Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set

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Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set Page 80

by Amy Valenti

  Eleven hours later the two of them finally went out for a late dinner and drinks at a local bistro, sitting in a corner table at the back, celebrating with a bottle of champagne which tasted like pure, liquid gold to Sophie.

  “To you, Sophie,” Alex toasted, “for being the key to finding out what Ulhmann was up to, not once, but twice” he added, raising his glass to her. Sophie blushed as she brought the glass to her lips, smiling to herself. Growing up, Sophie had never thought she would become a key to a situation like this. Sophie thought she would grow up to have a normal life in the suburbs with a husband, taking care of a few children. She never would have guessed that at this point in her life she would be sitting here drinking a bottle of champagne that cost over a thousand dollars, being toasted for helping stop a man from taking control of a company worth billions with her dominating billionaire boyfriend.

  Just before they got ready to leave, as they enjoyed the last drops of the bottle, Alex leaned in close to Sophie. “Sophie, next week I’d like to take you out. There’s a charity dinner that I’ve been invited to, and I want you to be my date, to be presented to the world as my new girlfriend.”

  Sophie’s heart fluttered at the words. “Really Sir? That would be amazing!” she exclaimed. She meant the words, too. Being announced as Alex Carey’s boyfriend in public was the next logical step for their relationship to take, and Sophie didn’t know if that day would ever come. Now it was here, she was invited out. Sophie couldn’t wait.

  For the next three days, however, the thought of the dinner was almost forced out of Sophie’s head as she worked with Alex to try and soften the blow of Johann Ulhmann leaving. The firm was being renamed to Carey Investments, it was being announced that due to “personal differences with the board” Johann Ulhmann was leaving. Sophie’s phone rang with requests to interview her boss almost constantly, the calls coming from journalists from across the country.

  Sophie arranged three interviews: two with the largest, most reputable newspapers in the country, and one with the most widely read business magazine. She requested that specific journalists conduct the interviews, knowing which ones Alex Carey preferred. To the rest of the callers, she told them that unfortunately Alex Carey was not available for interviews at this time.

  The company’s PR team did the rest, making sure the newly named Carey Investments came out of this situation looking strong and secure. The company was well staffed: by the end of the week, Carey Investments had managed to hold onto nearly all of their current clients, only those most loyal to Ulhmann leaving, and in fact even managed to bring in a few new clients who had read about the strength of the company and its financials in the reports the PR team had put out.

  Finally, the day of the dinner, Sophie decided enough was enough, she needed a new dress. She went in and told Alex she was taking a few hours to pick something out.

  “Definitely, you’ve been a trooper this week Sophie, you deserve a break. Go buy yourself something nice for tonight” he told her, reaching into his wallet and grabbing a credit card, handing it to her.

  “I don’t want you coming back here without spending at least $2000” he added before she left. “Thank you Sir” Sophie replied, her mind reeling at the number he’d just given her. Sophie’s idea of a expensive dress was still around $300. Despite all the time she spent with Alex Carey, the frugal small town girl in her still couldn’t get used to the sheer amount of money he didn’t mind spending on her. She glanced at the card he’d just given her. American Express, a Black Card. Sophie had heard of them, but never seen one in real life. They were the Rolls Royce of credit cards, invitation only, the most exclusive credit card in the world, and Sophie was holding one in her hand, about to buy myself a new dress with it. She quickly put it in her purse, as though it would burn her if she held it for too long, being so poor.

  Despite the fact that it was still winter, Sophie decided she wanted to walk. Sure, Wall Street was pretty far from 5th Avenue, but she could always walk to City Hall and call for a car once she got there, and she hadn’t gotten to the gym the last few days with everything that was going on.

  Her breath still lightly visible as she walked down the street, Sophie took the time to appreciate the beauty of the outdoors. She loved New York, but was still a big fan of nature as well. When she finally got to City Hall, Sophie called the car and piled into the warm vehicle, being taken to 5th Avenue, where she decided she would take her time trying to find the perfect dress.

  When Sophie arrived at her destination, she paused. The last dress I bought was on sale for $50, this is totally not where I belong. When she looked down, however, she noticed her business suits that had been bought for her by Alex, and how they were at least in the same price range as many of these stores. Suddenly filled with a new confidence that she wouldn’t be kicked out as soon as she walked in, Sophie went into the first shop to find a dress for that night.

  It took her just over two hours to find the perfect dress, a deep, scarlet red with a sweetheart neckline that came down just past her knees. It looked classy and elegant, while at the same time just a little bit retro, giving Sophie a bit of personality. When she saw the price tag, Sophie’s eyes widened, until she realized it barely used up three quarters of the minimum Alex told her to spend. So, Sophie decided to spend the rest on a pair of shoes, a beautiful golden pair of heels that made her legs look amazing and went perfectly well with the dress. She then spent an extra couple hundred on a golden clutch to finish the outfit. Finally, on a whim, Sophie bought some brand new, super sexy lingerie to wear with the outfit, a black and red lace pair of panties and bra to go with the outfit. Alex Carey no longer allowed Sophie to wear underwear, but she thought they went better in a package.

  Proud of herself, Sophie couldn’t wait to show Alex her new clothes. She went straight to his apartment to get ready, since her makeup was now at his apartment. I think that’s a sign, when you start leaving your things at your boyfriend’s apartment she thought to herself as she got ready. Sophie left her hair down, letting it flow beautifully softly over her shoulders. As she admired herself in the mirror, she knew she was gorgeous. She texted Alex to let him know she was getting ready at his place, and he replied that was fine, that he would meet her there to get ready around 7:30 and they could go together.

  When Alex walked into the room, he gasped at Sophie. “Wow, you look absolutely stunning!” he told her. “I want to kiss you, but I’m afraid of ruining your makeup” he added, moving over to her and brushing his hand against her cheek softly. Sophie blushed. “Thank you Sir” she told him.

  “Oh that reminds me, when we’re around people tonight, you can call me Alex. Whenever we’re around others in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, Alex is fine. Now, one more thing. I want you to wear panties tonight.”

  Wow, it’s like telepathy Sophie thought as she ran into the bedroom to put on the pair she’d bought that afternoon to go with her sexy new bra. When she made it back out into the foyer, Alex had two boxes, one smaller than the other, sitting on the stand. Sophie looked at them confused.

  “This first one contains the earrings I want you to wear” Alex told her, opening the box. Sophie gasped when she saw the diamond studs glittering in what she knew was pure gold. “Wow... they’re beautiful” she exclaimed in almost a whisper, her fingers hovering an inch or so above the stones, not daring to touch them.

  “And they’re all yours now, a gift from me for everything you’ve done for me the past few weeks Sophie” he told her as he picked each earring slowly from the box and placed one in each of her ears. Sophie immediately moved over the mirror to admire them, moving her hair behind her ears to get a good look at the glistening stones.

  She was so surprised, so thrilled, that Sophie completely forgot about the second box until Alex picked it up off the stand. “Now this one, I want you to open yourself” he told her. Sophie did so carefully, not knowing what to expect. Sitting in the middle of the box was a small, silver egg. It
had a small bit of plastic hanging out one end, but Sophie didn’t recognize it at all. She looked up at Alex with a confused look on her face, noticing that his grin was a little bit mischievous.

  “I’m sorry Sir, I don’t recognize this at all” she exclaimed. His grin got wider. “Here Sophie, let me show you how it works” he told her. Sophie handed him the egg, and he immediately slipped his hand under her dress, making Sophie gasp. His fingers brushed her nether regions, moisture rapidly building inside of her. He slipped his fingers behind the fabric of the panties she was allowed to wear for the first time in months, and before Sophie realized what had happened, the silver egg was slid deep inside her pussy. She gasped as the cold metal pressed against her. “Oh my... oh my God” she cried as she realized what happened.

  “Is that... is that...”

  “Yes, Sophie. It’s a vibrator that I control with this little remote” Alex told her, fishing a small, black rectangle from his pocket. Sophie’s eyes widened. “Are you going to...” Sophie couldn’t even finish the sentence.

  “Yes, you’re going to wear it tonight. I want you on your best behaviour. After all, you don’t want anyone else around knowing what’s inside you, do you?”

  Thoughts flew through Sophie’s head. She hadn’t been expecting this at all. It was tough enough that this small town girl was going to have to meet all of these important, rich people from Manhattan, all friends and business associates of Alex, but now she had to do it with a sex toy inside of her? A sex toy that she had no control over? The thought terrified her, but at the same time, it excited Sophie.

  After all, they would be the only two to know about it, it would be their little secret. None of the other strangers in the room would know what was happening, as long as Sophie managed to keep it together. And she would have to keep it together, to avoid embarrassing both of them. She bit her lip, excitement and determination both coursing through her body as Alex took her hand and led her out of the apartment to the waiting car.

  Sophie completely forgot what they spoke about in the car when they arrived at the dinner. It was being held in the ballroom of one of New York’s oldest and most exclusive hotels, and the entire time she could only think about how she hoped she wouldn’t make a fool of herself in front of all these important people, and about the silver egg inside of her, knowing that at any minute it could start buzzing inside of her. The thought sent tingles through her spine, turning her on. You can do this Sophie told herself as she left the car, the cold air of the night feeling relaxing on her face.

  When they entered the ballroom, after being checked off the guest list, Sophie gasped. The ballroom was enormous, with a 30, maybe even 40 foot ceiling, crystal chandeliers and the most opulent golden gilding Sophie had ever seen. Below the ceiling mingled at least five dozen of the New York elite, each in a richer, more opulent dress than before, all with diamonds glistening in the light. I wouldn’t be surprised if the diamonds in this room were worth more than many small African countries Sophie thought to herself as Alex led her into the room. A waiter came and immediately offered them glasses of champagne, which Sophie took, resisting the urge to swallow it all in one gulp and instead taking small, ladylike sips.

  “Come over here, Sophie. I have some people I want you to meet.”

  Sophie tried not to look incredibly self conscious and intimidated as Alex led her through the throngs of people. She had to admit, his hand on her arm made her feel much better, more confident. He led them to a small group of four or five people, mostly made up of older middle aged couples. She looked up at Alex, who gave her a small grin as he moved into the group. All of a sudden, the egg inside of Sophie began to buzz, and she struggled not to let out a gasp as small vibrations coursed through her body. Sophie began to shudder softly, the egg inside of her sending pleasure coursing through her. Her thighs were trembling slightly, and Sophie hoped anyone who noticed would put it up to nerves. She looked up at Alex, who grinned back at her, obviously enjoying her torment.

  One of the members of the group, an older man with thin, white hair, came over. “Oh Alex, how lovely to finally see you with a woman at one of these things. May I ask who is your lovely date?”

  Sophie tried to smile, while inside her body was on fire. She wanted nothing more than for all of these people to disappear so she could rip Alex’s clothes off. The egg pulsating inside of her gave her so much pleasure, as Sophie shook the man’s hand, Alex turned the vibrator on higher, sending stronger ripples through Sophie’s body. “This is Sophie, Alfred. Sophie, Alfred is the head of Logan Bank. We’re on the board of three charities together.”

  Sophie held out a hand, even as the buzzing inside of her was almost all she could concentrate on. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Alfred” she smiled, the man taking her hand and kissing it lightly. “Oh the pleasure is all mine, mademoiselle. I’ve been waiting a long time for Alex to have a woman to take to an event like this.” Sophie blushed and looked up, realizing Alex was almost blushing as well.

  “Well, I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone for now, from what I hear the Quiche Lorraine some of the waiters are coming around with are absolutely delightful Alex,” Alfred said, shaking his hand before wandering off. “It was lovely to meet you Sophie, take good care of him!” he added.

  “I... I will” Sophie replied, through half gritted teeth. It was getting more and more difficult to fight the sensations flowing through her body. Every part of Sophie wanted to fall onto the ground, onto her back and writhe around in orgasm. It took every fiber of her being, every ounce of determination she had to avoid spilling the beans, to avoid displaying anything that might give away the secret tucked deep inside of her.

  Just when Sophie thought she couldn’t take any more, the buzzing stopped. Sophie inhaled sharply, then let out a small mewl. The pressure had been building up inside of her, and Sophie wanted the orgasm. She was stuck between two desires: her body’s desire to cum, her body’s need for release, and her own brain’s desire for peace, the need to not have this distraction inside of her while Sophie stumbled her way through this elegant evening.

  “You’re doing great Sophie, you’re absolutely wonderful” Alex told her, a glint in his eye. “Now how would you like to meet the Mayor?”

  Sophie’s eyes widened. “Yes, that would be great, thanks!” she replied, realizing just how important the people here tonight were. Alex led her towards his recognizable face. “Heyyyy Alex!” the man exclaimed as they came close. “I see you’ve got yourself a girlfriend now!” I’m starting to see a pattern here Sophie thought to herself as Alex laughed in reply. “I certainly have! This is Sophie, my girlfriend. We’ve been quietly dating for a few months, but I thought I’d bring her out into the open tonight.”

  “Lovely to meet you my dear, any woman that captures Alex Carey’s heart must be special” he told her, making Sophie blush.

  “Thank you Mr. Mmm...ayor” Sophie replied, stumbling over the words as in the middle of the sentence the vibrator roared to life inside of her once more, the vibrations stronger than ever. “I’m sorry, thank you Mr. Mayor” she tried again, her face turning crimson. “I’m just a little nervous” she continued, trying to excuse her stumble a sentence earlier. The Mayor laughed. “No need, there isn’t a thing the most beautiful woman in this room should be nervous about” he added, making Sophie blush harder. She completely forgot what happened next. It was as though the previous adventure with the egg had never stopped.

  Sophie bit the inside of her lip to stop from cumming. She couldn’t focus on anything except the sensation between her thighs. She squeezed her legs together, she could feel her core clenching, her breathing getting ragged. Sophie did her absolute best to make sure no one noticed what she was going through. Finally, after a short conversation with the mayor, Alex led Sophie over to a corner of the bar, ordering a drink and watching her torture with a small smile on his face. “Oh you’re so sexy when you try and hide that vibrator” he told her, while Sophie’s eyes be
gged for release. Finally, he leaned down and whispered into her ear “Cum for me Sophie, cum for me now.”

  Those words were all Sophie needed. She erupted with pleasure, falling into Alex’s arms as pleasure enveloped her body. She shook against him, her muscles clenching, her pussy pulsating over the vibrator as Sophie fell into an ocean of pure pleasure. She gasped, trying not to cry out as her body spasmed through the orgasm, finishing with Sophie’s legs giving out from under her, being held up by Alex as he held her in his arms for a moment.

  The egg inside her suddenly stopped vibrating, and Sophie could feel Alex’s erection pressed up against her. “I love seeing you cum” he whispered in Sophie’s ear as she got up, unsteadily. The panties he’d allowed her to wear tonight were completely soaked; Sophie’s pussy was hot like a furnace.

  Suddenly, Alex’s voice was in her ear again. “Well, that’s enough of this party, let’s get out of here” he told her, leading her out of the ballroom and towards an empty hallway. Sophie followed along as Alex led the way, his pace hurried and frenzied. Finally, he found an empty room, a conference room, complete with tables and donuts, apparently prepared for a meeting in the morning. Alex grabbed Sophie and pulled her into the room, shutting the door behind them.

  Immediately, his mouth was on hers. He grabbed Sophie’s arms with one hand and pinned them above her head against the wall as he explored her mouth with a hurried frenzy. With his other hand he slid off her dress, coming close to ripping it off her, tearing off the panties completely, a loud rip going through the room as he did so, and pulling off her bra with one quick motion. Before Sophie even knew what had happened she was practically naked, wearing only her shoes. With another quick motion, Alex reached inside of her and pulled out the egg, dripping in her pussy juices, letting it fall abandoned to the floor.


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