let her hands slide under the table and resisted the temptation.

  She had completely stopped taking notes. Sophie played with her pen, tried to distract herself. Without warning, the vibrator started up again. She leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes, enjoying the sensations that returned. All of a sudden Alex turned the speed up faster and faster, giving Sophie what she needed. The increased vibrations inside of her, the increased sensations were enough to take her right over the edge.

  Sophie closed her eyes, careful to be completely silent as the orgasm rushed through her. The walls of her pussy clenched over and over on the small silver egg that still buzzed inside of her, teasing her as pleasure washed over Sophie’s body. Her muscles tensed up and she stopped breathing completely as the orgasm ripped through her, fire running through her veins.

  When Sophie finally came back down to earth, she looked over at Alex, who was watching her with a small smile on his face. Sophie looked around quickly, but no one else was paying attention to her. She breathed a sigh of relief as she picked up her pen again to take notes, the egg inside of her no longer buzzing.

  After five minutes the meeting wrapped up and they all got up, having lunch and the afternoon off before having the afternoon off. The next morning the executives would all fly back to their regular jobs, leaving the tropical paradise behind.

  Sophie hadn’t realized just how long Alex had left the vibrator running inside of her, just how long he had teased her for. It had felt like an eternity, when in reality it had been around half the morning.

  “Did you enjoy that, slave?” Alex whispered into her ear as they headed back to their hut.

  “Yes... yes sir, I did” Sophie replied. She was definitely telling the truth. When they stood outside their door Alex reached his hand up her skirt and slid out the egg, Sophie looking around, mortified that someone walking past might see.

  It was covered in her pussy juices, and Alex smiled. “Yes, it definitely looks like you did enjoy it” he said, his eyes teasing Sophie, who blushed.

  Sophie spent the afternoon swimming in the turquoise water with Alex watching from the shore. Early the next day they packed up and headed back to Nassau, to the airport where the private jet was once more waiting for them.

  As they flew over the ocean back towards New York City, Sophie looked at Alex. “So what happens now with Johann?” she asked.

  Alex thought for a few moments before answering. “Well, it’s an interesting situation. I think because you caught him trying to sell the portfolio and I confronted him, he’s going to abandon that idea. At the same time, I worry that if he’s going behind my back about this, he may also be doing the same with other portfolios, and my sexy assistant might not happen to come across a conversation about those. I’ll have to be keeping a close eye on him.”

  Sophie looked at Alex. “I will do anything I have to in order to help you regain control over him, Sir. I want you to know that.” The look she got in reply, a sincere, almost loving look from Alex told her that he knew, even before those words came out of his mouth.

  He came over and sat in the leather seat next to Sophie, leaning over and stroking her hair. “You’re incredibly special Sophie, I hope you know that.” Sophie smiled as she looked at Alex, the lights of New York just starting to show up in the distance. She had only been working for Alex Carey for a few days, but she knew this had been the right choice.

  * * *

  For the past three months, Sophie had been working as Alex Carey’s executive assistant. She was thrilled with the role, and it had nothing to do with the exciting role of taking notes at meetings. After a whirlwind of events that culminated in Alex Carey seducing Sophie in the middle of her office one night, she had become his submissive.

  Their relationship was blossoming nicely the past few months, Sophie thought to herself as she sat at her desk, waiting for the meeting she had to attend in a few hours to start. Alex was at an interview with a reporter for one of the biggest financial magazines in the country, leaving Sophie to make the finishing touches on Alex’s portion of the slides he was going to present to the meeting attendees, all traders from the floor where Sophie used to work. She thought about their relationship as she slid
through the impeccably perfect slides Alex had prepared. I’m not sure I love him yet, but I definitely like him. I really, really like him. A silly smile came onto her face as she thought about the previous night they’d spent together. Sophie had taken to going home with Alex at least a few times a week now. They were opening up to each other and getting closer. In fact, I’m pretty sure we’re actually closer than we otherwise would be because I’m his submissive, not despite it Sophie thought to herself. She fingered the diamond collar she wore around her neck at all times, symbolizing his ownership of her.

  Suddenly, Sophie’s phone laying on the desk next to her buzzed, jolting her out of her daydream. She glanced at it and saw she’d just gotten a text. Sophie opened it. That’s weird, I don’t recognize this number.

  The text was a bit cryptic, and Sophie frowned as she tried to make sense of it: “i got info you gonna want. bout your boss n mine. cant txt, meet me 4 coffee, 3pm, cafe limone alone. dnt reply 2 this txt or tell n e 1 abt it”

  Hmm, I wonder what he or she wants to talk to me about. Sounds like something about Alex. Sophie had always been a little bit wary of strangers, especially having grown up in a small town. It took her some time to get used to the city, but getting a text message from a complete stranger asking to meet her for coffee turned on all of the alarm bells in Sophie’s head. Despite her brain telling her this was a terrible idea, her curiosity was piqued and Sophie decided she would do her best to make the appointment. She briefly considered telling Alex where she was going, but decided against it in the end. After all, the text had said not to tell anybody about the meeting. This day is turning out to be way more interesting than I thought it would.

  A couple hours later Alex returned from his meeting. He came over to Sophie and gave her a kiss on the lips, causing butterflies to flutter in her stomach. She always felt like a teenager in love for the first time again whenever he was around and Sophie loved this feeling. He had a smile on his face. “Everything’s going perfectly today. The markets are up, my portfolios are up even higher. I’ve just finished the interview with the reporter, I’m going to be featured in next month’s issue as one of the geniuses of the stock market in a bad economy. Can you schedule me for the photo shoot tomorrow afternoon, and have you finished looking over my slides?”

  Sophie moved her computer over so he could see. “I have finished with the slides Sir” she motioned as she grabbed the calendar she kept and filled in the next afternoon for a photo shoot. “You had a couple small spelling mistakes that spell check didn’t pick up for some reason, so I fixed those, and also a couple of formatting things. Other than that, it’s all good. The content is excellent, and I’m sure you can expand on what’s actually written on the screen.”

  Alex gave the slides a once-over and smiled. “Perfect. I used to be a trader myself so I know that most of them aren’t going to listen to a thing I say, they’ll all have their own strategies that they use, but at least the minority that do listen will get some good info out of me.” He checked his watch, gold bezel glistening in the light. “Do you want to go set up the slides and computer, then get the snacks ready? I’ll meet you in there in a minute.”

  Sophie nodded and got up from her chair gracefully, Alex sliding his hands up her waist as she did so, causing a small smile to form on her face. She revelled in the attention for a moment before slipping away to do her job. Sophie left the office and went across the hall to the boardroom with the laptop. She hooked it up in the small closet sized room where all of the cables were, and made sure the slides were projecting onto the large white wall at the front of the room. She grabbed a laser pointer and the laptop remote control and put it at the head of the table, where Alex would be sitting. Sophie knew Alex didn’t like getting up during presentations and meetings as it was one less distraction for the people listening to him.

  She went into the side room for the caterers, where she found a few boxes of pastries that had been ordered earlier. Sophie organized them on a few plates, placed them on a tray and took them out to the room, resisting the urge to steal a small strudel for herself. Alex was sitting at the table, waiting for her, scrolling through the slides. Sophie looked up at the clock. Half an hour until the meeting was supposed to start. That’s weird, he usually doesn’t come into the room until five minutes before the start, if he’s even on time at all.

  Alex Carey’s eyes had a mischievous sparkle to them. Sophie was always stunned at just how ruggedly handsome, how sexy the man always managed to be. “This day’s been going so well Sophie, come here and suck my cock before the meeting.”

  Just hearing the words coming out of his mouth sent tingles running down Sophie’s spine. “Yes, Sir” she replied, moving over to the table. “Are you sure there’s time Sir?” she asked. Alex laughed. “Of course there’s time. Traders are never on time to meetings anyways. Get under that table and suck my cock while I go through the slides. Don’t stop until I’ve cum. I also give you permission to touch yourself as much as you want.”

  Sophie felt the moisture starting to form in between her legs. She wore no underwear as Alex didn’t allow it, and she could feel the juices welling up inside of her, desperate to flow out of her and down her legs. “Yes Sir, thank you Sir” Sophie replied as she got onto her hands and knees and crawled under the table. She almost wanted to giggle when she got under there, it felt so naughty being forced to suck her boss’ cock in the middle of his boardroom while he got ready for a meeting.

  She sat up in between his legs, her head just barely touching the underside of the large table. If anyone comes in they’ll have no idea I’m under here Sophie realized, and the thought reassured her. She unzipped his pants and his cock sprung loose, already half hard.

  Her hot breath on his member caused it to stiffen further until it was as stiff as a board. Sophie started off by licking the length of his cock. From tip to shaft she licked over and over, covering him with saliva until it was practically dripping off Alex’s dick. She took her time, playing with his cock with her tongue, teasing him.

  Sophie took his shaft into her mouth and started sucking, shaping her mouth so it wrapped around Alex’s cock almost perfectly, like a glove. She moved her head up and down along his shaft, going faster and faster as she found the perfect rhythm.

  Being down here, underneath her boss’ table, sucking his cock was really starting to turn Sophie on. She could feel the juices starting to drip from her pussy, and flames of desire rocking her body as the erotic act of sucking her boss’ cock turned her on more and more.

  She moved her fingers up the hem of her skirt towards her pussy. All of a sudden, Sophie heard the door swing open. She stopped sucking, Alex’s cock still deep in her mouth. She heard Alex’s surprised voice. “Oh! Peter! What a surprise, I wasn’t expecting you so early.”

  “Yes Mr. Carey, I was late to the last meeting and so I thought I would make a good impression by showing up on time to this one” the man named Peter replied. Sophie was mortified. She might have burst out laughing if it wasn’t for the embarrassing situation she would have had to explain if caught.

  She wondered what to do for a moment. She could always stop sucking, leaving Alex with a raging erection during his whole meeting. Then she thought about his command: she was to suck his cock until he came. Well, I do need to obey him Sophie thought as she started sucking once more. She could hear Alex talking with Peter, and his voice cracked as she licked the underside of his shaft. Sophie knew she was sending pleasure coursing through his veins, she knew he absolutely loved it when she licked him like that.

  A few more people suddenly entered the room. Sophie could sense Alex tensing up above her. She didn’t really listen to the words, Sophie was finding that despite everything, she was more turned on than ever. There was something so erotic about still obeying Alex’s command even though his meeting was seemingly starting a few minutes early, something about the fact that she was sucking his cock under the desk and no one else knew about it. She felt
so naughty that once again Sophie moved her fingers up her thighs towards her now soaking wet pussy.

  She lightly grazed the lips of her sex, teasing herself for a few moments as she sucked her boss’ cock further and further down her throat. Her juices coated her fingers as Sophie moved one of them up to her clit. Alex was speaking now, he had well and truly started the meeting. Sophie could tell she was having an effect on him, his speech was slower than usual, he was focusing on the words he was saying, trying not to show what was happening underneath him.

  Sophie quietly slipped one finger inside of her eager sex as she forced Alex’s cock further and further down her throat. She’d gotten quite good at taking almost all of his cock in by herself, sometimes she even managed to take the whole thing, like she did now. She thrust in and out with her mouth, taking his girth inside of her.

  Her fingers darted in and out of her faster and faster now. She could feel her own orgasm coming on. Sophie knew it wouldn’t be long now. She could feel Alex’s cock pulsating inside her mouth, and she focused on bringing him home first.

  It didn’t take too much longer before his cock exploded inside of her. Without warning, Alex’s erection shot hot seed deep into the back of Sophie’s throat, Sophie struggling to swallow it without making a sound. Spurt after spurt flew from his cock, and Sophie dutifully swallowed every single drop before licking Alex clean. She knew he would have wanted her to swallow every drop, and Sophie obeyed his silent command.

  When she was finished, the tangy taste of semen still on her tongue, she went back to herself, continuing to thrust a few fingers in and out of her. She moved her thumb over her clit and rubbed it gently, the red nub responding by sending fire through Sophie’s veins.

  The stimulation combined with the eroticism of the situation meant that it didn’t take long before Sophie had her own orgasm. She closed her eyes as her muscles tensed under her. Sophie let out a silent moan of pleasure, her lips making an “o” despite no sound coming out of them as waves of pure ecstasy washed over her body over and over and over. She convulsed under the table, fire running through her veins at top speed.


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